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Faramir FanFiction Archive

"Nay! Not Elves,' said the fourth, the tallest, and as it appeared the chief among them. Elves do not walk in Ithilien in these days. And Elves are wondrous fair to look upon, or so 'tis said."
[Faramir to Frodo and Sam, in: The Two Towers; Of Herbs and Stewed Rabbit]



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Legolas back to pairings


Aftermath by Minx (R)
The aftermath of a terrible ordeal.
Companion piece to In the Stillness of Night.
Angst, implied rape and violence

Devoid of Love by Minx (R)
A drunk Legolas gives in to his feelings for a depressed Faramir, who responds initially but then draws back haunted by shadows of the past. Legolas gets angry. And so things ensue...
Archivist's note: Heilt has made a lovely series of pictures to accompany this story.
Warnings: Angst, implied rape and violence

Feast With Me by Marylou (NC-17)
Faramir finds feasts totally boring and Legolas decides to show him a more pleasurable way to spend his time.
Warnings: Slash, PWP

Five Hearts by Sarah Eleven; also with Aragorn, Gimli, Gandalf
Sequel to: Spoken For

In the Stillness of Night by Minx (R)
Plot-less one-shot intended to inflict physical and mental anguish on character/s - Two riders captured by an allied group of horrid men and Orcs, nasty things ensue.
Warnings: Implied rape and violence, gore and plenty of angst

A Moonlit Night by Minx (R)
A moonlit night in Minas Tirith provides two people a quiet and romantic atmosphere to talk of memories and other things.
Warning: Slash

Private Tuition by Foofy; also with Aragorn (NC-17)
Due to their positions of state, Aragorn and Faramir have little time to enjoy their relationship. Legolas decides that a bit of elven influence is needed.

The Room of Hopes and Dreams by Emma Keigh (NC-17)
Legolas and Faramir steal a moment.

Spoken For by Sarah Eleven
Warnings: Slash, unrequited theme of other characters…

When the Moon Came Out by Minx (NC-17)
A not very sober steward wants to spend the night in his wife’s arms, while a bored elf finds himself lacking company. It could be seen as a prequel to A Moonlit Night, though there might be a few differences. You don’t have to have read that.
Warnings: Slash, PWP