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This was another SNES only game, released in 1995. In Japan the game was called Final Fight Tough but over here it was just called Final Fight 3. It came out when the SNES was at the end of its life and the scrolling beat 'em up genre was at an end. The game is set in 1991, and this time the Mad Gear are gone. Basically, a whole lot of other gangs had a fight to see who could now control the town. In the end, the Skull Cross Gang were the victors, and took over the town. They distracted the police and got their leader out of jail. Plus Metro City is under attack! Guy has come back, after doing various things (like doing stuff in Street Fighter Alpha 2 and 3 games). He teams up with Haggar once again to end the rule of the Skull Cross Gang. Lucia is a special agent, and also helps. Finally, Dean is a mysterious street fighter, who had his parents killed by the Skull Cross after he refused to join them. He wants revenge on the Skull Cross Gang. 
Final Fight 3 had quite good graphics for the SNES, and are even better than Final Fight 2's. The characters all have much more animation and moves, plus, just like Final Fight 2, the game has had a lot of effort put into it. The character cast is now up to 4, the 2 player mode is still in, there are a lot of levels plus there is even a two player auto mode where the computer will play as the second character for you and help you out. There are even weapon combos when a certain character gets the correct weapon. 
So again, Final Fight 3 is a scrolling beat 'em up game. There are levels to get through (this time the game is set in Metro City like in Final Fight) One of the best things about the game is the return of Guy. He plays near enough the same, and looks like his Alpha sprite. There are now lots of new cool new features, such as the supers and running attacks. Here is a move list for all of the fighters. I have tried to put as many moves as possible, e-mail me if there are any more please: 
U= UP 
Im back baby 
Height: 179cm  
Weight: 72kg   
Birthplace: America   
Fighting Style: Bushin Ninjitsu 
Guy is back in Metro City to help the team after the events he was in in the Street Fighter Alpha 2 and Street Fighter Alpha 3 games. He now has quite a few new moves since the first Final Fight. He is probably the best choice for beginners, with him or Dean. 
Guy's Strengths 
* He is the fastest is the game. 
* He also has the best special. 
* He is best for beginners and has the best range of moves. 
Guy's Weaknesses 
* His combos are not exactly powerful. 
COMBO: 2 jabs, a straight, a elbow and then a kick. Press A 5 times for this. Knocks bad guys down. 
BUSHIN SEN PU KYAKU: Has a big range, knocks down baddies, but is a bit weak. You do lose health if it connects. 
FLAMES: This shoots flames out of Guy hand. Press D, DR ,R then A to do this. 
HIGH KICK: Press J then A for this. Weak but knocks people down. 
FLYING KICK: Press J then R or L and A for this. This knocks the bad guys down. 
STUN ATTACK: J then D and A. This is a knee drop that does little damage but stuns baddies. 
OFF THE WALL LEAP ATTACK: Go up to a wall, press J and L or R to hit it, then press J again the A. This does good damage and knocks bad guys down. 
GRAB ATTACKS: (Move close to thug to grab them.) 
KNEE JABS: Press A 3 times. This does good damage if you get all three hits. 
THROW: Press L or R then A to throw a thug. Does good damage and knocks other thugs down. 
DOWN PUNCHES: If you have a punk from behind, press A up to 3 times. 
BACK DROP: If you have a thug from behind, press L or R and A. 
SWITCH: Press D and A. 
RUNNING ATTACKS: (Press L or R twice and hold to run) 
Dash combo: Whilst running, press A up to 5 times to hit a thug a few times then sweep him. 
Dash flying kick: Whilst running, press J then A to knock over enemies. 
SUPER COMBO: (Requires a full super gauge) 
Gut Blows 
Whilst having a thug in a hold, press R, DR, D then A to get Guy to hit the opponent rapidly with lightening fast blue fists, then a Flame hand. This does great damage. 
Height: 202cm  
Weight: 140kg  
Birthplace: America 
Fighting Style: Wrestling  
Haggar is still the mayor of Metro City, and after the city is attacked by the Skull Cross Gang, him and his team set out to destroy them. He is still the most powerful but is still the slowest fighter to choose from. 
Haggar's strengths: 
* Haggar is the strongest fighter in the game. His pile driver is excellent for clearing enemies in groups by slamming into them. 
* His combo is also powerful. 
* He can knock people down with his jump down move. 
Haggar's Weaknesses 
* Haggar is very slow, and takes time to move around. 
* His special move has a limited range and is the worst one in the game. 
* His combo is slow to do. 
COMBO: Press the A button 3 times on a bad guy to knock them down. 
This knocks enemies close down, but damages yourself if it connects. Press both buttons together for this. 
SPECIAL 2: SWING: Press D, DR, R and A to bash enemies. 
DROP KICK: Press J then A for this. It will knock people down instantly. 
TRAVELLING DROP KICK: Press A, then R or L with A for this. It will knock people down. 
STUN ATTACK: Press J then D and A. This will knock bad guys down, unlike Guy and Cody's Stun Attacks. This can also travel. 
RUNNING ATTACKS: (Press L or R twice and hold to run) 
TAKE DOWN: Run, then press A. Knocks down any enemy. 
FLYING TAKE DOWN: Run, then press J and A. 
GRAB ATTACKS: (Move close to a thug to grab them.) 
HEAD BASH: Press A up to 3 times for this. Does big damage if you get all 3 hits in. 
FAR THROW: Press R and A. Weak but throws them far away. 
SPINNING PILE DRIVER: One of the best moves in the game, Press J then R or L and A for this. Can also travel. Does big damage.  
INVERTED SUPLEX: Press J then A for this. Does good damage. 
SWITCH: Press D and A. 
SUPER COMBO (Needs a full special gauge) 
To do this you must press R to D then A when you have grabbed them from the front. Haggar glows, then tosses the thug into the air, follows, does an inverted suplex, jumps back up, then does a Super Spinning Pile driver. This does HUGE damage and is recommended to use on the stronger Andores and any boss. 
Height: 195cm  
Weight: 97kg 
Birthplace: America 
Fighting Style: Street Fighting  
Dean has had his family murdered by The Skull Cross Gang after he refused to join them. He is a street fighter (but he has not been in any street fighter games before.) He wants revenge on the Skull Cross Gang for what they did to his family. He is a good choice for beginners as he is pretty average at everything, apart from he is slower than Guy. 
Dean's Strengths 
* Good choice for beginners 
* Some nice moves 
* Decent super combo 
Dean's Weaknesses 
* A bit slow 
* Specials are a bit weak 
COMBO: Press A a few times near a thug to do a combo on them. 
GRAB: D, DR, R, A This just grabs far away enemies. 
SPECIAL1: SHOCK SPIN: Press ex joy or J and A together to do this. Average/good damage, but you lose health too. 
SPECIAL 2: ELECTRIC UPPERCUT: Press T, UT, U then A for this. Shocks anything that touches it.  
JUMP KICK: Press J, then A. 
FLYING KICK: Press R or L then J and A. 
STUN ATTACK: Press J, then D and A. 
RUNNING ATTACKS: (Press L or R twice and hold to run) 
POWER SLIDE: Whilst running, press A. 
FLYING TACKLE: Whilst running, press J then A. 
GRAB ATTACKS: (Move close to thug to grab them) 
CHOKE SLAM: R and A. This is quite powerful throw wise. 
PUNCHES: Press A up to three times. Not the best move ever to use but it is Ok. 
SWITCH: Press L and A to switch around. 
BACK BREAKER: If you have a thug from behind, press U and A to to this very powerful attack. 
HEAD PUNCHES: If you have a thug from behind, press A up to three times. 
SUPER COMBO (Requires a full special gauge) 
To do this grab a thug, then press D, U and A. This gets Dean to do two electric choke slams in a row. Not the most powerful super, but still recommended to use on bosses. 
Height: 170cm  
Weight: 52kg  
Birthplace: America 
Fighting Style: Kick Attacks 
Lucia Morgan to give her her full name is a agent for the rime prevention of Metro City, so when the city is attacked, she seeks out Haggar to be told what to do next. Of course, Haggar says they have to defeat the Skull Cross Gang, so she sets of with them. She is the weakest character in the game, but make up for it by being the joint fastest with Guy. She seems to be good at kick attacks. 
Lucia's Strengths 
* Fast 
* Quick moves 
Lucia's Weaknesses 
* Weak 
* Weak moves 
COMBO: Press A repeatedly near a punk to kick his ass. 
SPECIAL: FAST HURRICANE KICK: Press ex joy or A and J together to do this. Looks funny. 
RISING KICK: R, D, DR, then A. Limited range but powerful. 
FLAME KICK: In the air, press D, DR, R and then A. This is quite powerful. 
FLYING KICK: J then A. This knocks down punks. 
LOW KICK: J, then  A. Also knock down punks. 
STUN ATTACK: J, then D and A. 
RUNNING ATTACKS:(Press L or R twice and hold to run) 
DASH COMBO: Whilst running, press A near punk. Keep pressing A to do more hits. 
MEGA KICK: Whilst running, press J, R and A. This is a good move. 
GRAB ATTACKS: (Go near thug to grab them) 
SHOULDER THROW: R and A. This is like Guy's throw, but not as good. 
KNEE BASH: Press A up to three times. 
SWITCH: D and A 
BEHIND KICK: If you get a punk from behind, press R and A. Average damage to punk. 
SUPLEX: Again from behind, press A. 
SUPER COMBO (Requires a full special gauge) 
To do this press D, D, R and A. Lucia does a combo then 2 different kicks. Very powerful, but you have to be close to a punk to do it.  
A busy street area has been taken over by Skull Cross gang members, led by Dave the policeman. Stop them quickly. This level has 3 sections to get through, and isn't that long to complete. At the end you'll face off against Dave himself, who has a police stick to hit you with and also has a very annoying super slam. 
This is a continuation of the first round. There are two paths to take but you'll end up against the same boss, Callman. This round is also very short, even shorter than round 1. Callman is a piece of cake to beat, and has few moves to get you with. Just look out for his dash attack. 
This level can be really short if you want it to be. First off, in the first section just smash the bus stop when you see it, and the level will end with no boss. Don't do this and you will get to fight on a bus. The next section has you fighting in a scrap yard. Keep going and you will have to fight Caine on top of a broken bus. Caine is very annoying and is probably the worst boss in the game since he is really unfair. If you do this level the hard way level 4 will be different. 
Depending on what you did in round 3, you will either be at Metro City's dock area or in a city area. 
If you are at the dock area, you have to clear out the Skull Cross members, who are becoming more powerful. Andre makes his first appearance, and there are more enemies like Fat Jack and May who are stronger than the enemies you encountered on the earlier stages. At part 5 of the round you'll have to fight the most annoying enemy in the game: Joe. This guy and his friends move around very fast and have moves such as a knock down kick and a hold down scratch. Beat them all and you'll emerge on a ship where you will have to fight Drake, a sailor who thinks nothing of swirling a large anchor around. Beat him and you will move onto the first bonus game and after that get a cut scene explaining about how weapons were being smuggled around by the Skull Cross Gang. 
At the city area, you will start out at the bottom of the town, and as well as the usual Skull Cross guys Joe will make his first appearance, who is the most annoying enemy in the game. The next section is on the top of a building, with more of the same bad guys from before. After all of these have been beaten you'll have to move into a restaurant section, which goes on for far to long and has loads of enemies, including lots of Andores. Once you have beaten them all you can finally meet the boss, Wong, who is some kind of chef/monk fighter who is a pain to beat since he does special spin jumps a lot. 
More of the same. Move from the sewers up to some sort of manufacturing plant, whilst taking out all of the Skull Cross gang members. However a new type are now attacking you called Hunters, who have baseball bats. Thankfully these guys are quite slow and useless, so don't worry. You can skip the boss of this stage if you want to by going into a room after smashing the door down, at the near start of the second section.. If you don't do this then Stray is the boss, and does lots of jumping attacks. Beat this round and you will move onto the second and last bonus game. After that there is a final cut scene saying that the final fight is about to begin at one of the biggest buildings in Metro City. 
The final level in the game has you against all kinds of Skull Cross members, since they don't want you to reach the top of the building. There are quite a few parts in this round, including a elevator part where lots of the Joe enemies keep coming at you. Get to the last part of the round at you will have to face Black, the leader of the Skull Cross gang. Look out, because this guy has lots of attacks such as a bizarre looking super twirl, a knife throw and more. Keep getting hits in until you defeat him and send him to his death. Shocking. 
Final Fight 3 has two very different bonus games. The first has you attacking the window of a tractor as it pushes you towards the edge of a bridge. Destroy it to get lots of bonus points, but if you fail a character will come on and help you just in time. The other bonus stage has you smashing and avoiding barrels as you make your way to a computer which you must destroy. 
So, was this game any good? Well, it was actually, and goes along with Final Fight 2 as one of the best scrolling fighters on the Super NES. Guy was also updated to look like his Street Fighter Alpha sprite, since Street Fighter Alpha also came out in 1995: 
This was the last proper side scrolling Final Fight game, as Capcom merged some Final Fight characters into the Street Fighter series, and made Final Fight Revenge which was a one on one beat 'em up. 
Unlike before there isn't anything to look out for that relates to other Capcom games. In fact the only thing I found was this tiny poster in  the first round. Squint a lot because this is tiny: 
It was rumoured that you could play as Carlos from Final Fight 2, but the cheat code does not work. This is what the cheat was rumoured to be: 
"Start a game with only one player, then press the start button exactly it signals you to start playing. Then, press y three times, up, down, L, R, A, B, Y two times, X, select. The sound of a punch will confirm correct code entry. Carlos will jump in." This doesn't work but there seem to be many people that claim that it does. 
Another cheat that I can't get to work is the rumoured debug code. In the import version, your supposed to hold down start and select at the Capcom logo. On the PAL version, your supposed to hold down select, then turn the SNES on, and after the Capcom logo goes, a debug screen will show up. If you can get this to work, e-mail me, and try and send me a screenshot if possible. 
Who knows what happened to Dean-he has never been used in a Capcom game since Final Fight 3, so Capcom have probably forgotten about him now. I take it Lucia kept working for the Crime Prevention Unit in Metro City. She has never been used by Capcom again either. 
I hope Capcom port this game to the GBA, and it could have new features like the Final Fight One port. However, nothing has been said yet, and it's more likely that Final Fight 2 will be ported to the GBA first. We will have to wait for news from Capcom. 
You can skip parts of levels by throwing punks into doors. The doors will open, go up to the them and press up to go into them. Some are bonus rooms, some let you skip parts of the level. You can even skip one of the bosses with this. 
Just in case you were wondering, there ARE different endings for each character. They are hardly any differences in the endings, but they are different.