This was released in 1999 and was a kind of sequel to Street Fighter 2 the animated movie and Street Fighter 2 V. The story was about how Ryu is being consumed by the dark Hadou, and how he must battle it. He also meets his long lost brother who also wields the dark Hadou power. However his brother Shun is captured so Ryu and other fighters (namely Ken and Chun Li) go to rescue him. Of course there are lots of fighters in the film, such as Ken, Chun Li, Sakura etc. The film is no where near as good as Street Fighter 2 animated, but isn't a bad effort. The animation is quite slick but there are some lazy parts where not much detail is put on any of the fighters.
Even though he doesn't speak, Rolento is credited at the end of the movie! However, he does make a grunt noise, maybe it was for that. That actor only played that one part! Even worse, in the credits, his name is spelt wrong! It says Rolent instead of Rolento! However, it is a pretty easy mistake to make.
Sodom's lines:
Sodom says:
When in truck:
"Wanna play chicken? Hah!"
"Yooo! Bravo! Let's do it again! Hahaha!"
Well there you go. Street Fighter Alpha the movie is available on DVD and VHS, if you have a DVD player I'd advise you to get that version as it has lots of bonus features on it.