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Links to Other Pages on Women's Health

Because there is so much information on the Internet, I thought that I would try to narrow some of your searches down, and include some general sites about women's health. Again, these are sites that I have found useful over the years, and have subscribed to, in order to keep up to date on information that they may have.

If you think that you know of some good sites that I could add to this page, then once more, please do feel free to contact me any time.

In the meantime, I hope that these links will keep you as informed and up to date as they have me.


Alternatives to Hysterectomy - What is Adenomyosis?

Adenomyosis - An Internal Uterine Endometriosis

A Disease Profile of Adenomyosis


Intrauterine Contraceptive Devices - The Mirena Coil

Mirena Intrauterine System - Women's Health

15 Myths and Facts about Lupron Depot

GnRH Analogues - About Women's Health

Non Surgical Treatment for Endometriosis


Women's Surgery Group

Women's Health Network

Health World - Health Conditions Center

Estronaut: Boldly Exploring Women's Health

Women's Health at About.Com

Health Central - Women's Health - The Universe of Women's Health


Hysterectomy - To Have or Have Not - Center for Endometriosis Care

Hyster Sisters - Hysterectomy Recovery, Woman to Woman Support

Hysterectomy: Benefits and Alternatives


A Guide to Managing Infertility -

Women's Health Interactive - Infertility Center


Pain During Intercourse

What is Dyspareunia? Answers about Women's Health

National Vulvodynia Association

Issues and Procedures in Women's Health - Painful Intercourse

Vulvodynia and Vulvar Vestibulitis Syndrome

Pelvic Health - Information About Painful Sex and Painful Periods

Rowan's Resources - A Personal Site About Coping with Vulvodynia

Tipped Uterus and Painful Intercourse at


Cramps and Menstrual Dysmenorrhea - Information about Menstrual Cramps

Women's Health Interactive - Menstrual Disorders

Abnormal Uterine Bleeding

Acupressure for Menstrual Cramps

Using Foods against Menstrual Pain -

My Story | What is Endometriosis | What are the Symptoms | Diagnosing Endo | Treating Endo | Oxford's Support Group | A Letter To Lee | Other People's Reactions | What about the Men? | Coming to Terms with Pain | Feelings invoked by my Pain | Problems With Sleep | Tips and Tricks | Poems and Quotations | Endometriosis Links | Endo Sisters | Women's Health Links | Pelvic Pain Links | Some Light Relief |

My Story

What Is Endometriosis?

What Are The Symptoms?

Diagnosing Endo

Treatment Options for Endo

Oxford Support Group

A Letter To Lee

Other People's Reactions

What About the Men?

Coming to Terms with Pain

Me and My Pain

Problems With Sleep

Tips and Tricks

Poems and Quotations

Endometriosis Links

Endo Sisters

Women's Health

Pelvic Pain Links

Some Light Relief