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Francine Halling
  • Born in W. Hollywood, California on November 24, 1955.
  • Lived in California most of my life. I've lived in Maine for 9 months as well as in Arizona for 10 years. I now live in Fallon, Nevada...a small but quiet town.
  • I have 3 daughters...Kimberly, Stefanie and Amy. I am also a grandmother from my oldest daughter Kimberly. She has 3 children...Alex, Adam and Samantha.
  • I love to role play. It relaxes me. I also write poems. I hope to be able to publish them someday. I am a romantic. I love to walk on the beach at sunset. I love bubble baths and candle lit dinners. I love roses of all colors. My favorite is red.
  • My favorite colors are black, purple, brown, red, blue and green.
  • I love watching movies and I record alot of them.
  • My favorite is Anne Rice.
  • I'm Wiccan. I was raised Catholic.
  • I love animals. I also love snakes.
  • I love tattoos and have many of them. My newest one is of a phoenix firebird.
  • I collect angels, plates and picture frames and candles.
  • I love sports. The San Francisco is my favorite football team. The Arizona Dianomdbacks are my favorite baseball team.
  • I love meeting people who I role play with online. I've met alot of my friends so far. Anne in AZ, Bryn in OR, just to name a few.
  • I love to cook. I love to try new things. My favorite foods are fried chicken, my potatoe salad, pasta salad, chocolate cake, just to name a few. I love to drink Pepsi and I love eatting Fastbreaks. I also love drinking Blackberry Merlot.
  • My favorite music is oldies, rock n' roll, matal, some jazz, some classical and country.
  • I love it when it rains, but hate lighting and thunder.
  • I love to write letters. I think that everyone should get a letter from time to time.
  • I'm a caring, understanding and honest person. I speak my mind but do it tactfully. I do not like people who play games, use people or people who lie.
  • I love to travel. I would like to be able to meet all of my friends that I have met online someday.


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