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When the Game Boy Advance came out most companies quickly realised that they could simply port their old games over to the system with a few new things. Capcom's first titles were a new version of Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo (which is one of the worst versions ever made) and Final Fight. Thankfully they got it right with Final Fight One. 
Released a few months after the GBA launch, Final Fight One sold well since it was the first scrolling beat 'em  up on the console and most magazines gave it good reviews, which helped sales increase. 
The game is based on the SNES version of Final Fight but with a lot more in it- the things missing in the SNES version like the fourth level from the arcade and Guy are now present, plus there are a lot of other extra things as well to unlock, some of which are very interesting. 
Most people agree that this is the second best home version of Final Fight after Final Fight CD. Graphically it's not as good as the arcade but it does have much fairer game play and a two player link up mode. 
The game is an exact copy of SNES Final Fight with extra stuff, so you know what to expect by now. One interesting thing about the game is that you can have a "chat" with the bosses. Some of the conversations are quite funny and add a bit more to the game. 
This is the only Final Fight game to have a horde of unlockables. The most interesting are definitely Alpha Guy and Cody, who you can get pretty early on. Theses two are taken straight from Alpha 3 and have some of there animations from that game. These characters look great and add more depth to the game since you now have 5 characters to play with. 
If these two weren't enough there are lots of other things to unlock, such as level select, the number of lives you have, rapid punch and a colour edit mode, where you can give the characters different colours for use in the main game. 
Notice that this game is called "Final Fight One" So, does this indicate that more Final Fight games are coming to the GBA? It seems not. This was released in 2001 and so far we haven't heard anything from Capcom saying that Final Fight 2 would be coming out. I don't get why because this one sold quite well. 
Hopefully Capcom will announce a conversion of Final Fight 2 for the GBA at some point, which will also have bonus features. Maybe they could use Maki's Capcom Vs. SNK 2 sprite as a hidden version like they used Guy and Cody's alpha sprites. 
By the way if you are thinking of getting this game I say get it now. It's cheap and easy to find, is better than the SNES versions and is one of the best conversions of Final Fight.