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Red Eyes Black Metal Dragon
Card Number
- FMR-001
Info - Dark/Machine/Effect, Lv.8 2800/2400
This card can be special summoned tron the deck to the field by offering "Red-Eyes B. Dragon" equipped with "Metalmorph" as a tribute.

Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating

Date Reviewed - 01.10.03

As much as I liked Red-Eyes, this card doesn't really help him. It would of been nice if this card had the same effect that is on metalmorph. Really this card is a only Red-Eyes, at a 100 more ATK then metalmorph, and the new type of machine. Not too good if you ask me. But i won't go as far as to say its not playable, maybe someone will find away to make it work.Final Rating: 1 out of 5
  Beaver Warrior  
Ooh my god! If you thought I was irait when I was talking about Red Eyes Black Dragon then you aint seen nothing yet. This is one of the most god awful cards out there. The only good thing about this card is it comes with a videogame...I despise this card and if you dare use this you oughta be slapped. Rating 0 out of 5
OK yeah, I don't like this card, this card is a waste, and don't even try that "It's better than Griggle" Bull. I'd much rather keep my griggle than friggin use this card.... Rating: 1.0098 out of 5
For an increase of 400 in attack and defense, you'd be better off just merging Red Eyes with Summoned Skull. You have to have a Red Eyes on the Field and a Metal Morph in hand to equip to Red Eyes. Its a special summon, who cares? I want my B. Skull not a dragon 400 attack points shy of my ultimate beast. I'm the only one that uses B. Skull still it seems, no one else cares about it anymore. Wonder what became of it.....3/5

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