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Ummite Physics and Metaphysics:
"The Essential Texts"

PART ONE . IBOZOO UU   . SYNOPSIS .- The IBOZOO UU (compilation or excerpts from the letters D 59,  D 52  and part of the document about the UEWA)
- Key passages concerning the IBOZOO UU (from various documents).

 DOCUMENTS: * D 59 / 5 letters received by Mr. Villagrassa from May 1, 1967
During a conversation which you had with my brother on which I depend: DEI 98, son of DEI 97, you asked him for information about travel and the concept of SPACE. The topic is complex as you shall see in the documents that we will give you gradually. Of course, before describing the types of feelings we feel when we travel in a OAWOOLEA UEWA OEMM (lenticular vessel for intra-galactic displacement) it is better that you have a more precise idea of our concept of SPACE.

You will see that our theory differs substantially from that worked out by Earth mathematicians, and that our image of WAAM (our universe, part of the Universes), even though we regard it as a multidimensional UXGIIGIIAM (space) which has in its structure of many curves that we call masses, does not look anything like the Euclidean three-dimensional concept of space, and neither is it a faithful reflection of the modern Earth RIEMAN, BOLYAI or LOBATSCEWSKY models, which assume an N-space (or multidimensional space), implying that the cosmos can adopt the form of a positive- or negative-curvature hypersphere.

There exists for us what is called SPACE - TIME, conceived by MINKOWSKY but plunged in a dimension with N dimensions.

When we expose the concept of the IBOZOO UU (which should never be confused with the concept of point geometry or mathematics, worked out by Earth mathematicians as an abstraction with no basis in physical reality) you will better understand our Theory.

 You will notice that the great contrast between your models of space and our, real, model rests in the different interpretation of the concept of dimension ; a concept which for you can be interpreted as a scalar.

An exhaustive elaboration of our Theory of Space would require many hundreds of typed pages. We will thus limit ourselves, in a few pages, to describing the most basic elements of this concept. For those without a strong mathematical background we will use graphs with a simply illustrative value.

That will be useful for you the day the physicists of the Earth finally discover the true nature of the Universe; at that time you can be proud to have had knowledge of these concepts (even if on an elementary level) for several years beforehand.

We are certain that after carefully reading our notes, you will find in them true understanding of the concepts of TIME, of DISTANCE, ATOMIC MASS, PARTICLES, ENERGY and GRAVITATIONAL FIELDS, and of ELECTROSTATICS and MAGNETISM. You will then be able form an idea in your own mind about the panorama that presents itself to space travellers before we describe it in a forthcoming report. Naturally, the travellers' perceptions are not truly extraordinary. They do not have visions of colour never perceived by our retina, or fantastic tactile sensations, or incredible sounds. On the contrary our sensory organs continue to code exterior messages with the same psychological and physiological laws. Only new stimulations, resulting from other sources of energy and matter, are different from those we usually perceive. The Hot planets and Stars are nothing more for us than concentrations of Mass, and to our sensory organs they can effectively disappear.

Do not forget that when changing reference axis, the new three-dimensional space which opens up to us is different. For example certain objects which, under the former reference frame seemed to be concentrations of luminous energy (being reversed), will now be in the form of immense clouds of subatomic particles. A collision with these nebulas would certainly be fatal for the vessel.

Until now in the many reports and conversations, we had spoken about the IBOZOO UU without explaining their meaning, and had limited ourselves to translating this phoneme by " PHYSICAL POINT ". We also resisted the temptation to add a mathematical demonstration closer to our WUUA WAAM (mathematics of physical space ), because that would require an initiation on your part to the to our UWUUA IEES (tetravalent mathematical logic); it is to the detriment of the scientific rigour of the concepts that we expose to you.

Furthermore we advise the people of the Earth not to repeat their harmful practice with this text of trying to read it all at once. Each homogenous paragraph of half a page to two pages must always be assimilated before reading the following one.



It is very difficult for the OEMII (man, by extension human, by another extension "intelligent living being) to have a true perception of the real nature of the Physical World which surrounds us. Apparently the mental images we have made for ourselves of this Medium which surrounds us can lead us to conclude in error that the Physical World is as we " see ", " touch " or " feel " it.

But a careful analysis by the scientists of UMMO as well as by Earth scientists, and those of other Galactic civilisations (possessing a certain degree of culture) revealed that our WAAM is not as our senses normally perceive it. So: the vivid colours we enjoy looking at a flower garden are but a beautiful psychological perception. There is no chromatic richness that exists outside of us. Only a range of electromagnetic frequencies remains as the last substratum of perception.

The OEMII is the only being of the WAAM that goes beyond the limits of its own organism to understand the world, and it uses the spirit to this end as an intellectual means, since our bodily senses, nervous system and cortical mechanisms of synthesis and psychological perception completely distort reality.

Let us see for an example how our physiological bodies " distort " the truth by masking things in beautiful clothing, without which our WAAM (universe), viewed as is, would come across as nothing but a cold succession of IBOZOO UU out of phase with each other. (we will explain this concept shortly)

 When you take for example a cigarette lighter between your fingers, you are aware that it is THERE: cold, shiny.

" It " is thus THERE, between your index and thumb... it is not a fiction: it EXISTS ". But this lighter is nothing but a simple perception.

The physicists of OYAGAA (the planet squared: the Earth ) could tell you more about this simple pocket lighter. They would say for example that you are not actually touching it, in spite of your sensory perception, since there is of large relative distance between the metal atoms and the electronic clouds of the atoms of the skin covering your fingers.

Perhaps a layman would timidly object if this small piece of metal is not touching his skin, it is impossible to hold it and that it should then " fall to the ground ". But the Earth scientist will speak to him about Force fields, Tensors, Repulsions between negative electric charges.

He will suggest that the metal's low temperature produces this cold sensation and that it is the consequence of the low amplitude of the vibration of its molecules compared to those of the skin.

And he will point out that the compact appearance of the chrome-plated object is illusory since the atomic nuclei are as separate from each other as the Stars of a Galaxy.

An Earth expert in physiological optics will say to you that the real brightness of the object is about ten times larger than the apparent brightness, but that, when the light crosses our eye, the crystalline lens and the vitreous humour absorb almost all the photons, and so only a very reduced luminous energy arrives at the retina.

An Earth physician will smile if you ask him how the light (of the flame) arrives at the cerebral cortex, and he will explain why the light never arrives at the brain, but rather that the photons, when striking the retina, induce codified impulses which are transmitted by the neurons of the optic nerve in the form of an electric message, in the form of a code, so that the resemblance between the butane flame and the message our brain receives from the retina is the same as that between a grazing cow and the letters that make up its name.

And finally a neuropsychiatrist will tell you in very vague terms (for he himself does not know many steps of the process) how the brain combines the millions of codified impulses into one synthesised perception. The only image we have of the mysterious lighter and the flame which exist apart from us is a sensory illusion.

Indeed: such an image of the lighter, however familiar it may be to us, has as much in common with the true object as the letters D-A-F-F-O-D-I-L have with the plant they designate (they = these letters ndt).

The OEMII (the man) must thus rid himself of these mental images ingrained since childood, about things, colours, sounds etc... Beings of every social group we have encountered, connected to various OYAA (Planets) with which we have been in contact, and including us, you the OEMII of the Earth and we the OEMII of Ummo, realised this was necessary, and gradually scientists from various civilisations are bringing to light the true basis of our WAAM. Where are humans on this scale? Does the mathematical model of the Universe put forward by Earth physicists, with its relativity theory, quantum mechanics and statistical mechanics an accurate description of the truth ? By presenting our WAAM theory to you, you will be able to judge the differences for yourselves. We observed that the OEMII (the man) of OYAGAA (Earth) which you call " man on the street " not initiated to Earth physics, has a very primitive concept of space and the universe we call WAAM.

Since he was a UUGEEYIE (child) he was educated to accept as valid the deformed image of the external world our senses offer us. Just a if, as a child, he had been locked up in a bare room, without being allowed to see his parents, who would only have taught him the letters and syllables of an Earth language. The child could get the impression while looking at the typographical characters that furniture, animals, trees and other objects expressed by these graphical symbols have the shape of the letters which represent them.

The Earth OEMII thinks of Space as a " scalar continuum " in all directions. From this image of space, you worked out (initiated by Euclid) a whole geometry based on abstractions such as the point, the line, and the plane. You finished by accepting that POINT, LINE and PLANE really represent the true components of the WAAM, although using a mental abstraction.

This original vice, not yet corrected, is costing you a considerable delay in the comprehension of the physical world.

 Indeed: when you innocently accepted the existence of Euclidian three-dimensional space, Earth mathematicians such as GAUSS, RIEMANN, BOLYAI and LOBATSCHEWSKY had the brilliant intuition of the possibility of extending the restricted Euclidian criteria by working out a new geometry for an N-Space.

 And although the human mind cannot visualise a body of more than three dimensions, mathematics makes it possible to overcome this mental hurdle.

 But do these mathematical models of elliptic and hyperbolic multidimensional geometries accurately represent the reality of our WAAM, or are they only " entéléchies " (NdR : realisation of the essential element of something, completed act of vision: borrowed from Aristotle), created by mathematicians?

The relativity hypothesis of the German Einstein at first adopts the criterion of the Russian Minkowsky, who conceives time as an additional dimension, with the intuition of a tetradimensional space-universe. The Earth OEMII took a gigantic step in breaking with the previous intuitive idea of a three-dimensional cosmos.

 But, is that how it really is, our SPACE - COSMOS. Absolutely not : Our image of the WAAM (cosmos) i.e. space, differs on a fundamental level from that which you have elaborated.. And it is precisely when it comes to dimensions that the divergence is strongest. What is more, contradictions you observe between relativity physics and quantum mechanics are produced by a fundamental error. They are the result of errors at the most basic level.

 At this point, a footnote is needed for some observations.

 1°-  First of all we point out that our idea of space, as opposed to the Earth conception, rests on several mathematical fundaments different from yours. It is not necessary to go into detail about our mathematical symbols; such a superficial problem is easily solved by a suitable transcription (conversion from base 12 to base 10), but it will not be simple for you to understand our algorithms relating to WUUA WAAM (mathematical of Physical Space) without first following a complete initiation which would take many months for even the Earth initiates in mathematics.

 There is a reason: when it comes to analysing the properties of space, the normal postulates of mathematical logic, which is familiar to you and to us besides, are not useful to us. As you know, formal logic accepts the criterion you name "law of of non-contradiction" (according to which any proposal is necessarily true or false). In our WUUA WAAM (mathematics of Physical Space) this postulate must be rejected. One then has recourse to a type of multivalent logic that our specialists call UUWUUA IES (logical tetravalent mathematics) according to which any proposal can adopt four values indifferently:



- AIOOYA AMMIE (can be translated: True outside from The Waam) (NdR: out of our conventional dimensions)

- AIOOYAU (untranslatable in Earth language).

Even if we do not obtain anything from divalent Earth logic, we do use it in our everyday life or the study of the macrophysical phenomena.

We can offer you the concepts of the WAAM. It is possible, and we will limit ourselves to a system in which infinitesimal calculus will work as well as integral calculus, topology, tensor and vector calculus, graph theory and operational research, so familiar to Earth people.

 For your convenience, when we the use of mathematical algorithms is necessary, we will endeavour to represent it to you using an algebra and notations familiar to you.

 2 ° - Until now, we did not reveal this type of information to any Earth scientist since the theoretical explanations communicated to various mathematicians and physicists were directed towards other fields of Microphysics and Mathematical Theory of networks.

 The current discovery by some Earth scientists of this concept of physics would cause a step backwards from the required goal (because this progress would be disproportionate to the desired goal) and could be translated into extremely dangerous technological applications given the current state of the Earth's Social Network which is unbalanced.

Finally we decided to make you very wisely aware of only some aspects of our theory of UXGIAM WAAM (real physical space) If a hypothetical Earth scientist Earth read these lines, the formal logician in her would refuse to accept a testimony which, coming allegedly from extraterrestrial OEMII, would appear to her to be pure fantasy.

3 ° - After what we have just said, one could ask an important question: how do we, the OEMII of UMMO, know that our model of UXGIIGIAM WAAM (real physical space) is the true one, and that for instance the Earth model of RIENMANN is not?

We are certain that our model, based on the concept of IBOZOO UU (we will further explain this concept), is true since the experimental results tally perfectly with the results predicted by the theory.

The fact that we travel by changing the three-dimensional system of reference - which enables us to move inside our Galaxy with the possibility of modifying the phases of what you call "subatomic particles " (which, as you will see, are nothing more the IBOZOO UU directed in a particular way) - confirms our theory of the WAAM once more.

What is more, our theory coincides (give or take several nuances) with the theses worked out by civilisations living on other OYAA (Planets) with whom we have had contact and who are at an advanced state in their scientific research.


 Ummite Physics and Metaphysics

"The Essential Texts"


Relations between the notations of various Ummite Universes


Our visible universe


Our "twin "anti-universe (anti-cosmos)


Universe of living beings


Universe of collective spirits, collective consciousness, also: " the universe of forms "


Cluster of set of the existing Universes



Abridged Notations




Network of living beings or living being



Collective mental structure B.B.   sometime write: [O U ].



Elementary subparticles or ? ???



Unifying factor between B.B. and chromosomes. Symbol: )--o-- (



Krypton linking B.B. with the brain

Ummite Symbols




Represents the WAAM-WAAM, (pluri-cosmos) or the three planes or our own WAAM in the middle of all the other infinite possible ones. 

The limited WAAM (WAAM BB or WAAM-OU), of infinite mass, which contains the B.B. 

  BUAWUA BIAEEI (BB) or collective psychic brain from which emerge as many pairs of OAUOO NIAUXOO as there are human beings in the social network (sometime write as "OU") 

" centrifugal " channel (1) of information, or the OAWOO NIUASOO which transfers information from the B.B. in the body of the OEMMII 

. " centripetal " channel (1) which transfers the data from the OEMMII to the psychic entities 


The WAAM in which we live 

Arrow of time 

Dimensional framework which, with time, structures the real WAAM 

tetradimensional OEMMII, space-time man 

 .  WAAM of zero mass, which contains the various spirits of human beings (network of IBOZOO UU). 

These channels do not physically exist. They are reduced to the Kr relays which connect the real WAAM we perceive with the WAAM-U 

Various human spirits (sometime write as "U")

FOOT-NOTE 1: " Centrifugal " or " centripetal " is relative to the information source considered.


Schema of the différents waam


Ummite Physics and Metaphysics
"The Essential Texts"




It is difficult to discuss a concept which in our science is still subject to multiple interpretations. The theory of the IBOZOO UU is the unified theory which our scientists have been seeking. We would like as much as you understand the richness of this theory. It has the benefit of being beautiful and harmonious (an idea dear to Kepler), although it is not very reliable.

Regardless of what the oummites say, we find in this concept the notion of ETHER which was supplanted by the theory of relativity. Ether was invented to explain 19th century quantum theories. This medium was used to explain, among other things, the propagation of particles, electromagnetic interactions, etc. but very quickly, scientists noted inconsistencies between the definition of such a system and real observation. Einstein does not completely abandon the idea of Ether in his work, but he did not have time to define its form.

The IBOZOO UU are an Ether, or a kind of matrix without a frame of reference which defines the entire architecture of the universe. The subparticles (matter, elementary particles) are not "plunged" in this matrix, but rather the matrix (the whole of the IBOZOO UU) IS matter, the gravitational field, photons, time, electromagnetism, distance... It is understood that one must not introduce an order or a specific arrangement of IBOZOO UU within this network since they themselves are the source of order. How to define a common electron within this theory? This small animation will aid with understanding. (animation that can be found on the web site)

You say that the alignment of these dominos is a network of IBOZOO UU related two to two (in " reality ", the network is not ordered). The oummites specify in their texts that an IBOZOO UU alone does not have meaning; what is crucial is the variation of the angle and transmissions of information from one IBOZOO UU to another. The first domino transmits to its neighbor an energy which makes it tumble, and thus a ripple propagates down the endless chain. The ripple itself does not exist independently; it exists only by means of the dominos. That is what an electron is, a wave / a corpuscle which results from the information communicated through the network of IBOZOO UU related two to two.

Let us refine this concept a little and imagine that the information which is communicated along this chain of dominos (IBOZOO UU) is of the magnitude MASSES. The ripple appears to us as a mass (an electron),clearly visible, but to say then that it is elementary does make sense. The oummites go on to say that the IBOZOO UU can have ten different magnitudes. We can suppose that they define the universe.

This theory is like defining a set in mathematics, provided that the objects which make it up conform to the laws of stability and composition. These mathematical laws operate on multidimensional objects (the IBOZOO UU), whose multiple dimensions (vectors and their magnitudes) are the principal dimensions of our universe (length, force, time, mass, impulse, energy etc). The laws of composition (yet to be defined, since obviously the oummites do not pass them on to us) provide us with relations between the dimensional parameters of these objects, making it possible to find the physical non-variants (the laws of stability).

Modern physics remains obsessed with these stable laws, those which we observe. The laws of composition which we seek would make it possible to find these known laws and to discover new ones, like the famous gravitational wave. So we know the set, a large number of objects which make it up, the nature of a great number of these objects, and a certain number of stable laws. To demonstrate what the oummites propose requires nothing more than the discovery of the laws of composition by which we will find the physical non-variants and bring to light the phenomena that still elude us. But what have scientists been doing since Evariste Gallois !


The WAAM - WAAM, translation: pluri-cosmos. To understand this vision of the universe, we should quickly discard all our S.F. novels (even though the Ummite file can be compared to the world's greatest role playing game). In fact, it is not a question of a multitude of parallel universes, but rather of universes with different physical properties. These properties being related closely to the orientations of the multiple vectors of the IBOZOO UU. We recommend you read and understand this concept before going any further in " the exploration " of the cosmos. Thus to some extent, the WAAM resembles Hawking's theory on "bubble-universes" (see the Champs / Flamarion collection for a simplified explanation) but he did not build a logical system that would make such universes possible...

Returning to WAAM-WAAM, the Oummites say that we are plunged in a multidimensional universe which exists in multiple combinations within its structure. But for the Ummite, dimension is not a vector or scalar, dimension is a three-dimensional frame in which properties specific to that frame EXIST, these properties being related to the orientation of the vector axes of the IBOZOO UU. First example, since you may already be overwhelmed, a positron does not exist in a natural state within our three-dimensional frame (it is a position, not a demonstration), but is in its natural state in another three-dimensional frame, and its specificity in the latter is the same one as the electron within our frame.

WAAM- WAAM consists of an infinite number of three-dimensional frames with two well defined limits,which will be developed further. The difference with our concepts lies in the definition of dimension. We saw in the chapter on the IBOZOO UU that everything we call particles or waves is defined by the angular variation of the axes of the vectors of two dependent IBOZOO UU. A photon, an electron, a " graviton ", can thus be defined by the amount of variation of the orientations of the vectors of the I.U. Space-time plunges us into a 4-dimensional frame, or 4 vectors, in Ummite terms.. The IBOZOO UU has 10 vectors. Our frame or our dimension is defined by the orientation of its vectors, and since there are an infinite number of possible angular orientations of these vectors, there is an infinite number of tetra-dimensional frames.

It's now easier to understand why one cannot really speak about parallel universes, but could draw an analogy between the universe (the WAAM - WAAM) in the diversity of its frames, and the different possible physical states of water (gas, liquid, solid); all these states coexist, but it always remains a substance made up of H2O molecules. We live in water in its gaseous state, but other beings can only exist in water in its solid state...(it is an analogy!). Another example: any image on a monitor is made up of three constutuent signals: Red, Green and Blue. If the whole screen is green, you will not be able to see a single green point. On the other hand, if your screen is yellow, you will be able to distinguish a single green point on this background...It is all just a question of one reference frame defined by another reference frame, the RGB signal. It is not about the distance between the various universes, about time, or other things; it is a question of the specific characteristics of the IBOZOO UU which define these universes.

The oummites say to have been able to" plunge themselves " into ten different frameworks by means of a a simple variation of THEIR IBOZOO UU (which ones????) but the framework that is more interesting to us is the U-WAAM or anti-universe ; it differs only by the vector which characterizes the mass; it is thus symmetrical to us, mathematically speaking. One of its effects would be to contain our galaxy in a kind of cocoon and to thus counteract the effect of centrifugal force not compensated for by the famous "missing mass" which always eludes observation. In the same way, this universe " skirts " ours in its pluri-geometry, and its uniqueness lies in the fact that the speed of the light in its centre could be 50 times higher than in our universe, thus providing the possibility of traveling very quickly from one point to another in our space at very high speed. We would no longer need hundreds of years to go to the nearest star. (This is what astronomers such as Ribes proclaim, at least that is his official position).
We spoke to you about the boundary universes, which they are in terms of the state of their IBOZOO UU. These universes are the BUAWA and BUAWE BIAEI. On one hand, the universe of Souls ( or spirits), on the other, the universe of the Souls' souls. Their defining characteristics are:

* BUAWA Universe: zero mass, photon velocity zero, time is thus "frozen", and a constantly expanding radius.

* BUAWE BIAEI Universe: infinite mass, photon velocity infinite, constantly expanding radius.

It is surprising to see how much those who revealed these texts have integrated physically what for us is nothing but pure speculation...The oummites have no reason to manufacture religion since they have modeled our intuitions. In this respect, such a society is inherently stable. At least from this point of view.

Once again, we would say that we only observe the universe from our seat....PLATO! Here is the man who should have been listened to in the sciences, PLATO and his cave....Pure objectification! The oummites would say that tetravalence takes the place of Manicheism.



BUAWE BIAEI, which the oummites translated as " Community or social spirit ", is connected to a collective spirit. This "being "is in fact a regrouping of the Souls (or spirits) of all those who populate a star. The oummites are mistaken in thinking that our theologists never foresaw the possibility of such a Being. In " the phenomenon of man" Theillard de Chardin speaks about a " souls' Soul " which resembles BUAWE BIAEI in its philosophical sense. Perhaps the oummites have not read everything...

One of the roles of this being is very " simple "; since it is the idea of WOA, it integrates its patterns of behaviour or " moral laws ". By an internal process of our brain in connection with this Being, the BUAWE BIAEI continuously sends us patterns or models of behaviour, since we are a conscious humanity. There is also an opposite process which informs the BUAWE BIAEI through us (our body). Indeed, all that we collect through our senses, as well as our mental processes, are dispatched to this entity to carry out a kind of update of this great Soul of souls. After a " data processing ", information comes down again to our brain.

To take only the Christian religion as an example, the idea of a collective Spirit is not spelled out in the Bible, but rather of an anthropomorphic vision of a " place " where Souls (or spirits) are joined together after the death of the body: " paradise ". As regards the expression of the moral codes through us, Christendom calls upon the Holy Spirit to inspire us (in spiritus: the spirit in us). BUAWE BIAEI would be a very rough unification of these two concepts Christianity. But the obvious question is: what is it that allows this connection to exist between entities so distant in their physical reality? See the chapter on the OEMBUAW.

BUAWE BIAEI also directs the entire process of evolution through a process close to OEMBUAW, through its quantum characteristics, called BAYIODUU. We are not talking here of an anthropic process such as we conceive it evolution theory, but rather of a capacity to start a phylum of evolution when certain criteria (social, climatic, cosmological, geological etc) have been established.


As we defined in the BUAWE BIAEI, this universe where the collective spirits of the various planetary "humanities" is stored plays a major role in the phylum of evolution of living beings. In fact, this collective psyche " contains the information which modulates evolution ". Should we then consider that the oummites think of the evolution process as an anthropic principle, and that all life is determined and follows a divine plan?. YES or NOT, and this " or " is inclusive. In fact the theory is a wise combination of Darwinism, creationism and the theory of checks and balances so dear to S.J. Gould. But more importantly, it is Theillard de Chardin's theory that dominates in the oummite explanation of evolution. This man, quite terrestrial, bequeathed us a theory that few scientists dare to approach even today. Could it be because this scientist/paleontologist/anthropologist was above all a priest!, a condition that rejects science in principle? let us stop here. No?, then let us keep an open mind. Let us remember that we have as object of study a group of extraterrestria beings, that we have never seen and who however make people credulous!! Similar attitude with religious beliefs. Thus we must study what our contemporaries propose in parallel with what our Unidentified Flying Oummites put forward.

We observe in nature a phenomenon of complexification of life, all theories recognize this, but all diverge as soon as one speaks about adaptation. Theillard and the oummites (an amusing combination) believe that organisms respond to the environment, not through a long process of natural selection (Darwin) but rather by means of a pre-organization directed by an intra and/or extra genomic phenomenon. That does not mean that the biotope does not select; it imposes a configuration of life in its upgrading capabilities (of phylum). This nuance is disturbing, since random changes no longer play the dominant role which sticks in the majority of evolutionary theories.

There would be an " intelligent " process which directs all life, in conformity with the environment. Theillard de Chardin, like Darwin, used his observations to infer his theory but he could only explain it in one fabulous philosophical essay: "the phenomenon of man". If you read this book (1930) and the oummite texts (1966), you will see huge areas of similarity. But in another text the oummites acknowledge that certain Earth scientists revealed many concepts which were unknown to them.

Today, Theillard re-appears in scientific theses, and certain paleo-anthropologists (French) discovered that there was a logic in human complexification. Logic which makes on foresee a directing process which remains to be discovered. Theillard compared this logic to the Omega point, and named it an attractor (in the mathematical sense) which directs evolution towards an optimum point: humankind. The oummites say the same (obviously) and name the directing process Buawe Biaei, acting by means of the BAYODUU.

The BAYODUU is integrated into the DNA of living beings, It is a double network of IBOZOO UU which acts in our physical reality in resonance with BUAWE BIAEI (a similar principle in the OEMBUAW_). All the possibilities of phylum preexist, it is like defining all the possibilities of combinations in a game of chess. These possibilities are " connected " to the BUAWE BIAEI and can be integrated in the BAYODUU. If you refer to the diagram, we have simplified the BAYODUU.

The BAYODUU receives information which defines the environment, this information is compared to the existing genomic configuration and if a change is needed, this BAYODUU starts the adequate genetic mutation. Furthermore, we saw that there was an ultimate goal for man (Theillard's Omega point). This goal is the logical orientation that evolution in general follows, and which was recently emphasized by our scientists in human evolution. In conclusion, we could say that the BUAWE BIAEI / BAYODUU couple is a gödelian, or meta-gödelien principle. We would be the result of another reality which assists our evolution. But we could not evolve without this attractor. This approaches the work of the physicist Penrose, or the winner of the Nobel Prize for medicine Eccles when they try to define a similar entity mathematically: CONSCIOUSNESS.



The BUAWA (the Soul or spirit) takes up the concepts of our principal religions. The BUAWA is not in time, it is not in space accessible to us through our senses, but just like BUAWE BIAEI, it has a physical reality WAAM WAAM. Its role is to encode all events, like a computer memory; it integrates all that our senses perceive and all our mental processes throughout our life. In a reverse process, the BUAWA directs the behaviour of our three-dimensional body that the oummites call OEMII. In other words, exit the worship of the body, which for the oummites is only a sensor that informs on one hand the BUAWA and on the other by BUAWE BIAEI through a process named OEMBUAW.

Thus one can better understand why the oummites consider that each living being is untimately responsible before its community, for if by misfortune a small network of deviators takes form, the BUAWE BIAEI is affected and by reflection in the BUAWE BIAEI, all Ummite humanity suffers. This is why they detect all psychotics or schizophrenics in their society and prevent them from harming the whole (by a nonpainful means which is in fact only a surgical procedure). This is why their society reminds us so much of an anthill, each being similar but all united for the progress in the evolution of their consciousness.


The OEMBUAW is what the oummites call man's third factor. This process connects the OEMII to his Soul or spirit (the BUAWA) and makes him thus responsible before WOA, for man's behaviour is not pre-determined like animals, which (apparently) do not have this factor. The being equipped with OEMBUAW is thus free to follow or transgress the moral and irreducible laws of WOA, which shows why the Oummite very strictly " corrects " those who would dare to violate the transcendent laws of their "God ".

One could wonder how an adimensiona entity, the BUAWA, can direct a dimensional and temporal entity, the OEMII. It is here that the OEMBUAW intervenes. It is necessary understand the theory of the IBOZO UU, for this is a quantum process which, being by nature non-determined, acts as the bond between the body, the Soul, the collective spirit. It is commonly known that the location of the electron around its nucleus cannot be pinpointed because it is neither wave, nor particle in the same way Heisenberg's uncertainty principle shows that the behavior of subatomic particles is subject to random occurences as regards their location / velocity. If two entities which differ in their physical nature (the BUAWA and the OEMII) must exchange information, it can only happen through an ambivalent quantum-based principle.

The OEMBUAW is a network of IBOZOO UU not susceptible to Heisenberg's uncertainty principle, because it enters into resonance (in the physical sense of the word), giving it the power "long-distance" information exchange. But in no case does it transgress the laws of physics, it simply uses a particularity of nature. To better understand this, let us make use of a very simple image. If you have a guitar in a romm where music is playing, occasionally the strings of the guitar will start to vibrate, it is a resonance. The OEMBUAW is the guitar string, your body like the body of the guitar, and the BUAWA can be compared to the music. The process is identical with the BUAWE BIAEI and this in sense OEMII / BUAWE BIAEI or BUAWE BIAEI / OEMII.

The oummites localise this factor in the human brain, and the resonance is set in motion by a series of atoms of a rare gas, Krypton. As we can see in the chapters devoted to BUAWA and BUAWE BIAEI, everything collected by our mental processes and our senses is codified in the OEMBUAW and stored by this state of resonance in the BUAWA_ and BUAWE BIAEI. The reciprocal case is also true. This is how the oummites explain telepathy, which they usually use to overcome their " natural " speech deficiency. Through the OEMBUAW, the BUAWA sends a thought which then passes in another network of IBOZOO UU of the OEMBUAW to send it to BUAWE BIAEI. The latter sends the information towards the intended recipient of the message (a code, a key is specific to each Being) through his OEMBUAW and finally, the network responsible for the transmission towards the recipient's BUAWA, sends the message to the recipient's BUAWA (phew!) You will understand better by referring to the general outlines. You see that man's third factor is of primary importance in a human network, for it allows a connection beyond the senses, it unifies the expression of the collective spirit to all the beings who would like to integrate them (let us not forget that we are free.).

From the point of view of Earth science, what to say? Admittedly quantum physics is in an embryonic state, we do not yet understand or model mathematically the reality of what we see. Particle physics shows that today quantum behavior cannot be adequately expressed mathematically. It is up to the mathematicians to work out a language that physics will be able to use in its observations. The oummites always use our scientific weaknesses to advance large logical concepts. The Soul or spirit, the body, psyche, soma, all this enters with difficulty into scientific consideration, and we have only religion to affirm or deny the oummite concepts...a weak basis since it is indemonstrable. We are only able to say: it is logical and it would explain all these things we infer or foresee. But why do religions exist? why social phenomena? Why do we find identical concepts in peoples who evolved separately? One can work out theories, but if there is no language to express them they will remain conceptual.



Already, the word " religion " disturbs our friends the oummites, for religion is not a scientific concept. For a religion to be established, it is necessary to believe in values / beings / concepts which essentially remain without rational explanation. The verb To believe or Faith is paradoxical for the Ummites, who only consider true the fact that science evolves. But careful! The Ummites are more subtle. They do not even think that their science is true, but only that it is exploitable in the current state of its knowledge or its consciousness (we will see further on why consciousness plays such a fundamental role). All new acceptable models can redesign all theories.

In the state, we could consider that there is no god for these people. First misconception; the oummites consider a God they name WOA.. WOA is a modeller of ideas, a generator, all the laws of cosmos come from him. WOA does not enter into our physical reality, but to say that he is adimensional is very reducing. The oummites prefer to speak of a Being unable to be captured in our thought, thus physically inaccessible to us, in the strictest sense, and nowhere in the Ummite texts is there a physical or mathematical definition of WOA, and it is " theologically " impossible to do so. The best definition which illustrates their idea of God is: " WOA is a creative being of ideas, of an infinite number of ideas, insofar as these ideas are not incompatible with the essential element of WAAM " It is necessary to understand by ideas all that IS (exists) in the WAAM, from the quark to the architecture of a galaxy, to the role of the document you are reading right now.

This remains still quite simple and strongly resembles our theological conceptions of God. Where the oummites diverge from us is in the Beings which coexist with WOA. It is unfortunately necessary to summarize so that everyone can follow, but let us say that there are other always adimensional and atemporal entities which are not WOA, but which answer this need for being, always following the logic that any being must implicitly exist if this being is not incompatible with the essence of WOA. This IS BUAWE BIAEI.



The OEMII : The sensory organ, the material thinking being, endowed with reason plunged in the WAAM - WAAM. This is how the oummites define the human being, a single sensory receiver, able to convey meaning to the cosmos by his though,. The human being fills a fundamental role, for it is the ultimate result of evolution. One could call it the structure as organized as possible in the organic evolutionary phylum. The oumite defines the OEMII as an anthropoide having the "third factor" (the OEMBUAW), this bond with the universe of the BUAWA, a Soul or spirit which gathers information from its senses and its cognitive " processes " of reason. We will find here all the concepts broached in other articles because the human being is the MEANING of creation, the point which explains the big question we all pose: "why am I? ". Have you never asked that question ?....I who write these lines, I certainly asked it and I only have my answer, it is connected more to faith than to a real demonstration, so then... there we are.....

We saw in the BAYODUU that the human being is destined for the ultimate phase of evolution, this process, answering the constraints of the environment (and not being subjected to it through a selection of the weaker beings), leads to a organization of the brain which sooner or later gives the attribute of thought to the human. This thought or this consciousness of the self is the first stage of the " wiring " of the human's responsibility in its biotope. The being is not no longer motivated by self-preservation instincts, but by the will to find the meaning of ALL THAT. Then the big problems begin, because the human knows to do good, knows to do evil, knows that it will die and does not know why it does all that if is to finish as caviar for earthworms!

" But the oummites in all of this"...Well they have the same problems as us...They seek. No, if the oummites have not found an ultimate meaning for the universe, at least they have found meaning for the OEMII... Since everything the being thinks and sees is sent to BUAWE BIAEI, we are responsible for the way in which we think of the cosmos, we are responsible for the influence we exert on our fellow beings since they too send their cognitive processes to BUAWE BIAEI, this large data bank of " feelings " and of " meaning " gathered from all the living beings who have ever lived and thought since the existence of OEMII. The oummite knows that what he lives, he lives as much for himself as for his brethren and future generations who will all be fed by this BUAWE BIAEI data bank. This is the famous anthill Petit describes. But everything is logical in such a philosophy, including how certain beings might disturb those who follow?? This is all the more critical since the evolution of the OEMII is at stake.

The next stages of the OEMII are a series of reorganizations of the brain which cause it to conceive of the cosmos more and more accurately, in a more " objective " or " tetravalent " way (this concept does not apply only to mathematics). Then this neguentropy intervenes, this fight against the inevitable degradation which is the rampant entropy of matter or thought. The OEMII must, for the oummite, reach OEMII WOA to be actualized as a humanity. The OEMII WOA is Theillard de Chardin's Omega point (him again), the universal attractor. But as it is inescapable, it is incumbent upon the humanity to carry out this encephalic " connection" in the healthiest possible way, in order not to disturb its BUAWE BIAEI (which, let us not forget, also stores the moral laws of WOA) but also in order not to disturb BUAWE BIAEI of other humanities in the cosmos. What a responsibility!!

We wondered, during a time, why the oummites wanted to know if there was a possibility of telepathic connection between them and we of Earth. The answer is obvious: if telepathy was possible, a bond between the BUAWE BIAEI of various planetary civilizations was proven (see the diagram). Thus if our silly antics from our youth influenced their collective spirit, there is all the more reason for them to scold us.... have they found this bond today? the text asking this question goes back to 1966..over 30 years already.

Translation of OEMII WOA: man-God. We cannot obscure our planetary Jesus. The oummites call him OYAGAA WOA (OYAGAA = EARTH), similar in all respects except his life, to their UMMO WOA which in his time had the same charisma on their planet. What to say ?????? we leave it to you, it is simpler. The defining characteristic of this human lies in the objectification of the universe in his thought. Thus, OEMII WOA is almost a WOA, so that it can change the state of the WAAM. Let us not forget that we are the sensors of the cosmos and in fact the OEMII informs BUAWE BIAEI about the state of the universe through its conscious thought. OEMII WOA thus becomes a potential threat to the whole WAAM because it KNOWS how it IS. The oummites say that an OEMII WOA at such a point of consciousness becomes a paradox with the physical reality of the dimensional framework in which it exists, and so it disappears...Simple as that. Fairy tale? religion? reflection? we do not know any more, especially since it is supposedly extra terrestrials who have told us this. A kind of natural protection compels us to say no more. We do not have the right to destroy or create in this concept. This is all just as logical as the theory of black holes which exist for some and not for others. Make up your own mind, and let us not sink into proselytism.

We nevertheless offer you a helpful tip for understanding oummite concepts. Be tetravalent! and do not reject everything outright because it disturbs you.


Ummite Physics and Metaphysics:
"The Essential Texts"

(extracts Letter D 45, 1966)


The cosmos is a decadimentionnel space-time continuum, curved in its entirety and forming an opposite hypersphere (i.e. with two radii of the same length but inversed.). But, in addition to this immense universal curve, it is subjected to two more curvatures:

It is impossible however to represent these curves graphically (because on a surface one can only draw three-dimensional images). However we will try by using coloured pencils.

Thus view with reserve such drawings which only serve a didactic purpose.




Image A shows how we humans see or appreciate a " fragment " of SPACE in which there is two astral bodies (for example EARTH and UMMO). The dotted line represents the apparent shortest distance, that is, that which a beam of light would follow (i.e. a beam of IBOAAAYA or PHOTONS) or well one of your radio-controlled projectiles.

Image B shows how this immense space can be curved through a fourth dimension. These immense " folds " of space vary constantly, as the wind folds one of your cloths spread out on the ground, and they are due to the inter-influences of the U-WAAM (our twin cosmos we referred to in another document).

There exists however other much smaller curves: small folds or wrinkles which one can identify as what our senses perceive as " MASSES ".

The Galaxies, and inside the astral bodies, the human body, a stone, are only small " hollows " or curves of space through a fourth-dimensional axis (see image B).

You can see that Earth scientists identified the general curvature of SPACE and these small mass-curvatures, but they are unaware of the large variable folds which we have just mentioned.

As you can see, the solid line in image B or C will thus represent the TRUE SHORTEST DISTANCE (ideal for space flights) in this tetradimensional space.

When the radius of this curve is large, (image B) the two lines have almost the same length and space travel will still take a very long time, even at speeds approaching that of light.

But if the curve is marked, (image C) the solid line will be much shorter than the dotted line (line of propagation of light).



In the images D and E one can distinguish two types of ideal lines.

IISUIW: Isochronous Lines (NdR: - and solid lines) which represent the true shortest line, that of path of light, and other intermediaries. The IISUIW (isochronous lines) are characterized as follows: two observers 1 °and 2 ° verify that TIME is synchronous. On the other hand for 1 °(or 2) °and 3°, located in different IISUIW, TIME passes in a different way.

USDOUOO: Isodynamic Lines (NdR: in D, hyperbolic on a vertical plane and -----, practically parallel in a vertical plane in E), you can see that in image D they are divergent and in image E, parallel.

It is only when the USDOUOO or Isodynamic lines do not converge or do not diverge, i.e. that they are parallel (image E), that our scientists are aware that the distance to another star is tiny and that they can move through this IISUIW (isochronous) with our OAWOOLEA UEWA OEMM (spaceships).

[ NdR: These drawings, in colour in the original, are not easily comprehensible. This text associated with the drawings expresses the idea that when space is strongly folded, in such a way that the isodynamic lines become parallel or divergent (represented as convergent in drawing D), the two stars are in fact closer (represented by a fine line on drawing E) than the trajectory of light represented as a " bell " by a thick line ].

But this curvature of space undergoes periodic modifications generated by the influence of the U-WAAM. Today it may be possible that our planet UMMO is closer to the planet Earth than to the star ALPHA CENTAURI, and that has in fact occurred several times.




Image F will help to understand that. Under normal conditions, IMAGE F, the distance between Alpha Centauri and the Earth will be around 4,4 light-years. On the other hand IUMMA and UMMO (OUR SOLAR SYSTEM OF WOLF 424) will be separated by more than 14 light years (from the Earth ndt).

But if (as the image G indicates it) space is curved, it can happen that the real distances vary in favour of the distance which separates us from UMMO. If the trajectory of LIGHT did not vary, for astronomers and for possible space travellers on the voyage to UMMO, the time of the voyage appears longer to them than to travel to the nearest star: Alpha Centauri.




Excerpt letter D58 (1967)


You know that one of the attributes of the electron is mass. When the mass of the electron describes a harmonic vibration, it creates under certain conditions gravitational waves with a loss of equivalent energy. Under these conditions the electron disappears, to be transformed into what you call another subatomic particle, but such a particle is unknown to you.

Thus: The permutation of a particle into another, that which you have already observed but that you cannot yet control, is only a change of axis, that is to say a change of dimension. When the mass of a proton, for example, disappears in front of you to convert itself into energy, what actually happens is that your Axis has undergone a 90 ° rotation through the Axis of the traditional dimensions of Space. But this concerns only you and your system of reference, for another observer from the point of view of a fourth, fifth or sixth dimension, will observe exactly the opposite phenomenon: energy concentrating to form a particle which would be called proton.

Actually you are living in your physics laboratories, which were dreamed up as much by authors of science fiction as by physicists: At the moment you will manage to control, as we do, the homogeneous inversion of all the subparticles of the human body or of an object, this must be interpreted as the passage from one system of reference of three-dimensional space to another, just as three-dimensional, but different from the first. Actually it is less fantastic than you imagine and different from all that has been imagined by the futuristic writers of your planet.


Letter D29, received in 1966

In the document that we gave you concerning the creation of the WAAM and U-WAAM (two cosmos), we referred to the interaction of the two Universes, an obvious interaction, by means of forces and interferences which you have not discovered yet.

The astrophysicists of the Earth have just detected (NDR: letter received in 1966) the presence of unknown forces which until now were underestimated and ignored. It is our wish that this first step towards the discovery of the U-WAAM be fruitful.

Today we know that there is not one Cosmos (ours), but an infinite number (NdR: The Ummites sometimes use " infinite " to mean " many "... caution!) of " PAIRS OF COSMOS ". There is thus the duality which also exists in the cosmological geneses. The difference between elements A and B of each pair lies in the fact that their respective atomic structures differ in the sign (positive or negative) of their electric charge. (you incorrectly use the terms matter and antimatter).

For example our twin Cosmos also exists but:

1) in its atoms there are positive electrons (positrons) orbiting a nucleus of antiprotons.

2) these two cosmos could never be in contact, and to believe that they can be superimposed does not make sense, for they are not separated by dimensional relations, (i.e. to affirm that they are separated by X light-years or that their existence is simultaneous does not make sense).

3) the two twin cosmos have the same mass and the same radius corresponding to a Hypersphere of negative curvature.

4) but the two twin universes have different singularities (in other words: in our twin cosmos there is not the same number of galaxies, and those which are there do not have the same structure.) There is not thus another twin UMMO nor another twin EARTH as one could believe. This last conclusion is not hypothetical and we will give you its justification.

5) the two cosmos " were created " simultaneously but their arrows of time are not directed in the same direction. That is, it is illogical to say that this cosmos coexists with ours in time, or that it existed before or will exist afterwards. One can only say that it exists: but not now, before or later. On the other hand an interval of evolution can be parallel or equal to ours.

One could say the same thing for the infinity of pairs of Cosmos which exist in a pluri-cosmos. One can say that the concept of a Pluri-cosmos cannot resemble a Universe (in the sense of Cosmos). In the latter, the galaxies move like floating islands in an immense sea. Only this " sea " is a sphere with multiple dimensions, on the other hand one can speak about intergalactic distances and even about gases which fill intergalactic spaces.

However it is much more difficult to imagine the U-WAAMWAAM (pluri-cosmos), for the pairs of cosmos are submerged in NOTHING. It is useless to imagine that there are distances, or that these distances are zero. Such an image would be false.

But there is something which struck our scientists when they discovered it: our twin Cosmos exerts its " influence " on ours though they are not linked by space-time relations. Thanks to the analysis of this influence, we guessed the existence of the other universe. By inference, our Cosmos must also influence the other under the same conditions.

The asymmetry of this influence revealed to us that this Cosmos has another distribution of Galaxies. The analysis of the current phase of our Universe reveals to us how it was generated by WOA.

Our Cosmos is what you call a space-time Continuum (we needed 10 dimensions to define it mathematically). We could speculate by allotting an infinity of dimensions to it, but we are unable to prove it.

Of these ten dimensions, three are perceptible by our senses and a fourth - time - is perceived psychologically as a continuous " flow " in the single direction which we call UIWIUTAA (arrow or directed direction of time).

In the beginning our two twin cosmos: WAAM (ours) and U-WAAM (our twin) were defined by a WAAMIAAYO (difficult to translate: point or origin of only one co-ordinate which would be time). WOA created the remainder of dimensions successively but do not interpret this " successively " as a temporal or spatial succession, but as an ordinal, achronistic relation " ordered " outside of time.

You can imagine that our primitive Bi-cosmos resembled more a small empty sphere. A small universe without Galaxies, without intergalactic gases, with only space existing in time, and WOA curves and bends this space. Each " new " curvature determines a dimension and finally, WOA " folds it ". Here we are using a comparison, a symbol, for one could express this correctly only using mathematics. For example the expression " to fold space " appears simplistic, but it is very didactic.

If we curve a three-dimensional space, if we fold it, or if we make a sort of hollow through the fourth dimension (NdR: this 4th dimension is not time.), this curve represents what our senses interpret as mass (a stone, a planet, a galaxy).

Thus WOA damages this microcosmos in creating mass; nothing less than almost all current mass of our two twin universes concentrated in a very reduced space. Matter and antimatter (as you call them), are super-concentrated.

There was then a DOUBLE EXPLOSION-IMPLOSION. In the implosion, matter and antimatter (i.e. positive and negative atoms) are violently attracted to each other without ever meeting. They are two wholes, two universes, WAAM and U-WAAM which will never be able to meet for they are not separated by spatial relations. Thus when we say that they attract each other, the verb " to attract " must be understood in the sense of inter-influencing.

In addition, there was explosion. Indeed: the immense mass of each Cosmos split up into particles and these fragments, brutally expelled millions of years ago (NdR: translator's error??? Does he mean billion), make up today's Nebulae or Galaxies, which move today at an ALMOST CONSTANT SPEED.

We underline this " almost " at the time when your astronomers judge that speed must be constant or uniform, basing themselves on two false assumptions:

- the displacement of the bands of the spectrum, in the galaxies observed, is CONSTANT and is directed towards RED.

- It seems logical to think that if nebulae are not propelled by a Field of Forces, - for they result from an initial explosion of the universe - they will move with uniform speed.

But these two premises are false.

1) your instruments are not very precise; if they were, you would have observed that the shift of the bands towards the red IS NOT CONSTANT, it is a nonsinusoidal periodic function of almost unperceivable but APPRECIABLE amplitude.

2) you did not take into account that our twin Cosmos exerts an " influence " on our galaxies. Precisely on UMMO, as we will indicate to you, we discovered the IWAAL (NdR: No translation suggested in the text. Does it mean the fold?) on the basis of these interferences. This interaction prevents our nebulae from moving with a uniform velocity. (velocity - acceleration).

Thus the measurement you make of the age of the universe is inaccurate, for you use as your parameters this pseudo-constant speed of the galaxies and their distance compared to the EARTH, and further that if NOW the speed is almost constant, in the first moments after its creation the acceleration (a sinusoidal function) would have had an enormous amplitude.

What will be the end of these twin cosmos? Taking into account that WOA continues to create matter inside each Cosmos, the degradation of mass into energy is much faster.

There will come a time when the two universes will be reduced to a hyperspheric space-time continuum of negative radius, but, NOW (NdR: that day), it is of infinite magnitude, lacking concentration of masses, i.e. without Galaxies, curvature and " FOLDS ".

Only a continuous and isotropic propagation of radiations of the same frequency, for, NOW, the multiple sinusoidal functions created by WOA will be in phase and these stationary waves will have ceased, these troughs of crests that our senses interpret respectively as " VACUUMS and MASSES ". There remains only an ocean of waves, of decreasing amplitude until the final death of the " cosmic pair ".

But on UMMO we are aware of this creation. How can ATHEISM develop? If the universe were eternal, it would already have ceased to exist.


Ummite Physics and Metaphysics:
"The Essential Texts"

(excerpts from letter D 52 (?), received 11 - 28 - 1966 by M. Villagrassa)

(NdR: all sketches are missing)

When you look at yourself in the mirror, the image you see IS NOT IDENTICAL to what other people see when they look at you. Simply hold up a written page in front of a mirror to verify what you have known all the time but not given much thought to. The mirror seems to transpose left to right.

Not long ago, one of our brothers in the United States informed us that a North American writer had written a scientific book which posed the following: if a person sees their image inverted left to right in a mirror, then why isn't the image also reversed top to bottom, with the feet at the top of the image?

It seems that in the United States, only 2 % of the adults they asked could give a satisfactory answer. Only 38 % of a group made up exclusively of experts and students in Physics, Psychiatry and Mathematics could answer quickly.

This illustrates perfectly that if a great percentage of people of the Earth are not prepared to understand certain fundamental concepts in connection with space symmetry, vision and perception on the level of the brain, they will be even less able to understand and analyse proofs and demonstrations in connection with Higher Mathematics.

When two objects are symmetrical in relation to a plane, we say them that they are INNUO VIAAXOO (eniantiomorphic). It is easy to see that these two objects cannot be superimposed, although their morphological identity is obvious: you could yourself, on Earth, find thousands of examples (right shoe and left shoe, left-turning screw and right-turning screw, two ears, etc). Obviously, many INNUO VIAAXOO (enantiomorphic) bodies can be superimposed when their morphology is symmetrical.

Any body which can be divided into two identical parts [ or INNUO VIAAXOO (enantiomorphic) ] in relation to a plane, we say that it is AA INNUO (symmetrical). Some examples of AA INNUO (symmetrical) bodies are the OEMII (human bodies except secondary physiological differences) and the polyhedrons regular among many others.

Any physics student could give the definition of a field according to Earth physics. Is a force field symmetrical? You consider the field to be isotropic. This is false

Imagine that in an " area " of the Cosmos free of asteroids, cosmic dust, gas etc we put a metal sphere. Apparently nothing has changed in the vicinity, so now we put at a distance a smaller sphere, which is attracted towards the larger one with a force you call gravity.

Let us repeat the experiment at various points A, B, C, etc. of this area of the cosmos. The closer we put the small sphere, the larger the force of attraction will be, and so too its speed towards the central mass.

You define the field of forces as an area surrounding the sphere where the phenomenon appears. An area whose ray is infinite. Your physicists are accustomed to graphically representing a field by points to which one assigns a symbol they name vectors (in this case force-vectors. You assign to the central sphere represented by the point M the characteristic of INERT MASS which creates this mysterious GRAVITY FIELD. It is inevitable that serious questions arise regarding such a poorly-explained concept.

What is mass ? Does any particle, any body have an inert mass ? Which is the true nature of these mysterious forces? When we look at an object, we know that it has volume and at the same time that it " weighs ", " has a mass ". Are MASS and VOLUME (or SPACE) the same thing, or at least are these two concepts so closely related that one cannot conceive of an object that has volume but not mass or vice-versa?. A great confusion inevitably arises when we start from the false assumption that space is an entity unto itself, completely separate from our mental phenomena like FEELING and PERCEPTION.

Does space exist OUTSIDE OF OUR MENTAL perception or is it an illusion of our senses?

To answer definitely one way or the other would be a serious error. WE on UMMO know for certain that there is a REALITY outside of ourselves, which stimulates our brain and sets in motion a mental process we call BUAWAIGAAI (perception).

But this reality is as different from MENTAL PERCEPTION as a mountain is from the word "M-O-U-N-T-A-I-N ", which is used to represent it.

This concept is not foreign to your scientists. Some examples: what does COLOUR (PERCEPTION) have in common with the electromagnetic wave which stimulates our retina? The colour is a pure psychological phenomenon. It does not exist outside of the self, and there is even the paradox that different wavelengths cause different perceptions. Thus when the stimulus is 398 Earth (millimicrons), we interpret it as a red patch of colour, but if it arrives at our skin with a slightly longer wavelength, " we feel heat "; something very different than COLOUR: The same external reality causes different illusions.

So also SPACE (as such) is another illusion of our senses. Yes, there is an external " something " which causes this psychological perception but this " something " is really as different from our illusory concept of space as a wavelength is from the green or yellow the spirit perceives.

And we also say to you: your specialists have held onto this idea of differentiating the concepts FIELD of FORCES and SPACE as distinct entities. You admit that the nervous system masks the feeling of FORCES and the feeling of SPACES and work out a system of mathematical equations to define this " something " external to the self called GRAVITATIONAL, MAGNETIC and ELECTROSTATIC FIELD, and this other " three-dimensional or N dimensional something" called SPACE.

You know that a FIELD of FORCES cannot exist outside of a SPACE affected by these fields.

Moreover we affirm that FIELD OF FORCES and SPACE can be identified. There cannot be a universe outside our own in which, because there are no particles, there are no deformations of this space (which we call FIELD) either.

More specifically: the action of the gravitational field is that which stimulates our nerve endings, sending a series of codified impulses to our brain which in turn makes emerge this illusion we call SPACE.

That is why when we speak about dimensions to define space, do not believe that the dimension of length in the WAAM (cosmos) is the same as we imagine it in our minds. As this would require a considerable and continuous mental effort, throughout these reports and for the sake of convenience, the length of a straight line can be considered to be synonymous with dimension, and to a certain degree that is correct.

We will also speak to you about the perception of space, the way in which we conceive the decadimensionnel WAAM, the true concept of asymmetry of our WAAM (Cosmos) which converts it into an ENANTIOMORPHE of the U-WAAM (anticosmos).

We will explain you how we polarise sub-particles to make space travel possible by using the curvature of space and we will also speak to you about true distance which makes such travel possible.

French letter, received in 1993 by XXX

We ask you to refer to page 61 of the September 1993 issue of "Ciel et Espace " where you will find the photograph of a nebula which your specialists have called "PROPLYD "

It is in fact the first photograph by the HUBBLE telescope of a toroidal nebula, and not of a protoplanetary disc.

The physical characteristics of this type of nebula are the following:

very low temperature hydrogen
crystallized particles
weak magnetic field in the plane perpendicular to the toroidal section
angle of polarization of the sodium spectrum line D: 0,8 radian
frequency of the gravitational waves: 8,833 kc/s
strong temperature variations from -270 °to -273,14 °
strong oscillations from periodic deteriorations of the plane of the magnetic field.
For further information we refer you to letter UMMOAELEWEE dated 25-VII- 1967


Ummite Physics and Metaphysics:
"The Essential Texts"
 DOCUMENT: *D357. Receipt by Mr Farriols on March 19, 1987 in Barcelona


We would like to describe a human factor unknown to you men of the Earth, although authors such as Jung postulated, with radically different interpretations, an entity similar from a semantic point of view.

We refer to that we phonetically name BUAUEE BIAEII, which does not have an equivalent in the Western languages of the Earth, but which could be translated as collective spirit.

Initially, we will describe the OEEMBUUAW.

After long years among the inhabitants of the Earth, we noted the existence of an intermediate entity between Soma and Psyche. Thus the theorists of theosophy, like the spiritual (or spiritistualistic), speak about the Per-Spirit, and Eastern doctrines refer to a supposed astral body acting as an intermediary of the mental structure, able to connect the body and the spirit. And this is good, since an adimensional and atemporal entity could not animate a space-time and material entity, just as an anato-physiological structure could not act in another plane of existence.

note 0(0) 

The OEEMBUUAW can be regarded as an frontier element between our WAAM and another much " more remote " universe, which would be at the closest or furthest limit of our beam or set of existing universes, depending on how one viewed it.

It is precisely the behavior of the electronic "crown" of these krypton atoms, escaping the probabilistic indetermination specific to other atoms of this same chemical element, which makes this set a "bridge" between this Cosmos and BUAUEE BIAEEII (collective spirit or limiting WAAM)

We discovered the existence of the OEEMBUUAW almost by chance. One of our researchers located the presence of a sequence of krypton atoms in a subcortical structure of the brain. This gas, as you know it, is very stable. It reacts only on rare occasions with other elements.
Its existence in a neuronic hypothalamic network cannot be random.
But that in itself was not a surprise. Sometimes, trace elements incorporate themselves into our tissue networks without any apparent sign of function in the histological structure.
The surprise was in the realisation that this sequence of atoms, in addition to having a certain stereo-spatial order (rather strange for a cloud of atoms without an electronic valence connection between them), had its outer-shell electrons undergo a cancellation of their microphysical indeterminism characteristics.

note 1(1) 

The IBOZOO UU is entity unknown to you. It has in itself neither mass, nor electric charge, nor moment, nor color, etc. It does not make sense to isolate a I.U. since its physical reality requires at least a pair of I.U.. We can reveal you that the I.U. can be manifested in the form of neutrino, of electron, component of the proton, proton, quanton of light or quanton of time, according to whether its "axes "are oriented in one way or another. Expressed in another way: We consider that our WAAM is made of subatomic particles and of quantons of energy (up to now we agree with the physicists of the Earth). Except that we reduce or unify all these physical characteristics, a mass, an energy, a charge... and a wave, to only one kind of entity with an angular structure. A network of I.U. constitutes the world which we perceive in three dimensions, plus Time (also quantified)

These IBOZOO UU jumped from one orbit to another without provocation, which you would name quantum, from one orbital to the next highest or lowest, according to periodic law.

Sometimes, when there was no functional activity; at other times, in the event of intense psychophysiological activity, when neuronic activity was not vegetative but voluntary. Thus in the state of coma, paralysis of the medulla, or desafferentation (Ndt: section or destruction of the sensitive related nerves) of what you call the Reticular System (Ndt: the ascending reticula) ; electronic activity follows a strict sinusoidal function without high-frequency harmonics.

The appearance of a voluntary activity in the motor cortex which, according to you, is located in a prerolandic surface (but not in our brain), was accompanied simultaneously by a very complex series of frequencies (not necessarily harmonics) of varying intensity with time.

The inhabitants of the other OYIAA (Planets) present during the process of hominisation similar structural features. In humans we have been able to isolate the krypton networks, even though their spatial distribution differs.


We can approach the concept of BUAUAA only by thinking differently, therefore on a different logical and semantic base than those of the thinkers and theologists of the Earth.

In the first simplistic interpretation, Earth languages give to this idea of soul, psyche, spirit, an ontological value which describes it as an adimensional entity, outside of time and consequently indivisible and transcendent.

Our conception (without entering into an indigestible philosophical and scientific analysis) is somewhat different.

Indeed we do not allot to the soul a dimension of time, nor parameters such as mass, electric charge or dimension of space.

note 1 bis(1 

You accept in your version of science the existence of only one Universe, although authors of science fiction on Earth are familiar with the " fantastic " concept of other worlds and universes. For us, the vision of a multifacial cosmos or a multi-universe is not a simple speculation, but, quite on the contrary, has been proven beyond a doubt to such a degree that we carry out our intragalactic voyages within the cosmos closest to ours.

Allow us to expand on this point. We call WAAM-WAAM the beam or set of existing universes which we assume to be of infinite number (although we could not really prove it, having only detected a few of them). The primary characteristic which distinguishes each one from the other is the speed of a quanton or discrete unit of electromagnetic energy in their centre.

Actually, it is a family of pairs of cosmos, of WAAM.

Each pair is made of predominantly matter or predominantly antimatter, without implying that in a WAAM, there can exist in additiona to one positive mass, a negative mass, and in one of the two members of the pair: an imaginary mass of which the speed limit is the speed limit of E.M. quanta.

In this way, in the two cosmic WAAM, the three-dimensionality of the system (length, width, height) and the existence of four types of mass are invariable:

+ m, - m, (+ V - 1) m, (- V - 1) m.

However let us observe that while the dimensions length and time appear in both, and that the two types of real mass can be insulated in the two WAAM, with a predominance in each one of them of respective signs of the non-real mass M. (the term non-real must be expanded semantically on Earth in mathematical language, i.e. one should not interpret it as meaning non-existent, but as located within another frame).

It is clear that there can be as many exist pairs of cosmos as speeds of the electromagnetic quantum (twin cosmos and anticosmos).

Twin Anticosmos (U-WAAM) does not mean that its galactic configuration is similar to ours. In our anticosmos, there is not an Anti-OUMMO or an Anti-Earth twin.

In practice, the scientists of Oummo and also partly our exploring travellers (myself having travelled in another WAAM) know of around twenty WAAM. Some from simple detection, others because we have visited them in our voyages, and two others by scientific inference.

We are convinced that there are much more and there is no reason that their number could not be ¥ (infinite).

Two of these planes or WAAM (universe) are inaccessible for to physically. This means that no civilization, however advanced, could visit them with their UUAUUA (space craft). One of them: (unique in the family of the three-dimensional beams) does not have an anticosmos (actually it is itself its own anticosmos), and it is free of mass (imaginary and real). All its particles are cancelled, i.e.: its network of IBOSZOO UUHU is a static network which has neither time, neither length, neither mass, nor moment, etc, to such a point that to speak of speed in its centre does not make sense. Expressed in a philosophical way, the WAAM of which we speak EXISTS and DOES NOT EXIST. It is dimensional and adimensional. This WAAM shelters all the constellation of BUUAWUA (souls or spirits) of all the human beings of our Universe.

In the multidimensional Universe, the BUAUAA has neither width, nor height and, of course, not having mass, it escapes any gravitational influence. That is to say that its parameters have nothing to do with those of the other IBOZOO UU. But the Soul is dimensional and can be in another plane of the Universe, so that disturbances in the material plane are correlated in the dimensional plane of the psyche.

note 2(2) 

Here you will understand us saying that the SOUL HAS NEITHER DIMENSION NOR TIME, while at other times we speak about the DIMENSIONS OF the SOUL. (The confusion arises from the poverty of your Earth vocabulary which necessitates the use of the word " dimension ", which in our language is much richer. )

The Earth theological conception of the soul or spirit is very poor and contradictory. If it is dimensional, as various authors postulate, it should be located HERE, in the WAAM and could be weighed, measured, or photographed. When more intelligent theologists allot an adimensional character and an atemporality to it, they are approaching the truth but: How can it process data, if it is purely spiritual and is deprived of energy?

If the soul can become aware, for example, of the concept of God, it must do it by an act of reflection, which requires a mental process and consequently a flow of data. But, how can a system of data run without an energy channel?

Our conception, already expressed, is different. It is the brain of the OEMII and the B.B. (BUAUUEE BIAEEII) which PROCESSES the DATA, i.e.: Of the four human factors of the man, only the encephalus (inside your cortex and of the limbic system) and this gigantic brain, of which we will comment about certain aspects and which is the B.B., PROCESS the data (in the sense of working out, combining, creating data).

Both the B.B. and the brain contain systems structured TO TRANSFER AND PROCESS the data. Moreover, the brain: more complete, although less complex than the gigantic B.B., is able to assemble, by its neurocaptors, the reality of the WAAM.

The chain of krypton atoms (OEMVUAUFB) is only the conveyor of data (the channel).

The BUAWUAA (Soul) is not able to process data, to think, work out information, but only TO PRESERVE, (in a WAAM without " dimension "). A network of IBOZSOO UHUU " freezes " the intellectual and emotional information which comes from brain and the B.B..

To summarize all this:


It collects the information of ambient conditions through the sensory organs, i.e.: it translates the modules of apparently CONTINUOUS information, but actually discrete or quantified, coming from the WAAM, (the vision of a shrub, odor of camphor, the hardness of a stone) into biochemical modules through neurocaptors and, from there, it translates them into bioelectric modules, transported to the cerebral cortex. There, it (the information carried by the senses, Ndt) is processed, at the same time as its reflection on the subcortical nuclei of the limbic system, which associate with each perception an emotional affect. This collected and modulated information is also temporarily stored in the brain.

OEMBUUAFWBUU (Third factor) 

It is composed of a network of krypton atoms. It is a simple channel for the transport of data. But a very singular " channel " since its conveyor is not a sequence of quanta of energy. The contribution of data happens through electronic jumps on different orbitals, in a non-random order.

Moreover, the singularity of O. is that it does not put into communication two points of the same WAAM, but on the contrary, that it represents a frontier transfer element between two opposite WAAM (Ndt WAAM BB and WAAM B) and our WAAM. On one hand O. establishes a connection between the BIAMOSEAA (brain) and the B.B. In addition, it connects this living and rational organism which we call OEMII (man) with the WAAM of zero mass, i.e. the plane of the WAAM-WAAM which contains the Soul or Spirit (BUUAWUA). For the latter, it is the single " channel ", although you prefer to call it valve or door.

BUUAWUA (Psyché or Soul) 

The psyche of Man is a " remote " WAAM (universe) . We say remote, not because it makes sense to speak about distances between the various universes, but because it one of the two limiting WAAM. (The B.B. is in the other)

The Universe which lodges the Soul (you perhaps prefer to call it " plane ") is singular. Its mass is zero, its elements : statics. Here light has no speed. (There are only Ibozsoo Uhu).

A piece of data (a series of bits) could be recorded there, but this data could not circulate in its centre, in the same way that you could print on a paper sheet and your information would be static.

An initial analysis of this concept of the psyche could conclude that such an entity is cold or " dead ". The Soul would be like a book of the Earth covered with dust on an old shelf.

In a certain manner it is this way. B. (Buawua) is a cell closed on itself among billions (10^12) of similar cells in this WAAM. There are no connections between them, and each one accumulates all humankind's experiences during its entire existence.

But paradoxically, B is very dynamic, as opposed to what it seems. Perhaps a comparison would help you to understand.

In the nucleus of any living cell, there is a DNA chain. Bases, purine and pyrimidic, follow one another and contain the information of the genome. Here also cold information appears static, as in an old parchment of Oyagaa, but the chromosomes of a cell can set complex biochemical mechanisms into motion.

In the WAAM plane of zero mass, the same thing occurs. The OEMBUUAFWUU carries out a feverish activity, exploring the contents of B. comparing it with those of B.B. and with those contained in the network of neurons of the brain. This meeting of B. and B.B. constitute a system of interactions which modulates the behaviour of humans

BUUAAWUAA BIAEII (Psyché collective) 

Although we already referred to it in this report, we will make a synthesis of its structure and its functions. B.B. is in another frontier WAAM (Universe). This cosmic plane has the following characteristics: quanta or photons move at infinite speed.

Its anticosmos is identical to itself. That is, the amount of positive and negative mass in its centre(is equal?), although occasionally particles of matter and antimatter annihilate each other to produce energy. When they do, they constitute the most important source for this gigantic multibrain. There is no imaginary mass in its centre, that is (±V -1) m. This WAAM is called the WAAM .

Just as in the first WAAM, one can notice in it a division into " cells ", or " enclosures " (in the same way that our WAAM would be made of Galaxies).

The mass of this WAAM is infinite. Each one of these enclosures is the super-brain corresponding to the Social Network of a planetary humanity.

In the WAAM of B. (psychés) we are certain that the different psyches cannot communicate between themselves, except through the O. and the B.B..

To know if the interconnection between the various planetary Consciences is or is not possible constitutes an enigma for us. Until today we have not found any evidence that that is possible.

B.B. explains:

* The collective conscience between the OEMII of the same humanity.

* Collective feelings of a social network.

* Life after death, as we will explain it in note 10 .

* The collective psyche contains the information which modulates the evolution of the biological phyla on each cold planet (OYAA).

* It also explains the communication you call extrasensory between living organisms.


This means that in our physics, the Universe is multidimensional and that any variation in a beam of dimensions results in a twin disturbance in another beam of dimensions.

In this case: the structures such as the krypton atoms act as connections between the different planes of the Universe. (do not deduce from this that krypton atoms have a special configuration for this function. Sodium atoms could have played an identical part).

But man's cosmological model does not end with these three fundamental elements. There remains a fourth immaterial element. (do not forget that the OEMVUAUFB only manifests itself materially as an atomic krypton substrate).

This fourth human factor is BUAUIE BIAEEEIII.

What reality is there behind this entity unknown to you, people of the Earth?

Buaue Biaeeiii (B.b.) is an entity which can connect the different elements of a human or animal social network.

Although you think that the only bond between animals of the same kind or species is of an acoustic or tactile or chemical nature, or by pheromone, in addition the visual, it is not exactly like this.

What is the nature of this Collective Psyche: the B.B. ? Of course, it is not of olfactive, visual, tactile, or electromagnetic origin, nor is it measurable in known physicochemical parameters.

The Collective Psyche is not carried out, as the Earth author Jung postulated ingenuously, on a genetic level. It is not possible to record memories in our biochemical bases of nucleic acid, DNA, since those transmit only physiological and anatomical structural characters, simple codings of amino acid chains (proteins and polypeptides) which will give rice to specific configurations of cells of different morphology and distribution. But not of coding of memories or information related to OUR CULTURE.

So that if one of our ancestors studied a passage of the History of Oummo or if one of your fathers memorized a passage of the Iliad, such a memory would not be transmitted through the egg or the sperm bequeathed to their descendants.

You have yourselves observed a rich phenomenology associated with suggestion, or mob mentality. Thus in the same way, your own culture is loaded with universal myths, paradigmatic ideas that cannot be explained by a simple audio-informational transfer of culture, simply transmitted orally.

At the risk of repeating ourselves we will use the Spanish word SIMPLE to explain our idea. Such a SIMPLE or EASY evaluation does not make it possible to explain why there is a whole plane of ideas, concepts, metaphors, memories, symbols, concepts, superimposed like scales, in books, brains, audiocassettes or discs.

We will express this idea and we will develop it. Indeed, information can be recorded in many ways. A text or an image, a melody or a phonic sequence, a symbol or an impulse can be coded, as you discovered recently, in units of information (not necessarily binary), to be engraved on a paper sheet in characters which you call printing, or to be transferred in a channel using any form of energy or atomic networks. (In the first case, for example, the acoustic channel or waves of pressure in a gaseous medium, and the second case: letters or cassettes sent by the post office)

It is obvious that you and also we engrave in our brain all the stimuli we receive from our neurocaptors.

note 3

In the three-dimensional WAAM in which we live, physical " things " consist of IBOZOO UU (I.U.). A bramble on Earth or an IXIISII (flying animal of Oummo) is nothing but networks of I.U.. But, we could believe that such I.U. in their external reality are located in the same order as the points of the image received by our brain. That is not the case. We receive the angles defined by complementary I.U.. This (" disordered ") flow of data arrives at our network of neurons and it is the latter which orders them in reference to patterns of images memorized in the B.B. In this case, since the creation of the WAAM-WAAM, B.B. acts like a universal generating body of forms and images, as it is moderate in (note 10).

In this way, you can understand that the forms which we see, the configuration of a square or the color NOOSOEE (green) of a shrub of the Earth, do not exist in the external world such as we perceive them, only in the B.B., but on the other hand there is certainly a relation or what you would call a one-to-one mapping between a color (an image in the B.B. and the brain) and a photonic electromagnetic quanton of our WAAM.

The sequential patterns of bioelectric impulses in the neuronic encephalic network do not look anything like a triangle, or the color orange.

If B.b. did not exist, we would have knowledge of forms and colors, but only of confused and diffuse, purely " emotional " impressions.

In short: The OEMII receives patterns of energy corresponding to SOMETHING of the WAAM-WAAM. B.B. uses the appropriate pattern to figure out what was perceived, as a form, color, sound, touch, an odor, etc... and BUUAWUA (B.) (Soul), as much as B.B., stores this information which is used to direct the conduct of the OEMII. But observe that B. stores only the experiences of the BRAIN, whereas B.B. melds these experiences into a whole which integrates trillions (N.d.t. 10^18) of experiences of different human beings.

We people of Oummo use two means of coding of information in our brain. Firstly, through the creation of biochemically-moderated synaptic units, and secondly through the creation of polypeptide sequences, i.e. of small series of amino acids which, when they need to be decoded (mnemic evocation), activate neuronic membrane. (Ndt: In the neuronal man (l'Homme neuronal), Changeux excludes the possibility of proteinic engrams existing in the memory)

Up to now we have not said anything of that you do not already know, except the polypeptide system of information. For you, a thought of Pascal or Marx, poetry by Rilke or the description of a knitting loom, a Bruckner symphony or a medieval alchemist symbol, are either contained in an encyclopaedia, engraved on a tape, or coded in the brains of scholars. And this is completely certain, insufficiently certain!

What would happen if Earth society was completely destroyed, either by plasma weapons, fission-fusion bombs or a chemical annihilation?

Perhaps the laser discs, books, tape reels, the old manuscripts, the monuments and the brains would disappear! (We are speaking in a metaphorical way, since a catastrophe that would destroy human life on the OYIAA to such a degree that all traces of your culture disappeared, would be impossible). But let us suppose.

Does that imply that the destruction of the information would cause the elimination of any trace of the culture accumulated during centuries of the Social Network at the same time? The answer is: NO.

The celluloid strips would disappear with fire, the acetate on magnetic tapes would melt, the slender structures of the Parthenon, the Egyptian pyramids and the Notre-Dame cathedral, would have their freestones reduced to melted silica particles, the neurons of thousands of million Earth brains of Oemmii would be vaporized... But the symbols, the images of Picasso or the watercolours of George Grosz, the old zulu battle songs, the ancient Hindu mantras, and the poetic images of the Apocalypse, Masreddine Houdscha's humorous tales, Maxwell's equations or the configuration of the svelte tower of Vecchio, including one hundred-sixty-thousand four- hundred and two photocopied sheets that my brothers of Oummo have distributed until now among the OEMMII of the Earth, and who in this case would be reduced in ashes: they would disappear only only in their formal and material aspect. Energy and matter would be reduced to entropy, but NOT information.

note 4
We have sent 3,850 pages, including texts, tables, diagrams and colour graphs, to your brothers of various nationalities. Hundreds of copies were made, which explain the number of sheets cited.

In many cases, we have images obtained by our UULUUEWUA (flying or levitating " photographic cameras "). In other cases, we were able to obtain carbon paper copies which you use in typewriting, or photocopies by the processes of OYAAGAA. But unfortunately we had did not reproduce a number of these texts, dictated to Earth typists, which would have constituted an invaluable part of the history of the relations between the two social networks of OUMMO and EARTH.

How that is it possible? If the information carrier disappears, information disappears.

Yes. But this is true only if this information was never assimilated by a brain. Let us imagine in a remote galaxy, a cloud of cosmic dust. Such an agglomerattion of cold molecules has a form at moment X And this represents an sequence of information. Let us imagine two distinct situations. In one of them, the inhabitants of an OYIA (cold star) collect the image of granular Nebula by means of astronomical instruments and put it into memory. In the other situation, much more probable, no hominid being collects this image (that is, the visible spectrum, ultraviolet, infra-red, etc, of this cloud of dust)

We have here, people of the Earth, two radically different situations. In the second, once the internal gravitational tensions have deformed the structure at moment X, the information disappears forever in any plane from the Universe (We call planes the beams of dimensions).

In the first case, the brain of the observer transfers the configuration (not such as it is in the real world, but coded) to BUAUE BIAEEII (B.B.), of its human constellation, i.e. of its social network.

note 5
We cannot say only the perception of a pattern relating to a shrub, which arrives to us through neurocaptors (at the retina), happens simultaneously with the reception of the IMAGE by B.B., since Time is not simultaneous in the two systems or WAAM. There is thus communication but there is not simultaneity. The OEMMI is a space-time continuum and this WHOLE (which extends from its birth to its death) is put in contact with B. and B.B., but not during the entire length of Time, although the quantum jumps of the krypton atoms could cause us to falsely believe. (See the following note) This perception of a eucalyptus tree at the exact moment when it is shaken by the breeze happens in Dt (Ndt: defined micro-instant), i.e.: in a pair of I.U.

More specifically: we call HAYIULLISAA a structure formed by human beings connected to each other (social Network). The social Network is not only a set of " junctions " represented by humans, whose connections only consist of simple transactional or impersonal relations of exchanges of stimulus, information, or even money, as they are implied it working relationships and remuneration in an economic system equivalent to that of Earth. The branches between the junctions of the Network represent much more; not only information flows, or flows of matter, such as when we give an object such as a branch of sandalwood to another OEMMII (Human), or flows of energy such as when we lean on the back of another person with our elbow. Our brains are interconnected by information channels which connect the mnemonic structures (of memory) with a plane or beam of dimensions different from that of the psyche and obviously different from the beam of dimensions which constitute the field of forces which are the base of the universe directly accessible to our sense organs (the plane of the material things which we see, touch or feel). The Earth human, like the being of Oummo, is a section of a much more complex multidimensional structure. It is like a section of fruit). (It is possible for us to perceive the plane surface of the section, but not its stereospatial structure). See the coloured graph: drawing N 0. (But remember that this is a graphical symbol, since it is impossible that the channels of information which connect to us to the BUAUE BIAEII be tubular or cylindrical, as they are represented in the image). ° (this drawing is missing in the translations which reached us: NdR)

Two types of information flows connect us to the Collective Spirit or BUAUE BIAEII
One of them, centrifugal, delivers information to this universal psyche. When somebody humiliates us, we do not feel only the verbal stimulus, formed by sequences of phonemes which in this language represent a syntax and semantically an insult. This chain of words is surrounded by an emotional halo which affects the limbic system of the OEMII or " seat of the affectations (feelings) " of the brain. Our brain then launches a " cry " of pain which is conveyed towards the Collective Spirit. Actually, it is a sequence of data which is transferred. This entity accumulates all the information in thousands of millions of emotional experiences corresponding to so many other human beings.

We could make a coarse comparison with a lake, whose water stagnates coming from a million streams, but the real model is much more complex.

And this is the case since there are other channels which link the brains of the Social Network with this Collective Spirit. We must specify that it is a centripetal flow. They are umbilical cords which link us to our " mother " BUAUE BIAEII, and they transfer to us a part of this accumulated information, although somewhat modulated. To clarify this last point, it is necessary to specify the kinds of information which flow out from the OEMII (human Bodies) to the Collective Spirit (B.B.). Obviously, it is not only the emotional and traumatic experiences that arrive to this universal entity. Not only our sufferings and joys, but any sequence of data obtained from the external world or by our mental processes

note 6 
The consciouness is managed by B. Actually, the tree just as much as the OEMII is a space-time WHOLE which exists in itself. Consciousness is like a projector illuminating a vast gallery, section by section, (i.e. moment by moment). Imagine that this long corridor is full of pieces of furniture other objects, and that you advance slowly in the darkness with a weak lantern which only enables you to see a narrow ideal passage, i.e. gradually a section of this large corridor. The future is thus made up (the still-unexplored pieces of furniture in the corridor). But from this we can deduce - if we take this metaphor or image literally - that the future is given, and that consequently we are deprived of freedom.

That is not the case. The shape of this corridor, i.e. the sum of the conduits of the OEMII, is a complex function which makes its own space-time structure.

What factors affect it? Initially, its environment in the WAAM, i.e. the patterns of energy that interact with the body, including information in the genome or the DNA of the gametes.

But, especially B. or the Soul, thanks to the information which is accumulated at the same time in B. (during its entire existence). And the B.B. also has an enormous influence, i.e. the action filtered by B.B. of all the human beings who have ever existed.

The perception of a eucalyptus tree or the flavour of some molecules of ethyl-mercaptan is transferred to the B.B. in the same manner as the intellectual process that occurs when we reflect on the ethical problem of euthanasia.

Isn't B.B. then just a simple data bank? Up to here our description seems to befit a gigantic memory where million of gigabits coming from millions of peripheral sensors accumulate. But, B.b. is not just a big macrocephalic database. First of all because the transfer of information is not limited to neutral data configurations which would make it possible, for example, for a. work of Leonardo da Vinci, this artist of the Earth whom we OEMII of Oummo admire, to be reproduced in the B.B. When in your computers you use a matrix of diodes, for example, or a magnetic memory to code information, you can also, provided that its capacity is large enough, store the information contained in the Mona Lisa, if you encode the surface with sufficient resolution, point by point, expressing the chemical nature of each molecule of pigment, not only that contained on the rough level of the canvas, but also those located in the lower planes, which can be seen through the quasi-solid and semi-transparent oil medium.

Not! It is necessary that you understand that this information is always associated with a quantifiable emotional association.

Although it is difficult, we can say to you that - in the same manner that to transmit a photograph, you represent each point by two digits which indicate the position in a two-dimensional reference, and by six others intended to fix not only the three components of its color but also their respective intensity, - the B.B. does not receive only a greater number of data for each point, but additional information associated with the emotional context of the data in question.


Ummite Physics and Metaphysics:
"The Essential Texts"

These channels which connect us to the collective psychic plane are not of an energy nature, that is: the carrier is not a flow of energy like the one you use, for example, in the electromagnetic transmission of a television signal. Neither are they discrete channels. What you call CONTINUOUS CHANNELS, are not, since Time is discrete, quantified. Thus when you use the telephone, you believe that you are transmitting a pattern or a continuous function, whereas actually it is a high-resolution sample. On Oummo our channels are very high frequency (in the order of gigahertz). But they are also discrete channels from which one cannot completely eliminate background noise. The OAWOO NIUASSOO channels connect two distinct " planes " of the Universe.

One of them consists of a beam of space-time size composed of IBOSO UU (subatomic Particles); the animals we see, beams of light, electromagnetic fields, gravity or the interactions between nuclear particles, form part of it.

note 7 
 The channels we refer to consist of a " valve " of entry (krypton atoms) and a flow of information within the B.B.. This flow plays the part of a neuron within this gigantic brain which is the B.B. We OEMII of Oummo use many types of channels of information. In general, those of an electromagnetic nature use very high frequency carriers, for two reasons: To avoid the disturbances of Oummo's magnetic field, which on Oyagaa does not exceed approximately 0,5 gauss, but on Oummo can attain more than 213 gauss. But especially they make it possible to emit simultaneously a great number of messages. The other carriers are gravitational quantons and beams of neutrinos. And also particles still unknown to you, HOOYIESCOA. But all that has nothing to do with these intercosmic channels.

It is true that things are not such as we see them. A real object, like a flowering shrub, seems to be a three-dimensional form with dark green and perhaps mauves, depending on the flowers, according to the chromatic radiations absorbed by its atoms.

note 8 
The bioelectric patterns of the TREE-THAT-WE-SEE pass to BUUAUANN IESEE OA (SUBCONSCIOUS) and from there to O, i.e. to the krypton gas configuration which transfers information to B. and to B.B..

But, the TREE-THAT-WE-SEE or that we perceive, has nothing to do with the structured whole of "iboszoo UU " (particles) which EXIST-OUTSIDE-OF-US. The energy pattersn that it emits, are translated by the neurocaptors in the form of patterns of electric microvoltages which integrate all the data. Up to now, we have not told you anything your Gelstat specialists on Earth have not understood.

But, who integrates the patterns to give the universal image of a " SHRUB "? The answer is: THE COLLECTIVE PSYCHE.

It is another plane of the multidimensional Universe, also formed of beams of dimensions. It is not a Universe like that we perceive, filled with galaxies formed by clouds of gas and dust, stars in formation, of novas and cold stars, frozen planets like those of Oummo and Earth, of hot quasi-stellar planets, with a quasi-incandescent crust where today the life cannot flower. NO. This plane or PSYCHOSOCIAL Universe is also formed of singularities or concentrations of matter and energy. It is as anisotropic as ours. It is not a crystal, in the sense that its configuration in its own environment is not geometrically regular. However its degree of complexity is high. We could say that its level of entropy is very low. Its density of information per cubic WAALI is about 8.345 x 10^71 bits. (a WAALI is about 43,700 light years). This average density of information is very close to the bit density per cm2 of this photocopied sheet.

note 9 
It is not possible to travel to it. Its global mass is infinite. Without the quasi infinite energy resulting from the rare collisions of masses of different signs, the mutual gravitational attractions, in this also expanding WAAM, would have made it contract permanantly into dense core of Ibozsoo uhu.

WAAM is the pattern of the WAAM-WAAM. 

When WOA (God) created the WAAM-WAAM, actually he generated the first forms in the WAAM BB. 

Without the divine influence, WAAM would be isotropic, a " crystal " in continuous expansion and contraction (in an elementary time defined by two I.U.), it would expand then start again to contract, since its isotropy would prevent masses of different signs from meeting to form new local expansions, thus maintaining an anisotropy. But the infinite magnitude of the mass would in turn prevent the isotropic expansion from lasting.

What caused the formations of singularities in our Universe: galaxies, intergalactic or galactic dust and gases, cold stars and stars?

Quite simply the disturbances originating in the adjacent Universe, which in its turn is agitated by another and so on, until we arrive at the Universe of infinite mass that we call WAAM BB 

Here, you will understand why we say that WAAM is the pattern of all Cosmos, a pattern whose initial information was generated by WOA (Generator or God).

Then: the WAAM BB is converted into a " cosmic brain " divided into a multitude of cells or enclosures we call B.B.

BUAUEE BIAEII is an immense structure as can be our Universe, although it cannot be measured in terms of light-years, since it does not make sense to evaluate its dimensions in WAALI or meters. Moreover it is of an immense organic complexity. It is true that to measure it we used the artifice of taking one of its dimensions that are equivalent to the traditional length in our Cosmos, and even still its density of information is lower (your brain has a density of 1019 bits / cm3), while he B.B. is not more than 104 (10.000) bits/cm. ³
B.B. is a (central?) cosmic plant which can process data. It consists of GUU DOEE (contours or cells). An image to better understand would be the galaxies of our Universe, except that in the B.B. there are no nebular configurations of dust and suns, but of enclosures, parts with five dimensions. In other words: this cosmic plane or B.B. is subdivided into other B.B. or universal psyches, each one corresponding to a planetary humanity. (confusion could arise from what we call B.B. (BUAUEE BIAEEII), not only the collective spirit of Oummo or of the Earth, but also the cosmic plane (of the multi-universe) which contains all the B.B. of the various social networks which populate our tetradimensional universe. We refer to it in these terms since they are the four most perceptible dimensions.

note 10
The WAAM  BB not only stores and processes the intellectual and emotional patterns of the living beings of the multicosmos, it also governs all the forms and singularities of the WAAM-WAAM.

Thus, it directs the evolution of the living beings, i.e. neguentropic beings (beings which evolve against the ambient entropy of the surrounding Cosmos). This evolution is managed by mutations and environmental selection, as scientists of the Earth have discovered, but not in a wild and blind way; it is modulated and directed by the WAAM which interacts with the living beings in evolution by means of the BAAIYODUHU (Kr Chains discovered in an Oummo laboratory by INNAEI 3).

What happens when an OEMMII (human) dies? Naturally the OEMMII disintegrates, as you know, into its constituent atoms while merging with the surrounding chemical medium.

At the moment of death, O, i.e. the krypton atoms cease to function. But on the contrary, B. (the Soul) connects itself completely by means of the valves which link the two WAAM (WAAM BB ad WAAM B) so that is equivalent to a true quasi-total integration of the soul in the collective spirit, where it takes part in all the knowledge accumulated by humanity

This is the extent of our scientific knowledge about the transcendence after the death of an OEMII.

A network of IBOZSOO UHU acts like a valve between B. (the Soul) located in the WAAM and the B.B. located in the WAAM , allowing an almost complete integration between the two entities. It is GENERATING WOA (or GOD) who defines the characteristics of this chain of I.U. (valve of information) in a definite " time ".

If, in the areas where it is responsible and free, the OEMII violated the laws of UUAA (ETHICS) throughout its life, it is necessary to transform the structure of its data coded in the  . Remember that the SOUL does not think, that it is a simple cold matrix of data. It can treat its own amount of information only only with the assistance of B.B..

The psyche B can have itself condemned to undergo a slow use of its own EGO (data in its centre) and not take part in the dense complexity of B.B.. But WOA can, if man respects the morals standards during his existence or after the " correction " of his structure once deceased (reconformation), allow that the network of I.U. open itself up to him, offering a flow of communication much denser than that which we experience in the course of our existence as living beings in our WAAM.
In this case, the integration of Soul in the B.B. is so intense that it experiences the immense volume of data of the COLLECTIVE SPIRIT. Its intellectual vision of WOA (God) increases. It reaches the profound knowledge of the Cosmos, of the evolution of beings, the vast " knowledge " (intellectual and emotional information) contained in the B.B. It is interesting to note that this eschatologic concept coincides, to a point, with the Christian OYAAGAA theological view of salvation.

What you call the Purgatory is in this case the process of RECONFORMATION, which can be thought of WOA limiting to a certain degree the participation of B. in B.B., by reducing in different degrees the strength of the Channel or valve separating the two WAAM: (B  BB).

What you call " GLORY or SALVATION " is the complete integration of the Soul, not exactly into God, but into so imposing a creation of WOA as is the B.B. (COLLECTIVE SPIRIT). We can imagine the marvellous " ecstasy " or " rejoicing " that our spirit must experience, not only because all the data " recorded " within it is processed in a fluid way (the spirit by itself could not accomplish this), but because it becomes aware and benefits from ALL the information contained in the WAAM-WAAM

By means of, it will be able to communicate with other souls of its deceased brothers, and as each soul is a part of the matrix of information printed in the WAAM BB since its creation or generation (remember that the purpose of WAAM is to uniformize the singularities of the entire WAAM-WAAM.), its spirit will become aware of the most intimate secrets of the multi-planetary Cosmos (Universes). Can one imagine - in simple terms - a greater joy that this?

Moreover the WAAM BB is eternal. Certain Universes, those whose mass is higher than the critical mass, will collapse then will begin expanding eternally. Others, those of subcritical mass, will continue their expansion eternally. But as for the WAAM BBwhich compensates for its gravitational attraction, due to the infinite mass in its centre, by the energy resulting from the collisions of masses +m and -m and by the later reconversion of energy into mass inside a frame where C =  infinite, the integrity of its structure is assured for eternity. (Its radius is constant).

The pleasure of the Soul thus " integrated " (inter-connected) is not static in the least.

The theologians of the Earth seem to forget that if the Soul takes part in an infinite knowledge, the static nature of this situation removes any possibility of pleasure in discovering new knowledge. The real spirit on the contrary benefits fully from this " exchange ". Because

B.B. is not a static entity. Not only does humanity incessantly increase its amount of knowledge during life, but as the WAAM-WAAM evolves during its eternity (part of its Universes, in eternal expansion, lose all singularity and entropy becomes maximum, but, in others, the entropy fluctuates.), the net amount of information of all the WAAM increases. [do not confuse WAAM BB with (BB). The letter is a cellular part of this Universe].

All this supposes the worst-case scenario where there is no communication between the different, interconnecting other planetary humanities, an enigma which fascinates us and which still tantalises us..

Imagine the degree of pleasure of a Soul which in addition to taking part in the immense information of an entire civilization (its own) and in the cosmological secrets of thousands of Cosmos (surely an infinite number), could take part in the singularities specific to other planetary civilizations. Perhaps it is this way, but so far our scientists and theologians have not arrived at a definitive answer.

You should not underestimate the enormous transcendence of B.B. Without it, the individual spirit is like an old manuscript locked up forever in a forgotten cellar. Without being able to think, to feel, to read itself, process the rich sum of information contained within the books and coloured art drawings locked up in its pages.

This is why when you lose consciousness due to trauma, anaesthesia or certain phases of sleep, the Soul seems to " not exist ". Have the Theologians of the Earth ever wondered why?

These concepts will seem strange and remote to you in comparison with your own ideas. But one day, your scientists will discover them, as did ours.

In the meantime, accept this as part of the information you have on the culture of OYAOUMMO.

The cosmic plane of B.B. contains thousands of millions of B.B. corresponding with as many humanities. It is the B.B. of the humanity on Earth which, connected to your brain, processes the received data, causing a perception of things. It is a holistic process. The shrub that you perceive not only evokes pleasant memories for you (a jasmine bush can bring back pleasant memories if it reminds you of a pleasant voyage to Greece in your childhood) but the jasmine in itself is a euphoriant.

Why is that? For the simple reason that millions of jasmines have evoke pleasant memories for so many of other people, while a million experiences of snakes have accumulated in the B.B., a feeling of unpleasantness you experience even though you have never touched a snake.

B.B. accumulates thousands of years of social strife, memories, torture, evocations of war, but also universal symbols, like the recollection of pleasant festivals, the memory of metaphors and melodies. When many OEMII dance at a popular Brazilian festival, there is an obvious harmony between the individuals; it allows them to coordinate their movements, even though the dancers may have their eyes closed.

During a fire, the collective reaction is like that of a living organism whose cells move in a collective tropism. What psychosocial factor is it that coordinates all the people in a group? From a political demonstration (of which you are so fond) to the more disciplined social order of the General Government of Oummo, from a Roman Catholic religious community to the mass suicide of a sect in Guyana (November 1978).

 The universal ideas of God, the Soul, love, hatred, would not be strong in your culture and in ours if they did not come from our respective B.B.. Your anthropologists have sometimes been astonished by the fact that various cultures share myths such as the Flood. At first glance, one could believe that travellers of one civilization transmitted the legend to another. But this assumption collapses when such paramount myths appear simultaneously on continents not in relation, at a time when transportation routes were almost non-existent.

OAWOO NIUASOOO channels ARE NOT DISCRETE !!! Information spreads by patters that are true continuous functions, and the signal-to-noise ratio is infinite, which enables it to not be redundant. The noise is non-existent, something we will never achieve even with the most sophisticated technology. The transmission speed is quasi infinite, to such a degree that it is only necessary to take into account the not-very-fast transit time of information along the neuronic networks of the brain, but once the OEMBUAUU (chain of krypton atoms) have coded the message, the BUAWUAA psyche and the B.B. simultaneously receive two pieces of information, LAAIYAA (emotional) and the EESEE OR (intellectual). The latter spreads by resolution (quantum determination); the former is " global " or as you would say, holistic, integrative or gelstatic.

THIS IS WHY B.B. processes the information accumulated by your humanity (you know already that we, on Oummo, have our own B.B. as a social network) and for the final development in the form of great universal paradigms, it turns over it to the people of the Earth.

It remains for my specialist brothers on Oummo to solve the tantalizing enigma of whether or not the various B.B., corresponding to so many other planetary civilizations, can exchange information. As of today, we cannot prove conclusively that this occurs.

Although they do not appear in the graph, it is understood that between the three WAAM exists an infinite number of Universes, presumably accessible, which contain singularities of mass and energy.

You may find it enigmatic that IMAGINARY MASS IS UNABLE TO HAVE an INTERACTION WITH the MASS OF the WAAM IN WHICH IT EXISTS but that, however, it can influence by " border effect " the " adjacent " WAAM

You probably wish to know more about this living organism that is the WAAM-WAAM, or about the U-WAAM or twin Cosmos, which is adjacent to us and which has negative mass. Without a doubt, in this cosmological vision, a paper on OUMMOWOA and Jesus will intrigue you.

We have only barely mentioned that in many WAAM, there does not seem to be any OEMII, even if there is primitive life.

And we have only brushed the surface of the origin of the GENOME or DNA network.

If you compare this report with those given in Canada and in the Federal Republic of Germany, they will supplement the body of our scientific doctrines on this point.


Ummite Physics and Metaphysics:
"The Essential Texts"
 D371, 2nd part of the report (God, cosmos, man) sent to R. Farriols on March 22, 1987

Synopsis Waam-waam

Sir: we ask you to allow us to make a synthesis of the report on [ BB ], for two of your brothers who found the preceding explanation on COLLECTIVE SPIRIT to be confusing.

The real Universe is composed of a family of pairs of Cosmos. In each pair of UNIVERSE-ANTIUNIVERSE, a type of mass + M or -M prevails (the signs are conventional). Moreover, each couple is characterized by the speed which a quanton of electromagnetic energy or photon travels in a vacuum.

We call WAAM-WAAM this cluster of Universe. We suspect that there is really an infinite number of pairs of Cosmos (we only know a few of them, accessible to us in our voyages between two points in our Galaxy. We know that the distinct Universes interact between each other. The singularities of each one of them (the concentrated masses ±root - m) influence the adjacent Universes (without mass ±root - m).


FIRSTLY, OUR OWN ANTI-COSMOS. In it prevails what you call Antimatter (Mass # - M). There are also small quantities of + M. Our twin Cosmos causes disturbances which result in crumplings of our space-time " continuum ". These are the folds which enable us to travel between OYAA (planets) in less time than it would be necessary while following a photonic trajectory.

The disturbances between Cosmos are produced because in one of them a type of mass is which you mathematically would call IMAGINARY (in another reference of the three-dimensional beam). This imaginary mass (±root - m) has a rest velocity (maximum energy) equal to that of an electromagnetic packet of energy (photon). The existence of this mass allows the interaction, or mutual action between Universes, although the imaginary mass mentioned is only in one of the members of the pair. The interaction would not be possible if the matter were distributed isotropically (uniformly), which obviously does not happen (except at the initial instant of the Cosmos).

There is an infinite number of pairs of Universes . Many of them are in their final phase with a subcritical mass. These Universes (like the others) were born with an infinite radius and an isotropic distribution of mass (cosmic crystal) : (We call "cosmic crystal "a Universe in which the density of mass is constant in any point and which presents the same properties in any axis or direction). The radius decreased (the direction of time was negative compared to the now). But the disturbance of adjacent Cosmos caused singularities of mass to occur (ie.: initially gas Nebulas and dust, future galaxies, no longer isotropic or cosmic crystals).

In first phase of these Universes (negative time) entropy decreases (it was initially infinite), density grows, their inhabitants would observe in their spectroscopic instruments a shift towards the violet end of the spectrum (a color which they would most certainly perceive in another way), galaxies piling on top of each other: the death of this Cosmos. For those, we can speak of three deaths: the phase of infinite radius which extends over an infinite Time (one cannot then speak about the birth as a pair of IBOZOO UU (instant). We say that the second death occurs when the radius becomes zero. The mass continues to be constant, density infinite and unstable.

At this instant, the entire Universe is reduced to a network of IBOZOO UU, all its components directed with a zero angle (radius zero) which, if we " could perceive it ", would appear to us as a point with a density of infinite mass (This your cosmologists of the Earth understood well and it is completely certain).

What is not certain it is that this so-called " primordial Universe ", is unstable and consequently explodes. If there were no adjacent Universes (and if there were only two types of mass and not four), to disturb this hypermass by unbalancing it, this would be the final stage of the Cosmos described. Then there is expansion accelerated by the initial energy contribution of this disturbance (which is inversely proportional to the radius).

If we consider the constants S and Q which depend on the system of units used (S is a function of the speed of a photon in a vacuum for this Universe and consequently related to mass. Q is a constant of the WAAM-WAAM.(beam of Universes)

M is the total mass of the Cosmos considered. R is the radius of the spatio-temporal Universe (R must be thought of not as linear, but as the radius of a hypersphère), (-)E is the energy brought to the Universe in its initial stage (the formula undergoes a deviation and loses precision for large radii), i.e. in a stage of advanced expansion


E represents the energy brought at each instant. The total energy would be the integral between R=0 and R at time: 0,680 UIW (that is to say 126 seconds) [ The UIW is the ancient unit of time on OYAOUMMO (planet Ummo), and is equivalent to approximately 185,5 Earth seconds].

From this value of the Time of the Universe, almost an " instant " after the explosion, the function cited needs substantial correction.



In the Universe of subcritical mass, its Radius continues to actually increase [, it is a hyperspace with two radii of negative curvature (hypersphere (-)]: its third death is an isotropic crystalline hyperspace of zero density. In the two phases of Time (initially decreasing Entropy, and then increasing entropy conclusing with an infinite entropy) this Universe contained neguentropic galaxies and " cells " (intelligent humanities and OYAA (planets) with nonintelligent biological species; when we refer to the latter, we mean NONHUMAN since this is the meaning of INTELLIGENT in this context)

What happens to the Universes of supracritical mass? Their evolution is very different:




Its concentration of mass in one point evolves then with decreasing density and increasing radius which never becomes infinite as in the preceding Universes, but which reaches a maximum value, up to the point where the sign is reversed, where the entropy starts to decrease, where the average density increases until it collapses into a point of infinite density.

What we have said about the WAAM (universe) in the preceding paragraph can also apply to these WAAM (these universes). In these WAAM also, the explosion is due to a contribution of energy which fills the same function, and consequently galaxies and planets with biological networks appear. We ourselves know of these four characteristic types.

Our anti-cosmos is fairly understood by us . It consists of a mass of antimatter. If our UEWUA (craft) do not invert their IBOZOO UU into (-M), they could disintegrate on impact with any quantity of gas or cosmic dust, releasing an immense quantity of energy. The interaction between our two cosmos is very significant; great crumplings can be observed in the tetradimensional surface of both Universes as a result of these interactions.

We cannot perceive with our instruments the imaginary Mass which is of two types: + root -M and - root -M. We detect only a secondary radiation produced by the pairs of IBOZOO UU which constitute this type of mass . a radiation or energy which you could compare with the shock wave of a plane) of the Earth when it reaches a speed higher than Mach One.

Without the existence of such types of imaginary mass the Universes of the WAAM-WAAM (beam of Universes) would exist, but would be isotropic; of zero radius and infinite density. The WAAM-WAAM would be reduced to a family of superdense " hyperatoms " existing in time, thus making the mutual interaction impossible. WOA(Generator, God) would not be " intelligent ", generating a simple " crystal ". The sum of information in the entire WAAM-WAAM would be zero. It does not make sense to speak about such a false concept.

There exists in the whole of the WAAM (multiplanar Universes) (NdR : the translation we have is "multiplanar ": this is probably an error and one should undoubtedly read " multiplanetary") two "boundary" universes which are however " adjacent " (understanding adjacent not in the usual geometric sense of the word, but " ADJACENT " meaning = MAXIMUM INTERACTION.

They are: (we shall define them in a moment) the WAAM-B and the WAAM-BB.

The WAAM-B (in the family of the existing universes) is a network of IBOZOO UU which is free of singularities or crumplings.

There is no possibility then that it undergo an interaction with any flow of energy . It is a universe whose radius is constant (it undergoes neither expansion nor contraction). It does not make sense to speak of cosmic dust, gas, atoms or subatomic particles in this universe.

There are neither galaxies, neither planetary stars, nor suns. If we measure its overall mass, we find surprisingly that it is zero (this is why it is impossible to add energy to it). In this universe there are neither photons nor quanton of another type of field, which it the same as saying that the existence of field does not make sense; in other words, the speed of a quanton of light would be zero (if photons could exist). It may seem that we are describing the concept of " NOTHING ". For a physicist of the Earth, such a universe does not make sense, it is synonymous with this WHAT-IS-NOT.

But actually the WAAM-B " EXISTS ". Its radius is constant, but its time is " frozen " (it would not make sense to say that time passes since the entropy refers to a distribution of masses, and energy is infinite and to refer to it at the same time as a value does not make sense). However (although it may appear paradoxical) its network of IBOZOO UU is able to record information.

If we wanted to represent it didactically, we would say to children, that the WAAM-B resembles " a sponge ", with an alveolar foam conglomerate of expanded polyurethane, with let us say quintillons of cells, Most surprising is that each of these cells (pure networks of IBOZOO UU) is a SPIRIT, a SOUL as you would say (let us represent them by the symbol [ B ])
Each [ B ] establishes a one-to-one mapping with a network of IBOZOO UU, (located in any point of the WAAM-WAAM (beam of Universes), except the two boundary Universes) which have the following characteristic:

Living being : " Network of material particles able to complement its internal information on a biochemical level at the expense of external information " (living being) which we call: AIUUBAHAYII.

Lower being not connected to [ B ] :This does not necessarily imply than a lower being can put itself in direct contact with its [ B ]. There is a threshold of complexity below which the bond with [ B ] is non-existent. In this phase, the spirit is free of information (it is a " filamentous " network of I.B. whose elements have a constant angle and thus zero information).

OEMII being ("human " from an unspecified planet) connected to [ B ]. When a biological being exceeds this threshold, a network of krypton atoms appears which put it in contact with this WAAM-B; more specifically to his own [ B ] (the network begins to send information to his B). From this moment the principal director of this being's conduct (HOMINID, OEMII) is his own [ B ].

We define a AIUUBAHAYII as a network of IBOZOO UU able to reproduce and enrich its internal information at the biochemical level, at the expense of external information. This is our definition of a LIVING ORGANISM

The AIUUBAHAYII (living organism ) is characterized because its entropy is negative (neguentropic as you say). It increases its internal level of information, extracting it from different related data flows, coming from an external medium (the WAAM itself, i.e. the universe in which we live).

Normally, the AIUUBAHAYII [ A ] (living organisms), are established on the cold stars, i.e. on the cold planets or stars whose surface temperature is sufficiently low to maintain water in its liquid state (or solidified) with T °> -23C °or t<116C, °°according to atmospheric pressure.

Under these conditions, within the cited extreme limits, one finds OYAOUMMO (Ummo) and OYAGAA (Earth). When a planet has an extreme " average " temperature as cited above, the development of living beings is embryonic, and they are unable to evolve to the OEMMI (human) level. In this case, simple beings cool their internal medium at the expense of biochemical energy, so that in their centre water remains in liquid state (hot stars), or it provides them with thermal energy when the medium is too cold to obtain the desired liquid state.

Although in some universes we detected forms similar to living beings, with neguentropy and a certain reproductive capacity not based on carbon structures (for instance with germanium and silicon as the central element), the true living organisms base their biochemical structure on hydrogenated carbon compounds. The apparently living beings of fluorocarbon and chlorocarbon composition are rare and unable to evolve into complex forms.

In all the WAAM, biological laws repeat themselves. The molecular base of information for all is based on nucleotide sequences and amino acids. This is a universal phenomenon. On the other hand, is not genetic code, i.e. the form by which the nucleic acids replicate themselves in polypeptide sequences (amino acid sequences).

The orientation of the helicoidal protein chains and other stereocarbon forms is not universal either (another erased Ummite word). In certain planetary biological networks the dextrogyre forms prevail and in others, the laevogyrous ones.

Normally the evolution of living beings on a cold astral body undergoes a process of multiplication of phylum or distinct species whose network is arborescent.




The first specimens, i.e. the simplest [ A ] (AIUUBAHAYII: the living organisms), are very similar on any planet. Thus a virus encapsulated in a protein network is not very different on OUMMO from another similar one on EARTH. The chains of RNA or DNA encode the characteristics used for the replication of the specimen.

In theory, a series of agents (sometimes biochemical, sometimes energy radiations, for example), can modify the coded message. You know this phenomenon under the name of mutation. The replication of proteins supposes a configuration with a space-time structure which enables it to face the physical environment.

But the ambient conditions are hostile. The network " of external IBOZOO UU " brings information to it which enable the enriching of its internal information (if it is of a sufficient complexity).

But this environment attacks the organism, is foreign to it, tries to destroy it if it lacks sufficient defenses. It is what you call the AGGRESSION OF the ENVIRONMENT. If the living organism is not adapted, it perishes. If its physiological structure is resistant, it survives (you call this ENVIRONMENTAL SELECTION).

If in the XAAXADOO (nucleic chains), a mutation does not take place because, as it can happen on certain cold astral bodies, the encapsulement biochemical protection are very resistant, the species can remain for million of years, but there is no evolution. The lower species " freeze " and will never evolve into OEMII.(humains)

We call a sequence of nucleotides able to replicate a protein IGOOAA (gene).

Up to now, these laws are well-known by you geneticists and we confirm their validity on the other OYAA (cold stars, astral bodies = planets).


BAAYODUU (uniting factor between BB and the chromosomes) is a network of krypton atoms. Its function and the process of collecting of information is similar to OEMBUUAWU [ O. ] (krypton factor which links B.B. with the brain) they are atoms of a very stable gas whose electronic behaviour is not like those of any other atoms (i.e. subject to quantum laws of probability).

BAAYODUU [ B.I. ] (uniting factor between BB and the chromosomes) in much more complex just a simple krypton cloud.

BAAYODUU [ B.I. ] (uniting factor between BB and the chromosomes) collects the information of the WAAM, i.e. of the physical environment. These data are compared to the information contained in the genome, and according to what the organism " needs ", it either protects the organism from a mutagenic factor (quanton of radiation, fast proton, destructive ion, neutron, etc), or it carries out its own a controlled mutation.

How does B.I. function? A microphysical network of krypton atoms acts like a valve or a channel of information which connects the organism with the WAAM-BB, which we will speak about presently. This WAAM encodes all the information obtained by living beings, it is that which we call the COLLECTIVE SPIRIT.

But " the collective Spirit ", as we shall see in later paragraphs, is a matrix of patterns of forms and behaviours. It modulates the entire structure of the networks of living beings (AIUUBAAYI).

The WAAM-BB, which we could call the UNIVERSE OF FORMS, directs the models of civilization in the arborescent structure of phylum (branches or species) of living beings.

Eighty-six krypton atoms are capable of encoding every possible and viable shape of living being, with the understanding that all this information is not really " recorded " in the electronic cloud of the Kr atoms, but that they receive the model each chromosome (nucleotide sequence able to replicate several proteins) needs, from [ BB ]

The models are not infinite. B.B. (O U) stores only those which are possible within the framework of a planetary environment, according to the following characteristics:

Mass of the cold planet

Magnetic field

Temperature differential

Composition of the atmosphere

Sources of chemical elements (geological medium)

Presence of (sufficient) water

Level of radiation of the principal Star

Level of geological radiation

Frequency of extraplanetary impacts (aerolites)

Level of atmospheric ionization

make various models of biological structure possible.

Only several billion forms are possible in each medium of an OYAA (planet).

Normally, a node of a phylum (tree structure) can give birth to roughly two hundred and twenty thousand new branches or phyla thanks to a directed, controlled mutation. At some nodes we detected (roughly) 18,376,000 possibilities of changes tolerated by [ BB. ]. (If in spite of the control of B.I.: i.e. if, in spite of proteinic protection that it exerts on the DNA chain, a neutron for example causes a prohibited change, this organism will inevitably die and B.I. will cause its death.

Each jump of an electron in an orbital represents (i.e. encodes) a possible phylum. The other krypton atoms decode the anatomical structure of this species. Therefore B.i. (i.e. the krypton cloud and the [ BB ]) contains all the possible phylogeny on an OYAA [ We can extend this to the entire WAAM-WAAM by saying that the B.I. of each living being in the pluri-universal cosmos conceals all the possibilities of organic (carbon-baused) life of the AIUUBAAYII (living organisms) ].

Can we study the phylogeny possible on the various OYAA (cold stars) of the WAAM-WAAM? Obviously not! It may be that the number of potential living beings amounts to trillions or quadrillions. We have calculated that the WAAM-BB could encode up to 5.2 x 1018 models, but the inaccuracy of this calculation leads us to believe that it could be much more. From these primary patterns, thousands of millions more (individuals or specimens) could be derived, so that the order of magnitude for all the WAAM-WAAM could reach a figure of " possibly " 10 526 different species (order of magnitude), but taking into account the limits specific to the various OYAA, as well as the restriction of the genome chain of each species, the number of living species that we could encounter in our most remote extragalactic or extra-cosmic voyages reduces appreciably.

We could arrive at the doubtful conclusion that on each OYAA, the living and intelligent beings (OEMII) we could enter into contact with, each have a different anatomical form and organo-physiological structure.

This is half true. We have already said in a preceding paragraph that elementary species (viroides, viruses, protozoa: to use your words) and small pluricellular animals are very similar. Thus we have found on OYAOUMMO the cells you call eucaryotes and protocaryotic cells very similar to those which one can see on OYAGAA (Earth). [ B.I. ] in the first stages of evolution, establishes nearly identical models for the cold stars (quasi cold planets or stars) with similar physical characteristics.

I.e.: imagine a hot star which passes from the state you call " principal sequence " in a red state, then to a state of high temperature and reduced radius, and finally, to a nonplanetary cold star. Let us suppose that there is no principal star in the area which would a high level of luminous radiation, but that on the contrary the surface temperature, due to the magma under the surface and to geological radiation, is 30 °on average.

Even under these conditions life is possible. We have detected a multitude of cold stars with these characteristics. Cold stars whose only light is the one coming from stars which appear to have great magnitude, but in spite of this they do not have seasons: a perpetual warm winter and continuous night.

The species there will be very elementary. Those similar to cell-like organisms have a structure similar to the Earth algae. When they are not in the oceans, they can even display a thick membrane or a " shell " rich in silicon and in the metal elements which are used as protection.

Thus, the flora and the fauna of cold stars we have studied, which have the same characteristics, are nearly identical (to those of Oyaoummo). Obviously, on such stars, evolution is " cold "; the formation of OEMII (humans) will not be possible.

But, this lack of possible pattersn that the [ B.I. ] lets pass, only happens in the first stages of evolution. Imagine us on our respective OYAA (EARTH and OUMMO). Their mass is similar (and thus their surface gravity). Both planets orbit a sun (IUMMA in our case) and their atmospheres are very similar. Only the surface temperature of our suns differs markedly.. As we said, plant organisms, pluricellular animals, and in addition bacteria, fungi, algae on the two planets are all similar. If you visit Oummo, aside from the visually stunning aurora borealis due to the intense magnetic field and the unusual volcanic activity, an exploration of the countryside would not extraordinarily surprise your brothers little familiarized with botany and zoology. In any case, the OVUAANAA (trees ) would surprise you because their size is comparable to the gigantic sequoias of the Earth. Moreover the action of chlorophyll happens in the plant kingdom the same way as on Earth.

The mosses, the myxomycetes, the cormophytes, and in addition the flagellates, mesozoons, the plathelmintes, etc, with which you are familiar, have their quasi twin species on OYAOUMMO, aside from some morphological differences, which an Earth analyst might classify as simple sub-species or varieties, so much so that when we compared the two taxonomies, we were surprised at the similarity on so many levels.

But as one advances in complexity, the morphological differences become more accentuated. Classes like crustaceans do not exist on Oummo, to be strictly accurate, although there are animals which you could not classify today, but that resemble them. On the other hand, there are classes like fish, amphibians, birds, reptiles and mammals which you would not have any doubt in qualifying as such, but you could not find any of their species in zoological gardens or an aquarium on the Earth. More simply, none of the animals or complex plants of Oummo (aside from man) could encounter each other on the Earth and vice versa.

The possible "phylogeny "of the WAAM-WAAM can thus be represented as follows:




The IBOZOO DAO nodes represent the possible divergences due to mutation. The phyla which deviate from the morphology of the OEMII end up disappearing, since the " final destiny " of this tree structure of phyla is the OEMII.

We now will reveal to you an aspect of biogenetics which, if an expert of OYAGAA read it, would be considered an inadmissible error, an inconceivable heresy in the context of terrestrial genetics.

The genetic reserve of a species, a phylum, is subject to change, as you know, from time, mutations, migrations, phenomena of environmental selection...

It could seem that various classes of animals could evolve, while improving of course, but each time moving away more and more from the hominid form. It would not seem astonishing to your biologists that equidae change by successive mutations into more slender and mentally-developed animals, but very different from the anatomy of humans.

It is not the case: the various species, by evolution, must necessarily converge towards hominid structures. You can see it on the graph. If, on OYAGAA a branch of protomammals split into successive branches of mammals, if out of these one phyla was transformed into primates, if from these came the various hominids until Homo habilis and the higher branches, it is because mechanisms of selection and patterns of the B.B. accelerated the transformation of the genotype in this direction. Sooner or later the other animals would have ended up being transformed into beings very similar to Homo sapiens.

In other words: If the OEMII of the Earth disappeared, at the same time as pongides, cercopithecus, platyrrhiniens and even the rest of the mammals, the remaining classes would end up crystallizing into new OEMII (thanks to the presence of more species branches in the beginning).

This does not mean that all OEMII are identical. On the contrary, sometimes there are striking anatomophysiologic differences. For example, we other OEMII of OUMMO have significant genotypic and consequently phenotypical differences. If a doctor of the Earth examined us, she would be confronted with surprising characteristics. In the same way, a hominid derived from a gasteropode over several million years would have other significant anatomical singularities.

Two OEMII coming from different planetary social networks cannot be paired simply because of a different reproductive system and a nearly identical morphology. So: a woman of Oummo and a man of the Earth would be unable to have children without teratological characteristics. Only a handling of the genome of the two planets could give as fruit a stable species (Our UAA (morals laws) prohibit such a possibility today).

The OEMII is thus the ultimate product of evolution. But the human can in its turn evolve by improving its brain and, of course, the remainder of the phenotype (you are yourselves precisely in an early phase of this evolution of the Homo phylum). What happens is that starting from the point of the process of corticalisation (development of the cortex and consequently of intelligence), the human manages to understand the biogenetic basis of the cosmos and reaches the theoretical and practical level of being able to modify its own genome without needing to hope that the normal process of time, mutation and selection, alters and improves it.

We call AYUBAAYII a network of entities whose entropy is negative, who are autoreproductible and who contain data at the biomolecular level in their centre. It is for example a higher animal, like the OEMII, but also a colony of viruses, a group of ants (its species), the association of a parasite with its host, a group of humans or the whole of the living beings which populate a planet. I.e. that lAYUUBAAYI is mathematically "the unit "but also any "subset "

But what really characterizes the AYOUBAAYII is not just a simple aggregate of living beings, but that this network is directed, modulated, guided by the WAAM-BB (universe of infinite mass and constant radius).

The evolution of a network of living beings on a cold planet or a cold star is not governed by the simple laws of fate. The organizations send information about the environment to the WAAM-BB, which processes the data and answers by sending signals (patterns of behavior) for evolution. We will invent an Earth word for this process; we will call it ORTHOGENESIS. Thus an AYAUUBAAI, like the OEMII, is an agglomerate of cells in histological units which make up the organs and other support structures, but the NETWORK is overseen in its structure by [ BB ] of which we will speak more in depth.

WAAM-BB: it is without a doubt the most important Universe of WOA's creation (GENERATOR or GOD). WAAM-BB is a particular universe, one of the universes of the WAAM-WAAM (adjacent however to WAAM -B and connected to the other WAAMs thanks to the existence in them of an imaginary mass ±V- m. )

WAAM-BB has infinite mass which is divided equally into MASS OF MATTER and MASS OF ANTIMATTER (+ m and - m). Its radius is constant and it does not have imaginary mass. The speed of the photon at its centre is infinite. (the concept of infinite mass refers to the totality of this universe; it does not mean that the mass singularities of this universe are hyperdense). It is the single universe, in addition to the WAAM-B, where the concept of AYUUBAAYII (living network) does not make any sense. (Expressed more simply: there are no galaxies, planets, animals or plants, rocks or dust there).

We will try to describe the WAAM-BB.

If we could " see " or penetrate in this very strange Universe, it would appear to us as a confused conglomerate of filaments and floating nodules in space. Part of these filaments are of mass (+ M) and part of mass (- M). It would surprise us that an " explosion occurs " when these fibres come into contact. (Actually, it is the dispersion of nodules and filaments and the release of energy which contributes to the fact that the close filaments and nodules move away from each other, compensating for their gravitational attraction.) It would surprise us to see between these beams of filaments flows of highly-energized quantons moving at infinite speed. [ It is necessary to specify that the mathematical concept of INFINITY oo has here - in the physical world - a somewhat different real meaning. For example a value such as 12n, taking for " N " any value higher than a quintillon [ 10 power 30 ] - roughly -, will be considered by the physicists of Oummo as being AIGIOXAA" infinite "; a different concept than AIGIOXUOC (mathematical infinity) for which " N " would have a value higher than you can imagine ].

The GOOINUU UXGIIGII are these filaments of mass located within a three-dimensional frame. If we could visualize them, their forms would be roughly as follows:




The nodules must have a density (in Earth units) of 10 power 18,3 grams/cm ³[ Ndt ~2.10 power 18 ] (equivalent density in the three-dimensional frame of our WAAM), a value which would reach in our Universe that of a neutron star. The filamentous mass can reach densities between 10 power 7,2 and 10 power 5,8 g/cm³  [ Ndt: 1.6 x 10 power7 <--> 0.63x 10 power6 ].

The filament between two nodules can enter in periodic longitudinal vibration (axial propagation) oscillating in a standing wave. This oscillation carries an INFORMATION content. Expressed in another way: GOOINUU UGIIIGI (chain of mass) codes and decodes information, storing it in its filamentous area and ejecting it or consuming it through each pair of nodules.

We say that an observer would perceive these large chains crossing in space without touching - except in rare circumstances - and would measure a temperature in their mass that enables them to emit quantons of energy (photons). (Note that in these chains, the matter, except in the filamentous sections, is not made of atoms but of strongly compressed particles without electric charge. There are no electronic shells nor orbitals whose electrons can emit energy quantified by changing level.) The thermal source of energy comes from the impacts of mass (+) with mass (-).

But the overall design of this structure is more complex. The real frame is pentadimensional. A network of IBOZOO UU could be conceived in the hyperspace of three dimensions plus time, plus OAWOO (dimension of orientation of the I.U.) as true "membranes " (XOODII) which would link the nodules together.

This complex hyperspatial network has the following functions:

- TO RECORD INFORMATION (to store it),

- TO PROCESS the DATA (since it is made of true photonic amplifiers).

Such XOODII are actually networks of I.U. which have the characteristic of providing immense quantities of energy!!! NON QUANTIFIED!!! when the network is excited by only one photon (quanton).

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"The Essential Texts"

 We call LEEIIYO WAAM (Border Effect) a group of phenomena which occur in the XOODI WAAM (border or membrane between two " adjacent " cosmos i.e. which can communicate).

The " observable " border effects are numerous but there are many more which have not yet been observed by our scientists. For example:

*The imaginary mass ±V -1 m of a WAAM can cause effects of LEIIYO WAAM (crumpling and "pressure") on another WAAM.

* A critical pressure higher than fifteen million atmospheres at the along with an intense magnetic field OXAAIUYU causes a LEEIIYO (change of axes of the I.U.), which explains the OAUOOLE IBOZOO (inversion of particles which makes it possible our naves to travel by the intermediary of another WAAM).

*The most transcendent " LEEIYO WAAM " (border effect) appears thanks to the existence of two factors related to living beings (of the clouds of Kr atoms).

- BAAYIODUU (uniting factor between BB and the chromosomes) connects the genome a being living to the [ BB ].

- OEMVUUAUW: (Factor of krypton which links B.B. with the brain) connects the brain to [ BB ] and to [B].

Also the BAAYIODUU and the OEMVUAUW, by means of their coded quantum jumps, excites an area of the WAAM-BB . Actually, they excite or stimulate the XOODII (membrane) of this environment by their contribution of information. The transfer happens by the inversion of a quantum jump coded (in our WAAM) in a photon, in the centre of the other WAAM-BB.

This photon " is reversed " by the XOODII (membrane) and is transformed into a macrophysic flow of energy (a little like what happens in our WAAM when a photon falls on a crystal, causing a cascade of electrons).

The first phase of the process consists of recording the DATA. Information is recorded on GOOINUU UGIIGI (nodules of the WAAM-BB) in the form of standing waves within the filamentous section. After that follows a complex processing of the information, which we will further develop in another report.

To recap: When we see, feel or touch an object like a poppy, information passes from our neurocaptors to the brain, which processes the information and stores it, but at the same time transfers it to a chain of Kr atoms whose outer-shell electrons receive and transmit it and to another universe, the WAAM-BB, seat of the collective psyche and to the WAAM-B, seat of the individual Soul.

The WAAM-BB is a pentadimensional continuum with singularities of mass in the shape of filaments with nodes, divided into ' cells ' (We are unaware of details of this division and whether there is a transfer of information between them). Each cell receives the name of BUUAUE BIAEI (B.B.) " Spirit or collective spirit " [ BB ].

There exists as many B.B. as there are AYUUBAAYII (networks of planetary living beings) in all the WAAM-WAAM. There is a one-to-one mapping between each set of living beings on a cold star and its corresponding B.B..

Let us express this concept in an even more didactic way. You people of the Earth are integrated in a living Network (the terrestrial biosphere which contains from the humblest viroïde to the higher mammals of any species including Homo sapiens). Well in the WAAM -BB one can spatio-temporally locate a " cell " ("gigantic ", a true " galaxy ") which we call [ O U ] of OYAGAA (B.B. O U).


All the living beings send information to this large COSMIC BRAIN. The [ BB ] or COLLECTIVE SPIRIT is rather like an cosmic brain, a concept foreign to you, that stores, codes, decodes and processes the data coming from all the living beings of cold planet.

But the bond linking it with a bacterium, a crab or a gazelle is only the BAAIYOODU UHU (uniting factor between BB and the chromosomes) the coding of information which should not be thought of simply as the cloud of krypton atoms but also its integration into BB. A fish sends information about its genes and the environment, and receives only patterns of form or genotype to modulate its mutation. This is the only bond which links a lower animal to the B.B.

The OEMII and [ BB ].
But the human (OEMII) is a being different from the others in that in addition to BAAIYODUU UHU (initing factor between BB and the chromosomes), the human has another cloud of krypton atoms: the OEMBUUAUW [ O. ] (krypton Factor linking B.B. with the brain) which transfers much more complex information to [ B.B ]. and to the soul [ B. ]

Not only what it perceives, but also what it imagines, reflects, thinks, and feels. The ideas, visualisations, feelings, intellectual processes, i.e. the entire mental process is coded simultaneously in the memories of the Brain, the Soul [ B ], and the Collective Psyche [ BB ]

The first two (NdR: memories of the brain and the soul) record only the intellectual perceptions and processes of the individual. [ B.B ] integrates this information with that coming from millions of living beings on the planet.




Moreover, the brain receives:

INSTRUCTIONS (directing Information from the Soul [ B ]
intellectual and emotional INFORMATION, the product and synthesis of the immense processing of all the data of the living beings of the Planet on which it lives.
As follows:



How did the WAAM-WAAM come about? In the beginning there was the WAAM-BB co-existing with WOA (God). WAAM-BB contained all the mass of its universe in an initial core of infinite value (physical infitine). But this core, contrary to that of the other WAAM, was made of matter and antimatter. It was an unstable Cosmion and consequently it exploded (E = infinite energy).

The expansion of a cosmos is like a bubble that expands. A hyperspheric membrane whose radius increases gradually. You could think of it like the front of the hyperpressure wave created after the explosion of a fission-fusion bomb (the internal pressure of this bubble at the initial moment is infinite, but the value changes gradually).

If WOA had not intervened, the expansion would have been compensated by the gravitational action of an " infinite " mass. The initial " cosmic crystal " (isotropic and with a constant density of (+ m and - m) would have collapsed at the very moment when the isotropic expansion began.

It is here that WOA intervened by introducing an anisotropy induced " intelligently ": CREATION.

WOA induced only as asymmetry. We will see, in a loop that you could call cybernetics, how the COSMOS " is reflected back onto itself ", i.e. it receives information on its own structure and corrects itself thanks to this internal reflection.

Because of this disturbance induced by WOA, this Universe is no longer cristallo-cosmic, the masses of different signs collide and the resulting energy is used to counteract the gravitational collapse (while contributing to the expansion of the system).

The asymmetry or the anisotropy of the WAAM-BB exerts its influence on the adjacent WAAM. At the time of the explosion, they too would also tend to be transformed into isotropic cosmic crystals.

The disturbance or crumpling of a WAAM occurs at the time of the explosion when, a fraction of time after the initial expansion, the Membrane or " bubble " has a critical pressure of approximately 15,445,000 Earth atmospheres, called "critical pressure" AADAGIOUU (which is appreciably lower than that at moment zero, when all the mass of the WAAM is concentrated in a hypermassive point).

In the birth of the WAAM (our Universe) we must consider two critical moments of interaction with the WAAM-BB:

- the initial Moment: specific hypermass (it explodes under the influence of the WAAM-BB ),

- Moment of initial anisotropy (a pressure above fifteen million kilograms-weight per square cm (Earth unit) is produced which cancels out the initial isotropy)


This moment is critical. Subatomic particles appear as do quantons of energy which will later form dust and the galaxies by accretion of the gas clouds, when the gas condenses into stars (this phase is well known by the astrophysicists of OYAGAA (Earth).

The function of the WAAM-BB is transcendent. Not only does it it act upon living beings through the B.B. [O U ], as we shall see, but also it makes the multiuniverse possible.


Now we can sum up all the (known) functions of the WAAM-O.U. We will use didactic language: the WAAM-BB [O.U]. makes the organic richness of the multiunivers possible. Without it, the WAAM-WAAM would be a network of hypermassive points and there would be neither galaxies, nor stars, nor living beings; no " things ", in short. WAAM-BB modulates the configuration of the multi-planetary cosmos in which WOA becomes REALITY by means of " LEEIYO WAAM " ("border effects ").

The WAAM-WAAM-BB, divided into multiple [ B.B ]., receives extremely varied INFORMATION from the living beings populating the multiple Universe. Note that in RECEIVING INFORMATION from these beings, it in fact receives data on the WAAM-WAAM itself, as observed by these beings.

Above all else, each B.B. receives a flow of information of paramount importance, the one emanating from the OEMII or rational beings living in the WAAM-WAAM, their intellectual processes, their perceptions of the world which surrounds them, their feelings, etc...

The WAAM-BB processes this data, separating it into its different [ B.B. O U ], develops morphological patterns, universal feelings and symbols, master plans...

 Each [ B.B. ] send its biological patterns to the living beings to guide (ORTHOGENESIS) the evolution of each cold Star. Each [ B.B. O U ] also dispatches its own universal ideas, collective feelings, inductions, supreme moral ideas, etc, to all the OEMII.
YES, the moral laws are " written " before the influence of WOA on each planet with an intelligent biosphere.

This explains extrasensory communication, which you also call telepathy, between intelligent beings of the same cold star. The following drawing synthesizes these functions in a didactic way



Let us now speak about CONSCIOUSNESS (we have several words, usually EEXEE OA).

The OEMII, like any living being, is a spatio-temporal and neguentropic network of IBOZSOO UU. To put it another way, its evolution in time is such as the internal entropy (loss of information) decreases rather than increasing, as it happens in a crystal, a rock or a galaxy. That means that we perceive the flow of time according to two states E1 and E2 of entropy in which second is lower than the first. Between the two there is a reduction in entropy (an increase in INFORMATION dI). We do not really perceive time, but instead increase in information.

This is why when you are bored time passes slowly (the increase in information is tiny). The perception of time is " non-existent " between two states in a total anaesthesia where E1 # E2.

On the contrary, when we live intensely (increase of information), time appears to pass more quickly. For certain patients with neuronic degeneration (for example those who have reached what you call senile insanity), time passes backwards (positive entropy); they are practically corpses, since they are transformed into an entropic being.

The information in our spirit is also transferred to psyche [ B ]. There the information it is recorded on filamentous networks of IBOZOO UU. I.e. on chains of IBOZOO UU. In the same way, this " filamentous structure " appears on the sequence of I.U. which interacts with us or directs us. Each one of these chains of I.U. is made up of an infinite number (in the physical sense) of angles which code information.



(IMAGE 10)

There is, as you can see on the graph, a one-to-one mapping between the instants of the time axis and the IBOZOO UU of the psyche [ B ]. Time in the Universe is made of a discrete succession of TEMPORAL QUANTONS Dt, each being in relation to the pair of I.U. which codes the instructions that the soul sends.


(IMAGE 11)


On the graph, we can see in a didactic way how the instructions are sequenced, instant by instant (IBOZOO UU to IBOZOO UU: dt) so that, considering our "me "as a long space-time tunnel, consciousness "illuminates "the successive sections of the tunnel. We can imagine that this tunnel has many doors; each one represents the neurocaptor itself, during the successive instants.

Successive images enter through the door (doors over the course of time: Sight for example). Our brain progressively gathers visual perceptions. Each day that passes, I see a new face, an object I had not seen before. The gallery is growing rich with "objects ", with "pieces of furniture "


(IMAGE 12)


When a man with his lantern illuminates a section of the large tunnel (OEMII OEVUMAEI: spatio-temporal man), he experiences not only the sight of the " piece of furniture " which has just entered by this door (perceived new image) but also, by means of a " mirror ", MEMORY, the " pieces of furniture " which are BEHIND (never those in front: the future).

Consciousness is thus sequential, it progresses in time thanks to the filamentous structure (chain or wire) of the IBOZOO UU of our psyché [ B ], (it is like a catholic rosary or a Hindu " japa ", where the grains of prayer are shelled one by one).


When the last elements of the krypton network are destroyed, (not the annihilation of the atoms but that of the nodes of the network), death occurs. This destruction coincides precisely with the disintegration of certain neuronic network in the brain. (a heart failure implies the absence of blood irrigation, a lack of contribution of oxygen and glucose to the histological neuronic network, tissue degeneration and death).


(IMAGE 13)


The death of the OEMII thus coincides with the disintegration of the OEMBUUAAW (krypton Factor which links B.B. with the brain). )---o--- ((the Kr atoms return to their quantum behavior), a BORDER EFFECT thus DISAPPEARS, and a fourth border effect appears, " LEEIYO WAAM ".

A network of I.U. places itself between the two adjacent WAAM-WAAM: WAAM - BB and WAAM - B. The soul and B.B. are connect to each other through this network. This means, as we explain in another report, that our psyche reaches the state of maximum integration into the collective psyche.

This is the meaning of transcendence on Oummo. We know that with our death a fusion will occur, an integration, a close connection of psyche, our spirit (neither material nor immaterial, but a matrix of all the information and experience of our life) with the " universal " collective psyche.

We will be able to connect ourselves more intensely with those who are dear to us, to communicate with the spirits of our other brothers who have died, to take part in the planetary knowledge of the entire biosphere, not only of the OEMII which have just died, but with all humans that were ever born on OYAOUMMO (and, of course, for you, from Homo Habilis to the present). The knowledge of the real world including living beings is also possible since B.B. is informed of the processes of all the living. This means that the deceased OEMII, via its psyche, can to an extent influence those who are dear to him, thanks to the unconscious and, to a certain degree also the things which surround them, inasmuch as biosphere modifies the ambient physical environment through the living beings.

Ummite Physics and Metaphysics:
"The Essential Texts"
 B.B. is the collective Psyche.

We can also call it subconscious or unconscious collective, insofar as its contents function but are not made conscious to us the LIVING-BEINGS. The psyche of a deceased brother can, and in fact it does sometimes, assist us, protect us and sometimes while interacting in a VERY ACTIVE way, but most of the time, by gently modulating our unconscious through the information we receive from the BB O U.

The psyche or the soul, released from the bonds of the [ O ] (krypton Factor which links B.B. with the brain) à )--o-- ( and of the OEMII (or physical body) - already decomposed -, begins an eternal stage of joyous knowledge of B.B.; not only will it will progressively assimilate a thousand-year-old culture accumulated over centuries and generations of human beings, but it will assimilate itself into science, art, in the sum of the culture of a planetary humanity. It will undoubtedly also feel the sufferings, but this will be compensated by the deep knowledge of the UAA., and the moral and eurythmic lives (NdR: Whose composition is harmonious) of living beings.

Moreover, as a participant in the WAAM-BB, it will be able to access the eternal secrets of the entire WAAM-WAAM, witnessing the perpetual evolution of its galaxies, stars and various mass formations.

What will happen when the humanity of the Earth disappears? We do not know from a scientific point of view; but the revelation of OUMMOWOA says that the [ O U ] will be integrated in turn into the other [ B.B. O U ] corresponding to many other disappeared planetary biospheres. We can note this in the following UAA.: (the UAA. are sublime moral maxims dictated by the divine Oummowoa).

UAA TAAUU 1854 " And the planetary unconscious in faraway region will illuminate us with an astounding morality which will be difficult for us to assume. Since in it is engraved the entire law dictated by WOA for all the OEMII. In it is recorded the actions of the OEMII, those which conform with the laws of ethics and those which violate the inescapable social principles, since all those who by their own volition break with my divine TAAUU, cause an entropic regression of character; their own WAAM degrades (cosmos = can be translated as SOCIAL FRAMEWORK, PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENT).

TAAUU 1860 " But the disintegration of the OEMII will occur one day, as you all know. How will you know when this minute (UIW) will arrive? Your soul will melt into the Unconscious collective, taking part in planetary joys and alas, also in its sadnesses, but also with the pleasure of taking in at once the immense body of intellectual information and of seeing reflected in a silver-titanium surface (an alloy used in mirrors) the entire UAA (moral) law of the polynuclear Universe in which you exist ".


TAAU 1868 " Moreover, one day, the entire living sphere of OUMMO will be the victim of a terrible cataclysm which will destroy the basis, not only of your civilization, but also the genetic essence itself of the living beings. Ice will cover the surface of the continents, in the thickness of several ENMOO (unit of length on OUMMO [ our note ]) in many places, and the disintegration of life will have become a reality. It will be the point of inflection from which the unconscious collective, which in the beginning floated alone in the ocean of its cosmos (" ' it refers to the WAAM BB "), will melt into the other collective unconsciousnesses of humanities and extinct animal networks which lived on distant OYAA, and time at which the participation of your soul in the masterpiece of WOA will attain an additional degree of perfection on the slow advance towards eternity ".

When these TAAUU were dictated, our scientists had only a vague idea of Cosmology. They did not know that there was more than one Universe. To hear speak about other cosmos seemed to be a metaphor which represented other inhabited worlds. But our Science progressively confirmed the divine and slightly metaphorical images of our divine OUMMOWOA.

Today however, regarding the future fusion of distinct [ B.B. O U ], we know only what this OEMII, good and saint among the saints, revealed us in a slightly ambiguous way.

You the OEMII of the Earth are familiar with the questions of the OYAAGAA thinkers. For centuries, your philosophers have pondered the most transcendent questions that a human being can be ask: Who are we? Where are we going? From where do we come? Why are we in this world?

We would now like to offer the half-answers that our scientists (science and philosophy have been combined on OYAOUMMO) offer to the humanist.

Philosophical response to the first phase of our model:

WE BELIEVE : (we cannot prove it scientifically, even though the TAAU of Oummowoa give us the answer) that WOA is fulfils itself by generating the WAAM-WAAM (Oummowoa says: Cosmos and Anticosmos). WOA and the WAAM-WAAM coexist throughout eternity, we do not think that God (generator) is " before " or " after " the polynuclear UNIVERSE, as Oummowoa says crytically. (Sometimes in certain TAAU the divine man speaks about Universe / Anti-Universe, in others about IBOZSOCAOWAAM ie. of POLYTEMPORAL or POLYNUCLEAR UNIVERSE: this last definition remained an enigma until scientists discover the WAAM-WAAM). WOA cannot exist " before ", first of all because the concept of time is inadequate for an adimensional being, but also because " WOA cannot undergo change". Imagining that in a first phase God has not yet made everything, and then he does, is like conceiving a changing unit: more imperfect at first).

WOA thus coexists with a WAAM-WAAM generated by him.

WOA exists. Not in time. He exists and that is all! The multiplanetary Universe exists as a decadimensional whole which includes time. (It does not make sense to believe that cosmos is evolving slowly as WOA generates it. The illusion of the flow of time is specific to living beings)

WOA conceives a multicosmos in which divine wisdom increases information over time:

How can one conceive of a system that is capable of generating information by itself, making itself intelligent? Our philosophical answer is that this information is " THE information " that WOA possesses in its infinitude, it is a reflection of the intelligence of WOA.

The difference lies in that the WAAM-WAAM cannot be WOA, and needs to progress in " knowledge " while information is (fully) integrated in atemporal WOA.

WOA thus generates a multiple SELF-CONSCIOUS universe, capable of correcting itself in a cybernetic loop. But how can a mass of galaxies and cosmic dust become self-conscious?

Obviously, an entropic process can never be made " conscious ". Consciousness implies complexity and a high level of information and intelligence (entropy is disorder). An entropic system like a star or a cloud of gas, subjects information to a centrifugal process; it is degraded. It could never be made conscious.

It is necessary " to create " neguentropic systems (systems which are growing rich in information, CENTRIPETAL INFORMATION, at the expense of the medium). The high intelligence of WOA requires that these systems develop with a minimal intellectual effort.

The way to obtain it is TO GENERATE an ANISOTROPIC, irregular COSMOS. For example: Stir up dust in a room. Millions of volutes of particles will be agitated. In certain areas, dust disperses, extends (Entropy), in others, - fewer - dust can concentrate, forming arabesques, forms of different shape. (concentrations of information = neguentropy)



Indeed, the WAAM-BB is generated, which, as you now know, distorts the other Universes, creating singularities of mass, galaxies and stars which formed by clouds of gas.

But in some places neguentropic beings emerge BY CHANCE.

In a wild flow of entropy, small parts of the Universe go in the opposite direction, gaining information instead of losing it, and these nodules { living beings on OYAA (cold Stars) } are able to improve, sometimes to the state of CONSCIOUSNESS .

But why should there be CONSCIOUSNESS in the first place? We believe, incorrectly, that it is for our personal benefit. We feel, we imagine, we touch jasmine - we believe that it is for your pleasure (the pleasure here plays the part of a reflective mirror to encourage us to taste and feel), but actually, we perceive, we feel for the service of the WAAM-WAAM.

Living beings, via their neurocaptors, receivers of models of information (sensory organs), receive the structure of the Universe.

- This information is sent to the B.B. O U

- This information is integrated and processed in the WAAM-BB

- the WAAM-BB, in turn, generates models of action on the WAAM-WAAM.

This the structure of the closed cybernetic loop.

(IMAGE 14)

You can now understand the magnitude of the Creation of WOA. He created a self-conscious universe which corrects itself while improving. The multicosmos is like a gigantic organism, equipped with a brain, the WAAM-BB; sense organs: living beings, effectors (motor organs); disturbers (imaginary mass) able to modify the structure of the universe by spatio-temporally folding its dimensional continuum and finally its own body: the whole or the network of Cosmos which form its structure.

This macro-organism has a soul: the WAAM-B, whose the individual psyches modulate the structure of the WAAM-BB.

Now you understand why we have said to you in other reports, that the OEMII can modify its own Universe simply by observing it.

We are simple instruments an imposing being born to reflect the infinite capacity of WOA, and in dying, to be integrated within the infinite knowledge of WOA reflected in the decadimensional and multiplanetary Universe. If we do not see, feel or touch, the Cosmos would degenerate into infinite chaos without forms nor energy flow. This would be the most concrete proof of God's " oligophreny " ( NdR: absence of intelligence).

WAAM-WAAM is the creation of WOA, the creation of the OEMII in a certain way since with our thought we contribute along with the other quintillions (10 power 30) of humans in the plurality of cosmos, to its reorganization. Our function as conscious entities is to be the eyes, ears, olfactive organs ... to this imposing brain which is WAAM-BB, inside this not less imposing LIVING ORGANISM which is the work of WOA: the WAAM-WAAM.

We should go into a little more detail about imaginary mass ±V -1 in the multiple Cosmos.

In the same way that an animal receives information and then processes it to finally exert its action via its motor bodies: feet, arms, mandibles, on the environment (cybernetic loop)., we have also seen that living beings act by receiving information, and then sending it back to [ B.B. O U ] in the WAAM-BB.

It is already obvious to us that the transcendent function of [ B.B. O U ] is not exactly to coordinate a network of living beings in the development of this information we call psyche or collective unconscious.

 The true function of the WAAM-BB is to be a BRAIN for the WAAM-WAAM, but every living being receives information, processes it and ACTS upon the environment which informs it by transforming it.

The WAAM-WAAM acts in the same way, and makes use of an entity which is imagined by physicists of the Earth, imaginary mass. " imaginary " mass ± V - 1 m, does not mean (as your mathematicians know) a " mythical " or " imagined " MASS ". On the contrary its existence is VERY " real ", it is only that you cannot touch it or feel it since it is not within the three-dimensional frame that you perceive. A property of this mass is that it can move at speeds higher than those of a photon. The imaginary mass is a singular network of I.U. (It is only by knowing the theory of the IBOOZOO-UU that you can understand its interrelation function between the Universes.)

Such a particle exists in "negative" time, and its stable situation of minimal energy is at infinite speed. There are no living beings of imaginary mass, but if they existed, their paradoxical rest would be infinite speed (mathematical infinity).

The network of IBOZOO UU binds the Cosmos together, and acts as an energy drive belt between them. (When V -1 m moves at " low speeds ", the imaginary mass appears in one of the twin cosmos, but actually it always operates between two cosmos. Sometimes, you have wondered: how can one universe produce crumplings in another? It is the imaginary mass which produces this border effect)

Or you light wonder how it is possible that the electrons of a krypton atom behave in such a strange way in the B.I. and in [ O.U ]? It is the subparticles of imaginary mass which, on " the other side " of the border, are exerting this action.

It is only when this mass is not in its " state " of minimal energy (V=infinite) that the intercosmic action is exerted (when V -1 m reaches exactly the speed of the light in the cosmos in which it is inserted, its associated energy would reach infinity, something which in reality never happens).

The border effect IYOODUHU (B.I.) is even more complex than the intercosmic interaction. In Antiquity, BAAYODUU (uniting factor between BB and the chromosomes) was thought to be a network of krypton atoms able to receive information and to record phylogenetic patterns of living beings.

Obviously, [ B.I. ] is not just a tiny cloud of krypton atoms (86 for each group of genes) but also a symbiosis between this network of I.U. and the B.B. O U.

Each pair of Kr atoms has a specific function. One of them codes the information which is written in the WAAM BB on the orthogenesis of living beings. In other words, it codes the possible patterns of plants, animals and bio-elementary beings.

The other atom of the pair collects information on the environment. This information is transmitted via a small intracellular or cytoplasmic and thus intranuclear water mass. In other words, water molecules capture the wavelengths not only of those of a frequency similar to the dimensions of the molecule, but also the metric wavelengths. The second source of information is the chemical bio-molecules and trace elements which pass through the cellular membrane.

This same atom has a second function. The quantum jumps within this atom deteriorate the metabolism of the nucleus by ionizing the water in the nucleus, thus modifying the code of the genome (while producing controlled changes in the nucleotide sequence which forms the DNA chain).

We see that the genome of a specimen of a species is subject to various types of influence:

On one hand accidental mutations produced for instance by an external ionizing radiation, by a virus, or by a set of mutagenic molecules.
In these cases, the new phenotype is usually repressive, and the individual dies, unable to withstand the aggressive pressure of the ecological environment (they are naturally teratological individuals).

In addition orthogenetically-directed changes , directed by the B.I. which gives rise to a restricted range of progressive phenotypes, more resistant towards the environment, since they are more advanced beings (positive index of neguentropy).

Naturally, although rare, the first order changes: the random ones, can also be positive, but if there were not this modulation of [ B.B. O U ] the evolution of living beings in a biosphere would take many thousands of million years to develop, if based only on the laws of chance, as it is postulated by certain geneticists of OYAAGAA (Earth).

While we " LIVE ", we are dead. This is the conclusion we have arrived at. During our "living" stage, although we are free, we take part in the Universe in a very restricted way. We are only receivers of a fraction of the knowledge our immediate environment offers us. We believe ourselves to be independent beings and yet we are only simple instruments of the WAAM-WAAM. Our function is to be used as observant EYES which see a fraction of the Universe.

But, when we die, we are freed of this task. We are integrated in the WAAM O B, we take part fully in the BRAIN of the COSMOS. We live in the fullness of the intelligence of WOA. When Jesus of the Earth promises you eternal life, this is the meaning of his divine words. Now you can understand all the depth of the UAA (Moral Law) dictated by God.

When we violate a sacred law, we do it with an attitude of entropy. Every social sin, every sin against what you call Charity (love) dissolves the coordination of a social Network to some degree. If I sin against my brother, that can cause his obsertional functions to be disrupted, and so I contribute to a slowing down the information gathering of the WAAM-BB, i.e. I create ENTROPY, DISORDER, by slowing down the progress of the multiuniverse. There is a cosmic principle: that of minimal energy. In the Cosmos two giant tendencies fight between each other: NEGUENTROPY and ENTROPY

The universal flow of entropy " drags the multiuniverse towards total death " until all the mass singularities are converted into radiation energy. But neguentropy fights against this tendency. Apparently the latter is weaker (the neguentropic environments of the Universe are like small islands in a large sea of entropy). But we saw that this is an illusion, since in the WAAM-BB a multiplier effect occurs. Small flows of information modulate great flows of imaginary mass, an immense energy, in the same way that a weak current in a transistor controls a high intensity of electrons.

The sin you commit against society; the violation of social law, can cause serious disruptions in the WAAM-WAAM, this is why the divine OUMMOWOA speaks to us about the " anger " of God (WOA):

TAAU 357: " Ah! He who does not like, and violates the moral law! (UUAA), since the fury of WOA will cause his abandonment when his OEMII (body) dies. If you upset your brother, you cause immense damage to the Universe. You are damaging the creative work of WOA in a tangible way ".

The principle of economy (entropy) makes us selfish, negligent about the love we owe to our human community.

When Jesus speaks to you about the Devil, he " exists ". Although you interpret his image metaphorically or poetically. The devil is actually " temptation ". He represents Entropy. He is absolute evil, annihilation. Hell is nothing other than death in the form of low energy radiation, which occurs in a WAAM which perishes when entropy overcomes the influences of the imaginary mass caused by the WAAM-BB. This Cosmos (if it is of hypocritic mass) dissolves into the cosmic crystal; the souls responsible remain frozen forever in an eternal solipsism, unable to be integrated into the WAAM-BB. It is seldom that this occurs, but it is theoretically possible.

Now you understand why we consider Love to be a concept which transcends purely ethical and humanistic values, to transform itself into a concept automatically integrated into Science. The Devil, hell, evil... are mythical for you, or at least escaped from the context of Theology.

You have used them in such an incorrect way, by personifying them in a way so naive which they seem to be of no importance for many OEMII. But although we do not give them the same names, we know that have a transcendent value in WAAM TOA (History of Cosmology).



Ummite Physics and Metaphysics:
"The Essential Texts"
 Excerpts D 41

We love Nature on a fundamental level. The men and women of UMMO direct and offer their lives to our creator WOA; so that intimate contact with his creation or generation: [ the countryside, our IUMMA (the sun which illuminates UMMO), sidereal spaces ], is always present in our spirit.

For this reason it seems to us that Earth civilization separates you from this nature of which you are an integral part. We direct our technology and civilization towards better a comprehension of it.


Excerpts D45?

Do not forget that we view the cosmos as a decadimensional system, WOA generates an infinite series of wavelengths (sinusoidal functions) of various frequencies, amplitude and phase.

In the beginning our two twin cosmos: WAAM (ours) and U-WAAM (our twin) were defined by a WAAMIAAYO (difficult to translate: point or origin of only one co-ordinate which would be time). WOA created the remainder of dimensions successively but do not interpret this " successively " as a temporal or spatial succession, but as an ordinal, achronistic relation " ordered " outside of time.

You can imagine that our primitive Bi-cosmos resembled more a small empty sphere. A small universe without Galaxies, without intergalactic gases, with only space existing in time, and WOA curves and bends this space. Each " new " curvature determines a dimension and finally, WOA " folds it ". Here we are using a comparison, a symbol, for one could express this correctly only using mathematics. For example the expression " to fold space " appears simplistic, but it is very didactic.

If we curve a three-dimensional space, if we fold it, or if we make a sort of hollow through the fourth dimension (NdR: this 4th dimension is not time.), this curve represents what our senses interpret as mass (a stone, a planet, a galaxy).

Thus WOA damages this microcosmos in creating mass; nothing less than almost all current mass of our two twin universes concentrated in a very reduced space. Matter and antimatter (as you call them), are super-concentrated.

There was then a DOUBLE EXPLOSION-IMPLOSION. In the implosion, matter and antimatter (i.e. positive and negative atoms) are violently attracted to each other without ever meeting. They are two wholes, two universes, WAAM and U-WAAM which will never be able to meet for they are not separated by spatial relations. Thus when we say that they attract each other, the verb " to attract " must be understood in the sense of inter-influencing.

In addition, there was explosion. Indeed: the immense mass of each Cosmos split up into particles and these fragments, brutally expelled millions of years ago (NdR: translator's error??? Does he mean billion), make up today's Nebulae or Galaxies, which move today at an ALMOST CONSTANT SPEED.

We underline this " almost " at the time when your astronomers judge that speed must be constant or uniform, basing themselves on two false assumptions:

- the displacement of the bands of the spectrum, in the galaxies observed, is CONSTANT and is directed towards RED.

- It seems logical to think that if nebulae are not propelled by a Field of Forces, - for they result from an initial explosion of the universe - they will move with uniform speed.

But these two premises are false.


What will be the end of the two twin cosmos?

Taking into account that WOA continues to create matter inside each Cosmos, the transformation of mass into energy is much faster.

There will come a time when the two universes will be reduced to a hyperspheric space-time continuum of negative radius, but, at that time, of infinite magnitude. Devoid of concentrations of masses, i.e. Galaxies and referring to the previous example: without curves, " FOLDS ".

Only a continuous and isotropic propagation of radiation of the same frequency, for, to date, the multiple sinusoidal functions created by WOA are in phase and no longer produce these standing waves, these nodes and peaks that our senses interpret respectively as " VACUUM and MASS ". there will only remain an ocean of waves whose amplitude will decrease until the death of the " cosmic pair ".

But on UMMO, we are aware of this creation. We ask; how ATHEISM develop? If the universe were eternal, it would already be dead.


Excerpts D42


Unlike you, in our history, multiple streams of thought about the existence or nonexistence of WOA have not arisen. On the contrary, our entire culture was always WOASSEE (creationist, or as you would say: Deist). Although until the execution of UMMOWOA (JESUS of Ummo) one tended to identify WAAM - Cosmos - with WOA by means of a family of beliefs which you would qualify as Pantheistic. There was no definite form of worship. Our humanity was passing through an incredibly distressing time: hundreds of psychologically ill patients, whose neurophysical systems were generating unbalanced BUUAWE BLE (Telepathic) impulses, were terrorizing the population, slowing down the progress of our culture. We preferred to persecute these unhappy patients than worship WOA.

Ummite Physics and Metaphysics:
"The Essential Texts"
 DOCUMENT: *D33. Letter received by Fernando Sesma on March 23, 1966;


Obviously such a topic as transcendent as the existence of the man in the WAAM (Universe) must draw our attention.

But we observe a notable difference between the spiritual desires of the Humanity of UMMO and that of OOYAGAA (The Earth).

Our thought was always guided by an orientation which has a vague analogy with the pragmatism of the Earth philosopher John DEWEY. We measure any knowledge on a scale, of which the highest level is FUNCTIONALITY.

What is functional for the philosophy of UMMO is that:




Since the " why " cannot be determined by scientific methods, for AAIODI (adimensional) beings or creatures (outside of any space-time) are inaccessible by any knowledge inevitably based on logic, we abstain from becoming dogmatic.

Naturally, we speculate like the Earth people but there is a notable difference: when one of your thinkers develops a philosophical theory, a School emerges in parallel which is followed fanatically and without critical spirit, by thousands and thousands of people, adhering to its doctrines and its postulates as if they were irrefutable truths.

We, on the contrary, in front of any stated doctrine, we adopt a careful UBOO (AGNOSTIC) posture. Of course this agnosticism does not manage to judge, as does yours, that WOA cannot be determined in a certain manner and on a certain level, by scientific experiment.


Such an attitude appears to contain a contradiction. It seems stupid to develop an assumption to then scorn it. Actually, this is not what we want to express: we know that such assumptions can approach the truth and in fact, some times, they reach it.

We show that there can be at least one explanation (even if it is different from the initial assumption) to certain timeless enigmas; and finally such speculations constitute at the very worst an excellent mental exercise which, sooner or later, bears fruit.

After this preamble, we inform you that indeed, we have developed assumptions to explain the existence of OEMII (Man) in the WAAM (Universe).

As it is difficult for us to express them at length, we are obliged to structure them in brief paragraphs even if such a limited synthesis runs the risk of lacking rigour and depth.



Certain Earth thinkers frequently commit an error which consists of inadvertently adopting an anthropomorphic conception of GOD or the CREATOR. When many people of your Planet are distressed in seeking transcendent explanations to questions like: WHY DOES GOD TOLERATE EVIL?. Unconsciously they use verbs which refer to only one AAIDI (being) like man.

Imagine a hypothetical thinking animal, which referring to OEMII can wonder for example: WHY DOES MAN RAIN? or HOW DOES PLATINUM OR SULPHUR DIGEST AND MEDITATE?

This psychological phenomenon of projection which projects human attributes onto other beings is as frequent as your tendency to allot dimension of TIME to BUUAWA (Soul or spirit) or to God, and that makes another source of mental disturbances since, not being able to logically find coherent answers to questions so poorly formulated, you conclude by doubting the existence of God or the entity to which you attribute this false function, thus causing certain effects of neurotic anxiety.

It is curious to note that even after having set up the basis of a mathematical logic, you still use such senseless sophistry.



Let us remember that one of the functions of WOA is to CREATE.

All your ideas which are not incompatible with this same essential element must take form, to be necessarily carried out.

When we note the hypothesis of the WAAM-WAAM (pluricosmos), it is because we observe that in our UNIVERSE and in the U-WAMM (complementary cosmos of inverse negative charge), there is only a very small number of possibilities of EAAIODI GOO (ontological) existence.

Indeed: we have knowledge of several of the physical and biological laws which govern our universe but: could these laws have been stated in another form?  If the answer is yes, such laws exist in another WAAM (UNIVERSES).

Thus, if the idea of an adimensional and free BEING, " shaper " of another dimensional BEING is not incompatible with the essence of WOA, such a BEING must come to be.

The generation or creation of man is thus not justified by reasons of " recreation ", by a desire of WOA to keep himself busy, seeing how we struggle between pain and joy, like simple puppets between his hands. Such an interpretation is childish and can be described as anthropomorphic.

We can also put another question: why did he make us in this form? With two feet, with this neocortical structure, these sexual tendencies and not others? The question is specious ( "which tends to induce error under the pretense of truth") for it implicitly contains the aprioristic assertion that WOA, ALONE, generated man in this physiological structure, in opposition to the principle in the preceding paragraph.

Indeed, it is possible (and empirical knowledge points in this direction) that in this WAAM (provided that the human beings adapt to the biological laws which reign there), we have this physiological morphology but this does not mean that WOA did not generate a multitude of other FREE beings in as many other WAAM.

Finally the last point: Is there a function for man in the COSMOS?

Does OEMII fulfil some unspecified purpose in the WAAM? one can suppose that such a function coexists with the reason it was created.

To explain this properly, we should remember that the components of the WAAM can be divided into two dimensional categories.

MICROPHYSICAL: which follow the principle of INDETERMINATION, i.e. not subject to any law.

MACROPHYSICAL: subject to mathematical and statistical laws which govern its inflexible DETERMINISM.

Once the universe was created as MASS-SPACE-TIME continuum, WOA has two means to obtain the modification of its structural rigidity, its deterministic inflexibility:

A) by amending the laws which govern it. We think in all logic that this implies a contradiction once these laws have been stated for a WAAM.

B) by creating FREE BEINGS who, while benefiting from the freedom of the microphysical elements, are his agents, WOA acting through them on the macrophysical elements, thus breaking the causal or deterministic relationship.

It is in this manner that WOA would use the man as a means of ACTION which would bind the creator with the WAAM created by him.

WOA dictates his UAA (LAWS) and the man in accomplishing them acts as a bond between HIM and the COSMOS.

If man does not accomplish them, the harmony is apparently broken in that the function has been changed in the AAIODIWOA (creation, all of the dimensional and adimensional beings created by WOA). In this case, the BUUAWA (Soul or spirit), the person responsible for such a modification, must conform its spiritual structure with the idea of WOA. This returning to conformity we call PUNISHMENT (purgatory for you) (AMMIE YIISAIA BUAAWA on UMMO).

We have reason to estimate that the true reasons are much more complex and thus inaccessible to the limited intellect of the human.

These arguments prove however that there is at least an explanation of the " transcendent unknown " of our existence.

Thus we can anticipate possible objections by materialists who, not finding a plausible reason for this EXISTENCE, claim to hold up the inadequacy of the arguments as proof of the non-existence of WOA.



The OEMII (man's physical body), as the macrophysical entity that it is, is subject to the same physical laws (all of a statistical nature) as any other body of Nature like a rock.

If you fall into a canyon, the injuries (or lesions) to your skeletal system, in your cellular fabric etc... is determined by inflexible laws.

We say with reason that your body behaves with deterministic finality. As deterministic as that of the rock which, as it falls, breaks into hundreds of pieces.

But careful: there is a big difference between an OEMII (human body) and a rock. And it is not precisely the complexity of their organization, for an electronic computer is also complex and it is however governed by deterministic laws.

It is that in this wonder of organization that WOA created, the OEMII, its millions of complicated cells, the multitude of its organs, its neural and arterial network, this perfect skeletal mechanism, all things considered: CAN ONLY BE CONTROLLED BY ONE IBOYA (QUANTUM OF ENERGY) OR BY ONLY ONE ELECTRON. It is enough to stimulate some neurons of the brain with voltages of O,OOO4 microvolts to cause enormous convulsions in the whole organism.

Thus you see how a microphysical particle, infinitely small, so small that on its level it does not make sense to speak of the dimension length, IS ABLE TO CONTROL AN ENTIRE LARGE BODY.

Moreover, the physicists of the Earth and the cosmologists of UMMO agree on the fact that Quantums of energy (as you refer to them) ARE NOT THE CREATION OF PHYSICAL LAWS, i.e. that to refer to determinism in the " control " of an orbital electron in a free atom (for example) does not make sense since it is probability which intervenes in this case.

In addition, one finds the behaviour of man who CAN (and in fact he frequently conditions himself to the free behavior of these quantums of energy) BE FREE in many of his acts.

In states of hypnosis, under the influence of an infection, when his neurocortical system is deteriorated by a nervous disease, in states of panic, etc... there is no doubt that the organism is governed by biological or physical laws. In these cases: behaviour is determined and man is neither free nor responsible for his actions.

But in many other cases, the BUUAWA (SOUL OR SPIRIT) using a microphysical element or factor such as one of the krypton atoms which constitute the OEMBUUAW (THIRD FACTOR OF MAN) can govern the conduct of man and at this time, he is responsible before WOA if he transgresses the UAA (MORAL LAW).

For all this to be understood, it is important to meditate on the principle of indeterminism in the behavior of the microphysical factors. What would happen for example if Quantums of energy were dominated by rigid and inviolable laws?

Then the BUUAWAA (SOUL OR SPIRIT) would be unable to control them in the case of krypton for this would suppose the violation of the physical laws imposed by WOA. Thus, the Soul or spirit could not control the human body and, logically, our control would be determined by these biological laws.

Free will would then be a fiction, an illusion. But we have just shown that this is not the case.

There could remain a doubt after having read this report for we affirm that in the MICROPHYSICAL world, the principle of indetermination or PROBABILITY reigns, but we have not shown it.

This is because on Earth this principle is already accepted in Nuclear physics and on an elementary level we cannot add much to a study whose theory has been accepted by the people of the Earth. A long time ago, one of your physicists, Werner Heisenberg formulated this uncertainty principle. Such a theory of Quantum Mechanics is shared by us except with regard to certain small errors of formulation and interpretation.

We think that the day when you will discover this third factor of man OEMBUUAW made up of the krypton atoms, you will even better understand the admission of the principle of FREE WILL in the OEMII (body).



In the description of the relations between BUUAWA (Soul or spirit) and OEMII (tetradimensional body) one can put forth the following questions:

How could one scientifically establish (i.e. by empirical means then by establishing the corresponding laws) the existence of the BUUAWA (Soul or spirit) if it is ADIMENSIONAL and thus inaccessible to the most precise physical instruments?

The answer is the following: in the year (year of UMMO) 315 of the 3 °cycle, a biopsychologist discovered the presence of some isolated atoms of the inert gas krypton in the brain.

As you know, this gas does not combine with any other body or chemical element. Its presence is thus strange if we consider that the number was extremely small, and that by exploring a statistical sample of human brains, such atoms are always located in the same area and at the same depth in the Hypothalamus. It is thus not a random phenomenon, i.e. a consequence of probability.

When your books describe an atom, they symbolize the various " LAYERS " or energy levels

On UMMO, for children we use a simple comparison which better expresses this concept for those who are not versed in nuclear physics. The electrons move around the CORE like WIISIIO (insects resembling Earth ants) around the opening of their burrow. These " ants " move around their nest without order or law, in the wetlands. From time to time an insect stops abruptly and absorbs a dewdrop, inflating its belly (the equivalent occurs in the subatomic world: an electron absorbs a IVOAAIA (PHOTON), i.e. a " quantum " of energy and it changes energy level).

Note that in changing level it does not move away from the nucleus as would imply the Earth texts, it MODIFIES ITS STATE (employing another comparison: your social or economic position) by gaining a little more energy.

At other times the ant will abruptly spit out this water, getting enormously thinner, i.e. it will return in its primitive state (QUANTUM STATE) just like a backwards jump in its social state.

The electrons also decrease in energy level and in doing so yield or emit a quantum or PHOTONS; we say in that case that this body which contains such atoms emits infra-red radiations, chromatic light (filaments of a lamp) or ultraviolet radiations, among others.

In a computer, when a figure jumped into another column, that expressed an IBOYAANUUIO (quantum) JUMP to another energy level and this was the end of the story.

Although the principle could be attributed to random chance, this seemed incredible. The numbers of these columns remained in sequence, i.e. they seemed evenly distributed according to a simple mathematical law (periodic function).

These electrons, which according to the uncertainty principle should have been in their energy level in a disordered way, appeared to exceed anarchy and control their probabilistic function while breaking with their microphysical determinism.

The harmonious movements of the cortical electrons of the krypton atom coincided with the nervous impulses emitted by the brain of the young female subject. I.e. with the voluntary movements of her arms, feet, speech organs... and not with reflex movements or impulses emitted by the neurovegetative system.

But that day of the year 315, there was an astonishing discovery: these harmonious movements preceded the behaviour of the subject. I.e. they occurred approximately ' one millionth of second ' before the remainder of the neurophysiological reactions of the organism.

It was as if these electrons were the Soul or spirit of the girl and that they dictated the behaviour of her OEMII (body).

But certain electrons lacked energy (? ? ?) However to imagine that would be as absurd as believing that these messages which the astronomers of the Planet Earth received were only created by lone emissions.

If these electrons were not being driven by chance, as per the usual, there was thus an independent factor able to exert control over them.

So as not to weigh down our report, we will pass on the remainder of the process which preceded the scientific verification of the existence of the BUUAWAA (Soul or spirit) thanks to the sensational discovery of the Third Factor of man OEMBUUAW composed, as we have already indicated, of isolated DIIUYAA (krypton) atoms.

For the first time in history, the existence of a SOUL OR SPIRIT was confirmed. Our philosophers, just like those of the Earth, had suspected it, the divine UMMOWOA Jesus of Ummo) had confirmed its existence in his transcendent revelations. Once more religion and science were in harmony.

As you can imagine it, the field of experimentation was not exclusively limited to man; it was extended to all the unicellular and pluricellular organic beings, also analyzing all types of Virus and autoreproductible organic compounds.

The results were disappointing. We managed to detect isolated NEON and XENON atoms in many living beings, and a few million HELIUM gas atoms in animals with higher nervous structures (today we understand the function of helium in the brain).

Do nonhuman biological beings have a soul? So far we are uncertain and we prefer to abstain from formulating assumptions.

UMMOWOA referred only to the BUUAAWOEMII (coupling of the Soul or spirit with the human organism).

According to him, when in the evolutionary process of living beings from the appearance of the first proteinic molecules to anthropoid beings on UMMO, the latter developed until having reached a neurocerebral structure so complex that the first signs of animal intelligence developed there started to be shown, WOA made the BUUAWA (Soul or spirit) control the behaviour of OEMII.

Until now science has confirmed, as usual, his divine words but it is not because UMMOWOA did not speak of it that it does not exist. (the Soul or spirit in nonhuman biological beings - Translator's note).

Scientists of UMMO are very sceptical on this matter.


After this sensational research concerning the function of the krypton atoms, the rate of these investigations increased. Up until the year 726 of our Era, we had located 3 active atoms:

- two were transmitters: AAXOO

- One was a receiver:

The first send as many - suitably codified - messages which the cortical nervous system provides.

All the optical, acoustic, olfactive images, received by the neurons connected to the sensory organs, coming from the stimuli from the external world, all the images stored in the memory, all the mental processes which are in the neural Network of the brain, that you do not know, called BIAMOAXII where an exothermic chemical reaction occurs, releasing heat, exciting the quantum state of a network of free Helium atoms.

In a nutshell, it is almost as if a kind of of Morse code were beamed to a small transmitter which is Helium. There is then a cortical effect of resonance between the electronic shell of the helium atoms and those of krypton and this in its turn transforms the code received into another similar code (one could say: UNDERSTANDABLE BY THE BUUAWAA (SOUL OR SPIRIT).

You can observe, in this example, that the krypton atom performs the function of a kind of television receiver or radio. A transmission received and transmitted to the Soul or spirit, in a language that it alone can understand, when this happens to the OEMII (MAN) or to the surrounding medium.

The atoms (sensors and receivers), on the contrary, follow an opposite process, and send a series of instructions to the human body from the Soul or spirit. This is what was discovered in our year 315. (It should be observed that it was purely by chance that the first atom discovered was a receiving atom, i.e. that the code of the electronic cloud precedes the reactions of the organismzation - contrary to the transmitters - and this made it possible to induce the existence of the BUUAWAA (SOUL OR SPIRIT), as the origin of the harmonic electronic movements).

We repeat that the inverse process also occurs. The messages of krypton are received by millions of helium atoms which modifies their quantum states so that they irradiate a " QUANTUM " of frequencies lower than those of visible light (infra-red radiation).

From there, another type of neuro-organs unknown to Earth physiologists, work in a way similar to the thermoelectric pairs and transform the thermo-modulated messages into nervous impulses channeled by a network of Neurons. Neuro-organs were found to be distributed in the motor regions of the two frontal lobes, but especially in the surfaces located behind and under the Large Central Ridge.

Since the year 9O3, the psychoneurologists of Ummo were really surprised when, discovering two krypton atoms and identifying one of them as AAXOO (transmitter), they found that the other had the strange characteristic that none of the somatic activities of the individual corresponded to the enigmatic " messages " which it seemed to receive or emit.

By the cerebral area where this atom was located, the scientists believed that they might be transmissions from one direction or the other, coming from the lower layers of consciousness or BUAWAAMIESEEOA (you would call it SUBCONSCIOUS). Perhaps, thanks to this atom, our Soul or spirit was informed of the rich activity of our occult psychic life.

In the year 929, we discovered a sixth krypton atom located at an almost infinitesimal distance compared to the previous one. Six days later, a neurologist had selected a statistical sample of 83 individuals of both sexes to support the discovery. The surprise of the young neurologist (who was then 23.6 years old) was immense when, passing the tapes where the graphic curves of these messages appeared, he discovered that two of them were common to all the individuals of the sample. Almost as though the Soul or spirit sent the same instructions to ALL men, that it received the same kinds of information from all of them.

It took several years for this discovery to be properly interpreted. The subjects were separated by long distances and we measured with high-precision timers the intervals of time necessary for these messages to be received or transmitted.

The results of these studies were even more fantastic:

- the messages were received and transmitted simultaneously, regardless of the distance separating the two subjects.

- For the first time we verified that the codified movements of the electrons in these atoms corresponded exactly to telepathic transmission.

- We discovered, contrary to what we had believed, that telepathic transmission is received simultaneously by all human beings; even if a subconscious mechanism blocks, i.e. prevents the passage of a message to people for whom it is not intended.

- Even if there is no CONSCIOUS telepathic transmission, certain frequencies were received or transmitted simultaneously. Such messages were stored in these areas of the memory where, not being of easy access (except during sleep, total anesthesia, catalepsy etc) they were named SUBCONSCIOUS.

This was so revolutionary (the first research on telepathic transmission had shown that it took a certain interval of time (a few milli-UIW) before the messages were received) that we believed for a long time that they were electromagnetic radiations like those of light or radiocommunication.

How to explain this difference? How was it in one study and the other, the differences in time calculated were respectively zero and some deci-UIW?

The first research was also of transcendent importance for it demonstrated scientifically that the BUUAWAA (SOUL OR SPIRIT) and BUUAWE EIAEI (COLLECTIVE SPIRIT) are independent entities and that it was incorrect to think of the first as a simple demonstration or reflection of the second. The apparent enigma was solved. We will explain it further .

For the moment we can say that this research revealed the existence of a AAIODI (ENTITY OR BEING) whose existence had never yet been supposed on UMMO. Again an ADIMENSIONAL being was discovered scientifically thanks to its effects, as had been done before with WOA and BUUAWAA (Soul or spirit).

Ummite Physics and Metaphysics:
"The Essential Texts"

(NdR: all sketches missing)

Let us see now, in a first elementary diagram, how the four integral factors of the personality of two human beings are inter-connected.

A OEMII (body) corresponding to man N °1, wishes to establish a telepathic connection (communication) with OEMII IEN (human body N °2).

Let us analyze the process superficially:

It is then a conscious act (man N °1 on the left on the figure wants to communicate with N °2).

In fact the BUAWAA IAS (Soul or spirit N °1) carries out this desired act. BUAWAA IAS is represented by a greenish oval.

A krypton atom UAXOO IAS (receiver n 1) represented by a yellow sphere, receives the order of the Soul and transmits it through the nervous system and certain neuro-cortical bodies (represented by a red axis) to the transmitting krypton atom whose single purpose consists in establishing a connection between the man and BUAWEE BIAEI (collective spirit), represented by a gray oval.

Let us observe in passing that this entire physiological process, from the moment the Soul expresses its desire, until the message arrives at the atom, takes a small amount of time on the order of a milli-IUW for example.

Indeed: the control of a nervous impulse through neurons is not any faster and it sometimes requires more time (nerves without myeline conduct at speeds of almost 6 decimetres a second).

The collective spirit remains " informed " of this message and transmits them instantaneously to man N2 who intercepts the message thanks to RECEIVER ATOM of KRYPTON (UAXAOO IEN) (right yellow sphere).

Now the process is reversed. The nervous impulses of this second body will take 2 thousandths of an IUW inside the brain to arrive at the AAXOO IEN (transmitting N °2) atom, which informs the conscience of this received message.

You can see that one could easily be induced into error if a scientist did not carry out a careful exhaustive analysis of the phenomenon.

The TOTAL time taken by the telepathic message of the CONSCIENCE of the man N2 was 2 thousandths of an IUW (in our example).

A not very observant researcher could then believe that if the telepathic messages take a certain time, it is perhaps because they are propagated at the speed of light by electromagnetic waves, when actually the only time that passes is due to neurological processes within our brains.

You can see an example in a telegram. The electric communication itself is almost instantaneous between two cities; but the time for the messengers to send and receive the telegram may be a few hours.

The diagram that we outlined can lead you to some substantial conclusions without requiring a major study.

Initially it shows you why the scientists of UMMO determined that the Soul the collective spirit are two independent entities.

If telepathic transmission requires a method of connection through man (through the nerves) to pass from one Soul to another, it is because the collective spirit and the individual Soul are two independent entities which are only linked through the human body as long as it is alive.

Imagine for a moment that this is not the case and that, according to a new metaphor, the individual Soul is a FRACTION of the collective spirit (disregarding for a moment the error in considering the fractioning of an adimensional entity).

You could see that telepathic transmission would be carried out exclusively within BUAWEE BIAEI (COLLECTIVE SPIRIT), the total time of the transmission would be ZERO, for the brain of the man would absolutely not intervene. But this is not the case as we have already explained.



One could use a comparison to represent humanity: a pot of syrup filled with cherries. The flesh of the fruit, completely separated from the syrup by a fine skin, can establish contact with other fruits. Flesh and skin would symbolize the SOUL and the BODY.

BUAWE BIAEI (collective spirit) does not freely generate ideas like the individual Soul or spirit. Such ideas exist in HIM since its creation by WOA. The nature of these ideas is reduced to the Universal Concept of what must form an ideal human society.

There are psychosocial laws established for our WAAM (COSMOS) by WOA and the agent of the ideas of such laws, including the evolutionary standards of Human society, is precisely BUUAWE BIAEI which, at the same time, acts as an adimensional BOND between OEMII (as the air acts between you like a rubber band allowing acoustic transmission).

BUUAWE BIAEI (the collective spirit) is thus not responsible for its functions. It is not endowed with a conscience (as we understand it) in the individual Soul or spirit and cannot be sanctioned by WOA for it cannot transgress laws which it fulfills accurately; we would say according to its FATE.

To state the real nature of BUUAWE BIAEI in suitable philosophical language would be tedious for certain people unaccustomed to it. We will thus use simple images and comparisons.

Suppose that your level of civilization on the Earth arrived at such a stage that in PARIS for example, a gigantic computer (ELECTRONIC BRAIN) similar to our Network of XAMMOO on UMMO was assembled and able to store millions of pieces of information concerning your everyday life.

This splendid machine would have received at the same time information programmed by various specialists in sociology. Its own calculations would combine these sociometric instructions or mathematical laws with information received from the humans and it would determine at every instant what all the people of the Earth should do so that the society evolves in a harmonious way. On each of the five continents there would be a microphone and a loudspeaker connected to the host computer. Each one of you, thanks to the microphone, would give information on your lives. You could also use the microphone to communicate with a relative living in another country. In addition, the speaker would repeat constantly insistently the instructions exclusively intended for you: how to behave, what to eat, for whom you must vote and when to travel. (of course these instructions would follow a plan preconceived by the electronic brain, within a universal framework). It is true that you would always be free to go beyond such orders. But as you would be never able to disconnect the loudspeaker and that in addition, its tough voice would be so persuasive, you would often do what it suggests.

You thus have a rough idea of our collective spirit. It acts like an enormous coordinator of humanity, programmed by WOA so that, without dispensing with free will and action, our social control is somewhat directed.

Here is a superficial expression of an important characteristic of the collective spirit: imagine that our all-purpose computer of Paris collects facts on the life of all the citizens over a period of twenty four hours.

This information is still insufficient. It cannot be digested by the computer, it cannot obtain sufficient information by deducing from universal statistical laws or desired norms. In the same manner, if you have a factory for instance, you will not be able to carry out an audit if your accountants have not collected all the necessary information.

Something similar happens with the collective spirit. All the instructions or received messages are not logical and actually the majority comes from this mass (still badly digested) of thousands of human behaviours.

We cannot thus have elaborate and exact standards (NdT: standards of behaviour) except for the society of our ancestors since for that, we know all its elements. We will take a concrete example : You have all known of or lived a moment of terror or collective panic when during a tragedy, like a fire in a cinema or a bombing, the masses are led by a common standard which drives each individual of a group to act identically.

In those moments, the single driving force of your behaviour is BUUAWEE BIAEI. Outside of exceptional cases, conscious control of conduct is blocked and without any doubt true conduct is wild and aberrant. In this case, the collective spirit dictates messages which have as their only logical basis the law of self-preservation which governs the biological beings.

At other times, the collective spirit channels imperative messages, the voluntary ideas of the individuals of a group. Actually, when someone among you wishes something (a car, to dominate a determined person, physical well-being etc) such desires are codified and sent through all the elements of DIIUYA AAXCO (krypton transmitter) to BUAWEE BIAEI (collective spirit) with varying intensity.

Each member of the society receives these messages (if the intensity of transmission reaches a certain threshold) but if 100 % of the brains block these messages, they do not reach the consciousness of the others.


It is possible that some among you do not have a clear idea of our method of communication.

Around the age of 15 (Earth) years the UGEE and UUYIE (adolescent boys and girls) of UMMO lose the faculty of acoustic expression through the atrophy and sclerosis of the speech organs, in a percentage of 92,36 % of the total population. For the others, atrophy happens in adulthood.

Thus around 75 Earth years, the individual who can still express himself phonetically is extremely rare. But this sclerosis is not absolute. The muscles can still be moved slightly and the vibrations obtained are so weak that they must be amplified in order for us to hear them. This can be done in two ways:

One of them, already old, consists of an amplifying microphone applied to the throat. Currently we put a volume transducer about as big as the lens on the larynx (thanks to a simple surgical operation at two years of age).

This small amplifier-transmitter does not produce an electromagnetic field. It simply modulates a low-intensity magnetic field. A second amplifier with a loudspeaker (our loudspeakers do not have vibrating membranes), of similar size and shape as an eraser, emits the sounds received with an extraordinary intensity and fidelity.

Our telepathic communication does not consist in being able SEE what happens in another city by simply closing our eyes. This idea is childish. Similarly the idea that at any given time we can read the thoughts of another brother thousand of KOAE away. Such stereotyped concepts are only remotely based on reality.

Except on rare occasions or exceptionally, we use telepathy only with people far away. There is a simple explanation: the transmission is difficult and requires a certain mental effort. The process for communication with people I know happens as follows:

In the beginning I must reach a very low level of consciousness with regards to outside stimulations (light, sound, odour etc.). The feelings must occur in a subliminal way. We mean to say that it is necessary to obtain an artificial cataleptic state using autosuggestion.

The use of this practice continues, genetically favoured by many generations who practised it on UMMO, allows this auto-hypnosis and the process which follows to happen very quickly by means of a reflex which controls the interval of time necessary for it to take place. Thus when the subject is finished, the normal state of consciousness with external stimulations can be regained.

But it should be said that this special cataleptic state supposes a temporal blocking of the related networks which connect the brain to the sense organs and the proprioceptors. I mean to say by that contrary to what happens in the "oneiric" or dream state, or in certain cases of hypnosis, the conscience does descend to low levels of the subconscious. On the contrary, higher mental processes (reason and thought) continue normally with the advantage that the images of the memory reach the field of the conscience more clearly. There is now a physiological phenomenon which only happens very seldom voluntarily for the men of the Earth. In the brain there are two organs essential for telepathic transmission. Actually it is a double neural network, whose connections to the memory and the field of consciousness are normally inhibited, neutralized.

By means of a succession of synapses, the connection of the IOIAOEE IA (a body you do not know) with the zones accessible from the brain can be established. The stimulation of these synapses is a problem of adaptation and even of heredity. There is no reason why the Earth people, whose cortical physiological morphology is the same as ours, could not manage to establish these connections or synapses.

In this area of the brain there are two types of impulses: a little as if there were two transmitters. If there is a technician in television among you, they will understand if we compares them with the signals which you call IMAGE and SYNCHRONISM. The first carry the nervous impulses, suitably coded, which we call EUAWE BIEE, each one lasting O,OOO1385 seconds. They constitute a sort of a telegraphic message which is sent by one of the Krypton atoms that we call BUUA XUU (psyphere). The second group of signals, which are also codified, is characterized by the fact that the length of the impulses is longer: O,OO6385 seconds.

What is the function of the first emitted signal? To easily carry the verbal contents of our message, the words which express the ideas that we wish to send to our receiver located far from us. But this message is received by all the people of UMMO (we repeat that the cases of telepathy recorded by you confirm that the phenomenon is identical for humans of the Earth).

How is it that only one person is able to interpret such a message and to be aware that it is directed at them and only them? The answer lies in the second group of impulses. The code used to identify a person does not differ much between you and us in real life. Thus, just like the name UGAA 4 is associated mentally with a specific individual, a sequence of binary numbers, sent in the form of impulses, will be used to distinguish the particular person for whom the message is intended.

Precisely the selection of a person happens through a physiological mechanism similar to that of Earth safes (on UMMO they do not exist) and a network of neurons establishes synaptic connections or disconnections according to a quantified sequence of binary impulses which represent 17OO numbers.

We said that telepathic transmission was verbal. However it has happened that certain visual, olfactive and tactile images have been consciously transmitted which, under normal circumstances, are phenomena only experienced in certain cases of transitory mental disturbance or in catalepsy. These types of experiences are rare among us and we see them as you would view pure telepathic transmission.

We do not discard the possibility that some unknown Galactic or extragalactic civilization could reach this dream (rare for us) thanks to its psychophysiological evolution, and towards which our neurologists are actively working.



You wonder whether Earth humans have this spiritual coordinator whom we call BUUAWE BIAEI, but at the moment when we affirm it, undoubtedly we are making the same error that you make almost every day by supporting your reasoning on gratuitous assertions.

We do not have on the Earth the same means of research as those we have on UMMO. Our preliminary draft to bring 12 individuals of Earth origin of developed mentality on our planet was refused by the UMMOAELEWE (general government)



We said that any idea compatible with WOA must then be generated: at the same time as the creation of the WAAM, this spirit was created.

A serious objection could be raised to the nature of BUAWE BIAEI.: If this spirit generates single ideas, product of a single conscience, would it not be very similar to WOA? And even: wouldn't such ideas end up taking form?

This objection is unjustified because BUAWE BIAEI has an enormous multiplicity of consciences, each one in turn likely to generate multiform and contradictory ideas. These consciences, we call them: BUUAWAA (the Earth people call them SOULS OR SPIRITS).

Fundamentally, your animistic theories agree with the concept of the BUUAWAA on UMMO, particularly the modern scientifico-theologists in the Roman catholic church and almost all the thinkers of the evangelical Christian churches.

The Souls or spirits (consciences) are their own entity, they are ADIMENSIONAL and enjoy the freedom to create MULTIFORM AND CONTRADICTORY IDEAS (if it were not the case, they would have the same essential element as WOA) and this same freedom extends to the ability to control the OEMII (human body) and through him, the BEINGS OF the WAAM.

The single difference consists in the fact that we consider that such BUUAWAA are composed and interrelated within this collective spirit BUAWE BIAEI.. (You could imagine the comparison to a pot of syrup with cherries: the example is approximate since fruits have a volume, but the cherries would represent the BUUAWAA, the skin of the fruit: the OEMII and the syrup: BUUAWE BIAEI. A tear in the skin in only one point represents telepathic transmission).

As you are not aware of the existence of BUAWE BIAEI, the Earth scientists (psychological) cannot explain phenomena of hypnosis and suggestion, certain states of catalepsy, telepathic communication, the incorrectly titled phenomena of mediums, and many other occurences called " parapsychological "..

A question arises: How many autonomous consciences (CONCIENCIAS) does the BUUAWE BIAEI have? The answer is simple: as many as there are men on our Planet, (you can see that it would be childish to ask whether the Souls existed BEFORE the body for the word BEFORE implies the concept of TIME and time does not exist for the adimensional Soul.



You the people of the Earth, you seem not to have too clear ideas concerning the essence of the BUUAWAA. This caused a series of naive and speculative controversies throughout your history which still have not completely disappeared.

How could you think that the Dialectical Materialism of Marxist Philosophy wouldn't end up making the forgivable error of not accepting the existence of the soul as an adimensional entity, if this same scholastic philosophy was incorrect in the past in allotting to the spirit a series of factors which are actually purely somatic?

If instead losing losing yourselves in a series of interminable speculations, you had consolidated the true scientific methods, the apparent contradictions between the concepts of GOD and the spirit would not have emerged on Earth in opposition to Science.

Our BUUAWAA (SOUL) has a "CONCIENCIA" but it is ditinct from the OEMII's "CONSCIENCIA".

(The texts, originally in Spanish, were translated into French, then into English. The Spanish texts refers to (CONCIENCIA) and (CONSCIENCIA). Unfortunately these Spanish words cannot be translated by two different words in French or English. We have thus chosen to let them stand in Spanish. - Translator's note)

This difference is easier to understand if we consider what occurs in our body when we look at an image of a triangle, for instance:

On a plate B where an equilateral triangle is drawn, white on a black background, a (red) beam of IBOAAIA OU falls (quantified fragments of energy with a wave-particle characteristic) which you vulgarly call LIGHT.

Some areas are black since the atoms absorb this energy and deteriorations occur in their cortical orbits. On the other hand, the white triangle reflects this (luminous) energy for its atoms of a different orbital structure do not allow through resonance the frequencies of the IBOAAIA OU (between 4.15x10 power 14 and 7.6x10 power 14 hertz approximately).

This means that only a fraction of the energy which arrives at the image is reflected in a beam which then stimulates the retina.

Our eyes thus collect the reflected luminous image using BOIYUIYOE EBEE (cones) cells, each one absorbing hardly any IBOAAIA OU. It is here that the first energy conversion occurs. What you call LIGHT causes an electric impulse in these small visual bodies, propagated throughout the neurons of the optic nerve.

We can see that the image is broken up into a million impulses. The triangle does not exist any more, there is a sequence of codified impulses which is transmitted in a certain order, like the stones of a large Earth temple, dismantled and recorded to rebuild it again after a long voyage.

The optic nerve (purple) transmits these impulses a first WOO EDUU (synapse) in the YAAESIOO BUEA (lateral Thalamus) of the UNIIEAY AAEBU (occipital lobe).

The Earth scientists seem to be unaware of what occurs when these nervous impulses stimulate the UNIIEAYA AAEBU. We will thus summarize the document given to two Japanese specialists: its related neurons each synapse in turn two nervous fibres: YAAIODEE (in green) and YAAIOSUU BIIO (in blue). In other words: each nervous impulse which represents a point of the triangle is transmitted in turn in two directions - as if one of your telephone operators were to send the same message to two correspondents.

The impulses coming along the YAAYODEE (in green) path work on the organ of the memory whose function is still unknown to you. The image represents BIBYAEYUEO DOO (in ochre), [ BIBYAEYUEO DOO is a spiral of peptide chains in which the principal role is held by the atoms associated with Nitrogen ].

Each nitrogen atom is able to deteriorate the orbital quantum state by storing two impulses or BITS. In short: the millions of impulses in the images our eyes collect are codified in a sequence, then archived in this spiral of BIEYAEYUEO DOO as if it were a magnetic tape, or to be more precise in this case: a video tape. (NdR : verified: the video tape recorder was invented in 1954, colour video tape recorders date back to 1958)

There is moreover one very important factor within this helicoidal chain: a second chain of free helium gas atoms act as transducers and receivers by directly connecting the MEMORY with the OEMBUUAW (man's third Factor), represented in yellow in the diagram

In the image, the field of the ESEE OA "CONSCIENCIA" is shown as a circle (light blue); a second pathway: YAAIOSU BIIO (blue) carries the impulses to a second nucleus of OEMBUUAW (yellow) which transmits it in turn to the SOUL (field of conscience) "CONSCIENCIA" (light blue).

What is the form of these impulses which codify the image of the primitive triangle? Just as the numerically-ordered stones do not resemble the initial construction, this series of BITS does not seem to be the faithful reflection of the triangle.

A periodic function in the form of square wave: this is what our BUUAWAA (soul / spirit) collects in its ESEE OA "CONSCIENCIA". (image D).

Imagine an architect able to imagine the temple in question instantaneously after receiving these numbered stones in order. Our BUUAWA can do this; upon receiving this series of square waves, the idea of a white triangle on black background is forged into its "CONSCIENCIA" (blue circle in image B).

But how do we know it is a triangle? Image B contains the explanation; observe that two messages arrive at the field of consciousness. The one we have just described comes directly from the EYE (neural pathways in purple and blue); the other resulting from the MEMORY (ochre) via the orange pathway.

What is this message coming from the BIEYAEYUEO C (memory) ? Simply a square wave which represents the coded image of an equilateral triangle such as we learned in our childhood, an image preserved in the memory for all these years.

It is in this field of the consciousness that the two images are compared and identify the triangle. If this last connection with the memory failed, we would only have one image: the one resulting from the eye, but it would seem strange to us, as though we had never seen it. We call this anomaly in psychopathology YAEYUEYE DOO (amnesia of fixation).

Study this explanation carefully for it will enable you to better understand the enigma of the UNION OF the BODY AND the SOUL.

Ummite Physics and Metaphysics:
"The Essential Texts"

We voluntarily did not complete the enumeration of the BUUAWAA's (soul) faculties, and we leave the definition of man's third factor (OEMBUUA) for later. Now we must explain our concept of the OEMII.

In the SPACE-TIME continuum (thus poorly named by the physicists of the Earth), the human body is an additional " FOLD " in space (a deformation through the fourth dimension) which we can mathematically define in ten dimensions. In short a MASS, with associates VOLUME and TIME. One cannot conceive of time if it is dissociated from the other magnitudes.

People who have a weak scientific background consider man as a BEING in three dimensions (volume) living various events in the flow of Time. For him, there is only the memory of the past. The only reality is the present and the future does not yet exist.


Imagine that the various events that you lived, that you live and that you will live, are laid out along an axis representing the dimension TIME.

Each situation has an arrow associated to it, and space and time are so closely associated that if we combined all these events or facts that you lived and saw on one graph , we would obtain a strange being with four dimensions (volume + time) which would resemble an enormous OEBUMAEI (sort of "long tube " whose section represents a person if we cut it into slices).

The cosmologists of UMMO call this four-dimensional being: OEBUMAEMII

What does a slice of this OEBUMAEOEMII represent? Simply a fact or an event of which our body is the protagonist. Such a fact is an illusion, a fiction. As would a section of this tube if it could not be cut, the unit then forming an inviolable whole.

But one could object: this concept is simple philosophical speculation. My conscience dictates to me that I lived such facts without me seeing this gigantic BUMAEOEMII in front or behind me...

However this is not a question of a simple assumption formulated by an eccentric Ummite researcher. The physicists of your Planet already thought of this concept before our arrival.

A simple comparison will help you better understanding this image: in a large garden there is a tunnel which curves, built entirely out of plastic or transparent glass, and throughout it are stored furniture, tools etc... This large tunnel represents the OEBUMAEOEMII.

A man, (our conscience) runs from the beginning of this sinuous corridor. It grows dark and he carries a lantern. As he runs the objects on his path are illuminated, but also, as the walls are transparent, he can see some sections of the garden outside close to the wall.

At other times during his travels in the tunnel, he directs a pencil of light towards the outside where there are other tunnels with their pilgrims armed with lanterns, passing close to the garden.

At his birth, the tunnel and the garden existed already. When the traveler thinks that what he sees has just been created, or ceases to exist, or that the items he sees do not exist yet... it is only an illusion.


When this concept of OEBUAAEOEOEMII began to be outlined on UMMO, (before it is recognized as scientific truth) heterodoxical (non-scientific) philosophical doctrines emerged

IM 42 had supported the theory according to which if WOA creates man as OEBUMAEOEMII (i.e. with an associated dimension of time), its acts or events are simply illusions and thus BEHAVIOUR throughout LIFE (life or time closely related to the body) is logically PREDETERMINED.

We would thus not be responsible before WOA for the apparent transgressions of the moral law (UAA) of WOA.

UMYAE (freedom of the human to act in the world) would be a simple fiction.

The scientific development of those years seemed to reinforce this theory on new foundations. Indeed: if all physical events are governed by " relentless " laws (we were still unaware of the statistical character of these laws) imposed by WOA on the WAAM (UNIVERSE), the biological structures of the BAYIODUII (all the animals and plants) should also be conditioned by inflexible biological laws.



The preceding doctrine is entirely false, it broke down faced with new irreducible arguments. (We observed that on Earth many people still defend this theory, but it is understandable since they lack a credible scientific basis on which to disprove it).

Let us return now to the description of the BUAWA (soul, individual spirit). We know that our soul has a personality or an individual identity. The BUAWEI (collective spirit) has as many "CONCIENCIAS" joined together as there are humans, just as a pure carbon polyhedron generates multiple reflections.

The BUAWA does not have memory, neither is it unable to feel or perceive; it cannot, for example, feel pleasure or pain.

So, then: is it an inert soul, like a rock that lives without food?

Of course not, the BUAWA has a "CONCIENCIA" which should not be confused with "CONSCIENCIA"; i.e. the BUAWA generates ideas, can understand the messages the OEMBUAW brings it and can control the OEMII (body) thanks to it also.

But: and this is very important: the generated ideas, acquired knowledge, control of the body are not carried out sequentially or in a continual manner in the flow of time.

I.e. the soul does not develop ideas one after the other in various intervals of time because time DOES NOT EXIST FOR IT.

It would not be equally incorrect to assert that the BUUAWEA " does " all this once and for all and in one moment; but this way of explaining ourselves, without having recourse to an untranslatable technical lexicon of UMMO, is most effective.

Woa concedes a prerogative to the soul which is transcendent: it can modify once and for all the form of the OEBUMAOEMII (physical man: space-time).

This means that if WOA generates and creates the physical body, fixing the characteristics of its physiology, it concedes the faculty of modelling the behaviour of the body throughout time, once and for all, to the BUUAWEA.

Again let us use the example of the long plastic tunnel. Suppose that it is a large flexible tube like a snake. The owner buys it and wishes to pose it in his garden. He has full freedom to curve it according to his taste, adapting it of course to the topography of the ground, avoiding trees and especially avoiding disturbing the other tunnels which are already in the garden.

At first glance, he will have to take into account all the obstacles and at the same moment he will choose the 'ideal' axis on which he will set up the tube. Obviously, the owner can contemplate his entire work in a single glance. This is no longer the unhappy man who ran at night inside the long tunnel to observe step by step with his lamp the consecutive sections of the flexible tunnel in the garden.

This unhappy man represents "CONSCIENCIA", the owner symbolizes "CONCIENCIA" of the BUAWA (ie. of the SOUL).

You would need a better explanation to assimilate this idea in one go. It is difficult at the beginning to understand this difference between CONCIENCIA and CONSCIENCIA; words which we chose to translate our BUUAWA IMMI and ESEE OA.

But are the humans of Earth different from the Ummites on this point?

There is no reason that your souls should have another essence. If the soul is able to see the entire tunnel at a single glance, this OEBUMAEOEMII in the form of the "tunnel man" (i.e. all the events lived and to be lived by the OEMII (body)), how is it that I am only able to reach the field of my "CONSCIENCIA" on the level of the vision of the PRESENT, i.e. a single event in this gigantic chain of events which constitutes the long OEBUMAEOEMMI?

In the final analysis, wouldn't this ME be my soul? You, the scientists of UMMO, you say that my conscience is this man with the lantern travelling slowly in the night, exploring one by one the events which make up the long tunnel; you say that when my body reads this in one moment (i.e. an event), then when I undress to go to sleep (another event), both exist, already preestablished by my soul with the permission of WOA, and however I can ONLY COME TO KNOW IT little by little in the slow flow of Time.

Is MY ME, CONSCIOUS, an innocent slave of my soul which models my behaviour?

It is yet another illusion. When we look up and see the blue of the sea, we are far from imagining that BLUE is a simple somatic illusion. The color does not exist, there are only simple waves of which certain wavelengths produce various effects on our brain.


CONSCIENCE (CONSCIENCIA) AND CONSCIENCE (CONCIENCIA) are in fact the same thing. It is our physical body, our OEMII, which with its limits prevents the soul from seeing more than one episode or event at every moment.

We will use another example: go to your window and look outside. Imagine that you are an architect and that you built the building opposite you. You see it in its entirety with all its doors and windows, its roof, its chimneys... Now cut a small square on a paperboard of less than 1 ENMOO (1 ENMOO = I,87 cm) in length.

Make an opening of the diameter of a pencil in its centre and return to the window. Put the square 9 ENMOO from your eye (16,8 cm) and without closing the other eye, try to see through this perforation one of the windows of the house opposite. How the field of vision is limited! If you want to see the entire scene, you must move a lot. But you will not be ingenuous enough to exclaim that your eyes are not able to take in the entire scene at once (the house you built). All you would have to do is remove the small paperboard.

You thus understand that the EYES REPRESENT CONSCIENCE (CONCIENCIA). The paperboard SYMBOLIZES the OEMII (physical body) and the FIELD LIMITED BY the OPENING would be the ESEE OA (CONSCIENCE).



The BUUAWAA (soul) is thus responsible before WOA for your behaviour in relation to the UAA (moral code dictated by the creator).

The soul modelled - all at once - but it gave form to all the events lived by the OEMII (physiological body) and if it did not adapt them to this moral law which it freely transgressed, it must be punished. This concept of punishment has nothing to do with the descriptions the ancient texts of the Earth Roman church make of purgatory.

We were, however, very surprised to see that modern Theologians of this same church and others, currently maintain a theory which coincides with ours for it takes into account the concept of an adimensional spirit dissociated from time.


An incomplete vision of man is created if we imagine a body subject to the relentless biological laws of WOA.

When a stone falls, its movement is not the fruit of chance since other factors intervened: the mass of the rock, the gravitational field of UMMO (or the EARTH), the composition of the air and the phenomena of turbulence related to the shape of the object.

The behavior of ANY OBJECT in the Cosmos is related to statistical laws which you call physical laws.

But, however, probability is the only law of the subatomic particles. They are not subject like large objects to the constraints of an inflexible law and that, the scientists of the Earth know.

But if the man is a giant complex of atoms, i.e. a LARGE OBJECT: won't its behaviour thus be subordinated to physical and biological laws? Preventing freedom of action? YES and NO. We will explain: observe what arrives when a weak ray of light arrives at the retina. Man's entire behaviour can change by this unperceivable phenomenon. We know that it is enough that one IBOAAYA ADA (retinal cell you call rods) be stimulated to create a nervous impulse. ONE SINGLE PHOTON CAN MOVE THE OEMII (BODY)!

Then, the man, who physiologically is subject to these BOOLEXES (? N.D.T.) laws can in turn behave by probability, being controlled by subatomic particles.

This principle incited the psychophysiologists of UMMO to seek the true causes of the interaction between BUAWAA and OEMII (spirit and soma) until in the year 315 of our Time, NOI 3, carried out an imposing discovery: The OEMBUUAW, the factor of connection between the body and the soul.

It is not an ectoplasmic peri-spirit for a substance cannot be material and spiritual at the same time (dimensional and without dimension) and the ectoplasmic regurgitations of terrestrial mediums are simple trickeries.

The OEMBUUAW is made up simply of a small group or constellation of DIIU YAA (krypton) atoms; this gas is formed of inert atoms (unable to combine chemically).

In their orbits one counts 36 electrons including 6 in the external shell and two next to them. You can observe that the atomic number is a multiple of the atomic numbers of carbon (twelve) and helium (two). It can enter in resonance (OWEEEU OMWAA) with these elements, a frequency corresponding to the third fundamental harmonic of carbon and the sixth fundamental harmonic frequency of helium. OWEEU OMWAA is a cortical effect of the atom which you do not know yet, and it should not be confused with the emission of energy at various frequencies by the electronic shell that you measure using the characteristic emission spectra for each atom.

The localization of these krypton atoms in the human body is very difficult for the following reasons:

- they are not combined with the remainder of the organic compounds of the OEMII (human body).

- their number is very small (we have located 16 of them) contrary to the other atoms (carbon, nitrogen, oxygen etc) which number in the trillions.

But do not believe that the number of krypton atoms is so small. We think that there are hundreds of thousands (even so the number is small) located in the temporal lobe of the Thalamus, the Hypothalamus and other zones of the cerebral shell.

The nervous impulses, thanks to the various helium and carbon atoms whose quantum states were excited (image B), modify by resonance the ordinary states of frequency Zero (wave planes) of each krypton atom by the effect of OWEEU OMWAA.

The messages of the memory, for example, are codified in these atoms in the form of wave (image D).

The BUUAWAA (soul) is informed of all our senses take in, and of all the mental processes in our brain thanks to these krypton atoms: also thanks to them, the soul acts on the body through a reverse process whose ultimate phase consists in the motor impulses which activate our muscles (see image B). A gigantic BUUAWE BIAEI or collective spirit of which the BUUAWAA controls each respective OEMII, thanks to the OEMBUUAW, is actually associated with time in that it forms the length and tortuous sequence of events that we call OEMBUAOEMII (quadridimentional man).

A whole created by WOA with the great freedom to always be able to govern its destiny and then sanctioned and foreseen in the close participation of the ideas of the WOA (this 'and then' is symbolic since time does not exist). There are no words to express the exquisite harmony of this wonderful creation of WOA.


Does a fuller, broader spirit exist which encompasses all the beings of Cosmos?

Is our BUUAWEE BIAEI and that of the men of the Earth also " combined "?

Humbly we confess that we do not know, if it were so we could telepathically communicate with you in spite of the enormous distances, and we would also know more about the future the Cosmic Humanity has in store for us. This is one of the objectives of our mission on EARTH: until now the results have been negative. We believed moreover than the scientists of the Earth could bring elements to our research and we found you preoccupied by sterile wars and senseless polemic lacking any scientific objectivity; and you EACH believe you have the truth without respecting those who do not think like you.

Ummite Physics and Metaphysics:
"The Essential Texts"
 Letters D792, received January 10, 13, and 20, 1988 by J.B. Jorge Barrennechea in SPANISH, in MADRID  (1st part of the report)

It is certain that at one point in history, UMMOWOA appeared among the inhabitants of UMMO surrounded by a mystical aura. WOOAYII UMMOWOA can be translated as something like "divine man god ", although no institutionalized religion developed around his memory as it did on OYAGAA (Earth)

Modern Cosmobiophysics throws sufficient light on this phenomenon. With the nuance that the emotional connotations and biophysical interpretation of this event are very far from the idea you have developed on the historical fact of the birth of Jesus (who, as we you will explain it, is similar to that of UMMOWOA).

For you, the figure of Jesus is surrounded by mystico-religious connotations. It is supernatural, theological fact and in this context, it is understandable that a Church is established there.

As you will see in the attached typed pages, the phenomenon of an OEMMIIWOA lies within a scientifico-biological scope, understandable when one has a holistic idea of WAAM WAAM. The fact that during biological evolution, a OEMMIIWOA should emerge is as logical and necessary as the attraction of a rock to a Star because of gravity.

That is why, for a religious person of Earth, the concept of a OEMMIIWOA is disenchanting and perhaps disappointing, among others, because the image of WOA that we accept has nothing to do with the theological concept that many religion of the Earth have built, around an anthropomorphic stereotype on the mental level, like a father which punishes and rewards, supra intelligent and creative.

For us, all your ideas are in the field of myths, which is explained within the framework of the historical evolution of your Earth Social Network. From a real event which, interpreted as being of a thaumaturgical nature and miraculous because of its physical singularity (astonishing the contemporaries by Jesus), a doctrinal treaty develops which gives rise to a new religion, Christianity, and with the founding of different Churches according to distinct interpretations of the deformed message of this OEMMIWOA.

Our cosmological model is founded on a solid scientific basis. We know that we are immersed in a WAAM-WAAM (multiple Universes) and that the flows of information which make all its configurative richness possible proceed from two poles or centers. One of them is a generation of information by antonomasia (NdR: designation of a person or thing by another possessing the same characteristic attributes.) All the possible configurations of matter, all possibilities of it being, i.e. all the forms in which it you could imagine it existing, whether perceptible or imperceptible to our senses and other organs of perception, draw their origin from this pole.

Nevertheless, we should develop this idea: the conceivable forms are not all possible as real beings. The possible forms of BEING must thus be coherent (and consistent with) with the corpus of laws which govern the WAAM-WAAM. This pole or matrix of cosmic information makes all the configurations of the multiple universes possible by means of genetic transfer. Without it, the cosmos would be like a gigantic isotropic crystal, amorphous, deprived of configurations or singularities and thus void of information. (We use the term "crystal" not to represent a geometrical architecture of ordered atoms, a body which would not be isotropic, but as a symbol of an infinite chain of IBOZOO-UU in complete disorder, in which the transmission of light is not possible, and having infinite entropy).

We call the codifying cosmogonic center of these possible configurations, WOA. WOA coexists with AIODII, i.e., with the reality that exists (has been formed). One configures, the other models. (NdT; Uno configura; modela, el otro).

But it is important that you not identify our version of WOA to some idea of your GOD. A superficial examination of the two concepts could cause this parallelism to occur. WOA = Generator would be equivalent to GOD = Creator such as your theologists understand it.

But the idea of God which, as you know, is rather different from one Earth religion to another, appears to them very much like an anthropomorphic being, equipped with infinite kindness, the thinking being par excellence, perfect, father of his creatures. What is more, its supreme existence seems to have been revealed to your prophets in a religious and pious context.

It may interest you to know that our idea of WOA was induced scientifically, not theologically. It is certain that his existence was proclaimed by UMMOWOA at a time when science was not where it is now. But for us, a concept alone lacks in probative value. The society of UMMO is not as emotionally sensitive as the social network of the Earth. A religion, in the sense in which you accept this term (Union of the human being with God comprising faith and obedience with laws and doctrines) could not take hold here. As for us, we do not see a father in WOA, nor do we believe that one can respect or accept some concept by Faith alone. Only reason and scientific proof make it possible for the corpus of our doctrines to be accepted. (Notice that my brothers who are faithful to this principle always insisted that you not believe in us as OEMMII, travellers coming from UMMO). It is so because we start from the idea that one should not accept in the absolute what is not proven.

If we manage to accept with time the word of UMMOWOA, it is because the evolution of our Cosmogony enables us to accept the reliability of the origin of his doctrines as we will explain it to you in later texts.

UMMOWOA, just like Jesus, did not claim to found a Church or a Religion.

What occurred on both planets is that UMMOWOA was born in an advanced society in which historical rigour did not allow the creation of myths, whereas Jesus of the Earth lived at a time in which the language was metaphorical, science did not exist, the dominant ideas were irrational and strongly impregnated with mystical ideas. Thus over time his message deteriorated, although its essential elements survived, and his historical identity is enormously distorted. We will speak about this later.

To understand all this, it is necessary that we continue to moderate our approach with regard to the concept of WOA. WOA is the cosmic source of information. But any information is meaningless without material or energy support. Here then comes the future symbiosis between WOA and the WAAM of infinite mass, WOA transforms this information in the centre of this WAAM.

As we will clarify later, WOA also establishes a relation of syntony (NdR "whose feelings, tendencies are in harmony " and "state of a system able to receive or emit radio waves of the same frequency") with these structures we call the human brain, but only under very special circumstances.

What is the scientific basis of this relation? Within the context of these pages, it is almost impossible to expose the very complex mathematical model on which it is based. We will thus make use of metaphors or images. WOA enters into resonance with the WAAM of the BUAWA BIAEII (Universe which codifies ((decodes)) all information), just as in a similar effect you know in physics as resonance. (If you place two violin strings at a certain distance and make one of them vibrate, the wave interacts with the second and makes it oscillate as well.).

You can imagine this universal center of pure information that WOA represents as a gigantic archive where you could find in mathematically codified form, since the configuration of a planet, the resolution of a system of differential equations, or the structure of a building and, we repeat it, any entity or possible being in the multiple Universe.

For all of time, WOA coexists with WAAM B.B., the true brain of the multicosmos and WOA modulates it thanks to this particular resonance effect. But in reality, he does not transfer all information at once. The multicosmos is like a great cybernetic organism which corrects its own errors.

Within the distinct Universes, thanks to a neguentropic flow, life of a biomolecular complexity is born. These living organisms which populate a multitude of cold stars (remember that a cold star does not necessarily have a planetary origin, but sometimes comes from old stars which cooled and which store even a certain internal heat) continue to improve in an increasingly complex structure of increasing informational density. These are the nervous systems. The end result of this complexity is the human brain. Its architecture is sufficiently complex that it can undergo a qualitative jump, and be put in contact with its BUAWWA BIAEII (collective consciousness), and grow as rich as possible by means of its connection to the B.B. (BUAWAWA BIAEII is the collective consciousness gathered in this large brain of the Universe; WAAM B.B.). Notice that this great system whose architecture is integrated by the BRAIN = BUAWA (soul ) = B.B. suddenly becomes aware of the Universe which surrounds it. This system is like a critic of B.B. that collects all the configurations of the Cosmos, i.e. the galaxies, stars, the mountains, the animals, the rocks and the elaborate artifacts. B.B. receives information about its own development. It is as if the multicosmos were a gigantic being whose brain and hands are the WAAM-WAAM B.B. It could work the clay of matter in the distinct Universes, concentrating it into the shape of atoms, clouds of stars, planets, mountains and living beings. But to work, it is necessary to see. Its eyes are the brains. They transmit information to B.B. and BB corrects in its turn the deficiencies of the system thanks to the patterns and models provided by WOA.

The Waam B.b. are the interuniversal physical influence of imaginary mass which spreads from one cosmos to another by making folds in space, and in turn the configurations of mass and energy modulated by the information of the B.B.

You can see how WOA's centre of information is static, while in the multiple Universe, (WAAM B.B.) in resonance with WOA, information is dynamic. In this respect we underline that the comparison to two violin strings is only a didactic and metaphorical image, since in that example the resonance manifests itself as a simultaneous movement.

But we think you already understand the subtle difference. WOA is not the being you imagine as God, paternal, intelligent, thinking, anthropomorphically structured, deciding to create a Universe and to put creatures in it in his image that it will reward after their death only if they obeyed his laws. WOA has nothing to do with this mythical being created in the mind of the Earth human.

Here the verb to generate could result in a special effect of cosmic resonance, models or patterns of information which are transferred to WAAM B.B. to propulse the configuration of a network of Universes ahead in time from an evolutionary point of view. A simple parabola could help familiarize you with our cosmology.

WAAM B.B. is like the brain of a potter whose tired eyes (brains of the OEMMII) look at a ball of clay (matter and energy). Its hands (imaginary mass) shape an amphora. But in order to accoplish this, two intellectual processes are necessary. Firstly, take as a starting point a drawing (informative model or pattern) of a container. For this he looks through an old pottery book (WOA) which subtly suggests to him the form the amphora should have, but especially, he must learn how to correct the form, observing it as he handles and forms it, aware of the difficulties.

When, in our writings, we attribute the faculty (to create?) to the people of the Earth, we are not referring to your idea of the divine function, of the creation of IMAGES. IDEAL BEINGS in the WAAM B.B. that it animates or model in Universes which coexist with WOA ( I.e. that they are not created, in the sense that you understand this word, by God).

We have a deep respect for your religious conceptions of entities you call Allah, God, Jehova, Brahma...but as you have noticed, our concept of WOA is completely separate from your theological ideas. You should not feel forced to embrace our idea of WOA, for us a scientific one, which you learn about from typed sheets of obscure origin. Each one of you must continue being faithful to your old beliefs, as we have always suggested, and read our reports as one would study the society of remote and exotic tribe.



In the evolutionary and yet neguentropic process of living architectures, the nervous system of the animal has reaches a very high level of complexity.

It is interesting to note how matter gradually structures itself in increasing levels of complexity. It is not only the density of the information which increases each time, where the molecules continue to be organized in reduced spaces, but its architecture. Millions of nervous fibres, themselves already complex, are inter-connected by means of dendrons, for the passage of information to take place. These basic neuronal structures, capable of various functions, are in turn inter-connected, in networks formed by functional nuclei of increasing complexity. The final configuration is the brain of the OEMII, able to collect information about its physical environment, to integrate it, to send it partly to the B.B. or to use it to react to its physical environment and to act upon it. To this point we have not revealed anything you did not already know.

Which is the end result of this evolution of the human brain? Above all, we say that the evolution of the neural network happens in quantum stages, each one giving rise to a new phenomenon.

For you to understand this, we must remind you of some concepts of our AYUUUEAOIIDII (biophysics of networks).

A network or system is made up of nodes or poles connected by channels. The nodes can be simple points of mass or complex subsystems in themselves. The channels are in turn flows of force, energy or information. Frequently, the nodes and the channels are themselves more elementary networks.

An urban telephone system is an example of a network familiar to you.

Another important type of network is the society of the OEMII, its nodes are in turn complex subsystems: human beings. And the channels of information are as important as the channels of mass and energy. The nodes (humans) are connected to the biophysical medium and to other nodes (your brothers) in various ways. A transfer channel is established when you receive information in the form of a smell or a vision, or when you give an object to another person or when you speak with them.

Naturally; buildings, planes, governments, tools, computers are also examples of networks.

It is obvious that an animal organism is also a network and the most complete structure of all those which are known, the human brain, is thus the most perfect of all known networks.

Although we deviate from our didactic objective, we remind to you that the entire WAAM-WAAM constitutes a gigantic macro - network, formed by the subsystems or networks which are in turn integrated by even more elementary networks. Our effort in the field of physics was to create a complete mathematical model which would explain the development and functioning of these networks. Remember that many elements of these networks exhibit quantum characteristics, making their behavior random and unpredictable. This introduces an important factor of indeterminism into this type of network.

Now we invite you to note an important characteristic of networks in general. It is precisely here that the development of our science is much more advanced than OYAGAA's. We repeat it once again: read the following paragraphs closely.

The most important characteristic of a network is what we call EIDOAYUEE. (the closest work in Spanish is EMERGENCIA (emergence)).

When a system is structured in a particular way, EIDOAYUEE then emerges. It is not easy to describe its laws in brief, so we will resort to didactic examples.

The necessary but insufficient condition is that there be a jump in its complexity, or in the concentration of information in its elements.

The higher the information density, the more transcendent the EIDOAYUEE will be.

EIDOAYUEE (emergence) is the condition obvious to you whereby a network exhibits properties and exerts functions that the individual constituents cannot carry out. Take for example an inert network. A pentagonal polygon. It is formed by five rectilinear nodes and five connections. Separate the points and the lines. None them has the property of a pentagon; you cannot say that a line segment has a tenth of the property of a pentagon. The fact of connecting them generates a new geometrical property.

Note that infinite configurations of networks are possible, but that only a small percentage of them are really functional or significant.

There are mathematical models we call GUIXOEXXOO which allow networks to function or have meaning. When an Earth engineer designs a camera, robot or pair of scissors, she uses her GUIXOEXOO intuitively, contrary to the insane inventor who creates for example, a fantastic machine which serves no purpose. And it is this, although the physicists of OYAGAA (Earth) have not developed a general theory of AYUUEADOIDI (Ontology of systems) which makes it possible to generate the GUIXOOEXOO (Emergence model or mathematical model?)

Let us recapitulate up to this point.

A network: If it is specially structured, it generates a EIDUAYUEE (EMERGENCE), i.e. a function or significance whose properties are significantly greater than the sums of the properties of its individual components.

When a network is more complex, i.e., when its density of information is larger and when GUIXOOEXOO (Model of Emergence or mathematical model?) is present, the emergent function or its significance will also be larger and more transcendent.

We must moreover inform you that this EMERGENCE exhibits quantum behaviour, in levels. GUIXOOEXOO does not develop linearly as a continuous function, but as a quantum function, with levels. For instance, you could develop a simple spark-ignition engine, made of a cylinder, piston, connecting rod, valves, a wheel, an elementary carburettor and some additional components. It would be a network whose function is to generate kinetic energy by rotation. Once there, it can be improved. Not only by adding components to it, a more sophisticated carburettor, new cylinders, an electronic ignition system, all the while reducing the size of the elements, thanks to which the system grows in information density.

But emergence does not vary. The result will be better output, higher power, but the EIDDUAYUUE remains constant. This network, this engine, will never emit images. A considerable qualitative jump, an essential transformation in its components would be necessary in order for it to behave like a camera.

Perhaps a clearer idea of this concept can be had by observing the evolution of an animal nervous network. Here the entity which works out the GUIXOOEXOO, i.e., the model of behavior of the network, is BUAAWEE BIAEII (B.B.) i.e. the model Universe or collective Consciousness.

Take for instance the organization of the Coelenterata, known to zoologists of the Earth. It develops sensitive cells (protoneurones) able to differentiate external stimuli. Here is a primitive nervous system whose EMERGENCE (EIDUAYUUE) is elementary: receive external information and react by reflex action.

Now let us take more advanced organisms, like equinoderms. There one can see a quantum jump, a distinct GUIXOOEXO, a radically distinct emergent function.

The network of coelenterata is reduced to stimuli cells; sensorimotor action

For the equinoderm, the network is not only more complex, but it has a different architecture. We note the presence of neurons in ganglia of special configuration. Emergence is also distinct. It appears in the form of integrated behaviour. The network accumulates information, stores memories, and the animal, vis-a-vis sensory stimuli, does not react automatically by reflex action, but it regulates its behaviour according to experience gathered in the environment.

Henceforth, from an evolutionary point of view, this nervous system will become more and more complex. Fish, Amphibians, reptiles and mammals, build the ganglia forming a encephalic mass able to make deterministic decisions (without free will), but according to what you would call "programming of gathered information ". These animals collect information during their entire existence, store it, elaborate it on an elementary level, build a cerebral structure able to memorize automatisms and make decisions (not only according to what they observe in their environment) which also guide them for their internal programming and their memories. Models of behaviour like those you call conditioned responses make it possible for these organisms to develop a method of learning sometimes more advanced than the conditioning of its instincts.

We must now consider a transcendent jump in cerebral evolution. The hominids transform their brain into a completely distinct network. This is how the brain of the OEMII (Man) is generated.

We want to insist on the point that it is not only a function of complexity. It is certain that to achieve this jump, a density of information of 10 power 19 bits / cubic centimeter is necessary. But the key to change, GUIXOOEXOO, must be a new structure of the network. New specific connections came about allowing the creation of a new cerebral configuration which generates a transcendent emergence (EIDUAYUUEE); Consciousness. This function is transcendent, as you know. Initially, this viscous mass that is the brain, is put into contact with BUUWAA (Soul or Psyché) and with B.B.

From then on, the organism can freely make decisions, although the percentage is limited enough. But most important, and the neuropsychologists and the theologists of the Earth do not grasp this, is that this small brain becomes a censor of the WAAM-WAAM.

The moment it is formed, its transcendent function consists in collecting information for the WAAM-WAAM and, by means of this transformer which is the B.B., modifying, step by step, the structure of the Universe.

When an OEMII (human) of some cold star in a far off location in space, in the centre of some unspecified Universe, observes, thinks or acts, at the same time its practical intellectual conduct, able to store information, results in a modification of the configuration of the WAAM-WAAM (multiple Universe).

In your technological world, these jumps in the function of networks are frequent. Your electronics engineers know how simple it is to transform a receiving circuit, whose function (or emergence) consists in amplifying wavelengths modulated in transmitter circuits, into one capable of codifying and propagating information, by the simple addition of condensers and resistors, modifying a few connections and adding a microphone.

We now wish to reveal you the nature of the last quantum jump which the brain can achieve. It is the most transcendent of all. It is unknown to scientists of the Earth. The neurophysiological consequences are quite simply astonishing for social networks like that of Earth which have not yet reached sufficient intellectual maturity to understand them. It is the OIXIOOWOA FUNCTION (Untranslatable) (NdR: Let us attempt nevertheless with "higher State of the brain "or, literally; "model of WOA ")

Ummite Physics and Metaphysics:
"The Essential Texts"
 The history of Christianity re-examined by the Ummites

Excerpts from letter D791:

May your brothers, whose mental processes have an affinity for a determined religious faith, not believe for a moment that we seek to wound them. Our judgements are objective, founded on the information we have. It is not our fault if the historical facts proceeded in this way, or if certain events suffered from literary interpolation, mystification, deformations by oral transmission, which are inevitable since they were founded on not-very-reliable mnemonic evocations... processes by which everything is transformed into myth.

But we do not invite you to believe our version, all the more since we abstain from backing up our assertions. We think that you must be careful, and that you should continue being faithful to your old ideas, if you do not understand the need to revise them through a process of evolution using rational mechanisms.


Naturally, when we arrived on OYAGAA; my brothers, once they had passed the linguistic hurdle and as soon as they began to better understand the society by learning about the culture, immediately focused their attention on the strange figure of Jesus of Galilee. It goes without saying that the other creating entities from other religions also drew their attention, some having a greater philosophico-doctrinal richness for us than the Christian religion (Socrates, Buddha, Confucius, Mahomet). The similarities between UMMOWOA and Jesus were impressive, after a first reading of the New Testament.

But there are historico-social elements which do not match. The life of Jesus appears in these books, filled with contradictions and historical errors. In addition, among the small number of historians of his time, it was impossible to find any reference to Jesus of Galilee.

We also quickly discovered that the cursory reference made to Christ by the historian Joseph is a bold interpolation carried out in later copies, by these same fanatic Christians. Joseph was unaware of or scorned this Jewish man. Three of my brothers, OAEOO 4, YU 1 and ADAA 66, travelled to Israel, Egypt and then to Jordan to collect information. Using the techniques of UWOOLOO, they were able to locate and unearth very important documents made of metal rolls, and inscriptions on stone and clay, which, along with the archaeological information collected by you, enabled us to reconstitute part of this enthralling period of your History (the archaeological documents taken from OYAGAA are on UMMO. We will return them to OYOGAA in a future stages of your cultural evolution).

Jesus was born in Galilee, not in Bethlehem, but around twelve kilometers from the town of Nazareth (NdR: Saint John claimed Jesus was born in Nazareth), in the eighth year of the Era you call Christia (and not in the first year, year zero.)

His parents were wandering pastors, and his birthplace was a modest tent. It was impossible to determine the exact location. Jesus had, at the moment of his birth, two brothers and a sister. Thereafter his parents had another son. From this point, the post-testamentary account seems filled with coarse errors, later pseudo-historical additions. Against this background, sometimes with a certain historical rigour, the doctrines of Jesus, dictated by his subconscious, were laid out.

 (Note 11)- Many accounts of the life of Jesus as recorded in the New Testament are pure legends, when not strongly adulterated reflections of reality. The intense impact that his sudden disappearance generated surrounds his life with a certain supernatural halo, the strength of which elevates his most everyday actions in Palestine into marvellous events. For example: the rumour of his death was started to elude the persecution of the authorities, but passed on successively by those who had worshipped him, it was transformed into a miraculous resurrection.

Jesus did not found any Church. The account about the creation of the pope with the apostle Peter as first Pontiff, and various allusions to a congregation of faithful is also the fruit of posterior additions. Hebrew terms such as QAHAL, and the Greek EKKLESIA are then generously worked into the more ancient writings.

The myth of dead has as its origin a false interpretation of the Jesus' martyrdom. It is completely certain that this OMMIWOA was subjected to the torment of crucifixion, although the post-testamentary chronicles are appreciably deformed to the point of legend, but Jesus did not die.

His disciples managed to recover his almost inanimate body, although they made spread the story of his death to avoid another persecution.

[ Note 14 ] - Although the death of Jesus according to the documents of the New Testament and officially accepted by the Christian Churches is the least deformed historical account, the reality ((exactitude)) of the series of events exhibits many differences from the narrations transcribed in the texts you hold as sacred.

Jesus' true life in society starts when this OMMIIWOA, accompanied by a few pastors from area around Nazareth, approached a group of Essenes who followed John the Baptist. Jesus attentively follows the word of this ((religious)) leader. Many of his harangues were close to Jesus' ideological ethical conceptions. But in the end, he discovered great differences and opposed the Master publicly.

John the Baptist, worried, realized that this disciple's rhetoric was catching on with many of his other disciples and feared, quite reasonably, a serious schism that this obscure galileean could provoke among most of the group.

John reacted violently, expelling Jesus from his ranks. Most of his disciples chose to follow the new leader.

Jesus did not carry any rancour. He had, despite everything, a nostalgic memory of John the Baptist and crosses Galilee, gaining disciples who secretly see in him the future hierarch of Judaea, anointed by God.

Jesus attracted the members of the Sanhedrin (NdR: "Assembly, council made up of members of the Jewish sacerdotal nobility and Pharisian doctors, religious and civil court for all of ancient Palestine ": ROBERT - "Council of 71 members chaired by the head priest ": QUID). They were powerful and wealthy. They were more seduced by the new Master's great power of suggestion and his great eloquence than by the ethical and ideological contents of his messages. One of them: Jonan planned to deliver a blow to the Sanhedrin and eliminate the head Priest, perhaps to proclaim his new Master ((in his place))

OYAGAAWOA (Jesus) was probably unaware of of such conspiracies, although one of the documents obtained by my brothers contains a passage which leads to think that he reprehended the disciples involved in this plot and sharply admonished them.

But the rumours according to which Jesus is seen as the Messiah, that he would be crowned as the future king of Judea worried the hierarchs. They were alarmed to learn that a plot to overthrow them was in the works among his disciples.

In the camp of one of his enemies, he was accused of practising magic against Jehova, of adoring false idols, of conspiracy against the established powers, of being an impostor claiming to be the Messiah, while combining this with interpretations of the sacred texts. (The Old Testament). Of all the men in Palestine behind popular movements of religious nature, opposed the established system, Josué (Jeschuaah) i.e. Jesus Jesus was the most dangerous. During that time, Pontius Pilate (NdR: Pontius Pilatus; he who carries a javelin of honor. It is thus not the Roman prosecutor's true name) was appointed as Roman prosecutor in Judaea, thanks to Lucius' plottings. Elie Sejan (NdR: Pontius Pilate's real name?), minister of Tiberius, was a man who hated the remote Roman province of Judaea. News of disorder fomented in the popular classes had reached him. For Lucius, Pilate was the guarantee that a brutal discipline would be imposed.

Pontius Pilate arrived in Judaea and gives up residence in Cesarea. Troops were transferred to Jerusalem itself, and Pilate himself took up residence in the Holy City.

It was probably these same disciples of Jesus who pushed him to proselytize in Jerusalem, probably in the secret hope of raising the citizens against the hated Romans. At this point relations between the Master and the most activist were stressed. Tension ran very high in Jerusalem when the Roman legions entered the narrow streets of the city wearing medallions carrying the effigy of the emperor Tiberius. (the Jews hated iconographic representations, prohibited in the law of Moses). They threw stones onto the soldiers from the roofs, and the insurrectionists were brutally dealt with.

The members of the Sanhedrin were anxious. A few of their own were with and for Jesus. Pontius Pilate's spies warned him of possible revolts if Jesus continued to address to the natives of the Capital. The legend of Judas has a true basis in history. The Romans had introduced agents among the disciples of Jesus who related the Master's words to them. It was they who indicated to the Romans the most favourable opportunity to seize him.

To avoid being persecuted by the hierarchs who sought to imprison Jesus, many of his disciples had formed an army. Jesus presented himself as a saint in his spiritual harangues, and the authorities feared serious civil disorder if they attempted to imprison him.

It appears that the episode in the Garden of Gesmanie was added later and has no basis in historical fact. There is no agreement among the documents in our possession as to the circumstances of this capture, either. The most reliable text written by one of his many followers (named Joran), describes his Master as being surrounded by eighteen disciples, men and women, in the house belonging to one of the members of the Sanhedrin, himself one of the disciples (named Zhacar, or perhaps this was the council member's son).

Immediately after the evening meal, the Roman legions arrived and proceeded to arrest Jesus, acting on information obtained by the agents who betrayed Jesus.

Zhacar accompanied Jesus. Strict orders were sent to the Jewish religious authority. Zhacar and the other Sanhedrin council members argued bitterly among themselves. The schism in the Council threatened to seriously shake the religious authority directing the Temple. This is precisely what Pontius Pilate had wanted, in his strategy to divide the Jews.

The head Priest foresees the danger and orders the defendant to be delivered to the Roman authorities in order to get rid of the man whose mere presence threatened to tumble the entire Jewish community.

Pilate wished to humiliate Jesus in front of the people of Jerusalem to show them that he was not the Messiah, the envoy of God. He started by castrating him, then cauterizing the wound. It was the Roman soldiers who were responsible for these tortures. They dressed him up as a woman, covered his genital wound with a false veil and showed his body to the rabble, who laughed cruelly at the man, exhausted and nearly unconscious from repeated blows.

Somebody put a wicker cylinder with pointed spines on his head, as if to crown him.

Tired of playing with a body in acute shock, they decided on crucifixion. Jesus was actually brought to the Golgotha, not with two, but with five others. He was to be the sixth that day.

During this time certain members of the Sanhedrin were working in the background. They were the Master's disciples and they had power and influence. They bribed the Roman officer who was to execute Jesus.

That night the two soldiers on guard let three excellent disciples and two women pass, who secretly recovered Jesus' almost-dead body. It has not been possible to determine the identity of these women. We do not know if the mother of OYAAGAAWOA was still alive at this time and of she was one of the women who helped to move the Master to a safe place. The stories of Mary's interventions during the crucifixion were added later. It could be a simple fiction, but we remember that it was founded on an oral tradition, already more or less deformed.

The news that the recovered body was still alive was kept from with the other disciples. The important members of the Sanhedrin knew that there were spies among them and they feared reprisals from inflexible council members and other enemies of the Prophet, like the proconsul Pontius Pilate who, feeling that they had made a mockery of him, would have sought out Jesus the rebel everywhere.

We were able to clear up the legend according to which the number of the disciples numbered only twelve. My brothers were surprised by the contradicting versions of the story according to which Jesus was only followed by such a small number of disciples, and yet that this small group could somehow could arouse such fears for the Sanhedrin and the Romans. The archaeological documents discovered by us throw some light on the question. The myth was developed later, when twelve of his disciples formed the sect of Jerusalem, opposed to the Greek Christians. They were so bold as to claim that they were specifically chosen by Jesus.

The truth of the matter is that among the acolytes, tensions arose over the different interpretations of the Master's words. The crucifixion and false news of his death caused a division into four groups, including one led by Peter, James son of Zebediah and John, who were three of the seven minor leaders chosen by Jesus to organize his armies.

The Jerusalem group also started the myth of the betrayal by Judas Iscariote. Along with Peter and five other disciples, he was one of the most active of Jesus' followers, but with different criteria than Pierre. In the writings of the time, Judas is not only portrayed as free of any fault, but along with many of its partisans he organized revolts in the streets of Jerusalem against the Jewish hierarchs and mobs unfriendly to Jesus, while the Master's other disciples, among them Peter, fled and hid. The blackening of his name begun in the caves of Jerusalem became accepted when it could later be verified that agents paid by Rome and the head Priest had indeed inflitrated into the ranks of the Master's followers. Judas Iscariote (his name is correct), was a humble man of the people; an enemy of Jesus' rich disciples, among whom were the Sanhedrin hierarchs. When Jesus and his partisans entered Jerusalem, his group camped in the garden of Gethsemani. The evening of Jesus' capture he (Judas Iscariote) was not in the house where the last meal took place. Successive accounts of what happened during those hours have mixed together and progressively deformed over centuries, until the legend of Jesus praying in the garden of Gethsemami was created. An emissary arrived at Judas' tent with the news of the Master's arrest. Judas reprimanded his hosts and left abruptly, running through the city's narrow streets while Jesus was being brutally tortured. Judas was arrested, beaten and his corpse hanged. The other lieutenants secretly left the capital.

Recently arrived on OYAGAA, my brothers worked out a hypothesis according to which Jesus would be a true OMMIIWOA, as it was later confirmed, but they thought incorrectly that his ASNEEIIBIAEDOO (disappearance by boundary effect), had happened at the time of his death on the cross, making the later resurrection account a legend raised to mythical status in the Gospels.

As you can see, with the hindsight gained by additional documentation, this hypothesis can be disproved.

We are sorry to have to separate ourselves from the distinct historical schools developed by your brothers on Earth. The mythological school, whose historians have developed an excellent body of work in the Soviet Union, is incorrect in denying the existence of Jesus.

The historical school (represented by your brothers Renan, Loisy, Staton, Bultman) is closer to the truth, but for lack of documents, they struggle in the darkness. The school represented by the historians connected to the church can be completely discredited because they are trying to develop a christian pseudo-history based on texts which your own critical spirit would regard as being loaded with mythical elements.

All your brothers of different schools of thought, motivated by good faith but lacking sufficient information, struggle in doubt. Our contributions will not really help you, especially since we refuse to bring forward the evidence that we have. To do so would suppose that we are obliged to identify ourselves as OEMMI of UMMO.

They looked after his wounds and once he was rehabilitated, the religious chief began his doctrinary activity once again. Not long after the ASNEEIIBIAEDOO (disappearance) occured, in front of his astonished disciples. The account of this event then was deformed and interpreted as "ascension. "The phenomenon did not appear so astonishing to the fanatical humans, convinced of the Divinity of their Master. We proved that the shroud preserved in Turin did indeed cover the body of Jesus. We recommend that you study thoroughly this vestige of history. The vaporigraphic thesis, according to which the fabric would have been impregnated with the same phytotherapeutic substances used Jesus' followers to heal his wounds, explains the imprint of the image. The hypothesis that some of your brothers put forward about a mysterious radiation is completely absurd and anti-scientific. The shroud was preserved by a peasant named ISMAHI, which was present at the "miraculous disappearance "of the Galilean Master.

It is important to note that contrary to our history of UMMOWOA, the number of people present at the extraordinary event of his disappearance was enormous. It is possible, according to the documents we have obtained, that there were twelve hundred to fifteen hundred people present. If the version given in the beginning by a few disciples was described as psycho-nosological (NdR: nosology: "the study of distinct characteristics making it possible to diagnose diseases") by those who heard the account, though an investigation later restored the event to the level of a phenomenon, here hundreds of pastors, peasants and fishermen filled with an exalted fanaticism went forth with mystical enthusiasm to relate what they had seen with their own eyes.

[ Note 15 ] - Although the ideological environment of these humans was filled with superstitions about the magical abilities of prophets and wizards, people had never seen anything more than simple tricks of sleight of hand. The instantaneous disappearance of a human being in broad daylight, must have been profoundly surprising.

A Christian sect materialized almost immediately, at its peak in the year 38 (Western Era), and lasting until 129 to 133. During this time, the people who had witnessed the event, their sons and other exalted followers, confronted the dominant doctrines in Israel, and launched out into a Messianic campaign to spread Jesus' already somewhat faded ethical doctrines.

From this date, the first divisions are visible, the formation; the beginning of the EKKLESIA congregation - inspired by the more ambitious leaders - begins in force.

During his life, Jesus had befriended the remarkable people directing assemblies and synagogues. Remember that in Judaea the richest and most eminent men were integrated into the sacerdotal class; i.e., dignitaries of the Supreme Priesthood of the Temple. The flow of money was immense, coming from gifts made by Jews and religious taxes. In this way, the Sanhedrin could rely on a secret power extending to the far reaches of Judaea.

Some of these eminent men had secretly converted to Jesus' doctrine and they were present at the disappearance. Thanks to their material wealth, they worked to form these sects, also indirectly through their children and grandchildren.

At the beginning, two important groups emerged. One springing from (minority) Jewish sects and the other from Palestinian Social Networks (though in a certain way based on Judaism). A group of Essenes also comes to be, deforming the doctrines appreciably. An eminent role was later played by the descendants of a sect which had embraced a form of monastic life, formed by some of Jesus' friends, and who lived in caves close to Jerusalem.

Differences of opinion on the significance Jesus' ideas became more tense. Only one common memory tied these people together: their fathers or grandfathers had witnessed the wonder of a divine Master

The idea of a church appears, propounded by a strongly hierarchical group of Jerusalem monks. Among them were former disciples of another historical OEMMII (although his history is equally distorted), John the Baptist.

[ Note 16 ] - John the Baptist plays a very important historical role in the life of OYAGAAWOA (Jesus). It was a sad and dramatic period for the Jewish people under the yoke of the pagan Romans who ideologically were far behind the monotheist Jews.

Long before, the expulsion of hierarchs bearing the name of Herod had begun, and the people felt hatred and loathing. Herod son of Antiphatrus had offered his services to Octavius in Rome, and he came to Judaea with his armies who finally dealt the defenders of Jerusalem a crushing defeat, imposing a new Sanhedrin having at its head the new head priest Aristobulus, young relative of Herod, proclaiming himself King of Judaea with the support of Rome.

The upper classes supported him since Herod, who had been educated in Rome, planned out the country intelligently and inaugurated an era of new construction based on Roman architectural methods. But the popular classes hated him. They saw him as a traitor who had sold their identity of proud tradition to the barbarian invaders from the Italian peninsula.

Years later, rebels opposed to the neuropsychic spirit of the chiefs started going around as prophets, preaching the end of time as interpreted in the light of the sacred texts.

John was the most intelligent and the best-known of them. Fanatics, essenes and Samaritans followed him.

At that time, one of Hérod's descendants, Antipas, exacerbated the situation and angered the peasants, pastors, craftsmen and fishermen. He decided to marry his niece by blood. The puritanical law of Moses considered this to be incestuous, reprehensible and horrible. Jean the Baptist exhorted those who would listen to purify their body in water, organize an uprising and kill the hierarchs damned by Jehova.

Among John's very first disciples was Jesus. He was attracted to the purer ideas preached by his Master, who advocated a return to a purer life and a more faithful interpretation of the law of Moses.

Jesus was much more intelligent than John, and much more persuasive as well. Many of the Master's followers focused their attention on the young man. Jesus openly opposed John when he started to preach the assassination of Herod and other Jewish hierarchs. John reacted by expelling him, and Jesus took a great number of followers with him.

These various disciples (NdR : Sect of John the Baptist) imposed what is called the sacrament of baptism. It is the same sect which created the myth of the twelve apostles. Not that they did not exist, some were among the disciples of Jesus, others belonged to a group of anchorites, but historically they have come to be looked upon as protagonists, which was not really the case. They would be the SHELIHIM, the leaders of the new hierarchical congregation. A group of highly-cultured Jews embracing Jesus' already very faded doctrines formed another sect, called the hellenists, with Esteban as its leader. The conflicts between them and the old monacal group became very serious. The hellenists based their ideology on the idea that it was necessary to suffer persecution and martyrdom, as Jesus had. Their dialectic was richer, they were for the most part more intelligent than the monks. The ZELOT had terrible disagreements with them which degenerated into bloody conflicts. Esteban was savagely assassinated. They castrated him alive, tore out his eyes and opened his abdomen. Then, according to the other members of the sect, Esteban was executed.

The remainder of the partisans fled to Samaria. The hellenists continued to spread out across the coast of the Mediterranean, in Syria, in Phonecia. Ecclesiastical congregations were formed along these theological lines, entering into competition with the monks who in theory (sic) ((originally: ' Al principio' instead of ' in principio '), had been sponsored by the twelve.

An obscure OEMMII by the name of Paul of Tarsus distinguished himself during the persecution of the hellenists. In theory, he belonged to the Zelotas. Then, he betrayed them and they swore to kill him. A hellenist named THAIS initiated him into the mysteries of Jesus' doctrines. THAIS had also witnessed the disappearance of Jesus. After his integration into the group, he travelled to Syria to create new groups, new churches.

In these communities there was a strong respect for the freedom of the followers. The rigid hierarchies, severe regulations and paralyzed communities so manifest in later centuries were unknown. The faithful were admonished to regulate their behaviour according to the Jesus' divine teachings, so as not to seriously impinge on the weakest beings' rights. Here the true UAA emerges in all its purity.

Until the year 49, the Zelotas caused serious disorder in Jerusalem. The origin of the revolt can be traced to the savage rape of a young Zelota woman by a Roman soldier. The rebellion spread to all of Palestine. Rome reached the end of its patience with the rebels, occupying Jerusalem and destroying the Temple. The Christian sects were seriously affected during this time.

Later James died, and the Jerusalem sect dispersed. Until 72, the influence it wielded declined noticeably.

During this time the hellenists groups continued to reform. They wrote what is called the Gospel according to Saint Mark until the year 52, and they spread it quickly.

On the coast, an exile by the name of NAUR wrote the Apocalypse in the year 79. This man hated the Jews and he wrote this text to add fuel to the social climate in Palestine against their race.

What you call (Epistles?) was written between 78 and 81. We can tell you that it is not written by James either. It is the work of two authors, of called Daniel the Jew, both trying to bring the Jews dispersed after the Temple of Jerusalem's destruction to Christianity by their text.

The Gospel according to Saint Matthew was written in 82, remaining hidden for two years, then was rewritten with corrections in 84 by a small group of hierarchs in a community of Syria, located at Antioch.

The history of the Gospel according to Saint John is more complex. It is John precisely who tells of Jesus' anguish and his life, as he would have known it through adulterated versions from other disciples of Jesus, and as he lived it itself, from various followers of Smyrna. They collected the oral accounts and wrote the Gospel from memory, which they did not make known before three more final improvements. The Gospel only took on its final form after two years and five months. And they began to reveal the text in 96.

During the end of the first century, the Christians met in the homes of the sects' most eminent leaders. They would participate in re-enactments of the last supper, remembering the Master Jesus, reading accounts of his death. This custom continued to be ritualised until the first quarter of the 2nd century (year 118) when the Eucharist reached the status of sacrament. The elders carried out the services which had already been ritualized and even codified in certain communities. The bishops undertook the management of a Common Fund from the congregations. Finally, it was done by the communities.

The interim period between 170 and 243 is characterized by the birth of the Institution of the church. The bishops understood that the dispersed communities should be linked under a common control and a uniform doctrine, which had been hitherto exposed in an anarchistic fashion by each independent congregation.

[ Note 12 ] - Much of these first Christian communities were a marvellous model of a Social Network founded on moral models. They practised the sharing of of goods, and the members who always had the venerated image of the sublime Master Jesus present in their minds put his noble lessons into practice. It did not matter that the doctrines were already deformed through a historical mythification of the Master's life. What was important was that according to the information we have, they practised a way of life among themselves resembling the ethical basis which govern the habits of our UMMO.

It is primarily for this reason that the Western civilization of OYAGAA largely intrigued us. Not because the scientific rationalism around which it revolves is constituted from the forms of Greek thought, nor because those nations have reached a level of economic well-being in connection with the technological developments resulting from that planning, rectilinear mentality, nor because of their religious ideologies. Actually, the religion structured around Christianity has a much less imaginative theology than hinduism, Buddhism and other exotic forms of transcendental thought.

So why are we ((initially)) interested in this part of the social network? Simply because of the incomprehensible, brutal contradictions that exist within religious communities of Judeo-Christian origin.

If we look at Catholicism, it is disconcerting how the OEMMII, whose codes of behaviour are regulated by a most sublime moral law, have sometimes given their lives to the service of their brothers, while your more fanatical brothers who have carried out acts of unspeakable cruelty in the name of Jesus. It is no secret that within the framework of this institutionalized religion, the pages of your history are stained with the blood and suffering of those who did not think like you, but there is also kindness and charity. You would probably say that Catholicism is a saga of angels and demons.

A study that we conducted tended towards the negative side of this balance. The ecclesia phenomenon has been responsible for more evil than good for the humanity of OYAGAA. It slowed down the development of Science and Culture, it suppressed the thirst for emancipation from poverty and slavery.

It is unnecessary that we point out many dark passages.

Initially, the communities of a few cities were authentic models of behavior on the ethical level and Christians of many groups suffered terrible persecution, of inhuman torture, ((thus)) revealing the true natur of their FAITH.

But constantinism destroyed the last vestiges of a social network founded on Community and ethical principles.

The most serious thing is not that it was structured according to the myth of the primat Peter, ordering his organisation on a hierarchical basis and structuring its doctrines dogmatically. What has truly corrupted the church was temporal power and the paranoid ideas of dignitaries and theologians.

The old demon myth plagiarized from the ' biblical ' texts of other ancestral religions of OYOGAA was picked up with great intensity by the thinkers of this institution, for it enabled them to justify their abominable mode of conduct.

Thus thousands of poor women were persecuted, having been accused of dealing with the devil, in a nauseating persecution that divided Catholic and Protestant Christians during the darkest centuries of your history.

All the assassinations by the fanatics (the night of Saint Barthelemy, the Gironde massacre, the genocide of the priest Ante Palevic who collaborated with the Nazis, the death of Giordano Bruno, the tortures and crimes of the pro-Franco Spanish, horrible tortures supported by the Catholic hierarchy of Argentinian soldiers), were justified according to the morals of the church under the pretext that the victims were trying (in collaboration with diabolical forces) to reverse the established order.

This Church is thus guilty of perverting Jesus' message, of removing his credibility and consequently preventing a process of ' mentalisation' of the social Network which would enable it to follow the UAA. When OEMMII filled with kindness, eager to follow Jesus' pure doctrines claimed, even from within the heart of the structure, to reform the church; the system either created an airtight barrier to isolate them, or else simply eliminated them.

You could choose many examples. Francis of Assisi, John XXII, the archbishop Romero, founders of the theological doctrines of the Liberation, and the unbelievable case of your brother Abino (John Paul I), assassinated with a double dose of a botulinic agent and potassium cyanide, when he proposed that the people in charge of finances keep strict accounts, and when he was on the verge of launching his new plan (Carpeta azul Documento S/655) for a major reform of the economy.

Your brothers already witnessed the disintegration of naive hopes for an already tainted structure to be restored by returning to the primitive texts of the Gospel after the explosion of the Council of Vatican II. The Sovereign-Pontiff Jean Paul II undertook to make it fall through. The anticlerics should be very grateful towards him. In a few years he has done more damage to his church than all its atheist enemies.

But the groups were not all favorable to this fusion advocated by the bishops

Actually the sect known as "Christian" was divided into a multitude of splinter groups, some, according to an eclectic line of thought, combining Greek and Roman mythology with Christianity, when not attempting a a strange symbiosis of Jewish, Egyptian and Christian ideas. The most important group opposed to this other line of thinking was that formed by the gnostic schools. It is a more purified way of understanding Christianity.

The falsified official historical interpretation put forth by Roman Catholic historians underscores the conflict between the two ideologies. One represented by CHRISTIANITY (at its origins JERUSALEMIC and HELLENIC), and the other by a quasi-pagan sect called GNOSTICISM.

The historical reality, according to documents we have secured, is very different.

They are two mythical interpretations of Christianity. Both modify Jesus' original message, whose cosmobiologic origin we outlined perviously. Influenced by the models of neguentropic behaviour so present in his subconscious, Jesus wanted to teach these simple elements of Ethics to his disciples.

The mentality of magic, exotic beliefs stemming from various mythological cultures and the natural absence of rigour in the oral or written way of passing down information gave rise to two "Christian" doctrinal schools: Greek, the poorer, influenced more by the frightening concept of a vengeful and cruel Jehova, protector of the aggressive Jews, and Gnostic, having a more logical philosophy which sees in Jehova a clever being and describes a much purer idea of God.

Later history proved to be a brutal shock between the two ideas. Finally the first model, which imposed its concept of the Church and its doctrines, won out. It seems obvious that if the reverse were true, you in the West would have worked out a Christian philosophy, also distorted and based on myth, but more intellectual and whose concept of the divinity would be more scientific.


Note and summary of D 491, "Denounciation of an act of fraud concerning the Holy Shroud, " opened in November 1988

There are in fact two letters, one in Spanish 4 pages long, very well documented, the other covering the same subject, but different in its form (summarized on one page), in English.

We did not reproduce these letters, poorly written or poorly translated.

The Ummite writer informs us that an act of fraud occurred and that true Holy Shroud was removed by some Prelates of the Catholic church and replaced by a forgery, manufactured in November 1927, because the original had blood stains on it. Why did the blood stains worry the church? Quite simply because a corpse does not bleed and so this Shroud was proof that Christ did not die on the cross, but, as indicated in the letter above, had been saved by his disciples, before his death.

Ummite Physics and Metaphysics:
"The Essential Texts"

Introduction to part 3
Letter D 58
"Evolution", article from the META SCIENCE website, written by N Lecot
General conclusion and reflections on these three booklets
To find out more

" Ummite theories of evolution "
Before reading the Ummite letters about evolution (mainly letter D.58), we thought it would be interesting to present an (extremely simplified) table summarizing the important periods in the evolution of the Universe, whose scale we reduced to " one year ".


Number of estimated years 
Dates equivalent to one year 
12 000 000 000 
1st January 
1 year 
4 500 000 000 
August 15 
4.5 months 
3 600 000 000 
September 15 
3.5 months 
3 200 000 000 
September 24 
3 months, 7 days 
650 000 000 
December 10 
21 days 
500 000 000 
December 15 
16 days 
480 000 000 
December 16 
15 days 
370 000 000 
December 17 
14 days 
290 000 000 
December 20 
11 days 
190 000 000 
December 24 
7 days 
140 000 000 
December 26 
5 days 
70 000 000 
December 29 
22. 00 
50 hours 
65 000 000 
December 29 
23. 00 
49 hours 
20 000 000 
December 31 
10. 00 
14 hours 
4 000 000 
December 31 
21. 00 
3 hours 
17 000 
December 31 
23 H 59' 16' ' 
44 seconds 
2 000 
December 31 
23 H 59' 55' ' 
5 seconds 
new year 
Life has only existed on Earth for " 3.5 months ", Homo Sapiens has emerged only in the last " 45 seconds ", in relation to the Big-bang estimated some 12 billion years ago. The accuracy of this figure, or even whether or not this "phenomenon" ever took place is not the object of our study here. This table underscores how " young " our species is, compared to the age of the universe as we currently understand it. It is also an important argument for the following hypothesis: if life could exist on other planets, a " lag " of a few thousand would only represent a few seconds on the scale of the Universe. Why should we be the ones who have evolved the quickest (since bacteria) if life appeared more or less at the same time everywhere else in the Universe? And life did not appear at the same time everywhere, why should Earth be the " place " where it appeared first?

Thus if the Ummites had a few centuries " head start " on our knowledge and technology, nothing is terribly astonishing...

This key document (on evolution) is not especially difficult to read, but it calls into question darwinist theory (or Neo-Darwinist, known as also " synthetic theory ") for it relegates random chance to a secondary role as instigator of mutations. But the entire synthetic theory is not to be rejected! It is likely that this principle is responsible for the evolution of species, but between that and claiming that random chance " creates " new species, is an important step.

It is remarkable that this debate has raged for several years in the annals of science (we refer you to, among others, the April 1996 edition of "LA RECHERCHE" and the September 1997 edition of " SCIENCES et AVENIR "). More and more researchers believe that a " neo-lamarckian " type of evolutionary theory, in which random chance plays a small part, to the benefit of a strong "programmed intention ", could replace neodarwinism before long.

Following letter D 58 is a text written by Nicolas LECOT, an excerpt from the META SCIENCE website, then as a conclusion, an strictly personal attempt by one of the editors of these booklets to infer the guiding philosophy of all these writings.


Ummite Physics and Metaphysics:
"The Essential Texts"

LETTERS RECEIVED (D58) by Mrs. Alicia Araujo in Madrid from March 7, 1967


Often the men of Earth ask us about the political side of our social structure. Is it a democratic state of law? Is it perhaps a social state of law? Is it some socialist structure?

Does it exhibit the usual characteristics of a liberal society or, on the contrary, does its rigid structure resemble other totalitarian states like Germany under Hitler, the Soviet Union under Stalin, General Franco's Spain or Trujillo's Dominican Republic? If not, does it resemble the old theocratic State of TIBET? If we told you that UMMO is governed by Four OEMII, you might think that it is a specific type of Oligarchy or polycracy.

In another stream of ideas, we are sometimes asked about the level of intelligence reached on our planet; i.e. our brain's degree of development in the current stage of our social network's evolution.

These two types of questions can appear at first glance not to have anything in common.

But an objective and systematic analysis would reveal their mutual interdependence through a study on the true roots of sociopolitical, psychosocial and encephalic development of the Humanity on UMMO. These roots are nothing less than the biogenetic bases of evolution for all living Beings in our WAAM (universe).

That is why we must take a more universal view (though somewhat simplified) of the set of mechanisms which govern evolution before dealing with a topic so precise and detailed as our political structure, or an analysis of mental development from the fetal stage onwards. 

In the following paragraphs we will answer a series of questions which we feel are fundamental. In certain cases we will go over certain concepts which are almost familiar to Earth biologists, like chromosomal structure, genetic mutation and the fundamental structure of the genetic code or of Life.

But aside from these concepts that all of you, even those not specializing in biology, must know, we will expose a whole series of revelations transcendent to you since they are unknown to Earth specialists in Biochemistry.

That will help you to fill important gaps which make certain evolutionary mechanisms incomprehensible (for example: the internal mutations which, rather than causing a degeneration or a regression of the living being, caused an improvement in the somatic structures).

All these revelations are important enough that we invite you inform your biologists of them. These passages can be useful for them to orient their future research in the field of BAAYIODIXAA (an extremely important factor that we will explain).

When we refer to an OEMII's (body) physical maturity, i.e. to the state you call adult, remember that we say this in reference to a macro - planetary group.

It is thus a RELATIVE reference. The adult has a different psychology than a child or a teenager of group. To be sure, the primary reactions of an adult panther are different from those of its young; but remember that the current Earth human, just like the OEMII of UMMO, is a continually evolving being. The PHYSICAL frameworks and HISTORIES lived on UMMO and the EARTH are very different. This is understandable if you think that the Geological, Atmospheric, Radioactive, Gravitational, Magneto-electrostatics and Chemical MEDIUM of UMMO differs sometimes significantly with that of your Planet.

Keep in mind, for instance, that a greater atmospheric protection has shielded us from the degrading effects of external mutations caused by cosmic radiation, the degree of degeneration of certain phylum has been slight and racial variations are almost non-existent.

All these factors bestow distinct characteristics upon each planetary social macrogroup because the ecological medium is different even if the human somatic structure is similar for all planets inhabited by reasoned beings. Furthermore, the time elapsed between the appearance of the first anthropoides and the present is much longer on UMMO than it is on Earth.

Knowing this, it is not surprising that our degree of civilization is more advanced than that of the Earth.

You know that organisms evolve gradually through a series of factors you partly understand.

Earth biologists attribute evolutionary change able to transform an anthropoid into a human to external radiation and natural selection. Every genetic mutation gives rise to a structural change in the organism. But this is incomplete and partly incorrect.

We have discovered the biogenetic laws and true factors which govern the evolution of life in the WAAM.

You know that all animal and vegetable matter is made of millions of cells. Using Earth terminology, we remind you that in these cells there are four elements or major parts.

A complex mass called PROTOPLASM.

A central mass called NUCLEUS.

A membrane which surrounds the cell.

A membrane which surrounds the NUCLEUS.

We could take a bird's egg as a model. The white would represent the protoplasm, the yellow: the nucleus and the membrane would be represented by the shell.

This image is very oversimplified since, for instance, the cellular MEMBRANE is much more complex than a simple shell. You all learned that within the NUCLEUS of the cell there are filament-like structures called CHROMOSOMES. These complex filaments are of a great importance for they enclose part of the mystery of life. A mystery we cleared up long ago.

Each chromosomal fiber carries modules capable of storing HEREDITARY CHARACTERISTICS which you call GENES.

A rough comparison for those not versed in biophysics could be made by imagining the chromosomes as a kind of paper punch card perforated according to this code which represents the complete message.

This message carried in the chromosomes is an instruction so that the fetus contained in the matrix can have different features than its other brothers. Each GENE represents a definite characteristic: blue coloration of the iris of the eye, or pigmentation

The chromosome gives the orders by which the living being of which it is a part will be different from a dove or a reptile.

If a foreign agent, a hunting bullet, makes a new perforation on the paper tape, one of its letters will be altered.

It may happen that the entire message is scrambled. In the same way a beam of radiation (x-rays, rapid neutrons, electrons etc ...) could damage the chromosome to the point where the child is born with black eyes or even as a monster.

Earth specialists know all this and they also know the intimate structure of the genetic code to be much more complex than our punch card example.

Before going any further, you will find a kind of synopsis on these chromosomes below. The conclusions reached by Earth biologists on chromosomes hardly differ from the idea we have, except for the role played by the proteinic chains and their function in the chromosome, an area where you are partly in error. (Read note below)

A chromosome is a structure in the form of a filament, located in the nucleus of the cell from one of its phases of reproduction and from a component you call CHROMATIN. The XAAXADOO structure is more complex; magnified by our gravitational visualization equipment, it appears as a long chain of atoms.

We will use your nomenclature for the true components are known to Earth biologists.
Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA)
Ribonucleic Acid (ARN)
Special Proteins

The deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) belonging to the programmed code of the genes is very important. The information encoded within it " gives the orders " used to materialize the characteristic features of each animal or plant.

The DNA has a helicoidal structure (DOUBLE HELIX).



Its principal components are:
Phosphoric Acid
Deoxyribose sugar
Adenine (nucleotide)
Thymine (nucleotide)
Cytosine (nucleotide)
Guanine (nucleotide)

Its principal components are intertlaced in the following way:


And form an elementary fraction of the above-mentioned double helix. Notice that the relative positions of the last four components (adenine, thymine, cytosine and guanine) alternate in an apparently capricious fashion.

But it is exactly this distribution of the four IGOOMII (elementary factors of the CODE) by which the message is transmitted. Each series of four bands or pairs [ here there is what appears to be a handwritten symbol, to small to be scanned, which looks like a horizontal ladder. Sorry. - Scanning technician's note ] represent a symbol or IGOOA (Gene) [ here there is a second inscannable symbol which looks like the letters S and K stuck together. - Scanning technician's note ] ([ here there is the preceding symbol. - Scanning technician's note ] = gene) protein programmer. (it is only one genetic symbol among many others.)

How is this programming system used to manufacture proteins?

The process is not completely unknown to you: two chains of ribonucleic acid (RNA) whose structures resemble DNA, only less complex.



O [This O no doubt refers to FIG 4? Scanning technician's note ] represents the RIBOSE bond which distinguishes it from DNA.

They have different functions.

First it is necessary to distinguish two types of ribonucleic chains:

The first B is a copy of the DNA's coded message.

The second C carries an amino acid (remember that amino acids are true protein modules or connections).

In fact the process is much more complex since RIBOSOMES, ENZYMES and a factor which you do not know and which we call AIGOOXAADA, also come into play. We will try to schematize it by employing more understandable metaphors or images for those uninitiated to molecular biology.

1st Phase:

In the chromosome, a sequence of symbols preexists (since the first mutation), codified according to the position of nucleotides in the deoxyribonucleic acid. We represent this with a tape codified in EARTH MORSE CODE. (Kept in a factory manager's office). [ previously mentioned Metaphor NdT ]



2 nd Phase:

In the nucleus of the cell a chain of RIBONUCLEIC ACID is formed; a copy of the first. This chain passes into the protoplasm of the cell from the NUCLEUS, carrying the message. Imagine that it is the previously mentioned tape copied by an engineer in the manager's office, that he then brings out onto the factory floor. [ Continuation of the metaphor NdT ]



3 rd Phase :

In the cytoplasm there is also a series of amino acids of a different type. Remember that a proteinic molecule is made up of a set of different constituent elements. A chain of proteins is distinct from another through the placement and the order of these amino acids.

Each amino acid is encoded with a key made of Three Signs (which includes the code enclosed within the DNA). Then ONLY the AMINO ACIDS whose code matches the message will embed themselves on the chain or RNA mould.



The proteinic chains thus formed give shape to the structure of each living being. Each animal or plant has been formed by the instructions encoded in the chromosomal matrix.

We added this this appendix to explain you process which is almost known to you .

Every amount of radiation, no matter how weak it is, brings about some adverse effect and includes a probability of causing an often fatal mutation, and for this reason we do not understand certain Earth gynecologists who subject pregnant women to radioscopy or x-rays without taking the least precaution.

If there were never mutations in the chromosomes, living beings would continue to perpetuate their structure over millions of years.

Evolution would not be possible on any Planet. A mollusc would repeat the same morphology from generation to generation without ever changing.

But Earth biochemists ask themselves the following question: why do these mutations (these accidental phenomena which modify the code of life) always result in a positive change (orthogenesis), improving the species, making their morphology, their nervous systems or their physical sensory organs evolve, perfecting the entire organic mechanism from generation to generation each time a mutation occurs?

Let us take a comparison: if radiation and its effect on the genes can be compared to bullets on a target (the target being the chromosome), we can imagine a gunner firing on the columns of the Parthenon . Can we then suppose that the impacts, rather than destroying the sculpture, would on the contrary form beautiful designs and elegant caryatids on the tops of the columns ? How is it that man's cerebral process of is improving and that future generations of humans have a more sophisticated mental structure, and that our minds are able to mentally solve mathematical problems without resorting to secondary algorithms as our Ancestors did?

Only due to of random bombardment of neutrons or deuterons?

Only because a helium nucleus acts on the DNA and alters the position of a thymine or guanine molecule?

They should on the contrary bring about a genetic aberration, thus creating a monstrous being with atrophied arms or without lungs!

We owe the discovery of this mysterious biogenetic process to our scientist AOYOO 221.

It had been discovered a long time before that in the human brain were krypton atoms (a rare gas that you know), and this discovery was a significant, transcendent one. It was quite simply the key to the OEMBUAW, MAN'S THIRD FACTOR, which you do not know and which acts as a link between the HEART and the BODY (BUAWAA and OEMII).

69 XEE before [approximately 18 months NdT ], in laboratory fertilization experiments with spermatozoids belonging to an anthropoid resembling the Earth monkey and ovules from a human female, INNAI 3 was able to determine the spatial position of the atoms of a sugar Earth chemists call deoxyribose. The molecules of this sugar were inside the nucleus of the woman's ovules.

He was amazed to discover the presence of many Krypton atoms



They were at the ends of the DNA helicoidal chain, in several pairs (D58_FIG1) (86 sets of two atoms in all) turning in a common orbit and whose orbital planes, basically parallel, were on a common axis (axis A-B on D58_FIG1).

This axis also described a harmonic vibratory motion whose frequency and amplitude varied with temperature (0,2 Megacycles for a temperature of 35 ° celsius).

Until that point we had only been able to detect these ordered series of Krypton atoms in human sperm cells and in multicellular animals; but later the discovery was extended to the remainder of cells.

How is it that we did not discover these atoms earlier on? Probably because even if there are 86 atoms, this number is too infinitesimal to be easily checked and detected.

Remember that in a cubic millimeter of very rarefied Krypton gas, there are about 10 exponent 9 (thousand million) free atoms.

Our scientist's first hypothesis was to associate this krypton with the OEMBUAW (man's third factor already cited) but to his great surprise, he did not find any sign of electronic coding in its subatomic energy levels.

In the beginning AOYOO was convinced that these krypton atoms were inactive in the sexual cells of all living beings. He thought that these atoms were the source from which they would migrate, in future generations, towards the brain to form the OEMBUAW (man's third factor). To test his hypothesis, he took male sperm cells (spermatozoids) from 134 species of vertebrae to carry out a detailed analysis.

Analyzing the results, the specialists who helped AOYOO were astonished by the electronic distribution of these krypton atoms . As you know, electrons occupy instantaneous positions governed by probability in each subatomic level. There is a principle of indetermination whereby each electron is located in a distinct point without being governed by any law (we call these positions IBOZOO WOO and they should not be confused with the idea of a mathematical point in three-dimensional space (NdR IBOZOO UU?).

But in the atoms in question had their positions obviously governed by a disconcerting synchronism. The corresponding atoms in the BAAYIODUU chains of the different spermatozoids displayed a similar and synchronous distribution.

They looked like pendulums swinging in unison, as if bound by occult radiation emissions which stimulated this behavior, or as if a mysterious resonance phenomenon of resonance caused all the electrons to be governed by the same model.

One might perhaps think that the proximity of the cells was responsible for this resonance effect. But thereafter it was discovered that all living beings of UMMO exhibited the same characteristics in their BAAYIODUU. (much later we had to recognize than this phenomenon is cosmological; the theory and the experiment confirmed it without a doubt). Thus, for example, living beings of other Planets exhibited the same phenomenon.

In 1951 we were able to verify the universality of this principle once more, through the study of human cells from the OEMII of the Earth. The synchronism with the BAAYIODUU's atoms of UMMO and other Planets was perfect.

But you should not be surprised at this. It will seem quite logical to you when we will explain the true function of the BAAYIODUU to you in the following text.

You will then understand that you are still very far from a complete understanding of the mechanisms that govern life.

And we ourselves have not achieved this yet, despite this watershed discovery.

You will understand that the genetic code enclosed in the deoxyribonucleic acid is only one link in this chain of factors which explain the behavior of living matter, inspired in the end by WOA.

We must thus look at how the instructions are coded in the CHROMOSOME itself.

We have seen that the mathematical permutations of four nucleotides: ADENINE, THYMINE, CYTOSINE, and (GUANINE) partly codify hereditary features.

So what happens if a helicoidal chain of deoxyribonucleic acid is struck by a beam of radiation (neutrons, for instance)?


The impact, if it does not rupture the chromosome, brings about at the very least a change in the nucleotide sequence. It then changes their interpreted meaning and we can say that a MUTATION occurred.

But all mutations are not caused by random external radiation (cosmic rays, the explosion of a nuclear weapon, etc.). 

On the contrary, many changes are brought about within the individual itself by a mechanism you do not know.

Thus, for example, a species of reptile, like lizards who live billions of years in a marshy environment when one day suddenly a mutation occurs, whereby a new species of lizard is born having large webbed feet enabling them to swim easier in water.

What happened?

We suggest you read the fascinating explanation in the following paragraph, which describes the role played in this process by the series of 86 pairs of KRYPTON atoms, which we call BAAYIODUU.


Ummite Physics and Metaphysics:
"The Essential Texts"
Received 04/17/1967:

In the previous report we revealed the existence of factor still unknown to EARTH biochemistry, which we call BAAYIODUU (the Y is almost silent the D is like a very soft Z).

The BAAYIODUU is made up of 86 double krypton atoms (the expression ' double atom ' would be incorrect to an Earth specialist, but it is necessary to take the difficulties of translation into account when we must translate our scientific terminology).

For example, the etymology of our phoneme NIIO AA which means the same thing as " Atom ", is very different. Not only do its roots have nothing to do with the Greek roots (INDIVISIBLE), but we also use this word NIIO AA to refer to a chemical molecule or a small group of nondependent atoms. Such confusion is the result of different physical laws, since we consider subatomic particles to be changes of axes in a multidimensional network, having a probabilistic factor. Thus when such entities are related, we call this interrelationship on a microphysical level, NIIO AA.

Thus for instance, a pair formed by a sigma hyperon and a proton within the atomic nucleus would also be called NIIO AA. The nucleus itself would be called NIIO AA, as well as the proton-electron interrelation. To distinguish the different types of NIIO AA, we put a coded figure before the phoneme.

Thus when two atoms exert a specific function different from that of the other atoms in the environment, they are also called NIIO AA, even if such these atoms are not related by a chemical bond in a molecule.

In the pairs of krypton atoms in the BAAYIODUU, one atoms codifies the immutable information of the biogenetic code.

Expressed in more didactic terms: it encloses a message which it contained since the origin of the Universe (we can show that the WAAM is not CYCLIC).

A little like an Earth dictionary or a manual (for a pair of 86 atoms); a page of this dictionary of 43 sheets where ALL POSSIBLE SHAPES OF LIVING BEINGS compatible with the universal biogenetic laws are catalogued.

The other, DYNAMIC, atom has a double function which we will explain later.

Initially, it COLLECTS information coming from the cellular cytoplasm by codifying it temporally.

Then it it ANIMATES the accumulated information by causing quantum alterations that, in the form of radiation, cause alterations within the chromosomes (in the DNA) i.e. MUTATIONS.

The first question you could ask is: How the cell receives information about the outside world? It is one of the most important aspects of the cell. Let us take an example:

Let us take a living being which is familiar to you: the crab. You know that one the species, very common to the American coast, has a blue shell due to the colour of certain rocks covered with a bluish algae. How did the crab get to be this colour?

If this variety of crabs had been black or brown, it would be more vulnerable to predators since they could easily see the animal by its difference of colour compared to the environment.

The camouflage allows it to defend itself perfectly in this environment. Same for chameleons. A multitude of insects known to you take on the shapes of branches, straws, and leaves, giving them the defensive capability of being nearly invisble, without which the species would disappear.

But surely you have often asked yourselves how NATURE gave the organization such defenses?

Neither the theory of natural selection coming from Earth geneticists, nor those concerning mutations caused by external radiation can explain a fact of such importance.

So what happened for this shellfish to acquire a bluish colour?

First of all, we indicate that it is by means of the two ways as cell has of acquiring information:



Thus any complex organic being, such as man, has a series of organs you call the SENSES, (organs connecting him to the outside world through the information collected in the form of WAVES); the cell also has means of gathering information from the outside world via its complex membrane.

These means are:

First of all ELECTROMAGNETIC FREQUENCIES OF ALL WAVELENGTHS. From waves having a wavelength of several kilometers which you call Long waves, to high-energy and very high-frequency vibrations that you incorrect refer tio as Cosmic rays

Then the cell lets pass through its membrane certain chemical compounds. (Like if we humans used a special language to communicate, which instead of using vibrations in the air, i.e. sounds, we used food and while chewing, the message could be understood).

When the living being is unicellular, the information from the outside world arrives directly by these two means.

Millions of radioelectromagnetic messages from many other sources arrive at its cytoplasm and its nucleus. (BOTH ARE RECEIVERS OF SUCH FREQUENCIES).

These sources are very diverse and almost all are in the WAAM or COSMOS.

Thus in the case of the Earth: a large range of radiation resulting from the Sun.

Jupiter, for example, also frequently sends you emissions of decametric wavelength, and other sources of emissions located by Earth radioastronomers are so familiar to you that it is useless to repeat them here.

Although received by the cell, many of these frequencies are not memorized. But there is a frequency which is of primordial importance for living cells in the tissues of all the beings in the Cosmos. The Earth people know of its existence but do not know how important it is.

We are referring to the frequency corresponding to the WAVE of 21.106 centimeters emitted by great Neutral Hydrogen nebulae which, in the case of our Galaxy, are almost all concentrated in the equatorial galactic plane.

The cells of all living beings in the Galaxy (and we assume those of the other Galaxies) receive these wavelengths of hydrogen; but what they really memorize are not the rapid sequences, i.e. the short acyclic variations.

The cell will not remember, for instance, the rapid variations (A on the FIG 10) of a one-year interval but, on the contrary, will remember variations at regular intervals of around a thousand Earth years (threshold measured by us: = 877.533 Earth years (D58_FOR.1)) (B on figure D58_FG10)




Since a cell has a very short lifespan (nerve cells can live up to one hundred Earth years, while red blood cells only reach 130 Earth days), the message is memorized by many consecutive generations. (You can imagine a language so slow that to register the word SUFFER, the collaboration of everybody from the great-grandfather to the great-grandson is needed.)

Thus a true process of hysteresis appears in the cell, which from generation to generation will accumulate suitably MEMORIZED AND ENCODED radioelectric information.

These cells, belonging to epithelial fabric of the human body can contain, in coded form, all the sidereal electromagnetic fields and variations ever received on the Planet Earth, since the appearance of life

But it is important that we specify the true receiver of these frequencies,

The receiver is quite simply the water contained in the Cytoplasm and nucleus of the Cell. Its molecular structure allows it to collect these waves even if their wavelengths are much larger than its molecular dimensions.

Ummite Physics and Metaphysics:
"The Essential Texts"

 General conclusion (and personal reflections)

The reading of these texts raises a whole series of questions and few answers on the authors of these letters. As we said in the introduction, only irrefutable evidence will answer this question one way or the other.

There are two assumptions hypotheses, in my view.

The first; The authors, truly from Ummo, are trying to explain a part of their knowledge they are permitted to reveal, using words and a language which are not their own (and everybody knows that it is sometimes difficult to express precise ideas, especially when they are of a technical, scientific or philosophical nature, in a language which is not the mother tongue) to readers of the Middle Ages (us!)

The second; In the years between 62/65, a group of students of various disciplines (I find it difficult to believe that these letters, the vocabulary invented, the work of preparation beforehand, and the verification and fact-checking of the concepts and vocabulary over the course of 25 years, can be the work of one person), the students having a good level of education, pieced together this enormous hoax and they kept it up, meeting each other from time to time and writing new letters so as not to lose it... They should now be around 60 years old and it is astonishing that not one has come forward to say "We really had you going!"

Well then, let us wait a few years, but watch out for a " misinformation " campaign if these writings begin to interest too many people. But whoever the authors may be, they have distinguished themselves by re-examining many ontological concepts with such a " revolutionary " point of view.

What have these three booklets taught us? Have they brought us an answer (undoubtedly partial and not necessarily the right one) to the fundamental questions we and all our philosophers have been asking for over 2000 years, namely: who are we, what is the finality of our existence?

Either these texts have not changed your previously-held ideas in any way; might one say that you are lucky? I envy your certainty.

Or else these texts have been " agitators of neurons ", as I acknowledge is the case for me.

May I offer my interpretation of what I have understood in them (you are not in any way obligated to read me!)? But remember, this is only my point of view, and it would be a shame if for your part you did not make the effort of adaptation to integrate the ideas in these texts if they allured you.

I read four principal " messages " here.

The clearest message is, " be careful, do not believe only what you see, feel, think and take in, that is to say reality. No, it is only a construct of our brain, which, being limited in its capacities (for example, we cannot visualize or conceive of images in more than three dimensions. Plato's famous metaphor of the cave illustrates this perfectly), cannot conceptualize the universe and all it contains in any other way than in does now ". There is no lack of examples.

The IBOZOO UU that I try to imagine (but my brain is so limited!) as the smallest possible and directed crumpling of space, whose three dimensions are known to us but probably 6 or 7 others (of angle vectors?) cannot be seen.

The universes are perhaps a little easier to understand: ours, the one we see, the twin universe which encloses it (in "shifted dimensions "? and thus invisible) and the two others, also invisible (in "perpendicular dimensions " ?), like " imaginary numbers " in mathematics.

On these two points, very recent particle physics and cosmological theories seem to converge with Ummite thought.

The second message is much more " religious ", although personally I do not like this term very much. " We are only the sensory organs of an entity much more important and interesting than we are, but as senses, we have the possibility (and it is our free will) to evolve this entity in one direction or another (good or bad) ". By Woa, what a responsibility! Personal responsibility and collective responsibility... but isn't this the message religions conveyed before becoming almost official state structures?

The third message is that we have still a good way to go on the path of knowledge, even if our pride makes us think (as it made people of the Middle Ages think, and those before and those after!) that " we have found it ", systematically forgetting that the truths of today will be (or will not even be) very small pieces of the truths of tomorrow.

The fourth message is that we really have no luck. Too bad for us that we are the inhabitants of a planet that we are actively destroying. Too bad for us that we humans are equipped with a brain so aggressive that the ultimate goal of any society is to crush its neighbors. Too bad for us that we are one of the rare (percentage-wise) planets having undergone continental drift, causing so many different races, beliefs, and languages blocking the way for true communication. Nevertheless, it is fortunate that in this ocean of entropy small islands of neguentropy exist which will perhaps one day expand.

But if we have had no luck up until now, we should work to turn this situation around. Perhaps part of that task might be the acceptance and integration of an Ummite-type philosophy (adapted to our knowledge and our beliefs).

What do they want for us?

Technological evolution in which the knowledge gained would not immediately be used to crush, kill or vitrify that which does not think like us.

An evolution in our general knowledge, acquired by us, allowing us to better understand the universe in which we live (evolution life on Earth and the biotopes, for instance) and to understand the universes (let us call them " parallel ") which are of primordial and transcendent importance for explaining of the finality of our existence, and thus the way to conduct ourselves during the few years we spend down here.

What they claim to have found; the wisdom of living for the society, the group and humanity and not for oneself, the collection of material goods often acquired to the detriment of those who already do not have much.

It is easy to moralize and " criticism is easy, art is difficult ". Forgive me. My fingers on the keyboard have taken me beyond the questions I put forth at the beginning of these pages. So, who are we, what is the finality of our existence?

We are, as Hubert Reeves said, children of the stars, but there are so many stars that our brothers and sisters are no doubt immensely numerous. Some will be born, some are very young or our elders, others might be close to death. We do not know them yet, and we will be able to meet them only when we know ourselves a little better, when we become adults.

We are an integral " part " of several communities; the planetary community of our biosphere and the living beings, all the planets where life exists, our planetary community of souls (spirits - consciousnesses) and the planetary community of the "universes of the collective spirits and forms" with which our "spirit -mind - consciousness " perhaps connects after death.

Couldn't our body and our mind (thinking in this moment) be the dull chrysalis of a multicolored butterfly which transforms itself at the time of what we call " death "? How to know if the memory of a caterpillar is transmitted to the butterfly?

Our finality is to be, for our " universe of the collective spirits and forms ", the best possible senses. Only it is not enough to see well, hear well, feel well... but also to think well, to do well, to learn well, to evolve well, for this universe is what we make it. It is at this price (you have undoubtedly noticed a certain tendency on my part to believe what is said in these letters), that we will one day be able to taste the joys of a total connection to knowledge. For all eternity?

A-J. H ., Aix-en-Provence (FRANCE) 10/26/97