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This is the Rapidfire3k Help/How To/Site Map page. Here you will find tips on how to use your favorite R3k pages and I will tell you where you will be able to find what information you want.

Main Page

There are two points of interest on the Main page:

1. Will be the actual links the main page links will be located at the top of the page in large print. There are also links at the bottom of the page do not over look these they have some great content and information for you.

2. The R3k Search bar this search is preformed on my site and mine alone. It by it's self almost eliminates the need for this page.

Also, be sure and view the What's New page it will be updated every time the website goes through the smallest of changes.

Graphics Pages

First and foremost on these pages you will need to know what these are for

GC >> 

^Graphics Main Pg./ Next^

or it may look like this

<< Fantasy >> 

       Back 1 Pg./ Category Main Pg./ Forward 1 Pg.

  All you must do is simply choose the category of graphics you wish to view.  As is evident through out the site Navigation is broken down into of course the Home Page (Rapidfire3k Internet Resources) then main pages (R3k Graphics main page), lower main pages (the Fantasy main page), and pages (the actual page that you view the graphics on).   



Believe it or not this site started out in my head as a links site. The links I have on my links page should be considered an award just to be there. If you notice I don't have 300+ links. This is because the sites that I link to must be of the highest quality. I will not link you to a poor site at least not poor in my opinion. I urge you to explore the sites linked they sometimes have allot more to offer than it seems at first glance. Here are a few Quick tips for site exploring:

When you find a graphic the address will look like this:

Well now for whatever reason you have this addy and this gif but who knows what site it came from? This is what you do... Delete Bullet.jpg from the addy like this:

Then hit enter if you are on explorer or CC&P it into your goto box for webtvers. this work the same for web pages that have something extra on the end of there addy. What I mean by something extra is a normal addy should look like this:

If you see an home.html, intro.html, or main.html just delete back to where I showed you. You may sometimes find that the person has an entire other site about HTML help or something. It is important to keep you eyes open for addy changes when viewing graphics and switching pages at peoples sites to notice this type of thing.



Here you can get the dirty personal details about me. View a picture of me..

What's New

This is a don't miss. If you visit R3k most especially if you visit us frequently do not forget to view this page it will be updated every time R3k goes through the slightest of changes. Proving direct links to the new changes. You will never be left in the dark about updates at R3k if you check this page every time you come here.

The Web In Review

Here you may find brief and accurate reviews of some of your favorite web sites and maybe of some that will soon become your favorite web site. Also, I will be posting excellent free downloads from time to time.. BE sure to check it out and POST don't be shy it's okay. Have fun


Well this is a place for me to showcase some of my favorite sites. I have noticed that some of the sites I know of the webmasters really have gone way out of their way to make the internet a better place. And it will be webmasters like these that receive this award.


Poetry is just a personal touch that I have added to my page just another way of getting to know me and my friends. (Also see Webmaster)


FancyMidi Is just that.. It is the audio portion of my site.. For now all you can find there is midi's but wav's and more will follow soon....

Alternative Classic Rock Country Dark & Gothic Pop Rock Rap & R/B Themes

Simply use the navigation bar above to choose your favorite genre, then once on the page choose your song titles.....