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Needle Worm
Card Number
- TP3-001
Info - Effect/Earth/Insect, Lv.2 750/600
Flip: Discard the top 5 cards of your opponent's deck.

Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating

Date Reviewed - 05.05.03

I'm bored so instead of reviewing this card I'm going to write a short story about it. One there was a Needle Worm roaming through the forest, he came upon a deck, but all of a sudden five cards flew from the top and into a near by graveyard. A Graverobber then came by and saw a Raigeki was in one of those five cards. So he stole it and killed all the monsters in his way. And the moral of the story is, don't mess with Graverobber, or he'll Raigeki your ass. This of course only counts if there is a Raigeki in your graveyard. So take that Raigeki out of your deck, before it gets used againts you. Rating: 4.0 out of 5.
  Beaver Warrior  
To put it simple, this card belongs in every deck, all the time. More than one makes it even more useful as it eliminates nearly half of the opponents deck, used alongside Card Destruction, and Morphing Jar. The only problem is getting ahold of them and thats why this card isnt perfect. Rating-4.5/5
The TP3 UltraRare.

I see this card being useful in deck burners (obviously) and also against Exodia/Beatdown.

5 cards out of 40 is a nice chunk (more than 10%), and will make a great sidedeck addition against the deck types mentioned above.

Combos with this card:

Skull Invitation:

(every card sent to the graveyard costs the owner 300 life points) 300*5 = 1500. Thats almost %20 of someones lp. Great final blow in a close match.

Monster Reborn / Graverobber:

With 5 cards going to the graveyard, the chances of finding something you want are pretty good.

Graverobbers Retribution + Banisher of the Light:

Send them out of play instead and have your opponent pay for it every turn.

Counters to this card:

Penguin Knight:

Finally he gets to do something besides beat up on Gravekeepers Servant.

Solemn Judgement:

Exodia Players and Life Gainers dont care, so keeping thier cards is worth the scissor effect on thier lp.
A kick ass card if I do say so myself.(and I do) The only flaw I see in it is if this sends a Penguin Knight to the grave, but who has that anymore? I recommend adding a Penguin Knight to your side deck if you know your opponent has one of these bad boys. As far as I know Upperdeck hasn't set a restriction for this yet, so if you can get your hand on a few, have at it. 4/5

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