The Un-happy Maiden
Number - MRD-134
Info - Effect Monster Light/ Spellcaster Lv.1 0/100 When this card is sent to the graveyard as a result of battle, the battle phase for that turn ends immediately.
are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating
Reviewed - 01.20.03 |
Bobinite |
This card is just like the American waboku, but in creature form and with out the stupid flip the monster being attacked. Of course there are some draw backs, first its a monster so it has to be attacked first before you get the effect. Most stall decks, or for those that don't have or like waboku could use this helpful little monster. Final Rating: 2.5/5 |
Beaver Warrior |
Heh, I WOULD use this card if I wasn't running a dark beat down deck. I use waboku instead. When fiture cards come out I look to switch themes a run a few maha vailo's and this card along with bright castle, hysterical angel, and shining angel. Rating-3/5 |
Yost |
Ok yeah, here's a creature that Griggle could beat. But the effect makes up for it, good way to buy you some time, it's in my side deck... Rating: 4.000078962348/5 |
Zan |
First off this monster isn't as crappy as it seems. It's graceful attack of 0 and defense of 100 is nothing to laugh at. IT'S ALL ABOUT THE EFFECT!!! You attacked her, but my life points are safe, WHAT NOW?! Anyway lets be serious. If you like Waboku then add 3 more of these to act as 3 more waboku. Yeah thats about it. 4/5 |