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Yu-Gi-Oh! Tournament Info!

Hello and welcome to YGO! Authority's tournament info section. Here we will describe for you what you can expect at your local tournaments based upon our local comic book store. The owners of Authority can usually be seen every Sunday at Comics MD located in Accokeek, Maryland. It's only 6$ to enter and we usually have between 24-50 people depending on who comes in that Sunday. There's very good competition, and not so good competition, just like in every store. We also have 2 Exodia decks that we have to worry about, thanks Wayne ;). Anyway, aside from those, only 2 or 3 people run dragons, and 2 or 3 run Direct Damage and 2 people run Relinquished. EVERYONE else runs a beatdown deck, everyone! So it gets quite tense when your trying to get the right cards to anniahlate Summon Skull after Summon Skull. Aside from dueling though, everyone there is just about willing to trade up cards with you. That's the beauty of this enviornment. Aside from having to deal with upperdeck, tournaments are great fun on the weekends.

I'm going to move on now and talk about un-official tournaments a little. They are a little more expensive but you can play for certain cards you need in your deck instead of points and a few packs. They are also a little less leniant on the specifics and rules. All I have to say is, find which tournament you like and are more interested, or hey, do both kinds, but DO attend one once in awhile and get off the couch and play someone else then your buddy. You'll be glad you did!

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Special Thanks to Chris Sparks for site design.