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Phoenix has a very extended family. She has many sisters, brothers, neices and nephews. As well as a very many grandchildren. They all live in different realms. One day she will have a huge family reunion with them all.

Phoenix is also mother to several amazing children named:

Adreci Giovanni
Adrion Hellborn
Alena Darkken
Alyssa Darkken
Aries Kayriel Firestorm
Demetri Darkken
Dominick Darkken
Heart Alasdair
Kathie Miller
Raziel Alasdair
Shortie Darkken

"Well now that you have seen everything, I hope that you have enjoyed your visit to my realm. Please feel free to come and visit me again."

*softly smiling at you, she waves her hand slightly, vanishing from your sight, she leaves you a flames red rose*


Lady Phoenix

The Real Life
Lady Phoenix


The Children

Guest Registry

TriRealm Tavern
