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Card Number
- MRL-029
Info - Effect Ritual Dark/ Spellcaster Lv.1 0/0
This monster can take on the ATK and DEF of 1 opponent's monster on the field (a face-down monster results in an ATK and DEF of 0). Treat the selected monster as an Equip Magic Card and use it to equip "Relinquished". You may use this effect only once per turn and can equip "Relinquished" with only 1 monster at a time. When your opponent's monster attacks this monster with an attack higher than "Relinquished", the equipped monster card is destroyed instead of "Relinquished". Any life point damage you receive from the attacking monster when "Relinquished" is equipped is also inflicted on your opponent.

Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating

Date Reviewed - 01.22.03

This so far is the best ritual monster in the U.S, but it is a ritual monster. This means you need aleast 3 cards to summon it, but it is a special summon so it is a bit harder to stop. The effect is nice, but reliquished is still effected by magic and trap, so an opponent can get around it. Final Rating: 2/5
  Beaver Warrior  
Heh, the all powerful Relinquished for today. Well, I'll have to disagree with Bobinite in saying this card is hard to stop the summoning off. All you need is a magic jammer/imperial order/ or magic drain and poof, no Relinquished. Still, it's the best card we have in Ritual form until the release of Labrynth of Nightmare where we get a ritual monster with an attack of 3200. For Relinquished though, you either use it or you don't, because if you do you have to build a deck around it or else the deck will suck. You decide. I will say though that it's the only card that truly gives me problems. Rating-3/5
OH don't i hate having to play aginst someone using this friggin card...but it's one of the best ritual summons, and probably the only one I'd use in my deck(those of u that don't kno, i am anti-ritual and fusion) (if only i could get someone to use it's effect on my griggle while it's face up MWA HA HA HA HA!) but yeah other wise nice card....Rating: ((7 - 3)/ 2)*3 - 2
The most bad arse ritual monster to even come into the game. For a one star monster you can play this. Lets use the Unhappy Maiden to summon Relinquished because you can. There are no drawbacks aside from the fact that you take damage for getting attacked when this guy has absorbed something. There are many ways to counter this creature, but it remains the best ritual card in the game to this day. 4/5

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