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Capcom made 2 SNES sequels to Final Fight, and this page is on Final Fight 2. This game came out in 1993 and was supposed to be the rival to Streets of Rage 2. The story is about how Mad Gear have reformed, and have got themselves a new leader. This time the Mad Gear have spread all over the world. and are much bigger than before. Again, the Mad Gear have decided to get themselves some hostages. This time they have captured Guy's girlfriend Rena and Zeku's master, Genryusai ! (Zeku was the Bushin master of Guy) Maki, another Bushin ninja who knows Guy and is Rena's sister, contacts Mike Haggar, who agrees to help Maki in rescuing the two hostages. Carlos, who seems to be nifty with a sword, was staying at Haggar's place at the time, also decided to help. The three set off to destroy Mad Gear once again. This game was set in 1988, one year after Final Fight. 
Final Fight 2 plays just like the first game, with you choosing a character, then scrolling through levels beating up members of Mad Gear. The members of Mad Gear all differ, some have weapons, some are fat and slow, whilst others are weak but fast. They all share one thing in common though-they are all kind of stupid. Plus once again you can pick up and use weapons and get food out of cans like before, but there are not many of these. 
Unlike before, a lot more effort has been put into this game. First off it looks a lot better than before, there are more and longer stages, there is a 2 player mode (which is great) and there are 3 very different playable characters. Basically, if you were disappointed with the Super NES version of Final Fight, this game is for you. 
U= UP 
Height: 202cm  
Weight: 140kg  
Birthplace: America 
Fighting Style: Wrestling  
Haggar is back, and wants to clear Mad Gear for good. He is still the mayor of the Metro City, but is now travelling the world to clear the Mad Gear out. He is the strongest fighter in the game, but, once again, is also the slowest. 
Haggar's strengths: 
* Very powerful 
*  Has the best throwing move 
* Strong 
Haggar's weaknesses 
* Very slow 
* Worst special move, it still has a limited range. 
* His combo is still slow to do. 
Combo: Push the A button 3 times for this, does good damage, but is slow. 
Special: Spinning Clothesline. Haggar spins on the spot, both arms outstretched, and knocks down nearby enemies. This has a limited range. Press the J and A button or the extra joy button for this move. 
Jumping attacks: 
Drop kick: R, J, then A, or J and then A. Both versions will knock enemies down. 
Stun attack: Press J, then D and A to stun enemies it hits. 
Grab attacks: (Move close to thug to grab them) 
Head bash: Press A up to 3 times for this. Does big damage if you get all 3 hits in. 
German Suplex: Press left then A for this. Slams bad guy to floor, medium to high damage. 
Spinning pile driver: One of the best moves in the game, Press J then L or R and A for this. Can also travel. Does big damage. Now spins! 
Height: 164cm  
Weight: 51kg  
Birthplace: Japan  
Fighting Style: Bushin Ninjitsu 
Maki is Rena's sister and Guy's friend. She is a Bushin style ninja, like Guy, and has similar moves to him. She is the fastest character in the game, and her moves are quite good at knocking down opponents. 
Maki's Strengths 
* Fastest fighter in the game 
* Has all round the best moves 
Maki's Weaknesses: 
* Weak 
* Combo is weak damage wise. 
Combo: Press a up to 5 times for this. If all done, this will knock the opponent down. 
Special: Spin Kick, this knocks down enemies, has a decent range, and is Ok at taking energy. Press J and A together or extra joy for this. 
Jump attacks: 
Flying Kick: Press J, then L or R and A to knock enemies down. 
Jump Kick: Press J, then A. Also knocks enemies down. 
Stun Attack: Press J, then D and A for this. 
Wall attack: Jump at a wall, then press J again and Maki will fly off and do a flying kick. 
Grab Attacks: (Move close to thug to grab them) 
Knee Jabs: Press A up to three times. Does more if you get all 3 hits. 
Throw: Press R or L then A to throw the enemies. This also knocks other enemies down if they get hit by the flying body. 
Height: 185cm  
Weight: 60kg 
Birthplace: Japan 
Fighting style: Kempo and Karate  
Carlos was at Haggar's place at the time. He agrees to help Haggar and Maki to destroy Mad Gear. He has a sword that he uses for his special attack, and is probably the best choice for beginners. 
Carlos' Strengths 
* No real weaknesses 
* Does decent damage with attacks 
Carlos' Weaknesses 
* No real strengths 
Combo: Press A at a enemy to do this. If all done, will knock enemy down. 
Special: Spin Sword, this knocks down enemies and does good damage. Press extra joy or J and A together to do it. 
Jump Attacks: 
Flying Kick: Press J, the L or R and A to fly through the air and knock over Mad Gear members. 
Jump Kick: Press J, then A to knock over enemies. 
Stun Attack: Press J, then D and A to stun enemies. 
Grab Attacks: (Move close to the thug to grab them) 
Knee jabs: Press A 3 times. Does more damage if you get 3 hits in. 
Leg Throw: Press R or L and A to throw a thug. 
Final Fight 2 has plenty of levels to get through, set all over the world. You have to save Genryusai and Rena, but you really don't know where to look. So, it's off to search various countries, getting clues from the various Mad Gear members until you find them. 
Start your search where Mad Gear members have taken over a small town. This is a nice opening to the game and the level is medium size. The boss of this level is Won Won, who is also a chef. If he jumps up into the air move around a lot so you don't get hit by his super slam attack. There are many different enemy types in this first level, including normal punks, fat men with electric shockers, and some others. After defeating Won Won, you will see a cut scene explaining that Won Won tells you that the Mad Gear's base of operations has been moved to Europe. 
This level starts out pleasantly enough, with a decent view of part of France. But, the Mad Gear members here don't want you to be around to see it. As well as everyone you have already met, Andore and his fellow family members are all here and are ready to pummel you. As you work your way through the stage, you will eventually end up at the airport, where Freddie is waiting for you. Defeat the weaker enemies first, then attack Freddie. He can be defeated quite easily though. All you have to do is keep jump kicking him every time he dashes towards you. 
Here is starts to get a little tougher. In the first section watch out for the land mines, try and get the enemies to walk into them. After this you will go into a house and have to work your way up, defeating Mad Gear members as you go, until you reach the top. The next section is back outside behind the house, and a short town area must be cleared until you can go down to meet the boss, Bratken. Bratken has the mind of a 6 year old, and really likes toys. In fact, he joined the Mad Gears after they locked in a room full of toys. Look out for his homing jump kick, dashing attack and highly annoying Abigail like tossing throw. 
This round looks very un-England like since there are loads of sky scrapers in the back ground. Anyway, this round is set at a train station, and in the second section you will be fighting on top of a moving train. After clearing this area you will have one more section to do until you meet the boss, Philippe. This guy is a evil clown who has a cane. As well as using that to hit you he also has a slide attack. 
You'd think you would be close to the end now, since this is where the Mad Gear's new headquarters are....but you'll see soon enough. The Mad Gear gang are all over the place and certainly don't want you anywhere near here. After a brief section outside you will get onto a tour boat and have to take out enemies on it. After this, there is a short elevator section where Mad Gear members will jump on and try to attack you. Then, you are in for a surprise, because Rolento is back! His name is miss-spelt Rolent but it's still the same guy. He has all the same attacks as he did in Final Fight and attacks behaves in the same way. When you have beaten him there is a cut scene explaining that the hostages are actually being held in Japan, so you must travel there and get ready for the final fight, ho ho. 
The longest and hardest stage. Starting off outside the main building you have many Mad Gear members to defeat as you make your way towards Retu's headquarters. After two sections outside you will finally move inside and will have even more Mad Gear's to defeat, all of which are very strong. After two sections inside you will then finally get to Retu, and the fight will begin. Retu's main attack is his different types of hurricane kick. Just keep getting hits in and he will eventually be knocked out. And by knocked out, I mean knocked out of a window- hilariously, Retu will fall out of the window behind him, just as Belger did in the first game. What is it with Mad Gear bosses and windows? 
Just like in the first one there are 2 bonus games. The first is smash the van, which is identical to the first bonus game from the original only with more weapons. The second is a barrel smash game, where you must destroy as many barrels as you can within the time limit. 
This game isn't actually that bad at all. It's a lot better than the first SNES game (And Final Fight Guy, when that's released a year later after this came out) Capcom have done a much better job on this game, and is one of the best scrolling beat 'em ups on the Super NES. 
Some things to look out for whilst playing: 
Does that say Ryu there? (Yeah, the Street Fighter guy) And then there's Capcom.... 
Wow, there's Chun Li. And is that guy in blue the chicken killer from Chun Li's Street Fighter 2 stage? And is the guy in green Lee from the very first Street Fighter game? Hmmmmmmmm. 
Guile from the Street Fighter games is seen at the end of level 2. 
Other things to see and hear include a remix of the music from the first level of Final Fight and the Andore family making a welcome (or unwelcome) return. 
If you don't want to see what happens at the end of Final Fight 2, stop reading now! Or, just ruin for YOURSELF! This is the ending on the highest difficulty level. It's not SNES perfect but it's quite close. Thanks to thelostdude for this and me for bothering to complete Final Fight 2: 
The Mad Gear gang were beaten once again, and the year after this game the gang fell apart. (Poor old Sodom-he was still trying to get them back together, bless him) The gang fell apart in 1989. 
God knows what happened to Carlos after this game. Probably just left Metro City and went...somewhere. Hell, Capcom probably don't even remember this game. 
To see what happened to Haggar, see the Final Fight page. 
Capcom seem to use Maki. She was also in Capcom VS. SNK 2 and Street Fighter Alpha 3 Advance. After Final Fight 2, she probably stayed with Rena and Genryusai for a few years, but then went to find Guy, as Guy went missing after Final Fight 3. 
Will Capcom ever convert this game to the Game Boy Advance? I really hope so, because I've been waiting years for it. 
Press Down(2), Up(2), Right, Left, Right, Left, L, R at the title screen. The screen will turn blue to confirm correct code entry. Both players may now choose the same character in a two player game.