Co-Owner and Main Updater: Travis Windsor AKA BeaverWarrior AIM: NYGoutlaw MSN: travis99tsw@hotmail.com Tournament W/L Record: (Note:This only shows the W/L from the Winner's round of our tournaments, not the loser rounds.) Season One (Did Not Compete) Season Two (57-30) Renard (0-2) Jon (2-3) Liz (3-1) Sergio (2-0) Jeremy (1-2) Jerry (1-1) Julian (6-0) Mike (1-2) Others (33-14) (Others dignify non-regulars and some of the weaker and less talented duelists, and those in which I did not get their names.) Greg (2-2) Ryan (1-1) Douglas (1-0) Shawn (0-1) Kyle (2-1) Yost (1-0) Finished 5th Place Season Three (8-7) Wayne (1-1) Shane (1-0) Renard (1-0) Greg (1-0) Others (1-2) Pat (0-1) Sean (0-1) Micheal (0-1) Ryan (0-1) Byron (1-0) Ricky (1-0) Nova (1-0) Currently 12th (Current W/L record:61-30) Co-Owner and Site Designer: Chris Sparks AKA Bobinite AIM: Bobinite MSN: bobinite@hotmail.com Article Writer/COTD: Zan AIM: ZanFengShui MSN: materianinja@hotmail.com Article/COTD Writer: Yost AIM: YostThePyscho MSN: cool_codes@hotmail.com Article/COTD Writer:Pope1 AIM:Unlisted MSN: Unlisted Looking for more people to do daily Card of the Days (excluding weekends)... |