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The Bistro Butcher
Card Number
- MRD-108
Info - Effect/Dark/Fiend, Lv.4 1800/1000
When this card inflicts damage to your opponent, your opponent must draw 2 cards from his/her deck.

Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating

Date Reviewed - 12.27.02

This is a rather nice card for those dark beatdown decks. Although it does have and effect, its really not that bad, and may help you. Not to much else to say, if you need it use it, if you don't, then don't use it. Final Rating: 3/5
  Beaver Warrior  
Friday- Bistro Butcher MRD Common
Effect/Dark/Fiend, Lv.4 1800/1000
When this card inflicts damage to your opponent, your opponent must draw 2 cards from his/her deck.

Well, last card of the week for our Christmas theming. It comes down to the Bistro Butcher. I don't care what anyone say's, I like this card, I run three in my deck. Granted, I run mystic plasma zones as well to power them up, but there damn good cards. The effect I feel is also good, it can hinder your opponent by giving them cards they cannot use. The only deck the effect truly helps is Exodia decks however. DO NOT use this card against Exodia decks. Rating-2.5/5
Ah, the beautiful Bistro Butcher... one of the few good cards in my deck, yes i have more than just a darn griggle, 1800 ATK for a lvl 4 sounds good to me, and well, the effect is just there... Rating:4.126 out of 5
For an 1800 attack monster it might be worth placing in your deck. However the effect of this monster can work for you or against you. Use this monster with caution for it will be your downfall if used at the wrong time. Rating 3/5

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