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                  Kryon channellings


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Channeling for those of you who don't know, are telepathic messages sent between 2 beings, wether its a human and angel or human and alien being on another world.

Channelling Definition: The divine, inspired words (or energy) of God as imparted to Humans by Humans.

The above definition is what channelling actually IS. That means that not only were most of the sacred scriptures of the planet (all religions) channelled originally, but also much artwork and music too! It is absolutely commonplace, but like so many other re-emerging processes in the New Age, it has a stigma about it that is strange. God did not write the Bible... Humans did, while divinely inspired.

We believe that God did not stop speaking to humans 2,000 years ago. To think that God stopped communicating is to deny your own divinity, or to assign some special sacredness to the past, not feeling worthy to consider yourself part of God's continued plan for an enlightened Earth. You are worthy of a continued communication with God... which I teach is actually a part of YOU!

But there is something that comes with channelling....


Anyone can channel, and Spirit is not proprietary in this regard. It's for all Humans, and not just a few. Therefore the ability and potential exists for this attribute for us all. Like so many other things, INTENT of the human means everything. Not all channelling is given with PURE INTENT. Therefore, some is real, and some is not... and YOU should be able to tell the difference when you HEAR or READ it. Is it really from Spirit?


Who is Kryon? It is the energies that control and are in charge of the earths magnetic grid.

Do humans create thier own reality?? If so why is my life so miserable?

Answer: Dear one, neither. You are co-creating doubt! Who said that co-creation was always in one direction? Many co-create darkness and negativity, and even depression. It's knowing how powerful you are that is the key.

So… answer this first: Do you believe that you can co-create anything at all? There is actual comedy in this, in that each day you co-create your reality… dark or light. Some of you enhance it daily, telling your cellular structure that you are "never going to make it," and actually giving it directions and a time of demise!

Do you believe that what you think and do can cause reactions in matter and your own cellular structure? If not, then that is your reality, and you have created it very well. If you do believe you can change matter, then you also understand that what you do and say can be designed to start changing your reality. Thousands have done it, so this is not a mystery.

Being lazy is also an issue too! (That's why you asked it) Just like exercise. If you just sit there and do nothing, will "nothing" be the result? The answer is unfortunately, no. Instead the energy of whatever is your reality will reinforce itself and continue. A body in trouble will continue its troubled ways and build upon that scenario until death. A mind without direction will go to the most common level of consciousness, often one that is shaped not by your intent, but by those around you and their influential energy.

Blessed is the Human who asks: "Can I really change things?" That is the Human who is most apt to try to do it! Here are some helpful hints:

1. Start each day with an affirmation out loud so that your own ears hear it, and so it goes right into your cellular structure. Here is suggested one: "I am a piece of creation. I have created my current reality, and will create all of what I experience in the future. Therefore all that is before is my doing. Today I choose to raise my awareness. Today I choose to slow down the aging clock in my cells, and create divinity in my daily workings. Today I instruct my cellular structure to vibrate to my intent and directions. I create a peaceful balance in all things, everywhere I walk."

2. Never beat yourself up! Everything you say is "heard" by your cells! Even at your lowest ebb, don't do it. Instead, say: "I thank Spirit for giving me the ability to know that all this is temporary. I am peaceful in my power." Then wait for the pendulum of depression or sickness to correct itself. It will.

3. Even if you doubt that you are making a difference, do it! Your duality is built to be biased in these things. Let the results support you. Your intellect will kick into high gear when it sees things changing in your life. Just like exercise… when you start to see the results, you won't doubt it any more!


The Celebration! - What's next?
Newport Beach, California – December 8, 2002

This Kryon live channelling was given in Newport Beach, California, the "Home Room" venue for Kryon. It was the next-to-last
channelling given in public before the grid group was finished and departed from their grid-changing work.
This channelling has been added-to and enhanced by Kryon in a rechannelling process over the actual transcribed channelling.
This has been done in order to make it more valuable for the written word and to bring clarity to concepts that were
given energetically within the live channelling.]


Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service!


We paused a moment so that my partner could recover from an overwhelming feeling of joy. It's the joy of completion, the joy of endurance, and the joy we have for humanity.

Indeed in this very spot [speaking of the venue in Newport Beach], over and over, we've assembled year to year and washed the feet of those who have come to see us. Indeed, the words that were spoken have been published for others to read and feel. We have washed their feet as they read. And so it is that even this night, these words are spoken to a multitude that is not here, but who really are. For who am I to tell you, reader, that you're not here as you read these words? It is the "now," is it not, where we speak to groups seeming to be in the future, but who are also in the present? Today the group in front of me is in the present, and the readers are in the future. Later in your linear time-line, the readers will be both [since they don't all read at the same time], and this group will be the past. Yet we see all of you at the same time
This message speaks to all of the layers of the DNA. May they resound with the message magnetically, that humanity has changed the planet to such a degree that they've allowed for the lifting of the veil and what we've called an Apocalypse - a grand dimensional shift, even a new dispensation on the planet.

It's the last time that we'll pour into this place when the grid is under construction. It's the last time that the entities whom you call "grid-workers" will be working with the magnetics. It's the last time! Yet there's no sorrow here. There's no good-bye...only celebration. We're going to give you the reasons for that in just a moment and expose things we've never ever talked about. We're going to talk esoteric. Sometimes we talk scientific, and other times we speak of practical things. But on a higher level, we wish to explain what is taking place in this completion of a 12-year cycle on your planet. 

Oh, dear Human, do you know how safe you are here? Were you looking for a place where you could give your affirmations - where there would only be purity and love? This is it! We're arriving for a celebration and a ceremony. We're lining the walls - above you, below you. We're next to you. Those who wish to have ceremony a little later as you thank the grid-workers may feel them thank you back. You know, this process started way before the Kryon publications - a process you gave permission for - one that would change the very reality of the planet. 

During the teachings today, some of you chuckled at the Armageddon you expected but that did not happen. Some find it amusing that it didn't happen and that few even noticed! Others are amused that the ones who counted on it simply keep moving the dates! They're so sure the old reality will eventually visit. Many are so used to the old reality that they'll deny that they're in the new one until the very end, even if the old prophecies never take place.

The death and destruction that would befall Earth by your own plan was changed - rewritten. What does it say about who humanity is, that they could rewrite history, rewrite the future? Many are starting to see the new reality and are now admitting, "Yes, it seems very different from what we were told," Yet these same Humans now doubt whether they can rewrite their own DNA! This is the grand Human duality at work. Sometimes the bias of doubt wins, no matter what the proof.

The magnetic grid of this planet was adjusted for you. There are many who will benefit, but it's still the free choice for those who wish to grasp the new arrangement and move forward that's the key. Those who don't wish to change won't have a penalty and won't be judged. It's always been this way, and the parable of the Prodigal Son was given to you long ago to show this process. The tools lie before you, should you pick them up, one at a time. And each one is "tuned" to a specific dimension, waiting for you to give the incredible power of intent to tune it in. 

Let me tell you about this magnetic grid. Let me define some things we've never isolated before. It will make sense, especially for those who see the Kryon as masculine. Sister Kryon has always seemed to be both. On the other side of the veil, there's no gender. Therefore, Kryon is genderless. But to humanity, there has always been an overlay of gender. The magnetic grid of this planet also has a feminine quality. It always has been feminine. The magnetic grid of this planet speaks of love. I am of the family of Archangel Michael, and she is pleased with that, too! [Kryon laughs] It's always been this way. The feeling of unconditional love - the feeling of mother - it seems like a dichotomy, does it not, that the strong male presence would emanate the mother? That, dear ones, is the meld we wanted to present to you all along. It was so you could see that there can be balance. But the magnetic grid of the planet is feminine, and so is Kryon. Now, many of you have known that, haven't you?

During these past 12 years, we've been aware that the grid movement would disrupt many of you who came into this planet with spiritual overlays - healers doing their work - ordinary Human Beings, not understanding their "angel-hood." Many have gone from day to day in their spiritual work, meditating, but all the time asking, "Why is there such a disconnection?" Many were desperate for answers, asking, "What is happening to me? Why doesn't this or that work anymore?" And so it is that we set out to explain and explain. These lessons consumed much of the time we were with you, and will continue to, for there's far more to explain now that the grid is almost settled and the veil has been lifted slightly.

As long as my partner wishes, the Kryon group will remain with him and will continue to explain and explain. But the explaining will take on a slightly different flavor, for there will be different spiritual aspects of the planet. There's a residual energy of the grid shift that we've discussed many times, which will last at least three more months. Things don't happen all at once with Spirit, if you've noticed. Our clock is very different. Basically, the grid is beginning to stabilize even as we speak. What does that mean to you? Not only does it mean that there's finally going to be some stability in what has been a moving target of spiritual energy, but there's more to it than that. The new settled grid brings a new dispensation to this planet.

We're going to talk about a lot of things in groups of three tonight. There have been those who believe that there have been two spiritual dispensations already on the planet. Indeed, this is the third. We've spoken over and over about "moving from the two to the three," and this, then, is still another example of that. The first dispensation was the dispensation of law. The second, the dispensation of love. Now, here comes a new one.

When I give you the word associated with this new dispensation, many of you aren't going to like it. For the word means something to many of you that's not pleasant. To others, it's totally understandable. It comes with a number, too (of course), an actual number in numerology as well as a name. This magnetic grid finishing is a piece of a giant Earth puzzle. The magnetic grid, as it finishes moving, is only the finishing of one of three events
This is the first time we've ever been able to give you this spiritual lineage, and we now can because the grid is almost finished. But let's give you the name and numerical value of this new dispensation. For those of you who follow numerology, you'll understand. And it's not a number that has been Kryonesque in the past. It's not a number we've ever spoken about in the past that belonged to Kryon or the grid group or the entourage that accompanies Kryon. 

The Energy of the New Dispensation

We wish to introduce to you the dispensation of responsibility, and we wish to introduce you to the number eight. On its side, this number represents infinity. Standing up end to end, it can be turned any way, yet it means the same thing. There's no up and there's no down to the number symbol. It's in the now, and it's balanced. It's an eight. If there was going to be a numerological energy assigned to the dispensation of responsibility, this is it. The eight speaks of stability and structure, and it's about time, isn't it?

This magnetic grid has postured itself in anticipation of invitations from those who wish to broach the veil. If you sit here as one who doesn't believe any of these things, nothing will happen to you or for you or against you. You have complete and total free choice - there's nothing beyond honoring what you desire, and then intent will take place. This is the way of it. But the instructions from the Human Being are paramount and powerful. What is it you wish? Have you gone far enough with your searching? Perhaps you wish to go no further? Than that's what you'll have. If you wish to ignore the new tools, they won't activate. Perhaps you're afraid of them? Perhaps you're tired and are saying, "Not now." So be it. It's as you wish. All of the guides around you will honor this decision together, and that's what you'll receive.

Then there are those who say, "Show me the tools! I'm ready to go forward." For those, we say this: You enter the year of the three [2003] and that represents change [a 5 total]. How can you have stability and change together? Welcome to the Kryon energy [the grid-work] For 5 and 8 together are 13, or 4. This is the foundation number.

Oh, there's so much here to tell you, but let's start with some information we've never spoken of before. About the grid group: Some have asked, "How many are there, Kryon?" The answer is yes. [Laughter] There's no counting them! When it comes to these entities, some of them are part of you, and you are part of them. There's no counting these. How do you count air on your planet? It's all around you, isn't it? It's real and it's physical and there's a lot of it. Did you ever ask, "How many air is there?" This group energy has been part of the work of the earth since it began. It's an energy that moves between two of the three grid structures on this planet and deals with them as they need adjusting. Here's some news: They're not actually the magnetic grid group at all! That's only the name they've had for the past 12 years.

When you gave permission to change reality on this planet, did you think for a moment that all that was going to happen was a magnetic grid shift? What about the other grids? When would they get their turn? The magnetics had to come first. It postures the planet for what is to come. This magnetic grid group now moves and shifts to the next place where they will then alter something else - another grid - a grid we've never spoken about, and one that is not in the purview of the Kryon work. 

Therefore, this grid group doesn't actually, leave. It simply changes jobs. The only thing that changes is that this grid group leaves its post as magnetic changers, and moves to the next profound work. All of these who have been working for 12 years to produce a lessening of the veil have done so for the next step to take place. It's to move or alter the energy of a grid that we've never spoken about, and may not again. It's not our specialty, and there are others who will take it from here and speak of this next grid. We'll continue to teach about the new magnetic grid and what it will mean to you and what you can do in conjunction with the next one that's being changed. 

The Three Grids of Earth

There are three grid structures of the planet, but in order for me to talk about them, you have to understand something that may or may not make sense. I wish to discuss "three." There are many kinds of "threes." If I presented a triangle to you on a piece of paper [2D], you'd see three sides. "Yes," you would say, "that's a triangle." If, however, the triangle had volume to it, that is to say, it was a shape that could hold air and became three-dimensional, even four-dimensional [if you add time], that triangle might have three, four, or even five sides, depending on the volume and the triangle shape. So, is it still a three? "Yes," you would have to say. "It's still a triangle." Suddenly, however, we have something that you still speak of as a "triangle" (which means three), but which may have five sides or more. So the triangle, named for its three sides, has more than three elements. The difference? It changes with the dimension in which it's viewed.

We tell you this so you can grasp that although we speak of three things, there are more than three, depending on the dimension you're part of. This is difficult. So when we give you three energies for the grids of the earth, we tell you that there are actually more. That's why, when there are those who will speak and teach about other kinds of grids, the identities may not sound like the ones I have given...but they are. Then you'll remember that there are attributes within the three...even a multitude depending on the dimension. In this teaching, I'll talk about three in your dimension, and it may surprise you.

Where is the grid group going when they're finished? They're going to the next grid, and they begin their work in 2003. Let me tell you about this grid that they're going to. This grid is called many things, and I'll give you some of the various names. But for now, let's call it the Crystalline Grid.

The Crystalline Grid has always been here. It's not new, any more than the magnetic grid is. In fact, it was set on the planet at the same time the magnetics were. It has always worked hand-in-hand in conjunction with the magnetics. There are those who would have said that Kryon only dealt with the magnetics, so this was the only grid that was important. We never said that, did we? Our specialty was the magnetic grid, and that's the one we spoke of. The Crystalline Grid is next. Workers move from one to the other, seemingly from above to below, yet out of your 4D, that's not the case. This Crystalline Grid has been called many things. Let's first examine who created it. 

There are specific places on this planet where the Crystalline Grid is manifested physically in the form of a crystalline structure. These will always remain in the same physical place no matter what the magnetics do and no matter how the crystalline grid energy is altered. The Crystalline Grid won't be moved like the magnetic grid was, where you could actually measure a shift in physical location. Instead, the alteration is an energy attribute that will be an alteration of the crystalline structure. The structure itself remains where it is . . .and, dear ones, parts of the crystalline structures of this planet are in the most sacred places that you can imagine. And they'll remain sacred.

There are many who understand the spiritual creatures of the ground [dirt of the earth]. There are also many who misunderstand the creatures of the ground. Some have said they're evil. They're not. They never were. They love Humanity, those who set the crystalline grids. They not only had interdimensionality, they also had physical attributes. I'm going to make a statement, and I hope that no one listening or reading misunderstands the meaning. In an interdimensional, metaphoric way, we'll give you a name associated with those who physically set the Crystalline Grid, and I'm going to use a word - do not misunderstand this. For some, the word will create all manner of visions within your mythology. The word is dragon.

Dragon energy...not evil. Don't misunderstand this. Metaphorically, what did the dragon mean to the planet in your mythology? Living underground and powerful, it was the mythology that made it a monster. It went from village to village, killing. That is not the dragon energy we speak of. It's hard to describe why we would identify this to you in this fashion, but again, it's totally metaphoric and not explainable within your 4D. It means strength. It's stability. It's the Crystalline Grid creator energy! Another name for the crystalline grid as given by those who are in charge of it is The Grid of Light. Others have called it The Grid of Stability...the foundation of the planet, spiritually. It has many names. It's the next scheduled to change, and it will "shake hands" in its alteration with the age of responsibility. That's what's next.

Part of the Crystalline Grid's energy is responsible for the storehouse of the knowledge of the planet. All that ever was - all that exists - all the potentials of what can be, are located in the Crystalline Grid. There's another section of this Crystalline Grid that's a safeguard. There's a section of this Crystalline Grid that's alive. It's a mammal. It contains the storehouse of the planet - the knowledge of everything - within its DNA. 

We've spoken of this before, and now, perhaps, you'll understand. The age of the whale has begun. As the Crystalline Grid is moved, the knowledge centers of the storehouse of energy will also be altered within the mammals of the planet. This information is esoteric, unprovable, and true.

What will the changes be?

What do you think the alteration of the energy of this Crystalline Grid is going to be? This is complex, my partner, so get it right [Kryon speaking to Lee, asking him to go slowly]. I'm going to give you a statement that only the physicists will understand. The group that you've come to celebrate as the grid group moves from the magnetic grid to the crystalline structure and changes form. They'll spend the next ten years rewriting the past, until 2012.

Right now on Earth, there are two tribes going at it. They have much in common, and even have the same father. They're brothers, sisters, and they're locked in a battle that seems unsolvable - a battle that's odd in that it's fought in terms of the past. In Palestine, there isn't a lot of joy. In Israel, there isn't a lot of joy. They are brothers and sisters at war, one with the other, angry because of what's taken place. And there are very few of them who actually remember being there when any of these things happened. They're fighting over concepts of linearity..."the past." Who owns what? Who came first? What did who do to whom? It's a reality that has its entire basis in a concept - the past - something that's no longer happening.

What would happen to a planet if the past suddenly didn't hold the energy that it does now? This grid group, which has shifted the magnetics of this planet, now moves into the crystalline energy and begins to rewrite the past! How can you do such a thing? "The past is the past," you might say. "You can't change what happened, right?" Perhaps that's so if you think you're on the same Earth, but you're not! You changed your own reality, remember? This past you cling to belonged to a whole other reality! This is the real test. Do you actually believe that you're in new reality or not? Why didn't the Armageddon happen on schedule? Why didn't the prophecies take place? Maybe they did! But in another reality...not yours. You're on a virgin track called The New Jerusalem...the new earth. In the "now," that virginity expands to past, present, and future...all unwritten.

The Circle of Responsibilities

The age of responsibility. There are many who don't even like that word. They don't want to be responsible. Yet it's a word dripping with truth and joy. The Human Being who is responsible is the one who knows their God! Let's give you some of these responsibilities. They exist in a circle, with one not taking precedence over the other. 

To God
What is your responsibility to God? Whatever that word means to you - Spirit, Source, Family? What is your responsibility to God? It's easy, yet so difficult. It's easy for the feminine Kryon to invite you to see the wings, yet so hard for you to believe that such a thing could be. What's your responsibility to God? I'll tell you what it is: It's to understand that you're it. It's the responsibility to seek out that part of you that will finally acknowledge that you're divine. Do you think that it's some kind of mysterious error that most of humanity believes in eternal life after death? Do you think that's it's just mass wishful thinking? It isn't. It's intuition! It's knowing! Let me give you another "accident." What do you think about one mammal on the planet, only one - the whale - that has treaties around it signed by hundreds of countries - even ones that have no water - to protect it? Do you think that's an accident? When all humanity is gathered together, despite all the differences and the fights and the religious ideas, they vote to protect one mammal. You want to know why? Because the whales carry the storehouse of knowledge on how to change the past! Humanity at the cellular level knows it.

These mammals also know how to work with the Indigos. Did you ever think about that? And who are the whale's first cousins? The dolphins. Let me tell you about the dolphins and the Indigos. These new children are going to bring you the potential of peace on Earth, and it may not be fast enough for some of you, but believe me, it's in the works. Someday Indigos will stand up in that troubled area called the Middle East and cause a real stir. Palestinians and Israelis will look at each other and say, "It's about time to drop the past. Let's talk about now. Let's talk about what can happen now, away from anything that was on the old track that your parents traveled."

We made the statement long ago: "As go the Jews, so goes Earth." Let's be very clear that we include the Palestinians in the Jewish attribute. Same father. We see them as one family. We also don't see Earth's destruction. Perhaps there are those who would say, "Well, you know you're on the other side of the veil, Kryon. You don't have to walk in Human's shoes." Oh, are we aware of that! That's why we love you so much. Blessed is the angel pretending to be Human. He gets out of bed in the morning and stumbles to the mirror and doesn't see the whales...doesn't think about them. Instead, he wonders how his day is going to go. He worries about the processes within his body. He worries about his society, his lack of abundance, and about the things that are in the dark that he can't see. He seldom sees the angel in the mirror. Well, we have some advice for you: Perhaps it's time to turn on the light! And when you do, all of those things you've been stumbling over will be your treasures. Some of you have done that. We know who's hearing and reading. Some can look backwards and say, "I've changed my past. I've changed my past." Blessed are those who are moving into that dimension!

To Society
What's your responsibility to those around you? What's your responsibility to the one who competes with you, seemingly for the same ideas, within your society? What's your responsibility to yourself? Some of you are stewarding energies - information that has been given to you, and you're alone in that stewardship. What's your responsibility there? I'll tell you: Do you think it's just to steward what you have? Honor what you have, but what about the rest? What about the others who have their stewardships, too? Priests, do you sequester what you have and protect it? Or do you see the other ideas and spiritual ways and figure out how they work with yours? Rabbi, can you sing in the choir? Honor the others who have their work, too. Bless the others so much that they can see themselves in you, and vice versa. Connect the dots. We've spoken of this before. How can the orchestra play when so many leaders are insisting on being soloist? You must play together. [Kryon is speaking here of multiple religions on Earth, and how they tend to climb into their own boxes and never honor the others.] 
To Family

What is your responsibility to family - biological family? I mean the brothers and the sisters and the cousins - the moms - the dads? Oh, Human, this responsibility has never changed. This is the pillar of what Kryon has told you, and she has gone over this and over this. The first parable ever given to you is The Parable of the Tar Pit. So let me give you the meaning of that parable: If everyone around you is wallowing in mud, somebody's eventually going to notice the clean diamond you've become! They're going to want to know how that diamond got to be the diamond, and why the diamond is untouched by the mud! They're going to notice you.

So what is it you can do for your family? Turn on the light! Let the treasures show. And those around you? They'll notice. They might not see the treasures that only you can see, but they'll see you! There will be those who will suddenly say, "I really want to be like you!" There may even be those in your family on whom you've given up. They'll never understand what you believe, you've decided. Dear one, they don't have to! Perhaps the closest they'll ever get to God is to love you! Some, very close to you, may say, "I've fallen in love with you again because you've changed." Believe it. And what do you think you've really changed? You turned on the light and just changed the past. Yes, some will shrink from the light and leave your life. Believe me, it's appropriate that this is so.

To Outsiders
What's your responsibility in this circle of responsibilities to outsiders? Who's the outsider? That's the one who makes fun of you. Maybe that's the one who wants to destroy you. I've said it before: You're going to see a lot of this. And, dear Human Being, it's not going to originate from where you expect it. Let's review what we told you four years ago. The biggest opposition to turning on the light will be Lightworkers in the dark. There will be splits of consciousness even within the movement you call the New Age. Some will go their way, and you'll go yours. Some will call you evil because you turned on the light and it's blinded them. They fear what they can't experience. You will burn brightly, and they won't understand it. When they can no longer put you in focus, they'll cast you away as evil, according to their way of thinking. 

Here is our advice toward the outsider: Don't try to change them. Honor free choice, but also don't let them change you unless, of course, it's your choice. Hold the integrity of what you believe and have found to be your truth. Let go of them, and send them on their way. Even the ones who are your friends. Break the attachments, for you'll be better off for it. Remember this, dear Human Being, to them you're the outsider. It goes both ways, and may I remind you, it's brother against brother. The family is still one, no matter what each brother believes.

To Earth
What's your responsibility to Earth? It's important that you hear this. The indigenous knew it. The indigenous all over this planet knew it. It was intuitive information, no matter if it was North or South American or Polynesian or European or Australian or African. They all knew it! They knew the earth is alive! It has consciousness. They knew you can speak to it, and it to you. They knew that if you honor it, it will honor you back...and that you should never take more than you give. The earth is an entity that is vibrant and living. What can you do for the earth? I'll tell you: Acknowledge it daily! Why don't you take a hint and a cue from those who used to walk the land in this very place? In the morning they would greet the west and the north and the east and the south. Those are magnetic grid lines! And they knew it. Say hello to the earth. You'll have a better day because of it. You'll be in harmony. It's trite to say that you would be "in harmony with nature." But that's the goal. That's what you can do for the planet...your responsibility is to love it.

To Self 
We've come to the last one.. or is it the first? What is your responsibility to self? What can you do for yourself? This is where the circle is complete. The circle of responsibilities ends where it started. Know you are God! What is your responsibility to self? Know you are God.

The Third Grid
We've given you many messages right in this space, but never one so profound as this. It's the end of one thing and the beginning of another. 2012 will be the end of the Crystalline Grid realignment of energies. "So, Kryon," you might say at this point, "what is that elusive third grid" It's the one that's also invisible like the other two. It's also living. It's the one that's influenced by the first two. This third one responds to dimensional shift. It has free choice. The third grid of the earth is Human consciousness. Instead of it shifting last, it shifts simultaneously with the other two...making the puzzle all that more intriguing.

Let me tell you about portals [not vortices]. Portals are created based upon the magnetics, the crystalline energy and the consciousness of the earth [as modified by humanity]. It takes all three together to create a portal. They come and they go. Time is also involved. Sometimes they're very brief, and sometimes they're very small. Sometimes they're large and they remain. The largest portals on the planet that remain portals for a very long time have large crystalline structures under them. We won't dwell upon those things that are not our specialty, but we'd like to identify the parts. What is the polarity of gender in the crystalline grid? Is it masculine? Is it feminine? Neither. It's balanced male and female, and there's the stability of it. Fundamentally stable it is, it's the dirt of the earth.


Something has been happening in this room. This grid group changes jobs, and it wishes to participate in ceremony with you. It wants to thank humanity for tolerating the shifts that have been so difficult. These who have moved the grid, and who are among you now, move from their place next to you into a ceremony of honor. Those who wish to are invited to say "Thank you." In your own way, silently, give love back for what has been accomplished. This is not about you for now. This is a moment that's about them. Collectively in this room, and outside of it - collectively to those who are reading - send love to those who have done so much for so many. Their job is now finished.

So, it's that time. The entourage of Kryon is not the grid group. Did you know that? Instead, it's the entourage of Kryon. This entourage comes with Kryon every time she shows up, and that's what you're used to feeling, coming and going. Perhaps this evening before you retire, you might shut your eyes and whisper "Thank you." And if you do, it will be heard all over the earth. That's our promise to you. The entourage of Kryon joins you in this thanks to the grid group.

It's difficult to leave this place. Much has been spoken and much has been taught. Just so you know, we'll be back. And when we return, let the teaching begin! Let the "plain talk" brought from a lessening of the veil begin!

Blessed is the Human Being who has seen the shapes this day - who has participated in the colors that have been presented this day - who has seen the interdimensionality glow in this place. Blessed is the Human Being who's taken time out of their day to be with this family. Blessed is the Human who sits here and who reads this, for indeed, they're richly blessed; for indeed, they're the ones who have the potential to make the difference on this planet Earth, a glorious place to be!

And so it is.



What's Happening?
Bedford, New Hampshire – November 23,, 2002

[This Kryon live channelling was given in Bedford New Hampshire, a regular east coast yearly venue for Kryon. Unknown at the time, this was the last time Lee and the team would present here. Our host has retired from seminar planning! 
This channelling has been added-to and enhanced by Kryon in a rechannelling process over the actual transcribed channelling. This has been done in order to make it more valuable for the written word and to bring clarity to concepts that were given energetically within the live channelling.]


Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service.


What a joy that you would allow something like this, dear Human! We understand your duality. We understand that many of you still question whether this could be real. So, some of you will be touched. Some of you will smell things that cannot exist where you sit. Some of you will see the colors in the room, and it's all for one reason: so that you will understand the validity of what you have created here today. This event and the message from this event are being created because you are here. This does not happen in a vacuum. If there were none of you sitting here, there would be no channeling, so it's a sweet place, one created by the humanity who sits in front of me, and by those thousands reading one at a time. 

Each of you is eternal, and not all life in the universe is. There is no test here on this planet, only challenges of energy. None of you are beyond the ability to receive and endure these challenges. All of you came in with that knowledge, and in order to make that operate in the correct fashion, we tell you this again: Each of you is plural! You think you're "one" thing? That's not accurate. You look in the mirror and see a four-dimensional creature with skin and a body, and a name you can say out loud. But you have no concept of whom you're looking at. Each of you is a group. Although this sounds odd, you are already acknowledging this when you say you have a higher part of you, and many of you design your lives to take advantage of those higher parts. But you still see and feel the separation. There is much of you that desires to be part of the other part, but you create the separation naturally within your realty, instead of seeing yourself as part of the great I AM.

The great prophets walked the earth as Humans. You saw them as different, however...unusual, sacred, divine, and powerful. They looked just like you - all of you. So what is it that made them different? I will tell you: These Humans were able to peel the duality away and create a miracle. They didn't participate in the separation of Human-Self and Higher-Self. Many followed these special ones because they saw joy in their lives; they saw the power. So you have to ask yourselves, what is the difference between an ordinary Human and the masters who were worshiped - whose lives were known to many, and still are through your history?

This is where it gets good. When the masters walked the earth with a lessened (lighter) duality, they did so to be able to see the bigger picture. They were not affected as you are. They had less darkness where they walked, and they could see more clearly. When you were born on this planet, a strong duality was in place. For the masters, it was spiritually lighter, and that made them "different." That's what you saw that was so abnormal. The prophets and masters of old were able to integrate the group!

Dear ones, you sit in an energy that we predicted twelve years ago. It's an energy that is going to become far more stable than it has been, but we'll get to that in a moment. What we want to tell you is this: The attributes of the masters are upon you. What is it all about, you ask? It is about a changing humanity and a changing spirituality. The veil is being slightly lifted! It is being lifted so that you can see dimly through it the things you never could see before. Some have asked, "Could this really be? Can I really change my life?" The answer is yes. You come into this experience with what is called a contract, and the compartmentalization in your brain says, "This is my contract. It always will be." So many never understand the truth around this. These contracts are what you agreed to as "starting energies." They get you going. No angel or prophet ever told anyone that it was forever! It just feels that way. You had to start somewhere, and your contract is a good place to begin. This beginning starts with where you left off, and is a simple agreement. It represents unfinished business, residues of past experience, choice of parents, race, place on the planet, fears, and joys. What is not seen is that it's the Human who has complete and total free choice to move in any direction he or she wishes...and yes, that means out of the starting contract!

Without an awakening to that fact, and without the ability of knowing of your enablement, that starting contract is often the one followed right to the end. How many of you have contracts that you wonder about? What about your biological contract? Does it include what happened to your sister and your brother and your parents? Genetically surging in your DNA, what are the "starting" patterns there? What are they going to "do" to you? Are you afraid that what your relatives received, you will, too? Do you feel predisposed to biologically follow that path? Well, dear Human Being, perhaps it's time to put on the mantle of the master - the master with your name, with the layers of who you are. If you do, the genetics in your body will all listen to the mantle of the master. And when you speak to yourselves and say, "It is time for a change," the new contract is upon you. Your cells change! They say, "We wish to be joyful and enjoy the love of spirit. We wish to change our cellular structure, our genetic makeup. We wish to influence all that we have with our own intent, just like the masters did." Do you understand what we are telling you? Do you understand how profound it is?

Take a moment, if you wish, and think of what the masters were able to do as they walked on this planet. They left many in their wake who were healed, sobbing and weeping in their joy and gratitude. They spouted profundities and wisdom, and they helped everyone they touched. They brought tribes together and affected nations. They unified the separated. They presented paradigms that were so different that they often lost their lives because of it. this energy is - visiting you! Why don't you take a moment and celebrate what you have created!

We're in place now, you know, and we're ready. And so it is that we take our places around you, above you, even below you. Interdimensionally, there is no limitation about where we can sit or stand or be. Each of you is surrounded by your own group - one that knows exactly what you've been through - that knows your weaknesses and your many questions. It is a group that is ready to take your hand and lead you one way or the other, if you ever come to that place where you would allow it...or recognize that you have the choice to ask for it.

Some of you are in touch with that group, and others are afraid of it. Being afraid of it is something that is absolutely natural at this particular time. Even this day there have been unverbalized questions asked, and we will deal with a couple of them. And then, of course, we're going to give you some science, too [something that the New Hampshire seminars are known for].

The question is asked, "What is happening right now? Kryon, you've spoken about the grid, and you've also spoken about the fact that the adjustments to it are coming to a close. What will that mean to us?" We just defined what the grid is really about. It's about the enabling of Human biology and consciousness. When we speak of biology, we also mean your spiritual biology, for it is all entangled in one. It all speaks to itself at the same time, and the "layers" sing to each other. Here is what is happening: As you know, and even with the proof of where your compasses now point, the grid has moved. It will continue to move for some time, but the spiritual alignment - the part of it that lifts the veil - will come to a close at the end of this year [2002]. There are some of you who have spent many years chasing this moving target - this changing grid. Now, here you are, facing still another attribute to deal with. For when it finally settles and the movement stops, there will be some stability, and in that there is also change.

There are those of you who might say, "Well, it's about time!" But do not be fooled for a moment. There are those of you who have become used to the motion, as in a moving deck on a ship. When it stops, you'll know it! Coming to a complete and seeming halt and stopping has its own attributes. Here is some advice: You don't have to chase it anymore. It's at your feet. You've gotten used to certain kinds of motion, and it's taken a decade for this. There are those of you who will feel it and be happy that it is being stabilized. But then there are those of you who also got used to the movement of it and who now have to get used to it being in one posture. Some of you will actually feel the motion even though it has stopped!

What does this mean to you? None of this is going to happen instantly or overnight. There is a residual we have spoken of before, information that is now one year old. The residual of grid alignment change will last at least three months. God does not do things quickly, if you've noticed. And therefore we say this: The stabilized grid will indeed come to its final position at the end of this year; it is a slow stop. But the residual is designed for your comfort so that there is no fast stop (and this is metaphoric). But what a joy it is to have the entourage almost finished with your gift.

Humanity is feeling this. We've told you before that this track you have produced for yourself is unique. It has never been traveled before, and therefore there's nothing in front of this new track. You are creating it as you go. This alone causes anxiety. There would be those who would sit in front of Spirit and plead to know the future. "Where are we going? What are we doing? What's going to happen?" And with joy we say this: Nobody knows! But we can tell the direction you're moving in. We can tell you the speed of the change, and it is profound...unexpected. You want proof of that? Go find any prophecy about what's happening today. All the ancients in their wisdoms - the master seers of their time - could not foretell what your ascending earth is doing. That's what's happening now.

The part you play? It's your energy that did it. How many of you understand that you have a new contract in front of you? It's a contract that says we want you to stay longer. It opens up an entire new paradigm of life extension. And if you don't see it, your children will. It's not just medical science, and it's not just physics. It has to do with what the Human does for the Human. There will be those without any spiritual training whatsoever - those who carry the indigo color, who will understand totally and completely the overview of this. They will feel in control of their cellular structure, and there will be no surprises - you can see it in their eyes. They plan on being here a very long time, and they know how. It's intuitive. While you are sitting there wondering if it could be true that you can change your biology, they are already doing it. "Doesn't everyone?" they will tell you. Many will come in with the intuitive knowledge of what we are now teaching you. "Of course we're in charge of matter," they will say to you someday. The things that you have questioned with your intellect and your logic will be second nature to humanity at some particular point in time. That's what's happening now. 

Where Is the Grid Group Going?
And this grid group - where are they going? Should we be sad for them? Are they going home? Here is the answer. NO, and NO. This grid group that has been with me all of these years, that has moved the very magnetics of the planet to create your DNA, returns to what you would call other jobs. It stays and remains. It disseminates, but it is part of the earth itself. Some of you have recognized that Gaia has life. The indigenous believed that the dirt of the earth itself was part of an entity. They saw this in the elements, and in the east, the south, the west, and the north. And we are telling you this: that part of this magnetic grid group will continue to work with Gaia. This group has always been here and always will be. It has to do with the life-force of the planet. It has to do with the support of the Humans that are here. Where is the grid group going? They're staying right here. Consider it a job change, if you wish. That's what's happening. What job are they going to? We will tell you next month [December]!

There's another question that gets asked here, and it's one that we would like to endeavor to explain this very evening. Why is it with the grid shift lifting the veil, allowing for greater spirituality, insight, wisdom, and joy...why is it, then, that the dark side seems to be increasing so dramatically? Did you think we didn't notice? I'll give you information that seems unbelievable. I will say it again, and there will be those here who will not agree, but I will tell you the truth, dear Human Being: There is no such thing as the dark side.

Listen to this. Understand this. I am not tricking you when I tell you these things. I am giving you intuitive knowledge. Check your Higher-Selves for the integrity of this answer. There is no group of entities who are part of your demise. There is no group that you would call "the dark side" that wishes to bring you into a place of darkness. There is no group of entities that is responsible for pulling you away from the light or taking your soul. And that is the truth. You might say, "Well, then, why does it seem like it?" This is difficult to grasp, perhaps, and not all will get it. 

Let me tell you, oh powerful one: When you simply walk by water...and the molecular values within it change, what does that tell you about your influence [referring to the scientific validations that were shown earlier in the day]? Could it be that you are a lot more powerful as an "ordinary" Human Being than you ever thought? Could it be that you're not as ordinary as you thought? Indeed, this is the case. Listen: The Human Being who focuses on dark will get dark! And it will be powerful dark! The Human Being who focuses on light will bring in light. And it will be powerful light! Many times we've given you the difference between those attributes, for light is active and dark is passive. That's old information. But here is what it means: When there is darkness and you choose the light, a dark area exposed to light will become illuminated. The dark seems to vanish. It is literally not moving from dark to light, but instead it is an alchemy of "turning on the light." It happens all at once. It's not slow. And when the light is turned on, all of those things that were hidden in the dark are there for you to see. The point is this: The Human Being who begins to move to the light is moving an energy framework. This framework is a finite area called Human consciousness. And when you move into the light, you're going to leave some of the dark behind. You can only hold so much energy in that Human framework. Therefore, if you choose a lighter energy for your system, there is going to be a piece of the darkness within your past duality that is going to be severed - lopped off - left behind. Think of it this way: Your personal jar of energy is always full. It's filled with a combination of dark and light. When you choose to add more light, the old dark part spills over the edge and goes away.

Now, what do you think that dark part is going to do to you? It's going to plead, "Don't leave us behind! We've been part of you for a long time. Lifetime after lifetime you embraced us, and now you're throwing us away! Don't do it!" And this severed part will come at you in survival mode, pleading not to be left behind. In this pleading, it will appear as though there's a legion - an army - pulling you away from the light. Much of it will be done with fear. Let me ask you this: Who knows you better than you? How does this "dark side" know about all of your weaknesses? How does it know about your habits? How does it know YOU so well? The answer? It's you, talking to you! It is the powerful part of you that you have chosen to lop off and leave behind. It's an actual interdimensional layer of your DNA, responsible for the balance between light and dark. Call it your duality engine. This is new information.

"Kryon," you might say, "I still don't believe it." All right, how about some intellectual proof? Let me ask you this. If it is true, dear Human Being, that there are legions of dark ones trying to trick you into submission - if there are armies led by entities with horns in dark places, trying to seduce you into the dark, then why are they so submissive? "What does that mean?" you might ask. Why is it that when you turn and face them and say no, that they run the other way? What kind of an army of darkness is that? What kind of power is that? Did you ever think of this?

You are in control, and you always have been. The masters who walked the earth knew that. They faced the kind of energy balance you do, and they looked at it daily. The difference? Their enlightenment [reduced duality] showed them that they were in control, and the phantom legions of the dark armies shrank from them. You are no different! These dark parts will leave you alone, too...and that's the truth. It's you fighting you, and when you inform your cellular structure of your intent, it must obey.

This information is there for those reading this page. In a "now" that we see, we see the reader. We see your eyes and your mind. We see the joy in this information. So listen and read: There is no conspiracy to draw you backwards other then that which you create to survive in what you think is your reality. This is you with you. It is the giant IT presented in the parable of The Journey Home [Kryon Book Five]. Know yourself. It's time to look at this and say, "I understand what is happening." You can even say, "I honor the darkest part of me that has been with me a very long time, and I release it." And that is what's happening.

Oh, there will be those who disagree. They will tell you that Kryon is tricking you with the light. "No dark side? That is preposterous," they will tell you. "See, it's proof that Kryon is evil." Really? Then don't believe me. Instead, activate your own light and order the darkness out. Then when it shrinks before you, celebrate the truth of God...that you are a part of the whole...holy, powerful, eternal, and in charge! Blessed are the Humans who take charge of themselves and pull upon the newly created divine power that is theirs!

These are challenging times, are they not? Perhaps you look at current events. "Dear Kryon, what is happening on Earth?" I'll tell you what's happening on Earth: It may not look like it, but you're solving the biggest issue we have. Collectively, I am here with you. Have you ever thought of that? I arrived to set the grid of the earth. I will not leave until the last Human takes their last breath. The entourage may come and go, the grids may be changed yet again someday, but Kryon remains. And so it is I am in this lifeboat with the Humans who are doing the work. So it is that I am support of you, and I know what's happening. So it is that my teachings increase.

You have a word for what is happening, and it's called pruning. Sometimes it's not pleasant, either. Perhaps you might question this? You might say, "Kryon, everything I see around me is bad. There's darkness everywhere!" Let's look at some changes: Ten years ago if I had told you that the largest businesses in this great land of yours would fall over and expire due to "integrity issues," would you have believed me? If I had given you the prophecy that one of the largest religious organizations on earth would be brought to its knees because of integrity, would you have believed me? The answer is no. Such things were not seen as possible. Big money and big religion were untouchable. Well, look out the window and read your news. It's called pruning. Country by country...belief system by belief system, the sparks will fly. We told you that twelve years ago. We told you that many would have to leave the planet in this new arrangement. Oh, you may mourn these who are passing because you are part of humanity. It is normal and natural, for you love humanity. But there are those who decided to be part of this in a way that would help all of you. And that's what's happening.

So the earth prunes itself, and in the process, it creates something very slowly: It creates the beginning of The New Jerusalem. Now you know that this phrase is not a metaphor, don't you? It is what we have meant all along for all of these years. It really is Jerusalem. It is the pinnacle and apex of the problems - the thing that has brought Earth to its knees - the source, seemingly, of the strife of your time. The words "The New Jerusalem" also refer to a group of Humans - ones who represent a generation of Human Beings who decided to change reality, to skip the Armageddon and move forward. They are the ones who will solve the unsolvable, and begin a process of peace on this planet.

I am Kryon. I carry only a piece of the puzzle. You do not see what I see. We tell you this: Look around. There are many others who have many messages. Study them as well and "connect the dots." Listen to the channellings. Listen to the wise ones. Discern what resounds and what does not. Is the information fear based? Is it love based? Choose the one that resounds to your heart and that also makes the most sense. It's called free choice. See the big picture by connecting the parts. Look around and see God in you! 
It's a good time to see the colors - right now.


There's a great deal of honoring going on. "Kryon, what's happening?" God is loving you, that's what's happening. 

It might seem dichotomous to move from this message of love into physics, but I am the magnetic master, after all, and I love to talk about these things. Not all of you will understand what is coming next. In order for this channeling to be complete and for my partner, who does not understand these things, to have a clearer image, we will involve something we have only done two times in the past. We now invite the energy of Metatron to come forward!

Metatron and Kryon are of the same family...that of Archangel Michael. This is the same family of spiritual physics and is very entangled. And so it is that the energies of all three are here. One of them is my partner [Lee] who translates, and then also the meld between Kryon and Metatron, who speak of physics. We wish to talk about something dear to the hearts of the physicists. We're going to speak of free energy, and we can hardly wait. Not understandable by all of you, but some of the readership will know, and there will be those here who understand, also. So I ask of my partner that this be translated clearly and slowly if needed. 

Before we begin, you must understand the premise. Humanity has been convinced for some time that there might be something called free energy. This might be manifested in a device that would be able to sustain itself seemingly without fuel. The question is, Is it possible? The answer is yes, it always has been. Some will understand how this could work, for it profoundly involves magnetics. And indeed there will be some who will discover it at a macro level, but it won't be very efficient. What we wish to do is to give you some answers that may surprise you, but which will allow you to achieve the goal of free energy far easier and quicker.

Let us review: Perhaps as children you were amazed at something - static magnets that when held in the hands, strongly repel similar poles of other magnets. You might have been amused at how much you had to push against the metal to try to get similar poles together. The magnetic material actually seemed to repel and push back! And the bigger the magnet, the greater the rebellion against coming together. Some of you children grew up to become scientists, and you asked questions about physics and nature: "What is this force that pushes back? Why is it that a Human can throw their entire weight into this endeavor and end up with a piece of metal that pushes back? What is going on here? What is the engine of this? Can I get this to push when I a direction I want?"

The physicists, of course, developed answers about trapped energy and called it kinetics. There is actually all manner of verbiage that would try to describe to you why there would be a force trapped in metal that would push back. None of it is correct! There's something going on with magnetism that will indeed be discovered. It has a layer of interdimensionality that you are now just broaching; it is not definable in four dimensions [your reality]. The true reason why it pushes back is not even part of your four-dimensional physics. You named it, but you don't understand it.

Some scientists went on to postulate: "What if we could get magnets to push against magnets? If we design something clever, perhaps the magnets could push against themselves and we could use this energy in a circle - in a machine - magnets with magnets. We could use this incredible natural pushing and pulling force to push and pull against itself. Then we would have an engine that fueled itself with nature's force!" This then, is the simplified way science first started to think about free energy. Today, if you talk to a physicist, you will discover that it isn't possible. This scientist will tell you that there's always what would be called the "trade-off," or what some may call "paying the piper." You can't get something for nothing. There is always something that's going to interfere with free energy, they say. Are they right? YES! But let me tell you what that "something" is: 4D physics! The restriction you find yourself in...the reason it doesn't due to your own dimensional reality. That's the answer.

Now you know the puzzle, and hopefully we've explained it in a way that you understood it. The physicist is right when they tell you that you can't get something for nothing. Now we must tell you about true physics. With all this in mind, will this engine ever work? The answer: YES. This magnetic engine works very well! But not the way you think it might.

In order to broach the next issue, we have to tell you this: The physics that you are so fond of, and that you boast about, has consistency. That is when you find a postulate that proves itself 100 percent of the time in your real 4D world. When this happens, you have the propensity to feel good about it. Then you project whatever that rule is and apply it to the entire universe. Therefore, Newtonian, Einsteinian, and Euclidian physics - the rules that seem to govern everything at all level - are absolute to you. As you discover them in your reality, you set them in cement for all realities. Well, that's not the case! Let me ask you this, scientist: Did you try this physics in all the forms it could exist? Or did you make some assumptions?

In the past we gave you hints. Kryon gave you formulae that indicated that there were missing pieces in basic physics concepts that you still did not understand. You see, physics is variable...and to some this is not good news. What is the largest variable of physics? Size. The ratio of attributes between mass, magnetics, and gravity changes with size.

We're going to define this variable and call it "the quantum membrane." It's a membrane of attributes. It's one that you pass through at a certain quantum level, where physics changes. Now, these things have been seen, but up to this point those who have observed them have seen them as quaint. Some have argued about this and asked, could this membrane of attributes exist? Yes, it does. When you pass through this level, many odd, unusual things take place - things that might actually clear the way to free energy. Let me be more specific. It is actually a membrane of dimensionality - what you might call moving from four to five. Of course this is wrong to say, because when you move out of four dimensions, there is no more linearity, since your time changed. Without linearity you cannot count anymore, can you? [Laughter] So "five" really becomes an impossibility. So just say that you are "moving out of your dimension."

Listen. I'm going to give you information that your physicists will validate shortly. Let me ask you this: According to your physics, can two things exist in the same place at the same time? And you may say, positively no. That is impossible. Then let me change the question. What if the two things were really the same thing twice? You might say, "Well, we've never heard that." Indeed! It is what happens when matter passes through the quantum membrane! The same particle exists in two-dimensional attributes simultaneously.


Listen, my partner [Kryon speaking to Lee], this is important. It's important that you get this right. It's the first exposure that has ever taken place of this, and Metatron and Kryon want to give it to you in a way that the readers will understand.

When matter passes through the membrane, there is an instant, infinitesimal portion of time where the matter actually contains both polarities, positive and negative. It actually seems as though the parts are in the same place at the same time. This is almost what you might call an anti-matter exchange. Through the membrane, there is a momentary, infinitesimal, unbalancing of what we have called The Cosmic Lattice. And in that moment, there is energy created, seemingly from nothing. But it's not from nothing, but from everything! The Cosmic Lattice represents all energy of the universe in a balanced, zero "null" state, waiting to be tapped. We have described this before. What is the secret of tapping it?

The secret of free energy lies in becoming small...very small. The secret of free energy is very small magnetics going through the membrane - that is, an interdimensional force is at work. It is the quantum leap - the thing that seems to bridge the unbridgeable, where particles can go from one place to another and yet seem never to have traversed the path between them. What if the particles never actually "traveled" at all? What if they bounced to another dimension, since they were forced to due to a situation where they occupied the same space at the same time?

The secret of free energy is very, very small machines...lots of them working together. If you can make the machines small enough and you can align them to a common purpose [common push], you could take advantage of what I have just given you. When you deal with magnetics at a molecular level, you're going to discover that it acts differently. Free energy is obtainable today through large arrays of very small engines. Think small...very small. Free energy is not only possible, it's there waiting. It's not free, either. It's not the creation of energy out of nothing. Instead, it is tapping the lattice where mountains of energy are available.

Here is something else you will discover, and something very fun for the mathematician: The large array of molecular engines will total a force that is beyond the sum of the parts! This alone should be the clue that there is unseen "hidden" energy at work.

The final new hint in this scenario of free energy advice that we will give you is this: Since it's going to take very small magnetics to do this, you may need some very small polarities to move around to accomplish this. How? Don't forget that you can magnetize certain gas.
Metatron and Kryon also want to give you this information about matter/anti-matter. There are those in physics who believe that the universe must contain the antithesis of itself, next to itself. That is to say that anti-matter and positive matter must exist somehow together for the balance to be there, which the math of physics demands. Yet the interesting thing is that although positive matter is all around you [the kind you are used to seeing], its counterpart [anti-matter] is elusive. Therefore, the question might be asked by the physicist: "Where is anti-matter? Is there as much of it as there is positive matter?" And the answer is yes.

Where is anti-matter? It's resting on the "attribute quantum membrane." It's also in a slightly different time frame. When you start to understand the ability within physics to change time-frame reality, all of the anti-matter will present itself. And the reason is this: It has to be there for balance! And there's a joke here, a very big cosmic joke. This phenomenon of anti-matter resting in a slightly different time frame is what is responsible for what you have mistakenly identified as the big bang.

Listen, scientist, and suspend your 4D bias for a moment. Matter showed up everywhere, all at once. There was no explosion. The membrane changed, and the universe was created. Oh, not the one that you see today, but a beginning universe. And the residual of that membrane shift is everywhere you look, and you'll never find a pinpoint source for any bang. You'll never find a center for any bang. That is because all reality became reality all at once. When you find these things to be true, you'll also find the secret of instant communication over long distances...through interdimensional attributes that suspend all the rules of time and location.

Metatron is leaving. Oh, he'll be back...there is so much honor in this!

We close with this. How many are afraid of this change? Are you afraid that a lightening of duality will create the loss of friends and family? Perhaps you say, "I'll be talking metaphysics, and they won't. Kryon, I don't want that, because I'm in love with my mate, and I appreciate my friends. I don't want to be an outcast, I don't want be a loner, I don't want to be ostracized. Is this what a changing grid is going to do to me?"

Oh, dear one, I don't think you've really thought this through. What happens when you take the mantle of the master...the master inside? What happens when you take the mantle of love? What happens when you take ascension status and you become wiser? What happens when you become more peaceful? What happens when you smile too much? I'll tell you: It is the opposite of what you're afraid of. People want to be with you because you've changed. You change into something that people admire and are attracted to. They see that somehow you have "put it together" and they haven't, and they want to be with you. It makes people fall in love with you again. It creates bonds that are permanent. It is the opposite of what you fear. Change? Yes. Did you ever think about that? Did you ever wonder why the masters who walked the earth were so peaceful? Claim this masterhood and watch those you love and admire become even closer!

And so the entourage that came in here willingly, wishing to hold your hand and be part of your experience, departs. But not with sadness. With joy! Because there are some here this very night who have made decisions to "turn on the light."

And so it is.



Co-creation Explained
"Singing in the Choir"
Toronto, Ontario, Canada – September 21, 2002

[This Kryon live channelling was given in the beautiful city of Toronto Canada. It has been added-to and enhanced by Kryon in a rechannelling process over the actual transcribed channelling. This has been done in order to make it more valuable for the written word and to bring clarity to concepts that were given energetically within the live channelling.]


Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. 

This is a sacred place, a safe place, a sweet place. For a few moments, it's a place that suspends reality for even the busiest of you. It's a joy to say this as the entourage wishing to take you to safety pours into this place. Oh, that seems like only words, doesn't it? There will be those in the room who would say, "It's impossible. Spirit doesn't speak to humanity in this fashion. There should be thunder and lightning, physical profundity of a magnitude that's enormous. Clouds have to part; seas must roll." If you believe that, then you're denying the fact that there's a core inside you that knows everything I know . . . a core that is a part of the family of God.

It's a safe spot here . . . right now. And when we say "safe for even the busiest of you," we mean this. We invite you to take all the things right now that would interfere with a heartfelt message, and in all safety, put them away for 20 or 30 minutes. Put them away in a place that's so safe that you may even wonder later if you want to get them out again! This is the invitation right now. Reader, why are your eyes on this page? Are you serious? Then put yourself in a place of neutrality - one where communication is possible without the mind wandering to the worries of the day.

For those who would doubt that such a thing is possible - speaking to the other side of the veil - we say this to you: Do not listen to or read the words as you normally do. Instead, perhaps it's time to feel the entourage that brushes against you, which takes a seat behind you. Some of you know that this is happening here. If you do, then celebrate it right now . . . in safety.

The humanity that sits in front of me now is one that begins to understand a new reality. They're enabled to know and learn - to have wisdom. And they're enabled to become interdimensional. What a concept! It requires that a four-dimensional creature goes beyond the four and completely out of linearity. The invitation has always been open - one that asked you to understand the things that can't be understood - to grasp the ungraspable, and to conceptualize that which can't be conceived. It's going into a dimensionality that's not yours or the one you were born with. Instead, it's the one that you're beginning to absorb, the one that you've been given permission for, and the one that you're learning about this year.

Do you know what happens to beings who move into new dimensionalities? They attract attention! Has anyone told you lately that you "can't" do what you're obviously doing? Has anyone told you that if you really are doing it, then you must be evil or demented? These are the ones who cannot see anything but the old reality, old prophecies, and they make their judgments from a limited view . . . an old book that they continue to read. Let's sit a moment while the entourage takes its place. Let's celebrate the love of God.


Dear one, could it be that there's more to your reality than you can see? Just for a moment, suspend your disbelief. It won't hurt you, since you can always come back. Could it be that the words you hear and read are directly from Spirit - a family member Whom you know well when you're not here? Could it be? What is it that keeps you from knowing? Is it the fact that a Human Being is delivering the message? If so, then let me remind you: Humans always did! Human beings have been used since time began to deliver the most divine of messages. It is the way of it, you know. The most profound scripture in every culture of the planet was given by Humans . . . ones who perhaps had seen something interdimensionally. Each time an angel from the other side of the veil would appear before men and women, they would have a brief message. It wouldn't last long. and the angels wouldn't stay. They would tell you not to be afraid, for their very visit broached Human reality . . . yet almost every religion on the planet was based on this premise. They would endeavor to place you in a safe spot, just for a moment, so that you'd have understanding, not fear. They even asked you to "fear not."

So perhaps this is broaching your reality? Perhaps it's time for you to feel what's happening here in order to validate this for your whole body? Did you know that you have an entourage of your own? We're going to discuss that today. It's a group who's sitting next to you, before you, around you, and above you. Some of you will feel it as it presses upon you in different ways, as if to say, "We're here, you know?" You think you're sitting in some chair, someplace in some meeting room somewhere? You think you've decided to read an article? How many of you are aware of the appointment you made, through intent, to sit here all day long [speaking to the seminar attendees]? You gave intent to be touched by the music, by the meditation, and by the humor. You walked in with others whom you pretended not to know when you sat in your chair by appointment. It is not frivolous, you know . . . this synchronicity. It's not accidental that you're hearing and reading this. It's more than synchronistic that you sit before us. When you made the appointment, you made an alignment. It was an energy alignment - a triad alignment to sit there and create something.

The last time that the Kryon came before Humans and gave a message, we spoke of a triad creation. We spoke about some of the puzzles that are before you, and mentioned that when you solve them, it creates a third-dimensional energy that forms a triad in the Cosmic Lattice. We're not here to teach that again, but we must review it, because what we're going to teach today is about Human creation and co-creation. You have to remember the concept that sometimes when two things come together, a third is created. Seemingly out of nothing, Human endeavor actually creates solution energy. We must also review two other concepts that we've spoken of before, but which you must understand in order to continue. So let the teaching begin

Dear Human, as you sit there in your chair, convinced that you're singular, you really are not. Way beyond what you wish to accept, there's an interdimensional physical fact. A known fact. How many of you are aware that the Kryon is a group? Yet you hear one Human voice while he channels. You might ask, "Well, then, who is everyone in this group today?" [Laughter] And if you do, you'd be asking a good question! For the "group that is Kryon" indeed alters itself. It postures itself in response to the humanity that sits in front of it. The Kryon is a group - always has been. That's why in your English language, we often say, "the Kryon." We would not do that unless it denoted a group. We are plural, yet you consider yourselves singular . . . one Human Being.

You see yourselves as one Human Being born into the world, and that's all you ever see from then on. When you look in the mirror, there seems to be only one of you. What a cosmic joke that is! You should see what's around you! Oh, this is not new information. We've told you time after time about the personal entourage "with your name on it," that's always around you. It's a recurring Kryon theme. We've told you that if you choose to ignore them all your life, there will be no judgment from them or God. We also told you that they'll never tap you on the shoulder - never interfere. It's like carrying a toolbox around that you never use. It's your own free choice to do as you wish. But let me tell you: I sit before an entire room of awakened Human beings who are starting to understand that they're a group. They're starting to understand that although the Humans may look singular, there's real activity that goes beyond singularity. It's "you and you."

We've even described how many "you's" there are, and what they/you all do. It has to be this way, you know, for this metaphysical puzzle to work. You cannot be singular, walking around in four dimensions co-creating, and not have interdimensional help from a very personal source. How does God work, if not in this way? Did you ever consider it? This spiritual part of yourself is what has always been known as "the Higher-Self." So consider this: the Higher-Self, and the Human self together, are not singular, are they? The Higher-Self is the name for a group! That's two . . . so how about stretching your concepts a bit and consider that there could be more? Do you see your Higher-Self in the mirror in the morning? Most of you don't. Could the group be bigger?

Let's talk about that group. That particular group interfaces. It interfaces with energy that's all through the veil. It's plural. There are many of you with you. The person next to you has the same attributes as you do. Two of you in a room who believe that there are only two in a room have no concept of the interchange of energies that goes on. Oh, perhaps you do if there is a conflict between you, or challenges or love! Some of you are very aware of the other energies that are created sometimes in these situations. You have even described the energy as being thick, saying that you could "cut it"! What do you really think that is? What is the energy when you say "I love you" to an entourage with your name, that's never heard that from you before? Have you ever heard of being able to "love yourself"? Perhaps now you understand that it's not ego-driven, but rather it's about loving the parts that make up your reality, and by that act, creating energy that feeds you.

How can a Human Being co-create reality . . . by changing the one you live in? There are so many things that you say you need to do in order to walk a spiritual life. You sit before God and you ask for this and that. Yet the information you've received from Spirit for years has asked, "Why don't you co-create it?"

The definition of co-creation: That creation of altering Human reality using the core of Spirit that dwells within - creating situations and synchronicities that allow Humans into areas that they would never have been in otherwise. Some pray to God: "Dear Spirit, I wish to co-create in my life, something that I've had visions of before. I've had dreams that show me doing this and that. I wish to co-create it. Dear Spirit, I don't belong in my current job. Oh, I'll stay here as long as I'm supposed to, but I know I don't belong there. I wish to co-create another way of making a living - something that helps people, perhaps." You think we haven't heard this? "Dear Spirit, my financial situation isn't commensurate with my magnificence!" You think we haven't heard that? And you think we're not listening, don't you? The struggles may continue as the months go by . . . so you continue to ask the same things over and over. 

The changes to the grid of Earth are coming to a close. Many of you are aware of the feeling of "chasing a moving target," spiritually, and are finding it almost impossible to do. You try to co-create abundance in your life, only to find things changing daily that seem to thwart your efforts. The grid is about to stabilize, spiritually. We've given you information that the stabilization shift will have a residue of change that will last through March of 2003. We've even told you that it would be wise not to start anything new for a while unless you want an uphill climb. Then we've told you this, that the promised energy that you've created for yourself will stick upon you and will start to make sense. Co-creation will begin to be more effective if you understand how to do it.

Some have said, "Dear Spirit, you've told me that I'm an unique individual, known by God. Is this really so?" 

It is.

"Dear Spirit, you've told me that I can do anything. I have a vision for myself. I have a stewardship of my life like no other. Is it appropriate that I should follow this seemingly God-given vision?"

Indeed, it is.

"Then do I really have the ability to co-create for myself these things that I believe are appropriate and true?"

Yes, you do.

"Then I wish to get to it!"

And so it shall be. 

In order for us to explain what we need to, we must tell you about the orchestra. We have to give you a word that we're going to be using more and more of. We brought you the concept years ago of The Cosmic Lattice. I want you to take a look at the lattice for a moment. Gaze into that vast area of strings connected to strings. The Lattice is profound in its shape. Energy is connected to energy - everyone to everyone - everything to everything - every planet to every planet - every solar body to every solar body. It's a giant puzzle that moves with purpose, but which always changes. And if you look at the Lattice as a giant musical stringed instrument - a lute of Spirit - you will see that the strings can be plucked many ways. When they're plucked, they make harmonious spiritual music, and that harmony creates overtones that resonate and create still other strings. Those new strings are called . . . job, abundance, solution, and peaceful purpose.

If you understand this metaphor, you might ask, "Which string shall I pluck? Which is mine? For I wish to find my energy and create a uniqueness so I'll have the abundance, so I'll have the job, so I'll have my life's purpose complete. I wish to move forward. Which string should I pluck?"

So what you might do is look for the string with your name on it. Doesn't that make sense? If you're unique in the universe, certainly it's there, correct? Perhaps not. I'm going to give you some information that you might be missing: Don't look for your personal string. What if you looked, found it, and plucked it? What good would a one-stringed instrument be when you know that energy is created by one string resounding against the other? No. Instead you should be looking at all the strings and saying, "They're playing a tune. What tune is it? What note can I pluck or sing where I will create resonance with the tune that's being played? If I can find that, then all will vibrate and resound in harmony . . . and the energy of co-creation will be accomplished. If I can vibrate with them, I will have my own unique co-creation." 

This is a difficult concept. It's the concept of spiritual resonance. Co-creation is spiritual resonance. The definition of spiritual resonance is this: Spiritual resonance is an energy which, when harmonized with, will amplify and create another unique energy that vibrates in synchronization with the original energy, but which has its own uniqueness. In music, these new energies are often called "overtones." You get them by beating one frequency against another. Sometimes the newly created tones are strong. Their addition increases the amplitude of the whole. But sometimes they actually reduce the whole, diminishing the entire thing. The metaphor is a good one, but metaphors and analogies only go so far. However, even in music you realize that not all the strings or notes in the scale are alike. When the tune is unique, so must your ability to decipher which note to pluck or sing in order to resonate, or not. Note that we haven't asked you to match the energy . . . but to harmonize with it. There's a big difference.

You can't just jump on the lute and play any note! You must discern and search for the string that will harmonize and resonate. Don't worry . . . we know that many of you aren't musical. However all of you have the spiritual tools to sing in the "Lattice Choir." It's intuitive and beautiful. This tool is what we wish to speak of today.

In order to explain this information in a more profound way, we will bring you a parable. We're going to present this parable so that you might see this new concept in a practical way. This parable has been presented once before to a group of Humans in a small room, a room that belonged to no country, a room that was not on land [speaking of the Kryon cruise].

I'm going to give you another parable of Wo. For almost 12 years, we've told you about a creature, a Human, named Wo. We've used Wo to give you spiritual examples, and we've told you that Wo is an average Human Being just like you. But, like you, Wo also has extraordinary power. We've also told you that Wo, although we call him a "he," is not a man. Wo is just like you - genderless. 
"What?" you ask "You're not genderless." I wish you could understand that the real you is a magnificent creature of God, shaped in the image of light energy, and not biologically biased. But you don't understand that, for there's tremendous polarization when you're a Human Being. You're either one or the other, you know. Biologically, you're one or the other. And although you may feel very happy with the gender you are at the moment, pieces and parts of you are both. Wo is not a man. Wo is a "wo-man." And so Wo is both genders. But because of the language limitations in your culture, we will call Wo a "he." 

The Parable of Wo and the Magic Glasses

Wo is just like you. He's a spiritual being, and he feels the new energy. Wo is walking the earth at a challenging time, watching things develop in front of him that had never been prophesied, just like you. Waking up at three in the morning with questions in his soul, Wo hears that small, still voice within asking, "Is there something I should worry about?" See . . . he's just like you. He's part of a new earth that changed directions - one that's on a virgin track or reality that's never been traveled before. Just like you. 

Let me tell you specifically about Wo's life. If you could ask Wo about his life, he would say that there are three challenges that he's faced with constantly . . . in this order: (1) Life's purpose. Wo would tell you he knows he's a healer. He has wisdom, and he knows he can teach. Perhaps he's not a healer in the classic sense, but perhaps a healer through wisdom and teaching. He has wise and good things to offer if only people would listen. (2) Wo also feels that his abundance is lacking. He wishes to create a situation where he has that storehouse that Kryon has talked about. He wants to see that storehouse, and he wants to claim it and use it. (3) Third, Wo would tell you that there's something going on where he works. They don't know who he is. He comes and goes, and it just seems like he walks through life with people he would never have chosen to be with. They don't know him. They don't know that Wo is a leader. He's actually good management material, but oddly enough, they never ask him for help. They don't pay any attention to him. He's never noticed or promoted. He just "is." He comes and goes every day. Nothing ever changes.

Now, this is a metaphor. These metaphors or allegories we present are "things that mean other things." They consist of a message within a story, or a story within a story. The deeper you look, the more you'll see. Many of the things are given in a subtle way today, but they'll seem more dramatic later. They will only reveal themselves to those who look harder and study this parable. There are layers of truth here, not all of them obvious.

Wo had something happen to him. He sat before Spirit as he normally did and said this: "Dear God, show me what it is I need to know. I don't know where to begin. You know about the three areas in my life where I wish to co-create miracles, but I don't know where to begin." In the following days after his meditation, an energy appeared to Wo. It happened during one of those mysterious times when he wasn't really doing much of anything. Actually, he was singing and playing. Suddenly, an angel appeared to Wo and said, "Wo, fear not! I'm here because you asked me to be." And Wo was overjoyed. He spoke to the angel and said, "Oh, I think I know what you're here for. You know about the three areas of my life that I'm having trouble with. I need your help. I would like to co-create my way through these. I want it to be appropriate, and I want it to be correct. I wish it to honor my spirituality and my uniqueness in the universe. I'm ready!" Wo's heart was in the right place, and he really was ready. 

The angel replied, "Yes, that's why I'm here. Wo, I have a tool for you here. It's a new tool of co-creation. I have a hammer, a chisel, and there's even a saw. And you're going to be able to hammer, chisel, and saw-out the pieces that you need to fit in the puzzle of life. It will co-create the things that you need to fulfill your vision."

"These are my new gifts!" he exclaimed. "Three of them. I am so thankful. Thank you, angel."

And the angel said, "That's not all, Wo. I'm going to be back later - after you have fashioned your pieces - with one more gift."

"I'll look forward to that." Wo said, and the angel vanished.

Can you imagine the euphoria of actually having that kind of an answer during a challenging time? He was excited! Wo began the process of creating the pieces of the puzzle he needed. He was going to create three pieces. Each piece would be fashioned uniquely, for he was a unique creature of the universe, fitting into a complex interdimensional puzzle. He would need to have a unique feeling of what he would do. So Wo sat down and stated: "The first piece I wish to fashion is that of my life's purpose - what I see myself as - a healer, a teacher. It's going to be a beautiful piece. Here's how I see it: It's going to be square here, round here . . . it's going to have some protrusions right here. It will be beautiful. There will be symmetry, and it's going to be a lovely piece of the puzzle. God will be pleased!" And he began.

And so Wo carved and he chiseled, and when he was done, it was indeed beautiful. Wo knew that it was a spiritual piece that belonged just to him. He had used his wisdom and his imagination and all the things he felt were unique to him. He carefully sanded the piece, and then he oiled it so that it would shine and be unique so that others would notice it. Then he did something he knew he had to do. He put a rope on the piece and hung it around his neck. It was a statement that said, "I am Wo, the teacher. I am Wo, the wise. This is my co-created piece. It is done in all appropriateness and love. It is who I am."

Wo sent out flyers, knowing full-well that the energy of everything he was doing regarding his talents for wise teaching and healing would pay off because he was wearing his piece. Wo waited and waited . . . and nothing happened. Nobody came. There was no change. Wo thought to himself, Well, maybe I'm doing something wrong. I'll just wait. Maybe the grid has to change a little more. Maybe the energy is not right for me and the unique piece I have. I'll work on the second one. Perhaps two are needed for one to work?

So Wo began his abundance piece. "Well, now, what does that piece of abundance look like?" Wo asked himself. "I know what I need, and I know where the storehouse is, so I'll just put this here and that there. I know it will interrelate to the first piece. Yes, that's it! The pieces must fit together with themselves." He thought he had it. "I will make all three pieces fit with all the others in order to have a trilogy of pieces, creating energy for the things I'm trying to co-create."

Wo went to work on the second piece. Oh, it fit great with the first piece! It was his abundance piece. It was beautiful and unique. It took him a long time, but when finished, he sanded it, took off the rough edges, oiled it, and wore both pieces around his neck. It was getting a little heavier now. And it made a statement that said, "I am Wo the wise, I'm a teacher. And by the way, I'm also abundant. Take a look." Well, the money didn't come in. Wo had to go to the bank and borrow again like he'd done many times . . . with his hat in his hand . . . and his spiritual pieces hanging there. Wo felt insulted.

Wo had an idea: "If I'm a healer, then that will bring the abundance. I'll never have to go to work again." He saw the trilogy completed, and he set out to make a third piece that when completed, would activate the other two. Wo knew it would work. "The three together will be unique. It's going to represent my co-creative energy in the Universe." And he made the third piece. Oh, it was gorgeous! It fit wonderfully into the first two. He had to make the rope bigger, however, since it was a bit heavy. He finished it and sanded it. He took the rough edges off and oiled it up. It shone in the light and was gorgeous.

So there he was for the entire universe to see. Behold Wo, the co-creative. Wo, the wise, abundant teacher . . . and management material as well. Wo went to work that way. He knew everybody would see it. And they did. They fired him. It seems like a little bit of Wo goes a long way. [Laughter]

What did I do wrong? Wo wondered. He had followed the instructions of Spirit. He had the tools - divine tools, creating a divine part of who he was. They all fit, too. In three areas of his life where he was challenged, where he wanted changes, he tried to bring it about with appropriateness and love. It didn't hurt anybody. He didn't step on anybody. He loved everyone. Yet here he was, worse off than he had been before!

Wo spoke to Spirit in a meditative moment. "Dear angel, I think I need you again. Dear Spirit, tell me what it is I need to know." And the angel appeared!

"Well, Wo," the angel remarked, "I couldn't help but notice that you've used the tools. My, those are beautiful pieces! However, I think what I have now is going to help you even more. Wo, I'm going to give you a set of interdimensional Lattice glasses. They will work only briefly, and when you put them on, you're going to be able to see yourself and the lattice together. It's the first time that we've offered this to Humanity. I'm going to give you the gift of using the glasses four times." 

Wo was so pleased to have this help. He took the glasses, thanked the angel, and said, "I challenge the glasses to show me my piece in the Lattice regarding my life's purpose." I wish to know what I did wrong. I wish to know if the piece was shaped incorrectly. Should it now be larger? Smaller? I wish to see all." So Wo created ceremony within the experience, and he put on the glasses. 

Life's Purpose

Wo was instantly transported to a magnificent place in the universe, a Lattice that sang to him - the most glorious music he'd ever heard! There, he saw pieces of the whole puzzle. He saw the strings of the Lattice. He saw and heard the orchestra and the choir. He recognized the resonance of what was missing . . . the missing piece of the tune he was experiencing. He heard and saw a hole in the Lattice music that indicated, "Wo goes here." Then the vision disappeared.

Wo had quickly memorized the energy shape of the new resonance piece. It didn't look anything like the one he had put together by himself. Instead, it was a piece that resonated with the rest of the energy around him. That was the key, he now realized. He had to take his place within a "whole reality." He had to play an instrument next to the other one who played an instrument. Together, the resonance, one with another, created still another energy . . . a larger one. Together they made what Wo would call his new reality. The secret? His piece didn't have to match Wo at all. It had to match what the others were doing, and theirs had to match his!

Wo went to work. He shaped the missing piece exactly as he had seen it in the vision. It resonated, and sang the note that the others wanted to hear - the note that was missing in the chord. And he sanded it and took the rough edges off and it was beautiful. Then he hung it around his neck. Suddenly the phone started ringing. "Wo, can we come over? We've got some problems to talk about. We know you're a wise man and we'd like to talk to you about things." And Wo said, "Please come over." Wo began his life's purpose. It began slowly, and there was much to learn, but Wo was helping people. Indeed he had wisdom. He resonated with them and they were able to see his resonance because Wo was singing as part of the choir. The angelic song was complete, and all around him heard the tune at some level.

Oh, dear ones, are you beginning to understand? You can be as individualistic as you wish. You can be as unique as you actually are. But I will tell you that in your uniqueness, you must sing the resonant note. You have to understand the group around you! You are someone else's co-creation! Do you understand? The choir sings together. It resonates together, and it harmonizes together. What you're asking for is a piece and a part of what somebody else is asking for. Together, you make a complete energy, even though you can't see the whole puzzle. You wish to launch out on your own and leave the others behind? You better reconsider what you're doing, for frustration is the result, and Human drama is often the product. Instead, honor everything around you. See it as part of the puzzle, and listen. Be still, and hear the celestial choir. They sing in the "key of Love."

Life's Abundance

Wo could hardly wait to see the storehouse piece. He again put on the glasses. Wo exclaimed, "This is going to be my interdimensional piece. I always wanted this one. This is really going to be good!" He put the glasses on and again was instantly transported to a special place in the Universe, with beautiful music and resonance. He saw his abundance, and it was astonishing! There it was, the storehouse that God had said was his, and it belonged to everyone. There was the missing piece! Then it vanished. But right before it vanished, Wo saw something really disturbing. Right before the vision left, when he was memorizing the shape, it changed! Oh, dear. How am I supposed to make a new piece when it constantly changes? Wo wondered.

What Wo saw wasn't really a changing shape, but rather a changing melody. The theme was always in motion. Every time it changed its melody, another piece was needed to fill in the harmony. Wo thought to himself that this was just too difficult. Just when I finish one, I'll have to try to figure out what the next one should look like . . . and I won't even have the glasses!

Then the wise Wo, the teacher Wo, the one who had learned to sing the note he needed for the first challenge, finally got the answer. This piece is not going to be a four-dimensional piece. It can't be. It's going to be an interdimensional piece that sings with a changing choir. Wo fashioned it in his own way - a piece that was variable. It could go many ways. It was unique, and he put it with the other one. This time he didn't put it around his neck, either. Instead, he put it on the altar of Wo - the place of honor and respect and of love of self. Then he saw the dynamics of the abundance that he was trying to create, and he laughed at his innocence!

Wo never got his storehouse. Instead, the wise Wo got something better: a sustenance. The actual knowledge, out of worry or concern, that every single day of his life would be taken care of somehow, in some way. The storehouse was so vast that it was the storehouse of the whole orchestra and the entire choir. It was like having a new sacred melody every single day. It was a sustenance that was so profound that Wo stopped worrying about money. Certainly there were times when he didn't seem to have the rent money. In the past, he would worry, pray in a anxious manner, and prostrate himself before God on his knees and make a lot of noise until he felt he had somehow been heard. The difference now was that when the rent was due, he smiled before God and sang with the choir. His thoughts were positive. "I'm going to create this specific amount. Oh, I may not have a large amount in reserve, but I have a storehouse of the orchestra, and my piece will fit when I need it to fit. I will celebrate the feeling of when it arrives, even though I don't have any idea of the exact time of circumstance." And the amount arrived . . . sometimes to the penny.

Listen, dear ones, we know that this process is out of the linearity that you are comfortable with. But the beauty of this? Interdimensionally, it's always there, unique and beautiful. No matter where you are or what situation you're in, the energy you create is the melody of the "now." In the past, you created a structure in your reality. Then you asked for abundance to be given to your structure. Now, let the structure be the choir, and let your needs be met out of the box, so to speak.

Fitting into the Human Culture

Finally, Wo put on the glasses for a third time. He saw and heard the missing piece that he called "his 4D work" and was astonished. It didn't look anything like he thought. As before, he shaped it in a unique way. He sanded and oiled it. It fit and sang beautifully with the choir. He didn't hang it around his neck either. Instead, he put it in his pocket, always available, but not seen by all. Wo received a job that didn't seem to be very important, at least not in the culture of his land. He was disappointed by this until the situation started to change. The "unimportant job" became important because those who saw Wo walking around in the hallway said, "What are you doing here, Wo? We can see that you're wise and worry-free. Perhaps you can do something for this company. It's not an important company, but we need your help. Wo, we think because of your wisdom and attitude that you're management material!" And so he was. And Wo started the process of fitting sweetly into an area of his life that he once hated. One note harmonized with the other, and the choir all sang in a way that made Wo peaceful. He was in a safe spot, kind of like you are right now, as you are being spoken to and loved.

Dear ones, do you just tolerate the job you "have to" go to? Did you ever wonder if there was anything there for you besides a cultural necessity for you to exist? What if someone else's synchronicity was waiting for you? What if they were praying daily for help in their lives, and you had answers? Did you ever think of that? What do you show them there? Do you show them a peaceful, joyful countenance? Do you celebrate an "unimportant" job? Do you emote a peaceful energy? Be aware - things are not always as they seem. Perhaps you are their solution - an angel of synchronicity? Did you ever stop and listen to the choir while you were there?

You might say, well, that's the end of the parable. The message is obvious - that you can be as unique as you wish, but every single Human creature on this earth fits with the other. The ones you least expect have a piece that's next to you, and in all of your uniqueness and in theirs, you resonate together to create a third energy that creates a co-creation for your life. In a four-dimensional aspect, you're doing it alone, but in an interdimensional aspect, you're doing it with everyone else. But we're not quite finished with Wo. There's a loose end.

The Big Picture

The angel had told Wo that he could wear the glasses four times. That was odd, since Wo only had three challenges he'd been praying about. The linear Human might have even thrown the glasses away, thinking that the energy was all used up. But Wo put the glasses on the fourth time. He said to the glasses, "What is here for me to see, that the angel knew I should know?" Wo then put on the glasses. That's when he saw the most profound thing in his life: Wo was given a glimpse of all the pieces together. He saw his pieces - the ones called Wo - the Higher-Self, and the others. He saw all of them.

There was not a trip, taking Wo to parts of the universe. Instead, right where Wo was, all standing side by side, Wo got to briefly see the group that was Wo. He saw something no Human had ever seen clearly. There were five giant blue forms, and we'll talk about those someday. But what Wo saw that tapped his heart was this: Metaphorically or not, making a circle around Wo was a family that Wo knew! His brothers were there, his sisters, his parents, and even his children! Understand for a moment that this Human family had not all passed over. No. Many were alive on the planet. Yet, here was a glimpse of them in an interdimensional way that indicated that they were part of him! What could that mean? 

Listen: Dear ears and eyes of family before me, how can we tell you something out of the realm of understanding? How can we show you what you cannot see? You make arrangements with those around you before you ever arrive here. In this "soup" of Human energy that you call YOU, there are pieces and parts of this family that are also part of you. There is a support group here, and even after they're gone from your 4D experience on Earth, they remain as part of you. This goes way beyond the genetics and the biology and the one layer of DNA that you can see. It's far beyond that. Wo got a glimpse of the group that was Wo. To this day, he doesn't understand it all. How can they be here and also part of Wo? What about his parents? He thought they were gone and by now, perhaps, had reincarnated into some other being on the earth and were working just like Wo. How could they still be with Wo? How could such a thing be?

Can you really be in two or three places at the same time? Yes, you can. You'd better get used to it. It's all part of the unthinkable - the unseeable. Perhaps the you in the mirror is also part of another's energy? If you understand that, then you're well on your way to understanding how you're all part of the orchestra on an interdimensional Lattice . . . yet all are unique pieces of God. The Lattice sings a beautiful tune - a tune of harmony - a tune of love. It's a tune with a message that tells all of you that you're eternal and interconnected.

Be as unique as you wish, but be quiet and listen to the song around you, because that's the musical key you're being asked to sing in. Metaphoric? Oh, yes. But you're going to get even more of that kind of teaching as we instruct four-dimensional creatures how to be in 23D. 
So, whereas you thought you had the gifts of Spirit to make co-creation happen, and whereas you thought you had the unique pieces of the puzzle that would allow you to construct your own path, don't make too much noise as you hammer and chisel away, or you'll miss the key you're supposed to sing in! It's a key that represents the life next to you and the life next to that, and the life next to that. Then, dear Human Being, when enough of you sing in that key, there will no be more war on this planet!

It isn't just for a few, you know? It's an awakening that's taking place everywhere. It's represented in the wisdom of the indigo color, and new Humans [children] who see spatially - the whole puzzle first - before anyone teaches them about the pieces. That's the difference between you and them. It's about a consciousness shift - one that's aware of the orchestra as they walk from here to there, and that's the truth. It's the new key and a new tune for the planet. It's a tune that has a name, a potential, and a great solution. It's a tune we'll call "The New Jerusalem." Peace on the planet. Peace for your children. Hope. 

You're in duality, dear ones, and always will be. There is old energy all around you, and the representatives of it will fight tooth and nail to keep the old prophecies alive. There are those who really do wish for the Armageddon, you know? And what do you do in return? What do you do with those who wish for the doom and gloom - those convinced that you represent a farce? Love them and sing with the choir, for they are in it, too . . . they just don't have the song yet.

And so it is in this moment, normally a time when we would retreat from this place where you sit listening and reading, we will instead say to you that not all of us will go. For some of you really did receive this interdimensional message, and you really need somebody to sing with. So let the song begin, and celebrate the new voices in your choir.
Go in peace on this beautiful planet. 
And so it is.



A New Dispensation
The Caribbean – September 2, 2002

[This Kryon live channelling was given on the Royal Caribbean ship Voyager of the Seas on the way to the Caribbean on the first day of the third annual Kryon cruise. It has been added to and enhanced by Kryon in a rechannelling process over the actual transcribed channelling. This has been done in order to make it more valuable for the written word and to bring clarity to concepts that were given energetically within the live channelling. There were three channellings given over the weeklong event. This is the first time we've presented a cruise channelling. It has a different energy due to the fact that it's given with the audience in motion, traveling over the open sea.]


Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service.

And so it is again that we fill a room - one that is in motion and does not "touch" the earth [speaking of being on the ship on the open sea]. Seemingly, it's not grounded and is in transit. It actually represents the "now" better than any other time we have come to you. The "now" is always in motion in a nonlinear way. It never rests and is always part of the circle of reality - always moving, and creating many things at the same time. Let it not be lost upon you that the entire vessel that you are riding within - this very room - is in motion. And so all of this enhances the message.

Here you are in a specific part of your planet with the intent to enjoy yourselves - to see the beauty of Earth - and at the same time to enrich your spirituality by having Spirit with you 100 percent of the time.

And so the marker is set - one that will be with you for these few days - one that is pasted upon you for a small duration of time during what you call the "Kryon cruise," a journey of the three [speaking of the third Kryon cruise]. It is a catalytic number. The "three" represents a resting energy, waiting for action. It's a number that often sits there with no action, waiting for another energy to manifest with it. We'll speak more about this in a while, for it represents much of our teaching tonight.

Today's catalytic energy may be upon you with your requested permission until the last day of this journey - until the closing message with the last words. During this window of opportunity, which some of you have given permission for, and which some were aware of before you ever arrived in this room, you will create an opening. Let us call it a "moving portal" of intent, one that marries well with the "now," and is responsible for personally lifting the veil.

Each individual is asked to be aware of only themselves. It's a time of pondering, a time of rest, a "time-out" to be with yourself. Some of you need an excuse like this trip to do that! It's time to ask the question, "Who am I, really?" Could it be so that I am actually eternal? Could it be so that I will never die? As I pass from one energy to another in transition - and as I pass to places that I cannot even conceive of while I'm here, but which I call "home," is it possible that I will live forever? Will I continue to go on and on? Is it possible that the essence that is "me" will never die?

Could it be that those who surround me, whom I pretend not to know, even those from other countries [on the ship together], are actually family? Could it be that when I look in their eyes, there is grand familiarity? Could it be that although I pretend that I've never met them, we can celebrate personal victories together? Let me tell you, dear Human, that if you can say yes to these concepts and conceive them as actual, you're far closer to reality than many others. Indeed, it is so. A much larger picture is at hand, and a few days together to ponder what that might mean is yours.

We pour into this place, invited by all of you. It is a unique and special energy today, one that you have invited in here today - to sit next to you - to be with you - to hold your hand. It's an energy that's not in judgment. It's one that knows you personally and celebrates your joy. And whereas in the past this energy would leave at the end of the message, today that won't happen. This energy is being dispensed to you personally, one-by-one, not as a group. The energy is one that asks, "Do we have your permission to join you for a few days? Can we leave this room with you upon dismissal and go up the elevator? May we sit with you during your meals? Will you let us in for just a week? Can we be next to you as you enjoy the beauty that you may see within these days? Will you let us hold your hand as you walk the path this week? May we speak to you in your sleep? Do we have permission to wake you up? May we show ourselves to you in your dreams? May we give you messages about you? If you will allow us to do that, we won't retreat at the end of this message. We're not going anywhere but with you."

It will be only within the final words of this conference at the end of the week that we will consider a retreat to the other side of the veil. Some of us will then wait for your return. And when we see you again, we will speak of this time where you gave permission to be with us in an interdimensional way for a whole week! Call this a personal lifting of the veil. And speaking of that, we must remind you of the new dispensation you've created.

The Dispensation of Revelation
Let's describe what "lifting the veil" actually means: For many of you, "lifting the veil" means the reduction (lessening) of the barrier between humanity and Spirit - in other words, a reduction of the "duality" energy. For eons in your spiritual development, this is what these words have always meant - a closer walk with Spirit. But now there's more than this.

We're going to give you a linear definition of "lifting the veil." It means "turning on the light." And in that illumination, humanity has a choice it didn't have otherwise, since it reveals what has been hiding. Call this a "dispensation of illumination" that is upon you. Individuals may now make choices within their own lives that reflect the revelation of what they now can observe firsthand.

Suppose you were in a darkened room your entire life [a metaphor]. This is your seeming reality, and you go from place to place, mostly in the dark. Much like a sightless individual, let's also say that you've grown accustomed to finding objects in your path that you can't see, and with years of going from here to there, you've learned to dodge or avoid the obstacles fairly well. It has become intuitive over the years. It is normal for you. You go around this or that, somehow knowing that an object is there. Without stumbling over things, your life is better and you're used to where all the pitfalls and bumps are. And of course, within this metaphor of your reality, you're never aware that you're in the dark. Your reality has been this way so long that it's normal - just the way things are.

Suddenly a light becomes available - oh, not a bright one, but one that allows you to see everything in the room dimly. You're amazed by what you see, and your first reaction is to laugh! You say to yourself, "I've been going around the wrong objects! The room isn't laid out at all like I thought! Look! There was always a pathway through this way or that way that I never saw. What a funny person I've become, moving, dodging, going this way and that way, while all along, a pathway existed that was far more direct. What a revelation - the biggest of which is that I now clearly understand that I was not seeing properly. I was in the dark!"

So what do you do with this information? You might think that this is an obvious question. What do you do with your newfound sight? "Well, Kryon," you might say, "only a fool would continue in the same routine as before." Indeed! So you rearrange your life, do you not? You arrange your life to take advantage of the newfound sight that you gained through the light that arrived and illuminated the room of your reality. This process is called revelation. It's an improvement of a life's walk between Humans and Humans.

This is what is happening with the "lifting of the veil" at this time on the planet - something that was actually foretold by your ancients.* Note that this is not something necessarily designed to increase your walk with God, although it will do that as well. Instead, it's about your walk with each other, and about your understanding of the energy of Earth.

Twelve years ago, Kryon began the teachings for you, and we spoke of the revelation. We spoke of the slight lifting of the veil, and how it would be manifested. We told you that this was a major step for humanity, and that it could only happen through a total realignment of many of the elements and attributes of your planet. Twelve years ago, we spoke of this clearly. We told you that the major change in Earth's attributes would be those that support Human consciousness.

We spoke of the "triad of the grid," and the one that we would be working with - the magnetics. And although some have seen the Kryon group as spiritual mechanics, our job has always been to alter the light. Our purpose has always been to stand by to allow for revelation through a grid shift, one that has always been possible, manifested by what the Humans on the planet could do with their own power. And now you sit within this revelation - a dispensation of light. This is not a return to any energy that Earth has ever seen. Instead, it is a new energy, posturing the light to reveal things never before sensed or seen.

With this light, new Human life-colors began developing. It was inevitable, was it not, that this would be so? With a planetary change of this magnitude, the very essence of Human consciousness would have to change. And when any of you hear the word indigo when referring to a Human, it's time to understand what it means. There will come a time when you stop relating it to children. Instead, you will relate it to the new life-color that arrived with the changing of the grid. It refers to the only new life-color that was created by this shift, and represents a change at birth, which Human consciousness takes. It is an enhancement - an evolution in the spacial thought processes of the Human Being. All of this is possible due to the new alignment of the grid, and you're seeing it in your reality through the changing of your own children.
Several years ago, we also mentioned this: That even with these revelations on the planet, not all would see the light. We told you that the reality of one would be very different from the other, and that there would be divisions . . . personal battles fought over spiritual matters. It would be the battle of the old versus the new - a battle fought from those who were entrenched with a reality of ancient information and spiritual research. It was one that said, "God is the same, yesterday, today, and forever. Therefore, you cannot simply move the grid and change God!" What they haven't wished to see is that the changing energy is not God, but Human. Therefore, the change is within the relationship with God. Indeed, Spirit never changes, but the relationship with humanity does, and it does so with your free choice and your intent to know more about what is real and what is not.

Would any Human Being decide to ignore the newly found light in the room? Yes. Even more than that, they would say, "It is not from God. Therefore, I will not see it. It is so powerful that it must be wrong to use it. There is no ancient prophecy that tells of this enhancement; therefore, it should be ignored." And this is their truth, and so it is also honored as one that comes from free choice. But the division begins even between those who call themselves spiritual workers.

Within this new energy, many have also become aware of what we will call "significant exits." There are lots of "ones" and "nines" happening [this is a reference to modern numerology and the meanings of the numbers]. This refers to many beginnings and ending - ones that are not expected, and which create an energy of change. Many are exiting by choice, even during this time that we're together. 

Many are aware that right now the challenges are seeming to grow! This may seem counterintuitive to what we've just told you . . . where you can now see more clearly to avoid obstacles. Here you are, wondering what you've done incorrectly to manifest this! Here you are, confused by a seemingly increased load. Dear Human, this is why we love you so much! The duality is still significant, so you don't understand the overview. With increased light comes increased responsibility and also an increase in your power to deal with it. With this new energy also comes new tools to deal with solutions to the unsolvable . . . a revelation of the puzzles of life.

However, it still looks as though the challenges are personally getting bigger. Many have thrown up their hands in surrender. "It just isn't working!" they say. "There are too many surprises in my life. It doesn't seem like the one I expected, or that Spirit told me I might have. Things that were stable are now failing." Then the Human often falls on their face and prays to God, asking, "What did I do wrong?"

The Way Manifested Energy Is Created
Dear Human, I'm going to give you a postulate - a spiritual physical rule - one we've given before, but one you can never hear enough. It's about the creation of energy: Lightworker, every single time that fear starts to well up within you, and you successfully void it due to the wisdom and knowledge you carry, you have just won a battle. More than that, within the process of voiding this fear, you've created a third energy. Seemingly out of nothingness, you've created what we call a third energy. It's a "third" energy, for it responds to two others. The others are: (1) the energy of your consciousness [Human energy], and (2) the challenge before you [energy of the situation]. When you're able to use the (1) to void or change the (2), counterintuitive to what you might expect, a (3) occurs, which is a "manifested new energy." This is placed at the top of this situational pyramid [interdimensionally]. Call it the "challenge triad." Although the newly created energy is at the top, it is called the "anchoring" energy.

This third energy melds to the grid of the planet and increases the storehouse of something we wish to discuss in a moment. It's the actual creation of energy from the Human Being that affects the physical earth. Before we continue, note this: We didn't have you walk through a horrible experience! Void that thought. Instead, we had you void the fear of the situation with understanding. Within the voiding of the fear is the manifestation of the solution, and the help for the planet . . . a real win-win.

In other words, by looking into the eyes of the tiger with grace, wisdom, and love, it has made the tiger lie down and roll over. Do you understand the difference between an old battle concept of "search and destroy," against a new concept of "search and harmonize"? Who said the enemy had to be eliminated? What if, instead, the enemy gains understanding? Too strange, you say? Against Human nature, you say? What if this new kind of battle has both sides changing? What if, instead of simply destroying what is not wanted and continuing as before, both sides gain something and change? You better get used to this concept, since the new "indigo" consciousness is based on it!
How does this work within a personal battle? Let me explain something that is interactive and interdimensional, but which we will endeavor to give to you in a linear way: Within the above example, did you eliminate fear in your life? No. It will be back, you know. What happened instead is that you faced it, understood the specific energy it had, and let it go. That changed the Human [part one]. Getting out of fear creates cellular change. Did the situation [part two] change? Not by itself it didn't, but yes, it changed. What happened was that the situation changed with the addition of the new manifested energy [part three]. This was created through the Human's new understanding. So indeed both (part 1 - Human) and (part 2 - situation) changed with the creation of (part 3 - manifested energy of solution). The pyramid is complete. The triad is one with completion. Also, look at the triad in numerological terms: When you add the 1+2+3, you get 6. The simple energy of 6 is balance.

Therefore, every single time your challenge is met with the lack of fear and eventual solution, you're adding to the planet's core energy. Where in the planet's life-core? Although it might not make sense to you, it goes to the grid triad, which is above and below. We've spoken before of the complexity here. What it means is that often your challenges are given specifically to you to generate an energy that this planet desperately needs. And who better than those who love Spirit? Who better can generate this energy than those who have signed on for it? But we know that right now this seems confusing.

There has never been a more confusing time for Lightworkers. Can you imagine being in a stable home for 20 or 30 years, perhaps? You're comfortable and have everything figured out. Now we tell you that the house must change. It has to come down. The foundation must be scraped clean. New mortar will not stick to it unless it has integrity. A new house must be rebuilt. It has a metaphoric name, and we've continued to call this new house "The New Jerusalem" - the beginning of a new era, of solution and peace on Earth.

And you wonder why we love you so?

So, dear Human, as you sit there in the chair, we're telling you that the most insignificant problems in your lives, when compared to others, are jewels of discovery. They're invitations to help the planet. They're not given in reaction to something you did wrong, but rather they're given as work . . . something you gave permission for when you said, "I want to come to Earth at the point of transition. I want to be part of the new paradigm change. I want to work and be part of a new dispensation for humanity." And, indeed, here you are.

We've told you before that Lightworkers are different. Their power is tremendous. They are dynamos of light, cloaked in ordinary appearance, walking the earth with purpose and love. They generate energy you cannot see, which many do not even believe in, and which others are afraid of. Such are the makings of the battle at hand.

Resonance - New Information
Here is something else that the new grid system is doing for you . . . and this is new information, given easily during this time, since we're moving [speaking of the ship]. There's no energy around us that's static or that's of the land. There's no root energy here created by a land-based grounding. As we said before, we're all in a unique situation at the moment, one that's clearer due to the motion you're in. 
Let us speak of resonance. This is a key word relating to what is happening vibrationally on the planet. There's a basic resonance to the planet and all life on the planet. This may seem scientific, but it's also spiritual. A very low resonance frequency has surrounded all of humanity, and the ground it walks on, for eons. This resonance is a result of a reaction to other energies around it. [See the definition of resonance below]** The resonance of the life force of planet Earth and all that is around it is used for communication, something that we will discuss at a later time. This very low resonance has always been from seven to nine vibrations per second. This has been a staple of humanity since the beginning of time.

It responds to the "tonality" of the Human brain as well as the geology of the earth. It allows energy symmetry to the plants and animals of the earth as well. It is pervasive, an anchor fundamental for all life, and an important foundation for attributes that you've yet to discover. As we've discussed many times, there are ultra-high frequencies within the "choir" of the cells and other systems, but the fundamental anchor is the key to all of them. Although there are many "frequencies" to be dealt with, we're now speaking of something else - resonances and energies that vibrate with more intensity, and change frequency more, due to what's around them.
Think of it this way: Resonance is about harmony. When something resonates, it's due to another source around it that has a similar but more powerful harmonious frequency or set of frequencies.

So what we're telling you now is that part of what the new grid alignment is doing is to reset the resonance of planet Earth. The new fundamentals will be based around the number 11 and beyond. We cannot tell you where this will end, since it's modified by the Humans who will decide this as they solve the planet's many problems. This also means that the harmonics will change, too, and that even biology, and the "choir of instructions," will also change.

When Human cellular structure begins to resonate with frequencies that it was not born with, with energies that shake it in a new way, it reacts! This can create anxiety, being uncomfortable, and yes . . . waking up at 3 a.m. every night. You lie there saying, "Is everything okay? This somehow feels different." That's because it is!

We've spoken so little of the new DNA - one that is responding to the new resonances of the planet - but there will come a time when we will. There's so much hiding beyond the 4D that you're used to. Much is only sensed that is actually part of the DNA engine. There's a creative engine inside you that's a storehouse of information about you, your past, your present, and your potentials. It's all in the DNA. 

We've said in the past that there are six pairs of DNA - twelve layers. You are aware of only one pair, the 4D pair that you can see. We will call this pair "the root set." All DNA information starts there. It is the base, since it's within your main reality. There's no hierarchy of DNA layer importance. This root set is, therefore, not number one. Out of linearity, you must think differently, and the root set is in the middle of the circle of DNA. It's difficult for us to tell you about the interactions to the root set from the other layers. There are no "strands." Instead, there are layers. Think of the unseen interdimensional ones as lying on the ones you can see. If it makes you feel better to count them, you may. But we remind you that once you pass four-dimensionality, time is no longer linear. Therefore, there is no such thing as a fifth dimension either, but it makes you feel better to say it is. [Kryon says it has to be four plus one.] We've discussed this before. Therefore, we tell you that the other layers don't have numbers, but rather, they have names and energies, all in the circle of the 12.

There are 30 specific interactions between the other pairs of DNA and the root pair. Someday we'll tell you what they are, and also what is specifically on those other pairs. But for now, let me give you a hint: Have any of you wondered where you're really from? If you're eternal, where is home? If you're eternal, where were you before you came here? The earth didn't have that many people until recently, so where did you arrive from? Did you ever wonder about the process when you were metaphorically tapped on the shoulder and asked, "Want to go to Earth?" What were you doing? Where were you? In the spectrum of the interdimensional existence of Spirit, where were you working when you got the call? Were you on another planet, another dimension, another time frame? What was your name? What was your purpose? Do you think you just floated around as some angelic form in a circle of eternal blissful infinity, then suddenly arrived on Earth for a while? Could it be that the plan of the Universe is far more complex than that? Could it be that you're called to come and go often as a spiritual being who works within a family called God?

Well, there's a blueprint within the unseen layers of DNA that tells that very story! It also affects who you are right now, and what you expect to accomplish from your brief stay here. How many times have you been on Earth? Who were you and what did you do? How does this affect you now? There are layers of DNA that contain your complete history here, too. What energies were developed? How do they apply to what brings you to this room now (or this page)? It's all in the blueprint of the layers of DNA you can't see.

Today the teacher Barbra [Barbra Dillenger] indicated that in an interdimensional reality, all things happen at the same time. This also brings up our response that if you consider this out of your linearity, this means that all your "past" lives are happening right now! We've told you this before, but perhaps you never considered what that might mean to how you are feeling in a new energy while the "lights are being turned on." Anxious? Waiting for the other shoe to drop? Fearful? Perhaps all those lives that you thought were "past lives" are starting to become more present? If so, then we congratulate you and give you the energy to match this new awareness so that you may celebrate it instead of fear it. You see, the root set knows it is in 4D. That's why it's in the middle of the circle. Everything else modifies, or modulates . . . yes, even resonates, the root set.

We told you recently that no matter what your 4D genetic setup is, the predisposition you think is there can be changed. This is profound information. It means that you have the ability to change your own genetics! We told you that the most powerful force on Earth is the consciousness of the Human Being, and now you know what we mean. Can your thoughts change your biology? Yes, yes, and yes. It has always been this way. Like a cocoon, the interdimensional layers of DNA wrap themselves around the root set and wait for a resonance of intent and compassion and love . . . all of which are the catalysts of Human change.

The root pair is actually just an engine. Think of the root pair as a dynamic biological engine that comes with a set of instructions that it follows biologically from birth, until other instructions give it new direction. Think of it as the ship blindly plowing through the waves without knowing anything about where it's going. But it knows how to drive the body through life. It knows how to speed up and slow down and how to sustain itself, repair itself, and exist. But the captain of the root set is the interdimensional set around it. The other layers modify the root set and tell it to change direction, steering it to safe harbors. However, these other layers have not always been actively accessible to a 4D perception . . . not until the light came on.

This interdimensional set of DNA layers, therefore, is the one that's awakening now. This is what is meant by "activating your DNA." It's a statement that tells you that the reposturing of the grid, and the other adjustments being accomplished, are speaking directly to the interdimensional parts of the Human DNA. This is the change that's going to make the difference between the Human Being of another dispensation and the ones who are here today - and those who sit here and read about this bridge between the old and the new paradigms.

We promised to speak of numerology, one of the oldest sciences on the planet. We'll make this brief. Even the most complex numerology tends to center around the numbers in your linearity, which you can see in 4D. You tend to work with the ones (1's) through the nines (9's) and the systems around them. It's time to include the three "numbers" you cannot see. Just like the DNA, there are others that modify or resonate to the ones you can see.

Now, it may seem very strange to tell you that there are three more numbers in your system that don't have numerical value, but that's the way of it. For clarity, it's no different from asking someone, "Which number is the color blue?" You would be met with a curious response that says, "What do you mean? Colors don't have an order. They're just colors. Instead, they have names." This is so, yet they have energy, and they combine, and they are part of a system. So think of the new numbers this way. We wish to expose the three interdimensional numbers that modify the ones you currently use.

There are three more that exist past the nine, and they're not zeros. Each has a symbol [sacred geometry] and a name. If you really want to accelerate your understanding, you should be including them with the other nine. They modify the first nine, so they change the energy of the system. 

Let me give you an example. If you see the number one (1), you might associate it with "new beginnings" [the most simple interpretation]. It would simply lie there and say, "I represent new beginnings, a starting point." However, now if you take one of the three that are beyond the nine and place it next to the number one, it modifies the one into something else.

In order to clarify further, I will tell you what the other three non-numbers are in their simplest form: In linearity, they represent the energy of past, present, and future. These will be the names we give them for now, but they are in no order. Therefore, they're conceptual numbers, not absolute numbers. The first nine are valued numbers [with absolute linear value]. The next three are conceptual, which have no value, but which modify the others. 

These interdimensional three have no energy of their own. They must have the other numbers to function. This also makes them catalytic. It also places them in a circle with the others instead of a line or a column. Some will understand this, and some will not. If you had the numbers one to nine in a column-going down a page that you were looking at, think of the other three as hovering above the column. This is the best we can do to explain something that's out of your normal 4D conception.

So, back to our example. What would happen to the interpretation of the number one, if the interdimensional number of "past" were next to it? The answer? It gives you extra personal information about the energy of the number. It greatly enhances the overview. In this case, it tells you that there's a new beginning energy around your past. What could that mean? Isn't that dichotomous? It doesn't make sense to many of you. What it might mean is that the energy of your past, which modifies your present, is realigning. "What?" you ask. "How does my past affect my present?" This isn't complex, dear one. What do you carry around that makes you angry? What happened in your past that gives you sorrow or grief? A number one in a reading, combined with this new modifier, would tell the numerological reader that there are new beginning energies around those things that have tempered your feelings and your reactions for years and years. Do you understand this?

What if the "present" modifier number occurred with the number one? It would indicate that there was a new beginning energy hovering around you that would tend to present itself in the 4D linear time of right now! It would indicate a "real time" change and help you understand an action you might take to modify your life this very day!

The "future" energy number placed with the number one would indicate a new beginning that was a potential - not now, not in the past, but a potential that you were seeing - one that might help you to plan - one that might alter your thinking about what to do next. Do you see how these new conceptual numbers might interact with your existing systems? It creates, however, much complexity. It adds three layers above the ones that are known.

Finally, to add to an already interesting complexity, what would happen if more than one conceptual number occurred with the number one? What would it mean to have present and future next to the number one? It's going to create a puzzle - a new system - which we will call "interdimensional numerology." It's a brand-new tool. Of course the question is, "Who can see those new conceptual numbers?" The answer? "All of you, if you wish to." It's part of the new light. It's part of "seeing in the dark." It's all part of what is being given to you that will rewrite the spiritual textbooks and all the ancient writings that were so very valuable to you before the lights were turned on.

So what does this have to do with you as you sit here on this ship, or read this information? It is thus: Every single Human Being who is reading or hearing this knows all of it! This Kryon message is redundant. It's just a validation of what your "core" already knows. If I could, for a moment, strip back the duality and the linearity of your lives - if we could have a true family meeting for a moment, we would talk about high physics. We would talk about high spirituality. We would talk about the incredible healing power of compassion and love. We would discuss Human history - the millenniums that have come and gone. We could discuss the history and lineage of the Universe, and everyone would know where everyone was from. We would discuss an earth that at one point in your existence was only a plan. We would talk about your part in placing the solar system where it is, and how the grids were put together. And all of you would remember . . . and remember.

We would celebrate how much has been accomplished so far. We would celebrate the grandness of what you've done, and the potentials of what could happen. We would speak of the big picture - that what you do here on Earth affects another part of the Universe itself - the largest secret that remains unrevealed to Humanity. It has the potential to change the balance of light and dark, perhaps even within the family of God.

And . . . we would celebrate your free choice to create whatever you wish on this, the only planet of free choice [meaning the only planet that has the ability to change its reality and its spiritual vibration].

Look up tonight at the sky. Count the stars. You can't. There are too many, and those are just the ones you can see! There is a vastness that is beyond your night sight. Yet your earth is the only planet anywhere that has been slated for the specific task you came here for. You don't know how special this is. You still don't wish to believe that you're more than a grain of sand in a giant beach. Instead, we say to you that you're the jewel, hiding in a vast expanse of creation - a jewel waiting to be mounted in the necklace of universal change and appropriateness.

There will come a day when the lights are turned on fully. You will know your real names - and mine, too. Kryon is simply the name you can say in 4D. Then we'll talk about the journey to Earth and what it meant to the Universe. We'll laugh together and experience the joy of what has been accomplished. We'll talk about lives lived in 2002 . . . the beginning of the end of the beginning. All that has gone before has the potential of only being the start of the real purpose of Earth and the humanity upon it.

Some of you waited to come in just for this time. You held back a natural process of returning in a normal cycle in order to target this very dispensation. You knew of the challenges. You knew of the potential Armageddon, yet you held back to be here when this all happened. Seven of you in this very group tonight are "holdovers." That is to say that purposely, with design and intent, you interrupted a planetary life cycle to create your life today, and it shows in your determination. You spent an extra amount of time on the other side of the veil, poised, waiting for this moment.

And you wonder why we love you the way we do. You wonder why we celebrate your lives and wash your feet. You wonder why we wish to walk with you all week long on this journey that you call the Kryon cruise.

You wonder why the mantle of challenge is upon you, don't you? Perhaps the warrior is awakening? Perhaps you now understand more fully who is really reading this page? Well, wonder no more. For the light is being turned on.

We go in love.


* The word apocalypse is derived from a Greek word that actually means "lifting of the veil."

** The increase in amplitude of oscillation of one system exposed to a force whose frequency is equal or very close to the natural undamped frequency of another system.


Attributes of Ascension and 
The Power of Human Consciousness
Philadelphia – June 2002

Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service.
Here is a familiar voice that is accompanied by those flowing with me through a crack in the veil. It is a flow from our side of interdimensionality to the side you call four dimensions. This is voice that brings with it an energy-one that may be confusing to some. It's difficult to explain how such a thing can be. I don't know how many times we've started this message with, "Today we explain the unexplainable." Suffice it to say that out of time and out of space, this room fills itself with an interdimensional family...some of whom you might even recognize.

If Human consciousness really has power [as was explained in the seminar before the channelling], then can you imagine the power of Human consciousness intermingled with those from my side of the veil who have decided to come in for a few moments and sit with you and surround you?

This evening is already different from the others [speaking of other channelling sessions]. It seems like each time we come before you, there's an enhancement caused from the acceptance-from the understanding-from the core of those who sit in the chairs. Some are beginning to "recognize" family. It's more than just energy, you know. You're starting to recognize the personalities of those who stand around you, pieces and parts of who you've called the guides. Pieces and parts of what we call you.

So here you are, dear Human Being, brother and sister. It has been so long since we've seen you! Do you realize that you all have something in common? You have all emanated from where I stand [speaking of Kryon's interdimensional position on the other side of the veil]. There is so much respect on the other side for you who come into this planet! Yet in your reality, you dilute all the things that you are. You do not see your magnificence, and you think of yourself in a singular way. You walk around in a linear reality with no seeming evidence of what's actually taking place at the moment.

So we say to you, let the evidence that this is real be in the emotions that touch you, the pressures that you feel, and the colors that you see during these moments as we explain some things to you.

Did you ever ask why we arrive like this? Why would Spirit have such a process as this? Perhaps you're beginning to understand that regardless of what is said today, and regardless of the teachings that are presented here today, something is going on for you that is completely apart from all of it. Reader, what are you feeling at this moment? Is it a casual read, or do you understand that it's no accident that your eyes are on the page at the same moment that we're saying these words?

There is something happening that is out of the 4D reality that you have here, and I'll tell you what it is: Each one of you has a group around you-a group that you know. You know them as well as you know yourself! You may say, "Well, there's really not room for that, Kryon" [speaking of the fact that the crowd is tight with the chairs in the room]. Oh, yes, there is! Into this room pours those whom you've known and lost even in your lifetime. Some of you may smell them! You'll know they're here. They'll touch you if you want. It's all part of the teaching tonight. They must be here for this.

So what do they want? you might ask. Why are they looking so expectant? you might ask. It is the intent of one Lightworker who indicates, "I'm ready" that suddenly changes everything. These around you come into your auric energy and you have a party! And in this party, you have a smiling group of entities-more than you can count. These are pieces and parts of a puzzle that you've been asking yourself about all of your life. Is there more than meets the eye? The answer is yes. There's more of you to be discovered. There's more love here than you can see or feel. There is compassion, which creates the energy of solution, stability, and joy. There are answers to questions around you that you've been asking for a long time: "How can I go through this? What's next? Please God, I can't do this alone." We're saying that it was never intended that you do anything alone! Isn't it about time you let us in? Isn't it about time you let the family in? When you do, you create the definition of what we brought you in 1989: It's the definition of implant-implanting yourself with the pieces of you that have been standing on the outside patiently waiting for your intent. It's implanting yourself with the pieces and the parts of family that have been standing on the outside longing to come in.

This energy around you has been seen and identified for ages! Many have actually seen it, and believe it is angelic energy...or perhaps even those from the past. Who ever thought it might be divine parts of you? Who ever thought it might be part of a grand completion [more about that in future channellings]? This energy has been called everything from evil to mysterious, and many have feared it. All along, it has been about love. 

Blessed is the Human Being who understands this premise-looking to Spirit through the mechanism of a divine self, for good things. It's about taking your power-a power that does not equate with the word force. Instead it's a power that equates with love. The more powerful you are, sometimes the quieter you are. Did you know that? The more powerful you are, the more you sit with yourself in full awareness that you are a group! That's what we want, dear Human Being...for you to begin to understand that much of your help is from a personality who understands you better than anyone,

You sit in a time that no entity, anywhere, predicted. Yet here you are. Almost 13 years ago, we told you of the changes that were your potential. Now you've manifested it. The earth is doing a housecleaning, and it's about integrity and wisdom: what is, and is not, appropriate for the planet. Not for a country, but for individuals...for civilization. You're now deciding the value of humanity-the rules of how it's to be seen and treated. You're making the difficult decisions we told would never have to be made unless you made the switch to a new reality...and you made that switch. 

You're on another track now...firmly. You have to identify and define civilization. What is the appropriateness of one helping another? How far does it go? What should you demand from your leaders in government, business, and religion? Seen any changes in these areas lately? Have you equated it with what we told you two years ago? We indicated that your highest institutions would have to reevaluate themselves and restructure because of integrity reasons. We told you that they would break apart due to a new energy of integrity. We told you that gone were the days when your spiritual leaders could claim the love of God, yet not live it. Now you sit in this very energy. How many of you remember that this was what we said?

In addition, now you know all about the power of Human consciousness [speaking of the scientific validation that was presented at the seminar]. When you sit in a group and visualize peace for another area, do some of you walk away thinking, I don't know whether that did any good or not? I'll tell you what you're doing, Human Being. You're visualizing light in places that are dark. There is spiritual integrity in this! Visualize light in places that are dark, and leave it to Spirit to do the rest. As you visualize light in the dark places, it provides a better view for Human Beings who are struggling to find answers and solutions in those places. Because of you, they're able to see better. There you are, sitting in a remote place-without any specific answers-without any specific solutions, ready to help. Take the piece of divinity that you are, and project light into their area so they can use their own free choice while sitting in a place that has more light. And that's the process. Blessed is the Human Being who understands how this works...that the power of Human consciousness works! It works from anyplace to anyplace. Do you have any concept of how interdimensional this energy is? You can't see it work, so you often don't believe it. Yet it is so, more today than at any other time in Human history.

Knowing this, how would you like to project your light today to the darkest places on the planet? How about the Oval Office? Let me tell you something: There is family there, too-a family that, inside their divine part, is saying, "We can use all that you can send!" The willingness is there to receive light. Another place: Send it into the heart of Africa. See smiling faces of those cured of disease. See families united, knowing that they'll live a long time. Do you understand what we're saying? All over this planet, humanity is coming to the realization that completion is the energy at hand. Final solutions that really work are needed. In the Middle East, they long for it. There is the feeling that "this is it." Whatever happens next must create a lasting and wise solution to thousand-year-old problems [more on this solution energy is coming in future channellings] .

Meanwhile, here you are, going through a process you've called "ascension." Here is the definition of ascension: a new spiritual overlay that's so profoundly different from the energy you were born into this planet with, that it feels like, and often is, another life. Ascension is moving into the next life without dying. You don't "go" anywhere. You stay right where you are [speaking of Earth]. However, everything else changes around you. Your passions change-who you are changes. The dimensional reality that your DNA works within, changes. It changes so much that some of you even look different! Many will measure their entire lives as "before and after" this change, being very aware of who they are now, compared to who they were before.

The ascended Human is willing to take on the new interdimensional energies and the new powers-willing to take the gifts of Spirit-willing to do the work. Now, finally, you may understand what we mean when we say, "warriors of the light." The word warrior indicates a battle, does it not? We told you the battle was in front of you and now you are in it. The battle is not between Human and Human, but instead is a battle between old and new consciousness. Both have power, but yours my dear Human Being, is the only one that has the light of love connected to it. The more of you who decide to use it, the quicker the solutions will be found.

Let me tell you about ascension: There are still so many misunderstandings about what it is and what you are able to do with it. The last time we sat together, the question was asked, "How many steps are there to ascension?" I gave the answer: "One." The one step is the intent to start the process with purity. It's the intent of your "God-self" that says, "I'm ready. I give intent to know more than I know. I give intent to sit quietly and let Spirit tell me what I need to know-without pretense-without ego-without agenda." That's the one beginning step, and that's the only one. From there on, we call it ascension because you literally vibrate higher. Your biology and all that you feel is you, ascends in vibration. 

There will come a day, dear Human, when your science will actually be able to measure the choir in their cells. We have spoken of this before within a biological and scientific channelling setting. Now we're going to mention it in an ascension setting. There will come a time when scientists can measure that choir in the cells, and they'll find out that those of you who are "youthing" and those of you who know about the core of Spirit inside, have cells who are "singing" a different tune than others...a tune with a much higher vibration. The vibration is the metaphor of music-a higher note. So when you hear the phrase "vibrating higher," we are now telling you that it's not necessarily always metaphoric.

Here are some questions, concepts, and things you need to know about the subject of ascension. Some of them have never been broached before, but all of them have been asked. In addition to ascension, I'll also give you some information about enlightenment in general...and even about the way some things work that we haven't discussed before. 

Emotional Habits 
"Dear Spirit," you might say. "I have some emotional habits I cannot get rid of. I split my time between certain kinds of things that I know intuitively are not right, since they are out of balance and I indulge them with excess. Emotionally, they lay upon me. I think about these things all the time, yet I want the ascension status. I want all that Spirit has for me. My habits don't seem to hurt anyone else, but they consume me. I've been told by some that I can never vibrate higher and also keep these excessive habits. What about it?"

I want you to listen carefully, for you're going to hear this over and over: God, Spirit, your family-are not in a vacuum considering these things. You think we don't know? We stand next to you wherever you go. We know of your trials, and we know of your habits. There is no judgment from any of us. You are the one directing the path...the one in charge of your own energy. All we see is a split of energy, by your own choice. This choice of yours is absolute.

If you've chosen to make these things part of your life, then you've decided to segment your time, spending only so much time with spiritual things and so much time on the other things of your choice. There's no judgment! You're a child of Spirit, loved as much as anyone on this planet, and you'll choose on your own how much of your time to dedicate to your ascension passion and how much to the emotional baggage that you choose to have. And that's the truth. You're all honored, each one.

The segment of effort and time that you dedicate to your ascension work, we will enhance as you're able to work it. We stand ready to fill the glass to whatever degree you allow.

"You mean I can start the process anyway?" you might ask? Yes. "You mean there's no judgment around me?" Yes. In this situation, you're not serving two masters, as some have told you. You're instead admitting that you wish to start a that will proceed at your own pace. You're in charge of your cells and your body, and you may choose to divide it with an energy that belongs specifically to you. And in the process, dear one, the solution to your balance will be enhanced. Don't be surprised if those things that seemed out of balance become easier to deal with and solve.

Substance Abuse
Others go to the next step. They say, "Kryon, I've got something even worse. I have substance abuse. I'm addicted to substances, and I'm aware of it. I'm aware of what it's doing to my body, but I have a very difficult time stopping. There have been those who have told me the two don't mix. I cannot choose a spiritual path and then go and abuse my body at the same time. What about that?"

Oh, a very good question! Are you listening? There's a family around you that loves you unconditionally and eternally. They're supporting you-everything you do and everything you want to do. If you openly choose to abuse your own cellular structure with substances that are harmful, there's no judgment. You're the boss of your cells. They see this, however, as you telling your cellular structure that you're not going to be here as long as you might be. There's no judgment in this. It's literal and honored.

Some of you have wondered why you feel an accelerated life...where time is sped up for you. I'll tell you why. It's often because Spirit looks at you and says, "We couldn't help but notice that you've chosen not to live as long. So we're going to accelerate some spiritual things so that you'll get them done more quickly! This may explain some things that you never knew before. There's no judgment around what you do to your own body.

At the same time, however, we tell you this. Those things that you feel you have no control over, which your cells call out to have, and that you feel addicted to, can change! When you start the process of vibrating higher, the cells know it. There's a process that we're going to discuss soon [later this year] within your DNA that responds to these new interdimensional gifts. This process changes your cellular structure. You can drop habits you never thought you could drop. This is the new power of the cells we speak of. You are the boss of you. This new power is your consciousness finally talking to your cellular structure, taking charge and becoming part of you. Why do you question this, when the yogis showed it to you in 4D?

Dear ones, we need to say this again: How many of you sit in fear of your body? You've been told in the old energy that you can't control anything. Instead you sit and worry, hoping that the things called cells will behave themselves. You hope they won't allow a disease. You hope they don't grow inappropriately into a cancer. It's as though you had nothing whatsoever to say about it! Who taught you that? I tell you that this is an old energy concept. You actually have control over all of them! The process needs to be relearned, and with the new grid alignment, this invitation lays before you. It's time to talk to the cells! It's time to have a meeting.

"Dear Spirit, I have areas in my life where I cannot forgive. I know the process, and I read the books. I've listened to your messages. You talked about forgiveness and compassion being the catalysts for enlightenment. I have areas where I'm having trouble forgiving others. These things stick with me, and I honestly want to take them away, but it's very hard. How ‘clean' do I have to be in this area to start the process of ascension?" 

Oh Human, if you only knew about those who "stand on the outside." Some of those entities that surround you have your name on them! They have your face on them. This is hard to describe for you. How can I talk about the divine you... with you? You feature a linearity where there's only one you. How can I speak about that? Can you visualize part of you that's missing, wishing to come in? All the while, the singular, biological you beats itself up with doubt, saying, "I'm not ready." There's no limit to the love of Spirit. Why don't you see yourself as pure? Start the process and watch what happens to the forgiveness issue. What we're telling you is that maybe, just maybe, it's time for you to understand that you don't have to be one thing in order to start another. Stop that linear thinking. On the other side of the veil, you don't have to put on your socks before you put on your shoes! You can put them on in any order you wish. I know this is a difficult concept, but it is so! What is your greatest challenge? Is it in your way? No. The interdimensional Human proceeds anyway, knowing that out of linearity, it's gone!

Why don't you just surrender and let it happen? Understand this: There's no judgment about those areas you have. Don't be shocked and surprised if down the line you'll begin the forgiving process in a way that will make you weep with joy. You can't help but do that, because at the cellular level when you start letting Spirit in-peeling that onion of duality-you begin to understand where your power really is. You start to expand the "you with you," and something happens. Some of the hardest things in life drop away as frivolous. Some of the most compassionate things you never thought you'd be aware of start to become important. You begin to fall in love with Spirit. You begin to fall in love with you. You change. 

Near-Death Experiences
"Kryon," some have asked, "I wish to know about ‘near-death experiences.' What are they, really? Do you almost die? I even have this question: Do I have to experience one in order to become a Lightworker?"

I'm about to broach issues that I've never broached before. I'm about to tell you a truth that has not been mentioned before in any of my messages. What you call a near-death experience (NDE) is very different from what you think.

First, there's no such thing as an accidental near-death experience. Humans who have this experience give permission for it before they get here-to have this spiritual experience-one that may or may not (depending on their free choice), change their spiritual lives. With their permission, although they might not remember giving it, they experience an NDE.

Here's another fact: No one who experiences an NDE even gets close to actually dying! Oh, it may seem like it and it may feel like it, but they don't. They don't even leave the planet. I'm going to tell you what happens with an NDE, and it's going to be different from what some of you have heard or have imagined.

An NDE experience is set up by the preconception and energy of the Human who experiences it. Not all Humans have the same story when they "return." I remind you that some have come out of a near-death experience (so-called) to say it was awful. "I saw hell," they might report. "I'm now very afraid of dying," they tell you. Some have said just the opposite. "I saw heaven; I saw the tunnel; I saw the Light; I felt the love; I saw the family!" It's all there to "see." It's true. Every shade of energy is there to see, but there are such different reactions! The reason? It's all about what's at the core, or the individual's essence who is experiencing it. Humans have free choice to choose their own core energy. Is it fear? Is it hope? Is it grand?

I will tell you what an NDE is, and it's spiritually logical: It's when you meet you. Yes, it's often the first part of the death experience, but an NDE is just the first few seconds of death. You never actually broach the outside of the core energy that you've set up. Real death is very different. At the point of death, the first thing that happens to the Human Being is the marriage of self and remembrance and connection. After you meet yourself-which is a grand experience-one where you're meeting the "God energy," there's an alliance, then a three-day journey. It takes three earth days before you ever leave the earth. And those days are spent collecting what we can only call-oh, this is so difficult-information on the cosmic question.

Listen to me, family member, because we haven't discussed this before. Every single one of you knows what the big issue is-the reason you're here-the reason you disguise yourselves as Humans and walk around on an even playing field called Earth-the reason you're going through what you're going through-the reason you come back and come back and come back. What's it all about? What's going on in the universe that would create something like this? I'm telling you that not one of you here knows this, yet all of you do. It is the biggest question of all. It is the one you ask about before you arrive, and the one that you ask about when you exit.

The first thing you do when you have full awareness is to ask, "How did we do?" There's a reason why you're here, dear Human Being...a good, logical reason. Blessed are you who take it in faith that there's a loving reason why you're going through what you're going through. For what you're doing is helping trillions of life forms at another place-seemingly another universe-even another reality. It's not about sacrifice! It is, instead, about work.

Therefore, an NDE is a manifested opportunity to change...something you gave yourself. It isn't about dying at all. It's about the potential of change. Those who come back having had a grand experience have made the choice to find out more about themselves, and they do. Those who come back frightened have made the choice not to seek more. And...need I say, there's no judgment of either. In each case, the Human's energy guided them to the experience they had.

Listen: The next time you think you're alone and suffering and you ask God, "Why me?" I have a suggestion. Instead of shouting "Why me?" Instead, why don't you feel our spiritual hands around you and our arms around you and the hugs around you? Why don't you take it, in faith, that there's an entourage around you saying, "Hang in there! Vibrate higher. You have no idea how you're helping the rest of idea." 
Your earth is called "the only planet of free choice." It is. Oh, are there are other planets with life? Of course. We told you this before. You are the only one, however, that's going through this specific test for this specific reason, and the only one populated by what we call "pieces of God." We've hidden you all in an arm of your galaxy where you don't even have the two suns that most of the life planets do. We've indicated this before. It's not in your understanding to know why it normally takes two suns to create life, but someday, when you find the others, they will mostly have two suns! We have also explained how life got to Earth [a channelling last year]. The "free choice" is the choice to select your ascension!

So, many of you stood on-line [metaphorically] with other angels, waiting to get back here for this age. You said, "I can hardly wait to get back!" You knew what your potential future was. You were on the train of Armageddon, yet you wanted to come back! Why? Such is the mind of God when you are on the other side of the veil. It seems silly to some of you. Why would I come back? This would have been a good lifetime to skip! [Laughter] But here you are, sitting in the chair anyway.

Oh, powerful shaman-oh, monk-this earth needs you more now than at any time in the history of the universe. Here you sit, thinking about ascension status. Do you have any idea why we love you so much? It's because you're actually thinking about ascension! It's so different than what you thought you would be doing here right now. 

Talking to Loved Ones on the Other Side of the Veil
Some have asked: "Dear Spirit, is it possible to talk to past loved ones on the other side of the veil?" I almost didn't bring this subject up, because I can't answer it properly to your satisfaction. All I can give you are scenarios of difficulty. It's a 4D question with multiple-D answers.

You're in a linear reality with four dimensions. When you decide to involve those with the gifts [psychics], to move to the other side of the veil and communicate even briefly, they experience an interdimensionality that you can't understand. It's completely out of linearity. There's no time on the other side of the veil. All things are happening at once. Potentials are intermingled with the past, and, by the way, that's why your intent today can change your past. Did you know that? It has always been that way. 

Can you speak to somebody on the other side of the veil? The answer is "yes." It's done every day. But those who help you do it, who have the gift, are translators. They're interdimensional translators. They have to try to sort out what they see and feel in a very confusing place, bring it back to you in a very simple place, and present it in a succinct fashion that you'll understand. And they know this.

Let me give you an example of how difficult this is: Let's say that you wish to talk to your grandmother who has passed on, so you involve a translator with the gift. They go over to the other side to find and speak to the entity who used to be your grandmother. When they get there, what do they find? Instead of finding a little old lady called "Grandmother" somewhere in the ethers, they find a multiple-presence-a beautiful, grand, interdimensional one who is experiencing many lives at once-one life that used to be that of your grandmothers'. Now, what part of this group are they going to talk to? It would be like finding a huge bowl of soup, where all you wanted to do was talk to the salt! Unfortunately, the salt is mixed in with everything else.

To make things even more complex, what if your grandmother had recently reincarnated as your neighbor's son? Wouldn't it save a lot of trouble to just go and talk to your neighbor's son? [Laughter] You laugh! Indeed, this is how it is. When you go to the other side, you touch only a fragment and a fiber of what used to be a Human Being called "Grandmother." This small inexplicable piece is what is often "brought back" with messages. It's disjointed and sometimes makes no sense. Often there are no validations of it either.

How do you know if it's real? Let me tell you, because real messages will always have a commonality if the translator is actually in touch. Here will be one message to look for: "I love you as I always have. Stay the path and love God." The message won't necessarily be where the treasure is buried! [Laughter] Human Being, it's tough for you to even touch the divinity in your own core, yet you expect so much of these translators that go to the other side of the veil and bring you back messages from beyond. As far as, "Is it possible?" what do you think this communication is?

Better Places on Earth to Be for Ascension and Enlightenment?
"Kryon, you've said in the past that there are parts of Earth that are more conducive to enlightenment than other parts. Where are they?"

Yes, indeed there are. Fair or not, the magnetic grid of this planet postures itself with some very interesting phenomena. The grid talks to your cellular structure. Do you wish to know what the magnetic grid is really about? It's not about a language that speaks to the two strands of DNA you can see. Instead, it's about the ones you can't see. It's about your setups-the magnetic imprint from your solar system [astrology sign]-and about the predispositions that you bring in as a blueprint of potential. It's about all of the lives you're living at the same time right now as you pretend to live one. It's about phobias that cannot be explained...all within the 12 interdimensional layers of your DNA. Do you realize that there's no such thing as a "past life"? Go figure that one out! In your interdimensional DNA layers, modulated by the grid system, all your past lives and potential future ones are affecting you all at once...right now! It's active; it vibrates; it's part of you. It's the personal essence inside you that's timeless, but who pretends to be in a linear time frame on Earth in the year 2002. It's a cosmic joke. It's part of the revelation when you step away and remember what's it's about. Therefore, the grid affects you greatly-especially the part that prods you to ask, "Is there more?"

The question would then be, "If there are places on Earth that are better, which ones are they?" Let me give you a generality: It isn't at the equator. There's a "zero point" there...a null. Take a look at the problems there-the consciousness there. Did you ever correlate this? 
I'll tell you where the best places are: They are where the magnetic grid is the least effective but that are closer to the poles in very defined regions between enlightenment and imbalance. But you knew that, didn't you? Some of you have even been told by your friends that this phrase defines who you are! [Laughter]

Over 12 years ago, we said, "Go to where it's cold." Go to where it's cool. Go to places where you can still live, but that are closer to the poles. There is a greater chance in the cooler parts of the earth, toward the poles, for you to discover things you cannot find in places that are heavier or neutral, like the equator. The worst places of all to live? In fact, a place where no Human Being can ever live? It's the magnetic pole itself.

Now, remember, it moves, so that place isn't stable. But if you could live in that place that would be the culmination of where the ley-lines attach and come together, you would find yourselves neutralized to a point at which disease is allowed to attach itself to you. For there would be no defense, and there would be no communication from the grid to the cells in your body. It would be very difficult to meditate, too.

Let me tell you, there will be a correlation someday with those who have made the trek to study certain polar aspects and found themselves in this very energy we speak of...only to have been brought back with a disease. Go check the correlations of how many researchers in those areas have developed the cancers, and you're going to be alarmed. You'll find that it does not correlate at all with the regular norm. The magnetic grid postures your enlightenment. This is our core information, and what we told you originally when the grid entourage arrived. When it moves, it's purposeful and is with your permission. It's part of the "free choice" engine.

We've repostured and repositioned it, and we're almost ready to tie a bow on it. Then we've told you that the grid group leaves in the end of 2002. What we mean by this is that this group is an "Earth-working group" who has focused on the grid for12 years. We gave you a metaphor about it in the past: of a grid-entourage called "Excalibur." We used your own mythology in this metaphor about a magic sword, an emblem of battle, that could be pulled from a stone only at the right time and right place, by a Human who had the magic. That is you, dear Human Being. You were the ones that did it. It's alchemy-a metaphor not to be lost on any of you. This is what you have done as a Human race.

Listen: In a linear sense, the grid group leaves. But in actuality, that group is only reassigned. It does not go flying through space to some other planet to do something else. This group is here now, and it will always be here, but not as a grid group. Difficult to explain: "The soup will stay, but it will change its flavor and become a different size." It is a metaphor that says, yes...they are leaving. The "I AM" of who they were in the group will leave. But the parts are only leaving their positions of work as they flow into other places of the earth as the new guardians of the canyons. They'll be placed into the rocks and into the volcanoes, and to the places of the earth that need to remain steady, even when the geology says they shouldn't. There are other tasks at hand that we've never described to you. There are many new things in this message today. We will close with one more.

The Appropriateness of Worship
"Dear Spirit," some have asked, "what is the relevance of worship on Earth? What is the appropriateness of worship? Whom should we worship? Where should we worship?"

Why don't you try going inside first? Why don't you see if you can honor the core inside, and worship the angel with your face and your name? That's the truth. A grander truth there never has been! What men and women have made of it is what you see on the planet-in all degrees of light and dark-with many names and beliefs. When you are safe with yourself, you can love yourself. When you find God in your own essence, you can carry it to any church or building or temple, and it will always serve you. You can move from organization to organization, and even call yourself this or that, but as long as you are in love with "God in you," you will have a grandness that will shine through.


We're going to do something different. This is where we leave. We've always said that it's difficult to leave. Some of the hardest things we do in this new energy, after we've been accepted and hugged, is to move away and return through the crack in the veil that we came from. Today, however, it's different. For many Humans in this room are becoming interdimensional. Whereas there was a finite group of us who came in through the crack in the veil, not all of us are leaving! How about that? No. Instead, some of us are going home with you! 

Reader, listen: Do you feel included? You are. As I give this message, you are seen in the place where you read. You are seen in all of this because it's no accident you picked up this book. Many of you gave permission for this moment, and you said, "Yes, I wish to know more about these spiritual things. I wish to sit alone and know that I am surrounded by Spirit. I wish to be quiet and let God tell me what it is I need to know. I wish to start a path where for a short time each day, I visualize light in dark places. I wish to combine with others of like mind and send light into those places. I'm beginning to understand the power of Human consciousness. I'm beginning to believe that I am indeed eternal."

And if that's you, dear one, I hope you have room in your house for the additional energy! Some of us are going to stay with you. Such is the love of God. You are family. I tell you that when I see you next time on my side of things, we will sing your name in light, just like so many who have recently come over en masse...all smiling...all remembering...all reconnecting.

Stay the path. Do the work. Then when you ask the big question, "How did it go while I was gone?" I will be able to stand in front of you and give you the good news...of miracles created by angels pretending to be Humans. And that's the truth.

And so it is.




Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service.

This is a greeting that I've given you for almost 12 years. It's a greeting that's filled with more than the energy of just a greeting. Rather, it's an energy transfer. For even though the veil is thick, there are those of you who will understand this greeting and say, "I am sister, I am brother, I am family."

I will say again that this moment is precious—a precious moment due to the fact that you've chosen to invite this entourage into your energy. Some of you felt, when you walked into this area, that this was a safe place. Some of you felt it when you sat down to read this. Some of you walked into this physical place and remarked, "This is what I expected. I don't know What's going to happen today, but I wish to sit here in a safe harbor within this energy." A safe harbor? Yes. There is safety here, spiritual and emotional. There's a welcoming here; there's love here.

And so it is that we take our place within you and prepare to give the lessons for today. If you only knew What's taking place at the moment! There's a thickness of energy on this planet, which has never been here before. There are changes taking place that we've never described, and it's here because of you. If you're one of those who "signed up" through intent to be what we call a lightworker, then you're feeling it. That's what we wish to talk about.

Here is a departure from the channellings and messages of the last months. We've talked about interdimensionality; we've talked about physics and science and calibration; we've spoken of the unspeakable; we've talked about things that we couldn't talk about because they weren't understandable—yet we did it anyway. We spoke of circles within the circles—and now we're going to rest that subject as much as we can.

Today we speak of personal things. We're going to answer some questions—14 of them. These are questions being asked specifically in this room and also from other groups at the same time, right now. We'll do our best in this dimension to answer interdimensional questions. Every single one of these items may seem to be in your reality, but the answers are not. Get used to this. That's the way it's going to be from now on, for you've given permission to move beyond what you're used to . . . beyond the old reality . . . beyond 4D.

Many of you ask Spirit: "What about this? What about that? What am I supposed to do here? What about how I'm feeling?" The answers you expect to come to your ears are in a reality that is yours. What if the answers were slightly out of your reality? Would you hear them? Are you one of those who has waited and waited for answers, but only get silence? Answer this: If a sightless Human asked for light, and it was created all around him, would he know it, or would he continue to sit in his own personal darkness? We will try to give you answers that make sense, but they're often above the reality that you're used to. These answers aren't always easy to comprehend or understand, but that's the way of the new energy.

Blessed is the Human Being who understands that they do not see all that there is. We have said it before—that things are not always as they seem! Now, on this planet, this is a profound statement. You sit in the thickness of potential for huge change. Fourteen questions . . . and here is number one:

Question 1 – Why I am so tired?

"Dear Kryon, I'm tired. I'm more tired than I've ever been. I'm a lightworker, and. I've done everything that I think I should do. I anchor the spots I'm supposed to anchor. I go to places I'm supposed to go that I'm aware of—I try my best. I meditate. I walk through life with integrity, but I'm tired. Is it supposed to be this way? Will it change? What's next? What can I do? Is this normal?"

Dear Human Being, let me tell you this: On the 11th of September, you manifested a leap for this planet—an "exposure" of what it can be. Think of it as being an opening—the beginning of some profound solutions. You may look around the earth and say, "This doesn't look very promising right now!" We say this to you: You don't know everything! You don't see everything! Patience! It's because you gave permission for it on the 11:11, lightworker, that the weight of what you've just accepted has doubled. You knew that, didn't you? What happens when you take physical weights and clip them onto you and march around day to day? You become tired. The weights that you've taken are the new weights of the potential paradigms of interdimensionality that you gave permission for—the very ones we told you about almost 12 years ago! It won't always be this way. This year [2002] will mark the completion of the grid shift. It will be the beginning of a pattern that stays and remains . . . a pattern that will no longer shift and move as it does now.

Do you know what is so difficult for a lightworker? It's the fact that just when they start to get used to one energy, another is presented! This fact is going to come to an end soon. Some of you may say to yourselves, "Glory Be! It has been a long 12 years." Blessed is the Human that understands that what they're feeling now is not forever. What they're feeling now is not the new paradigm. It's transition. You bear a heavy load—heavier than ever. Your anchor is heavier than ever. Your concern for the planet has deepened and intensified every morning and every night. The angels that surround you have matured; the guides are no longer guides . . . but a different kind of enabler.

All of these things speak of another kind of planetary potential. Here you sit as a lighthouse, as the new planet steers itself among the rocks. Is it any wonder you're tired? Here's our advice: Endure until the end of this year. We're telling you that at the beginning of the year of change, much will be settled. The end of the grid shift is this year—the year of grounding [2002]. The year of change [2003], is the year of the stabilization. That sounds contradictory, but it is so. Spiritually, things will become more stable, but physically in 4D, your planet will begin to change. Think of it like this: The new textbook is finalized so that the teachers may have a syllabus to begin the changing of the energy of the planet. Much will begin to clear for the lightworker. It's different for each, but that's the truth. Endure. There is hope; there is a new paradigm to follow.

Question #2 – How can I communicate better with Spirit?

"Dear Kryon: What am I going to do about communication with Spirit? You see, it hasn't gotten any better. I try so hard to recapture the feelings that I used to have. That was my measure of connection. That's what I considered to be "normal." I know when I'm speaking to Spirit because I can feel it in my heart—my cells. I tingle a certain way, and I know it's happening. When is that going to come back?"

Lightworkers, say "good-bye" to that! You're going to have to look for new signs in a new energy in a new earth. We told you about this early on. The energy being developed is the beginning of something you could never have imagined. It didn't start out the way you imagined either, but here you are in a position you've never been in before—a communicating position. Our advice? Disengage, relax, and love Spirit! Sit on the floor, if you choose, and have a "meditation moment" where you say, "Dear Spirit, tell me what it is you want me to hear—what it is you want me to know." Then I'll just be quiet. Disengage and love the family. You're learning "The Third Language," which we have spoken of many times . . . a continual marriage to a piece of you that enables a communication that is 100 percent of the time . . . not confined only to specific "meditation moments."
Something happens when you develop compassion. That energy marries the intellect and creates a window of opportunity. It's a time-space where there's a tremendous amount of information given. It's going to take compassion to create action. Feel free to weep if you wish, because you're dearly loved—because the earth is changing—because you asked for it—because you've eliminated the energy of "the Armageddon," and because you've changed tracks of reality. Weep with joy because you're in love with the earth! Weep with joy because the earth can talk to you through your feet. Did you know that? You're so stuck in that odd paradigm that everything comes from above! It must be shocking to know that so much comes from below! [Laughter] It comes from your partner, Planet Earth.

Question #3 – What am I supposed to do here? I'm tired of waiting!

"Dear Spirit, dear Kryon: When am I going to find out what I'm supposed to do here? I've been looking a long time, and of course I'm making an assumption that what I'm doing now sure isn't it!"

Really? Oh, dear Human, let me tell you something that maybe you never considered. You're too goal oriented! You want a time line for everything. You think you're climbing some ladder, and when you get to the top, you're going to breathe a sigh of relief. You think you'll reach a summit or plateau. Perhaps there will be some kind of a cot there for you to rest? Then you will announce to Spirit, "Oh, thank you, I'm here. I know what I'm doing now!" [Laughter]

That's not the way it is. Every moment of your life is what you're doing for the planet. Oh, yes, some of you are working toward something specific, but remember the axiom: As you work, as you vibrate higher, as you walk on this planet and change the vibration where you move from place to place, you're working it. Perhaps that's why you're surprised that you're tired?

Many ask, "When am I going to find out what I'm here for?" Here is the answer: You're here for now . . . not something coming up. What have you got going on in your life that you don't like? What's happening right now that you wish would move out of your life? What is it that you don't understand? Perhaps you ask yourself each day, "Will it be better tomorrow?" Dear ones, make this the day that's the summit. Take the situation of today and mold it into something that's beautiful for you now. In dire, difficult circumstances, anchor and celebrate all that's around you. Claim the love of God, and let the compassion of Spirit fill you. Then keep on going . . . even in doubt. Instead of striving for something at the top of the ladder, strive for understanding the circle of energy that makes up your new "now" reality. When you see the circle "I AM that I AM," do you understand that it's a statement of nonlinearity? Do you understand that it's a statement of you and the family? Be the angel, the lighthouse, each moment of your life.

Question #4 – When am I going to get a break from the people around me?

"Spirit, Kryon, family: When are these people around me going to change? I'm really tired of tolerating them. How long do I have to go through this?" 

You think we don't know? You think that somehow Spirit is in a vacuum? So, you think that when you have challenges, somebody has turned off the "God spigot," and when you feel real good, it's on again? No. We sit with you and hold your hand through all of it, even the intolerable.

Let me give you the answer to this question, very clearly: Dear Human Being, dear lighthouse, you give intent and take on the anchor energy, the lighthouse energy, and here's what happens. The emotional "buttons" that you've allowed to be pushed, that make you intolerant and angry (and tired), slowly dissolve. Those people who, you wish would change . . . may never change! It is you who will change.

There may come a day, in all naiveté, when you'll announce to Spirit, "Thank you for changing those people!" The humor in this is that all along, what happened, dear Human Being, is that you changed to such a degree that they no longer bother you anymore! What they do no longer pushes your buttons. What they think, how they act, what they say behind your back, the drama . . . nothing gets to you! It's because you know who you are. It's because you've stripped away the peeling of duality and claimed the core, which is divine. You've seen the angel inside, and you've said, "I know who I am. I am that I am!" Then you walk the planet differently, oblivious to those who you only barely tolerated before. That's the truth. Do you long for that day? Then take care of yourself, and watch everyone around you "change."

Question #5 – Get me out of this job!

"Dear Kryon: I can't believe where I'm working. It doesn't celebrate my magnificence, you know. It's not commensurate with my angel inside. Dear Spirit, get me out of this job so I can be a lightworker!"

This is a review. We've said this in the past, but many of you have to hear it in context with all of the other things involved. What do you think your work is here, lightworker? Perhaps you've said this to Spirit: "I want so bad to be a lightworker, but I just go to work. I come home tired, and I just go to work and I come home tired. What's this about? I sure don't like where I have to go, and I don't like the people who are there with me. I would never have chosen them as my friends. I'm the only one there who has any concept of higher consciousness. Everyone else just walks from place to place. I'm alone. I want out!"

I will tell you this, dear lightworker: Do you remember when you gave intent to be a lighthouse? Do you remember at what point you said, "I'll do whatever it takes—to vibrate higher—to experience the love of God?" Well, here you are at the very place where you're doing the most good and you can't wait to be removed! [Laughter] Maybe you're the only light there at that workplace. Maybe it's dark there. The metaphor is this: Imagine the lighthouse, anchored, standing tall on the rocks. The large ocean-going vehicles feature their masters searching for a path into a safe harbor. There you are, shining the only light! Metaphoric, oh yes. But that's the way it is!

You shine a light that illuminates places that would normally not be illuminated if you didn't stand there, anchor! Did you think of this? Let me tell you something: The energies of this year [2002] feature a storm that has increased. It batters the lighthouse more. It makes it harder for the masters of the ships in the dark. The power of the sea is awesome, and there you stand, anchored, with a guiding light. Blow after blow hits you, and what are you asking? Imagine if the lighthouse keeper said, "I'm tired of this, I want out. Put out the light and get me out of here!" It's free choice, you know. You could do that. But for those of you who wondered if Spirit was listening to your pleas, the answer is yes. We have been all along.

What you're enduring is not permanent, so the answer is this: Celebrate where you are—every day. Regardless of your goal, what you wish for, what you think may be happening, celebrate the way it is now. Does this sound familiar? Is it the answer to another question in this series? Yes. Be compassionate with everything around you, because the compassion creates an action, an interdimensional action. It increases your light; it tells Spirit about your energy. It sends out your name. It calibrates you to the rest of us. Did you know that?

When you ask to be removed from such a place, do you mean it? It's very much like question one, is it not? We say, endure it for the duration. It won't be that long, and as you walk it, walk it in celebration and honor. How many of you have the courage to come home and thank God for where you are, where you work, and the people there? Don't you think we know where you are? Don't you think we walk next to you the whole time? We do

Question #6 – When do I get to the next level? I'm tired of this one.

"Dear Spirit: When am I going to go to the next spiritual level? I feel like I've been stuck at this level for a very long time. I want to go to the next one."

Of course this relates to question five, question three, and question one, does it not? It's all the same, you know. It's perception of where you are. You keep expecting that the next level is going to be something that's a far cry from where you are . . . a nice place that has less energy expended? Perhaps one where you're happier and more joyful? Do you know why we call you a lightworker? Do you understand that this is work?

Regarding that next level: I'd like to tell you something profound. Do you know why you're exhausted and often despondent? It's because you've just gone to the next level! You didn't expect that, did you? Here you sit at the very place you're asking to be taken to! Here's a fun example: Do you remember what it was like in school? At whatever grade level you were, if you sat next to someone two grades higher, you might have glanced at their textbook. Wow! You didn't understand anything. It looked too hard! Secretly, inside, you might have said, "I hope I never have to do that lesson; it's just too hard. How do they understand all that? How am I ever going to do it when I get to that level?"

Let me tell you something: This planet of yours just skipped a grade! The difficult books are open, and you're climbing uphill. You're learning a new language. It's the language of communication. It's the language of how to feel joyful under these new "hard" circumstances. It's the language of tolerance! How do you calibrate to something that's interdimensional, that seems to exist in a way that you can't identify or see? This is hard! Yet it will become easier and easier as the earth moves into an energy that's more commensurate with your vibration. That's what's going on as the grids shift, pulling the energy of the planet into a new calibration and alignment.

Congratulations! You're at the next level, working with the book that always seemed too difficult, and you're indeed working with it. Is it any wonder that we marvel at you and your lives? How can we explain that it is you who are the heroes of this new energy? You walk from here to there making a difference for the entirety of planet Earth, all the while asking when you're going to make a difference!

Question #7 – I'm worried about my young adult children.

"Dear Spirit: I have children who are almost grown. At least they think they are. I'm losing contact with them. They don't pay attention to me anymore. I fear for them. I don't know what to do. I've been a good parent and a lightworker. I've tried to show them love, but they don't listen. I'm afraid for them as they walk into a new Earth. I don't know what they're into or what they might do. I don't know—I just don't. What can I do?"

Well, dear one, let's take first things first. Why don't you sit down and let us hug you for a while? There's nothing for you to do at this moment except to understand some spiritual dynamics. We say this, mother and father: When they were small children, you opened your jar of love and you poured it into that child. For all of these years, your jar poured and poured. Here is new information, yet intuitive. It's also ancient information and lasts forever.

Every single Human Being, as a child, has a jar that's empty, ready to be filled. Whatever the energy is of the parent around them, that jar is permanently open during childhood and will be filled with whatever energy and whatever light or dark goes on within the parent. Now, if you've filled that child's jar with white light, and if you've given them love—a responsible spiritual home—if they've been able to see how love works, then you stand clean in this. Oh, you may worry about them, and that's a typical Human fact. That's where we come in as family to help you . . . to sit next to you and hold your hand and say, "It's done. Your work is finished."

Whatever happens now is their choice, and it's the way of it. You know that. It was the same with you. But here is what you may not have known: Even after you may be gone, that child still has the free choice to reach down and open that jar and discover you! Do you understand what I'm saying? There comes a time in that child's life when they may wish to open the jar. And if they do, they'll discover the love you gave them! They'll start experiencing the memories and the responsibility issues—the things that you told them were the truth. They'll experience the now of you, the truth of what you taught, even if you're not here . . . even if you're a long way away. That is an axiom . . .a rule. It is forever.

The jar is full, and that's the way you send them out . . . prepared and ready, if they don't see it. You haven't failed. It's free choice for the child, but if they wish to open the jar, they're going to find the love that you gave them. And the beauty of this is that from your wisdom, they'll take the jar and they'll pour its contents into their children. Therefore, this is your lineage . . . that what you give a child today may be good for many generations down the line. Sometimes you only see the immediate problems and challenges, never understanding how profound you affect the energy of those who follow you. We speak in love . . . just wanting you to know and understand this . . . to capture for a moment the compassion of what may happen in a special moment with that precious soul who entrusted their childhood to you . . . when they someday open the jar.

Question #8 – How do I talk to my body?

"Dear Kryon: I have heard you say that we can talk to our cells. What does that mean? How do I do that? There are those in graduate status in this room who have come in with situations where they had to talk to their cellular structure in order to still be here."

The ones you speak of [in the seminar of the day] have learned that their enlightenment is not in their heads. Every single cell knows everything! That means your toe, your knee, and your elbow are important—as important as is the crown chakra, that creative spark at the top where you think your spiritual wisdom is happening. It isn't, you know. There are those in this room who are living extended lives right now because they learned a long time ago what it's like to recognize the divinity in every cell within their body—every one.

So the invitation is open to examine that very issue within you and start learning to communicate with yourself. This is much like question two, is it not? You're always wanting to communicate up, aren't you? What about communicating in? Did you know that the more you talk to your cellular structure about who you are and your divinity, the more the communication with family and Spirit will increase? You know it's all tied together, don't you? Your DNA is what is the issue, for all of it carries all the information . . . not just the amount at the top of your head within your brain.

Begin to understand the wholeness of this episode called ascension, spiritual communication, and co-creation. All of it requires a "whole-body" experience. Gone are the days when everything that you are seems to reside at the top of your head. For years we've told you that this was coming . . . and now it's here. The ancient yogis knew it, and showed you how to involve the whole body. Now you're going to find it necessary even to communicate, much less to heal yourselves! Meditation is not an exercise of the brain. It's an exercise of the Human Being—all of it! It's an exercise in compassion, and every cell will know you're in touch. It's a new language you're learning. And that's the truth . . . and that was question eight.

Question #9 – Why are some healed and some not?

Appropriately, questions nine and ten are about healers. Healers in this room and reading this have learned something, and I will tell you in a moment what they've learned. Here's a question that they may have asked and that you may have asked.

"Dear Spirit, I'm a healer. I perform the same energy balance on different people, yet there are totally different reactions. Some are healed, and some are not. Am I doing something wrong?"

Here's what experienced healers will tell you: Healers don't heal; they balance! There's nothing you or anyone else can do on this planet to heal another person without their entire and total consent and intent. But what you can do, lighthouse, is to shine your light so bright that they'll find that safe harbor called "healing" because you balance them to the degree that they can move forward on their own.

You've anchored your light, healer, and you've balanced the person. It's up them, is it not, to decide whether the balancing is sufficient for them to move forward? And this is free choice. So do not be in a position where you admonish yourself for a seeming failure . . . ever! You're doing the work of Spirit, and some of you are doing it in a profound fashion. Yet there are many who will get up from your healing table and never "see" what you do. They'll never feel any of it. They'll go on their way because they chose not to open their compassion, or actively chose not to be healed at this time.

There is a scenario about synchronicity, about co-creation, that isn't always what you think. Sometimes, many of you stay in a certain position or in a condition of nonhealing, waiting for something else to align itself, so that when you finally go for that condition of healing it's going be better than ever! We've said this before. Sometimes a "no" from Spirit at the present means a celebration later. And how would you know that, dear linear person, dear healer? How would you know if you had planted a seed of balance that would later bloom into an amazing flower? The answer is, you don't.

Here is something else for those who regularly sit before energy healers. You go to healer after healer, perhaps involving process after process, then you do something very interesting, dear linear Human Being. If you got a "no" from Spirit [no healing took place], you often throw away the healer, and the healing process . . . and you never return to it. Let me ask you this: If you planted a seed, then gave it two days and nothing happened, would you then throw away the pot, the soil, and the gardener? No! Instead, you often wait . . . knowing about the seasons . . . knowing the way these things work.

Those healers are still around, and the processes they use do work! Perhaps the energy didn't seem to work on you? Well, perhaps you weren't ready yet. Perhaps the timing of everything around you wasn't appropriate. Perhaps your individual path didn't have the wisdom to accept the "whole body" experience yet? Wait, and try again. Don't throw anything away, ever!

Human, are you listening to this? It isn't just with healing. How about the vision you've had of something you feel you should be doing . . . but nothing happened? Did you throw away the idea just because it didn't seem to work? You're not honoring the interdimensionality that we've been teaching you. You must work the linear against the nonlinear! Try it again. Understand that just because it didn't work at the moment you tried it on your linear track, that doesn't mean it's over! Honor the vision and the love that went into it. Honor timing, and the incredible amount of work that goes into preparing to fulfill your greatest intent. What a shame it is to have all the answers just an arm's length away, but unavailable because you thought that the door was linear and could only be opened one time!

Question #10 – Is it appropriate to heal someone who can't decide for themselves?

"Dear Spirit, I'm a healer. Is it appropriate and proper to work a healing on a Human Being who doesn't seem to have the ability to ask for it? This would be a Human Being, for instance, in a coma. It would also be a person in a mental state where they're not balanced. What's the difference between an appropriate life lesson and interference? Is it proper?"

So it would seem that the Human Being in front of you has their free choice "muted," and you ask the question of the appropriateness of a forced healing? There are two answers here: (1) Remember that you don't heal; you balance. Is it therefore appropriate to turn on a light on a dark room? Do you force the occupants to see? No. You enable them to choose! Therefore, the question is, really, "Is it appropriate to balance without permission?" (2) Every Human Being that's imbalanced or is unconscious has a piece of pure balance in every single cell. If the Human brain is in dysfunction, quite often the other cells (billions of them) are fine . . . and they're yelling for balance—every single one! This is no different than when the brain is awake and other parts of the body are in trouble . . . they hurt! Pain is the great communicator of biology to alert the brain that correction and balance are needed at a given area. It's the same in reverse. If the Human is in a comatose state, the cells in the body are trying to balance. They wish to be awake! There's a cry of intent in the brain to the unbalanced person to be balanced. This is often the reason for their anxiety. Although they may be dysfunctional, they're also often depressed, since part of them wishes to be whole . . . but they can't express it.

They may not be able to say it, and they may not be able to communicate it, but that's the truth, for the Human body desires the balance that you call "normal." When "normal" is not there, even though you may not hear it come out of the mouths or even out of the eyes, every cell craves it and asks for it. So, yes, it is appropriate that you would work and balance that person. Yes, it is appropriate to send light into a dark area. It's not forcing anything. It's only illuminating. Remember this: Sometimes you're the catalyst for an awakening of that Human, which never would have occurred unless you had done something. Sometimes you're their synchronicity! You're their angel! Think about it the next time you pass by someone who seems to be in a state that's beyond conscious reach. Put the energy of balance around them. Send light into them, and then let the free choice of their cells do its work.

Question #11 – Is it proper to heal those around me?

A third healing question comes from a non-healer. It comes from the lightworker who sees those around him who he wishes to help.

"Dear Kryon, dear Spirit: I have relatives and friends, and I have joyful, spiritual information for them. I have healing for them. I have so many things that I've learned about the way things work. I could help make them whole; I could help make them feel better. I could give them exercises and information, and I might even give them a book that could help. What is it I should do? Is it appropriate? Kryon, you've said that this new energy is non-evangelical. Then what should I do?"

Lightworker, this is perhaps the most profound question of them all. You're the commensurate Humanitarian, are you not? You've learned compassion for self and for others. You're more alert to inhumanity than many, and you grieve harder for the earth than you ever did before. The answer is as it always was: You take care of you. Does that seem like a non-answer? Let me give you the mechanics, and you decide.

The higher the lighthouse stands, the farther the light shines and can be seen. The more anchored the lighthouse is, the less the storm will affect it. As you walk this planet sharing this light, you're going to shine into areas that are dark. The dark areas are where that ever-present "free choice" will be, which is so revered by us all . . . and so pivotal for those around you.

Do you have a relative who lives with you? Perhaps it's a friend whom you love and cherish? And everything within you wishes you could help them—but they're not interested? I'll tell you how they might be interested. Let them see you! Let them see you "live what you believe." Celebrate the job that you don't like. Become tolerant of the person who's intolerable. Smile a joyful smile from day to day—and mean it. Celebrate your life! Heal your body and talk to your cells. Then maybe, just maybe, that person will come to you someday, and say this: "Although I may not believe what you believe, I can see that it's working for you. Where do I begin? How can I have what you have?" Oh, family, don't you long to hear those words? You know who I'm talking to here, don't you? And that's the answer. Could it be so simple? Who said that was simple! Taking care of yourself, vibrating higher, going into ascension status . . . that's not simple. That's work.

Question #12 – How many steps are there in the ascension process?

"Dear Kryon, how many steps are there to ascension? I'd like a definitive answer, please. I've heard many versions."
Here's the truth: There's only one step. One. That's it. It exists at that point in time when you give intent to move past where you are—to go to the next level—to allow permission to change your vibration. That is the "ascension beginning."

Each Human Being can then intellectualize all they wish to about how many steps it may take for them to get to that goal. They may climb any number of rungs they wish. They may go through whatever procedures to achieve the same goal. Some may go through two, some may go through twelve, and some will say it's just too hard—too many steps, and stop. So the real answer is that there's one step—the step where the Human Being says to Spirit, "I'm ready. I want to go beyond where I am and move into a lighter, higher vibration." Then let your own free choice decide what you wish to do, and how many steps you wish to climb. The one step of intent starts the process, and the rest is variable depending on the individual.

Question #13 – Is shining your light into dark places considered an invasion?

"Dear Kryon, what is the appropriateness and the integrity of shining our light into areas of the earth, whether it's at the job or in the family, when it wasn't asked for? I want to be honest. I want to have integrity. I want to be a lightworker, but isn't this evangelistic? This isn't about healing. It's about living ordinary life."

Here is something we've given you before, but here it is again. You can't hear it too much! It's the core issue of your lives. It's the guiding principle behind what you do and why you do it. It's also similar to question eleven.

You show up in a dark place and hold the light. Those who are in that place, searching for a path, are doing their very best. Suddenly, however, they have more choices than they ever did before, due to the light being shown. This is not evangelistic. They don't know your name or what you stand for. All they're aware of is that they can now see better! Instead of forcing your truth on them, or even speaking at all, instead you're giving them choice. They, like you, have free choice to go where they wish. But now they have better light in which to make their decisions.

Let me ask you this, lighthouse: When the master of the vessel steers his grand ship into the safety of the harbor because the lighthouse showed the way, does he leave his ship and run to meet the lighthouse keeper? No. They never meet. The light didn't convince this captain of anything, either. It simply gave him the choice to see something that was in front of him. He made his own choices when he steered his ship with his own hands.

Indeed, it's appropriate to illuminate those paths that are dark and those places that need illuminating. Speaking of this, would you like to know where the best places you could illuminate right now, are? Right this minute—right this instant? Earlier today you were shown the profound influence that science now admits is part of Human consciousness. You're actually beginning to see what "the light" might be!

Today, direct your Human consciousness and the light that it gives into the darkest areas of the planet. Take it to the Oval Office of your land! Don't force an energy there; instead, simply place it there as wisdom. Take it to those areas that need it the most. Why not take it to Kashmir right now? There's much going on there. Why not take it into Palestine and Jerusalem right now, for there's much going on there. Why don't you take it to the mothers of all of these who are wondering what the future will bring for their sons and daughters ten years from now? They need it! Why don't you give them love and hug them while you're at it. All of what I've said is possible. It's what a lightworker does. It's what Human consciousness is all about. It's interdimensional and awesome in its power to create change through illumination.

Question #14 – Kryon, are you leaving at the end of the year?

"Dear Kryon, we understand that you're leaving at the end of this year when the grids are done. In the first book, you talked of this. Is this true?"

In 1989, we gave you information that we were here to help set the grids and that many were involved. This was "The Kryon Group" we spoke of. We indicated the arrival time and departure time of that group. We also told you that the energy of Kryon has always been on the planet. I set the grids originally, and I am a permanent fixture here. I did not arrive in 1989, but rather, the grid entourage changing-group did . . . in response to your changing of the planet's goals. That is the group that will leave at the end of this year. That is the energy that will depart, but I remain as I always have been, in service to the family who sits before me.

My energy is just like yours: It's angelic, yet it's part physics and part love. And that, dear Human Being, is also the energy at the heart and the center of every atom in the universe. It's not a dichotomous situation, since both belong together, intertwined. For it was the love of God that created the planet . . . all the spiritual and physical attributes together. I remain on this earth until the last Human. Then and only then will I depart.


The hardest thing we do is to retreat from a place like this . . . where we've had an energy exchange with you. As we leave this room, some of you will see the colors, for it's a compassionate time, creating energy that's pure. We raise from where you are and begin to retreat back to the crack in the veil that you allowed to take place today. We sat in an awesome place by invitation. Someday you might think about this meeting. You may ask yourself, who came to see whom? Know that this day, this entourage, came to see you, and some of you know that, for you have felt it this very day.

And so it is.

Question: Dear Kryon. I am an Israeli-Jewish who see my self as a light worker, and try to fuse between the new-age believes and Judaism (I'm not a religious Jewish). I have two questions: First, You talked about changes in belief-systems, and about old books that are no longer relevant. Do you mean that the bible (the "Torah") is really no longer relevant? It is a major contradiction to the essence of Judaism... Second, you also talked about the need for different belief-systems on this planet, and the different roles that every nation plays. Does it mean that if I was born Jewish - that the best and most affective spiritual way for me is the Jewish way?

Answer: These are wonderful questions and they deserve in-depth answers.

First, let us define what we mean. There are many kinds of books, and some are metaphoric... lessons of the past written on the souls and attitudes of men. Some are wonderful spiritual books which exist, and which are very old, indeed. They speak of the way things are, and give advice as to the way things should and will be.

How can you tell the difference between the ones to embrace and not embrace? Here is the key: Any spiritual text that tells you that Humans have no choice, and that predestination will rule are now obsolete. If the future is said to be unchangeable and set, it is a book set in a very old reality. There once was a time when the track was set, but no longer. Any books that paint a picture of Human enslavement and conspiracy should be examined very carefully for relevancy in this age! Do they ring true? Some of those books actually say that Kryon is part of a massive plot to blind humanity with the light of love. Does this sound realistic or does it sound like the last gasp of those who are trying to force an old prophesy of doom on all of you? These will call Kryon a liar, and ask you to instead submit to a philosophy of eventual darkness, fighting an unseen enemy... a battle with no hope and much fear. Ask the question, "which one has an agenda?" The invitation is open to look at this.

Now, take what we will call "the ancient texts of celebration." These are more like the ones you speak of. Do they set up a relationship between God and humanity which is honoring? Do they provide a guidance for an honoring life of honesty and integrity? Do they teach love? Do they teach harmony with all that is around you? Do they teach unification or separation? Do they provide ceremony? If that is the case, you are indeed in a place of appropriateness. Embrace the spiritual culture that teaches that you have choice, and that you can worship it in any way you wish. Embrace the old ways if you wish, that provide long respected ceremony. Spirit loves ceremony! It's a time of communication between Humans and God.

For the advanced thinker, we give you this: Cull out the old from the new and provide intelligent spiritual logic to what is before you. If a wonderful spiritual book gives you instructions for communication with God, but speaks of tents and horses, do you understand that these words are not part of the sacredness? They are only markers of the times. Flow with the cultural changes of the times and convert the instructions to fit your current situations, both technically and realistically. Remember this: Spirit honors intent. You don't have to provide specific ritual to please God. You don't have to turn around three times and find a camel! Just honor yourself and God by whatever ceremony you wish, wherever you are. There will be love and communication for you. We are next to you, not in a vacuum!

So, discern the books for what they are. Are they restrictive in nature, placing humanity in an old paradigm of restrictive discipline and ritual, or are they expansive in nature, praising the relationship and inviting change? That is the key. There is a difference between giving instructions on how to love and harmonize, and giving instructions on how to enslave and control. Unfortunately, many of these exist together, since the texts all have been altered over the years. So to answer you directly, some of the original texts that you have are some of the most expansive you will ever see on the face of the planet! You will know when you read them. Can an ancient text invite you to become interdimensional? Yes! Go back and look.

On the second part of the question, remember this: If you were born Jewish, you are different than everyone else on earth. This is old information from Kryon, but it is about spiritual lineage and even about the revolving circle of lifetimes of which you all participate. So for you, I would say this: Look to your lineage first for answers. They are all there. It may be the most comfortable thing for you. But in your search remember that what you will eventually find is tolerance and love... even for the worst enemies of the day. And know this, that even when those enemies go back to study their texts from their prophets, they will discover the same thing.

Honored is the Human who understands that the most ancient and relevant book of life is the one they carry around with them in the Higher-Self... the one at the core of each Human, and the one which now invites you to open its pages.


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