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About me: 
I'm Michael, but I'm more known as Mitch. I like games and stuff like that, especially Capcom, SNK and SEGA games. Of course there are others I like. Anyway I also really like Star Wars and Transformers- more than meets the eye you know. I'm known on the net as Galvatron. 
Well, this site has officially NOTHING to do with Capcom. It's just a Fan site, and one of the only Final Fight sites in the world. Well, the only good one anyway. Final Fight, Street Fighter and Capcom are registered trademarks to Capcom. 
FINAL FIGHT ONLINE was launched on 21/12/02 
Well, this is a one man made site. But Bob Ritchings ( deserves a ton of credit for letting me copy his FAQ for Final Fight Revenge. Cheers matey. Also thelostdude, because when it comes to animation he is the man you should call. 
Sometimes us web masters get sent e-mail that makes little sense. Here is the one and only one I have received so far. If I get more than I'll open an entire section with them all in. The e-mails are in red, and haven't been touched, so what you see is the same as I got it. 
From : <>  
Sent : 20 September 2003 20:49:13  
To :  
Subject : KOF 96 
What the heck?You say Yuris move was a knock off?Hell no it wasnt!SShe had that move sense she was created!BEFORE ALPHA YOU BASTARD!I mean,your sites great,its just that one peice of shit...FIX IT!  
Errrr.......what? Yuri didn't have that move, she got it in King of Fighter '96, which is, lets see...7 years after Final Fight came out in the arcades? And even then, Street Fighter Alpha came out in '95, a year ahead of King of Fighters '96. Oh well, never mind. You may want to get your facts right chum before you send abuse. 