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By the Water that
Is Her Womb
Send forth your Flow

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Lo siento, pero su browser no soporta Java. Eso es la vida.

Our humble beginnings took place in a bath of fluids. As we grew from a two celled organism, we were protected, we breathed, received nourishment, kept warm, and were soothed by the gentle rhythms of our mother's watery womb. It is water that composes 80% of our bodies and 70% of the Earth's surface.

This element is the cool, thirst quenching drink to a parched throat, the mist of a gentle summer rain, the warm waves lapping at your ankles as you walk along the beach, the quiet mystery of a lake graced with the full moon at midnight.

Water is also the torrential downpours, the fast and furious floods, the angry sea that tosses you about, and the still, eery waters that can pull you under and take your life. Water in all it's aspects, must be respected. ~ Inanna ~


Water governs emotions, intuition, femininity, fertility, The uterus, all bodies of water.

Direction - West

Color - Blue (most Pagan traditions) and Black (Lakota/Most NA traditions)

Angel - Raphael

Symbols - Cups, cauldrons

Astrological correspondences - Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio

Herbs/Plants - SeaWeed, Ferns and Mosses, Water Lillies

Season - Autumn

Stones - Aquamarine

Goddesses - Isis, Aphrodite, Mari

Earth Air
Fire Water