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Links to Personal Pages about Endometriosis

Here are some pages written by women and men, all of who have suffered at the hands of endometriosis and pelvic pain.

Because there are so many pages out there, I've decided to only link to pages of the women that I know, and who are good friends of mine. However, if you have a home page that you would like to add to my links, then please do e-mail me and let me know. As long as it is about endometriosis or pelvic pain, I am sure that I can add it to the rest of my links.

In the meantime, I hope that you get as much out of these pages as I continue to do so.

Angela's Endo Page

A War With Endo

Carey's Endo Window

The Endo Cafe

Endofriends Home Page

Endometriosis in the UK

Endometriosis - Online Support Friends

Hated Endometriosis

Endometriosis Awareness and Information

Linda's Endometriosis Page

Mary's Endometriosis Information and Support

My Story | What is Endometriosis | What are the Symptoms | Diagnosing Endo | Treating Endo | Oxford's Support Group | A Letter To Lee | Other People's Reactions | What about the Men? | Coming to Terms with Pain | Feelings invoked by my Pain | Problems With Sleep | Tips and Tricks | Poems and Quotations | Endometriosis Links | Endo Sisters | Women's Health Links | Pelvic Pain Links | Some Light Relief |

My Story

What Is Endometriosis?

What Are The Symptoms?

Diagnosing Endo

Treatment Options for Endo

Oxford Support Group

A Letter To Lee

Other People's Reactions

What About the Men?

Coming to Terms with Pain

Me and My Pain

Problems With Sleep

Tips and Tricks

Poems and Quotations

Endometriosis Links

Endo Sisters

Women's Health

Pelvic Pain Links

Some Light Relief