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The sequel to the popular first game, Capcom Vs. SNK 2 improved on the original in just about every way possible, with new characters, stages, music, grooves, modes etc. However two Capcom characters were from Final Fight, these being Maki and Rolento. Maki had a totally new sprite whilst Rolento's was taken straight from Alpha 3. Here you can see the artwork of them. The left images were done by Capcom whilst the right were done by SNK. Capcom did a terrible job of Maki but the Rolento one is excellent. Meanwhile SNK did an awesome one of Maki whilst their Rolento effort is average. 
Rolento had previously been in Street Fighter Alpha 3, whilst Maki has been unseen since Final Fight 2. Maki has a stick , which was also a collectable weapon in Final Fight 2. Both characters have special moves and super combos, Rolento has moves from Alpha 3. 
Just a quick note on Maki- she has an "evil" face! Just make her walk backwards or leave her standing still for a bit and you'll see it. 
The game was out in the arcade first, soon after it came out on the Dreamcast and PS2. A special edition version was released for the Gamecube, with a new control method, because the Gamecube pad is basically crap for 2D fighting games. Capcom Vs. SNK 2 EO Live has been released for the X-Box, giving you the chance to fight across the internet, but apparently this doesn't work very well and most people are put off by the new control method. If you have a Dreamcast or PS2, those are the versions to go for. The Dreamcast version was only ever available in Japan but you can normally find it on eBay for a fairly low price. 
C Groove 
Taken from the first game, this is like the A-Ism from Alpha 3. It lets you have 3 different levels of super, and you can also air block and have a dash move. 
A Groove 
From Alpha 3, these are custom combos, but you still can't block whilst using one. 
P Groove 
From Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo, you get one big bar to fill, but when you do a super it is very powerful. Your character is also stronger. 
S Groove 
The SNK groove from the first game, you have to charge it up to do a super. However once your character becomes weak you have desperation and super desperation attacks. 
N Groove 
This is a copy of the super system used in The King of Fighters 97/98. It can fill up three times, a level 3 super doing more damage than usual. 
K Groove 
This is from Samurai Shodown. When the bar is full, your attack strength goes up and the amount of damage you take goes down. 
Maki is still looking for Guy so she can become the next Bushin Master. 
Rebbuu Kyaku    KKK (takes off life, this is Maki's special in Final Fight 2) 
Genko                 D, DR, R + P 
Hayagake            D, DR, R + K 
- Jyaku De Wazaga Hassei          LK, then K (LK stops) 
- Chuu De Wazaga Hassei           MK, then K (MK does a slide) 
- Kyou De Wazaga Hassei           HK, then K (FK does a mid-level hit) 
Tengu Daoshi                       L, DL, D, DR, R + P (air only) 
Hassou Kyaku                       D, DL, L + P/K (air only) 
Saka Hayagake                      D, DL, L + K 
- Jyaku De Wazaga Hassei          LK, then K (LK stops) 
- Chuu De Wazaga Hassei           MK, then K (MK does a high jump) 
- Kyou De Wazaga Hassei           HK, then K (HK does a far high jump) 
Bushin Gou Raiha               D, DR, R, D, DR, R + P 
Tesshin Hou                        D, DR, R, D, DR, R + K then K 
Ajara Tengu                        720 degree turn on pad + P (close)(air also) 
I think Rolento is still trying to build up his super army. This game isn't canon to the Final Fight (or Street Fighter for that matter) story line anyway. 
Patriot Circle                     D, DR, R + P (Perform up to 3 times) 
Stinger                                R, D, DR + K, then P/K 
Mekong Delta Air Raid     D, DL, L + P, then press P 
Mekong Delta Escape       D, DL, L + K then P/K 
Mekong Delta Attack        Press PPP, then P when you land 
Mine Sweeper                    D, DL, L, D, DL, L + P 
Steel Rain                           D, DR, R, D, DR, R + K 
Take No Prisoners             D, DR, R, D, DR, R + P 
This is one of the best 2D fighting games ever, and if you like fighting games you should definitely get it. It's a pity about the super lame hidden final bosses, God/Ultimate Rugal and Shin Gouki/Akuma, plus the music sucks and the sprites all look a bit old, but apart from theses minors it's a great game.