Number - PSV-008
Info - Trap You can take 1 Magic Card from your opponent’s Graveyard. If it is your turn and you activate it, you take 2000 points of Direct Damage. If it is your opponent’s turn, you cannot activate it. The Magic Card is returned to your opponent’s Graveyard at the end of this turn.
are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating
Reviewed - 01.24.03 |
Bobinite |
LOL, this is my favorite trap card, I loved the art on this card. It has a nice effect, but a large cost. This card could get you out of a jam, or win you the game, but really, with the cost, you should already be winning the game. Another nice use is to get a magic card back that your opponent was going to get with his magician of faith. Final Rating: 2/5 |
Beaver Warrior |
Meh. The only reason I see to get this card is to use it to discard or something along those lines. You could use it, then use exchange making it the only card in your hand for your opponent to take back. Something along those lines, but you most likely already have the magic cards your opponent has and many more options of getting it back, i.e magician of faith and what not. Don't use this card!Rating-1/5 |
Yost |
Well it all depends on how you want to use this card, it wont shield you from the wrath of my griggle though.... So yeah I don't care for it. Rating: 3.14159 (Authority Note: Yost is getting really lazy with his reviews. LOL!) |
Zan |
I don't like this card too much, the only thing I see going for it the fact that you can use the card you took to use as a discard for Tribute to the Doomed. Or last ditch effort. Other than that I'd use it with caution. 2/5 |