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Enid Markey was the first Jane Porter with Elmo Lincoln in "Tarzan of the Apes" and "Romance of Tarzan."

Karla Schramm was Jane Porter in "Revenge of Tarzan" with Gene Pollar and in "Son of Tarzan" with P. Dempsey Tabler.

Louise Lorraine was Elmo Lincoln's co-star in "Adventures of Tarzan" serial, playing Jane.

Greta Kemble Cooper was Jane on the stage with Ronald Adair in 1921.

Dorothy Dunbar was James Pierce's leading lady (Jane Porter) in "Tarzan and the Golden Lion."

Natalie Kingston was Mary Trevor in "Tarzan the Mighty" and then became Jane in Frank Merrill's second serial, "Tarzan the Tiger."

Maureen O'Sullivan was the most popular Jane, co-starring with Johnny Weissmuller in six MGM films. Her last name was changed to Parker. (Director Van Dyke had wanted Leila Hyams as Jane, but the studio wanted O'Sullivan.)

Jacqueline Wells (Julie Bishop) was Buster Crabbe's co-star in "Tarzan the Fearless", as Mary Brooks.

Ula Holt co-starred with Herman Brix as Ula Vale in the serial "New Adventures of Tarzan."

Eleanor Holm played Eleanor in the Glenn Morris movie "Tarzan's Revenge".

When Maureen O'Sullivan quit playing Jane, other leading ladies were brought in. First up: Francis Gifford as Zandra in "Tarzan Triumphs."

Nancy Kelly was Connie Bryce, a stranded lady magician in "Tarzan's Desert Mystery." (Jane was supposedly away nursing wounded American soldiers.)

Maria Ouspenskaya played the Queen of the Amazons in "Tarzan and the Amazons."

Shirley O'Hara was Athena, an Amazon maiden in Tarzan and the Amazons."

Brenda Joyce became Weissmuller's second Jane in "Tarzan and the Amazons." She stayed on and even co-starred in Lex Barker's first Tarzan film.

Acquanetta played Lea, the leader of the Leopard Women in "Tarzan and the Leopard Women"

Patricia Morison was the misguided Tanya Rawlins in "Tarzan and the Huntress."

Linda Christian was Mara, one of the "mermaids" in Weissmuller's final film in the series, "Tarzan and the Mermaids."

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