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Charming Prue


The first love of Prue's life is childhood friend Inspecter Andy Trudeau. When Prue bumps into him at the hospital, they rekindle there relationship, but it is doomed from the start. Andy is unaware of Prue's magical history, and because she is scared of his response she casts a truth spell. While Andy is blissfully unaware he is under a spell, Prue tells him the truth of her identity, and Andy rejects her.

When he finds out about the spell, he tells her that he said no because he didn't have time to think about things, but he also says that he sees enough death and violence in his job, and had always wanted the white picket fence lifestyle at home.  Although the two share a deep affection for one another, the relationship ends. Sadly by the end of the first season, Andy dies despite Prue's attempts to warn him away, due to his loyalty in protecting lives.

One of Prue's flings was with bad boy Bane Jessup, who she was drawn to under the guise of Ms.Hellfire - leather clad hit woman. This was never destined to be more than a brief affair, due to Bane's lifestyle, but it certainly showed us the darer side of Ms Halliwell.

Perhaps the last chance of love in Prue's life was Jack Sheridan, colleague at Buckland's Auction House. Although at first the two seemed to just annoy each other, there were definite signs of an attraction. Sadly once again it is not to be when Jack shows his rather deceitful side when he is prepared to lie in order to get a sale. He feels it is okay to sell a painting even though it isn't an original and It is partially down to this that her relationship with him is over, and she leaves Jack behind along with her job at Buckland's.

It is perhaps sad that at the episode's end in season one's 'Secrets and Guys' Prue is looking over some childhood toys saying how she wants children of her own some day. Sadly of course it wasn't to be.

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