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Cardfighters' clash was a card game that was like Pokémon Trading card game, only this was better. You control a little guy and battle other card collectors to earn cards and medals to compete in the Grand Finals. There are tons of cards on offer, and there are lots of different designs. Capcom cards are from stuff such as Street Fighter, Darkstalkers, Final Fight, Resident Evil, Cyberbots, Strider etc. SNK had cards from Fatal Fury, KOF, Art of Fighting, etc. There were two versions of the game, a SNK version and a Capcom version, the difference was the rarities of cards, the boy or girl you can play as, your starting point and the colour scheme. 
Playing as Cap, Shin, Comet or Kei, you fight other card collectors to get the six coins that will let you go to Vegas and win the tournament... even though all the entrants are from Osaka so it may as well be held there... oh well... 
When you win a game, you will get cards, rarities assorted. Also you can get cards in the trade machines but their output is often rubbish so I don't advise you to. Using the slots, you can put in one card and end up with about twenty of the same one, but this only works on common cards. 
AC cards: Helpful actions. 
Fighters: The cards that can attack 
BP: Battle points, the attack and defence of your cards. Can start anywhere from 100 to 1500. 
SP: Special points, gain by inserting characters, lose by using AC cards. 
HP: Hit points, your very own life. Starts at 2000 or 3000 and is decreased when the fighters attack you. 
Decks use 50 cards, a maximum of 3 of each card. 
Aim of the game: Get enemy's HP to 0. 
Let's start! 
1) Shuffle piles, draw 5 cards each. 
2) Choose first player. 
Now the turn rotation starts. 
At the start of his turn, player draws a card. 
Every turn you can... 
Use as many AC cards as you like. 
Add a fighter to the game. 
Back-up a fighter. 
When you put a fighter card in the ring, SP rises by the factor shown. 
To use an AC card, SP decreases by the factor shown. 
You can't do the following to a character that has just got in the ring: Back-up, Attack, Use Square Ability. 
To back-up a fighter, first find which fighters can back it up. Now use one of these from your hand and choose BACK-UP. The original fighter's HP will rise by 300 and you cannot back-up this card with that character any more. 
To attack, just select Attack and choose which character(s) you want to use. Attacking will end your turn and put this character in freeze phase (cannot do anything) until your next turn. Attacks do as much damage as your character's BP. 
When attacks are going straight at you, you might not want to lose all the HP that they could cause you to lose. So use your cards as bodyguards and counter the attacks. 
This is when your fighters work together to deliver a beating. It costs 5 SP for a 2 unison and 10 SP for a 3 unison. Only one character may counter this and the damage that they can't block goes through to your enemy. Causes freeze phase for your characters used. 
Some characters have square abilities, these can be activated every turn, but they cause a freeze phase for your character. 
These abilities are activated on the first turn your char is used, and aren't used again. 
These abilities are activated automatically and last until the char runs out of BP. (Gets discarded) 
           Anyway, this page has a look at the Final Fight characters in the game: 
Cody, from the original Final Fight, is not a rare card. The card is a class C, which means it is pretty easy to find. Anyway Cody has 500 hit points. His back up character is Haggar. He does not have any special abilities. 
Damnd, also from Final Fight, has more HP than Cody but less SP. However he does have a special square  
ability, called whistle, whcih lets you get on random character card from your deck. Damnd is class B. 
Guy is another class B card. He has 500 hit points. His special circle ability cancels counter attacks if the enemy has 1 or no characters. This is called the Haya-gake. 
Haggar is a rarer card as he is a class A. He has a decent amount of hit points and his back up includes Guy and Cody. His special square ability is his spinning lariat which shuffles your deck, after you have returned all characters to your deck. 
Rolento here is very easy to get and is a class D. He is also crap as he only has 300 hit points. His back up is Sodom and Damnd. Even worse for him is the fact that he has no special ability. 
Sodom is also rather crap as he is easy to get, has low hit points and no ability. His back up is E. Honda, Rolento and Damnd. 
This Action card is called Management and it has the green Andore and Poison on it. It lets you select one AC card from your pile and then shuffle the pile and put that card on top. It has B rarity.