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Stargate: Atlantis


Here are the latest additions/updates to my Stargate: Atlantis fan fiction page.


Bookcover for the fic 'Christmastime in the City'.
It's the Expedition Team's third Christmas in Atlantis... and Elizabeth is not feeling the holiday spirit.

Christmastime in the City

Set between the episodes 'McKay and Mrs Miller' (3.08) and 'The Return, part 1' (3.10).

bookcover for the fic 'Morning Fun'.
Elizabeth can be a mischievous person in the morning.

Morning Fun

bookcover for the fic 'All in a Moment'.
How does one react when they hear the worst?

All in a Moment

Based on the episode 'The Hive' (2.11)

It was the hardest thing Elizabeth had to watch.

The Hardest Thing

A drabble based on the episode 'Common Ground' (3.07)

A sweet song fic. Elizabeth comes home to find John playing the guitar.

And I Love Her

Written for the Langford_U AU Live Journal fic community


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