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Final Fight 3 Beta is available on a few roms sites dotted across the Internet, and is a slightly different version of the final. Any differences that I can find between the beta version and the final version will be listed here, through every level and anything else that points out in interest. Unlike other beta versions of games, Final Fight 3 Beta isn't that different from the final version. 
Wow, in the final version they added an entire ONE word! It does make it make slightly more sense but not much, and that is the only difference in the entire introduction sequence. Oh, hold on. As you can see, some of the text is laid out in a slightly different way. 
All the differences from the first level. Whilst the stage itself is not different in either version, the enemy lay out certainly is, since at some points different enemies will come and in the beta there are more of them. In the beta the enemies are all very slightly differently coloured or have different colours entirely. Defeat Dave (who is the same in both versions) and you will get the cut scene which is the same apart from one word, which you can see at the bottom of the images. I think we all know why that was changed, eh? 
The other major change is the difficulty. Unlike in the final version this is quite annoying to play through because enemies just love to attack you frequently and do attacks that knock you down. Rick and the Andores are particularly bad for this. 
On the title screen, when you cycle through the options they make no sound in the beta, but in the final version they do. 
Apart from these things, disappointingly, there are no other big changes. Enemy colours stay different through out the rest of the game but that is it. The endings are all the same, and there are bonus games and everything else that made it into the final version. This Beta was released in 1995 so maybe it is some kind of pre-release.