The ANTI - Fred Durst Movement


"I have no problem with being pop, pop means popular, which is cool
with me." - Fred Durst (vocals) Limp Bizkit


I created this site for one reason and one reason only, to tell people why others and I don't like Fred Durst. NOT LIMP BIZKIT. Some people like Limp Bizkit but not Fred, and that is ok with me. Although I personally don't like Limp Bizkit anymore, I do still enjoy 3 dollar bill... but that is the past. Significant Other was more of a mixed reviews album when it came out. It lost many of the "true" or first LB fans and gained alot more. The reasoning for this could be for toning down, over commercializing, becoming a trend, who knows. But there is one thing I am sure of... is that in my opinion LB and Fred Durst no longer have the talent they once had. And plus when MTV over-plays one of your favorite bands by playing their videos up to like 50 freakin times a day, you slowly start to hate them.

I am particularly disappointed with how the lyrics were written with Significant Other. 3 Dollar Bill had some of the most emotional lyrics I've ever heard on an album. But, they took a turn for the worst on Significant Other. Fred can no longer rap like he used to. His lyrics are just simple, a little kid can write them. "Break Stuff" has the most pitiful lyrics I've ever heard in a song.

Along with reasons regarding Fred's talent(or lack of I should say), I've heard from 1,000 people across the country, as well as from other countries, about how Fred treats them... and it is far from kind (check out the Why section). I just think and feel that this man is getting way more publicity and credit than he deserves. The man has lost all his talent, who knows, maybe he never had it in the fist place. Nobody knows if he actually did or didn't write the lyrics for 3 Dollar Bill (painful flashbacks of Faith). "Faith", don't even get me started.

Well, enjoy the site and feel free to contribute. You will not go unanswered ever. JOIN THE MOVEMNT...

Jason - Webmaster


( ( ( The MOVEMENT main menu ) ) )

- Some stories and opinions on why others hate FRED DURST...

- Discuss with others why you hate FRED DURST...

- Check out some of the fools who stick up for Fred Durst, as well as their un-intelligent comments...

- Basically my backround and my interests, and my motivation behind this website, i know it's boring... but if you have any doubts about me, they should be answered here..



Dec. 19, 1999 (Sunday) - I changed the intro, no big deal. Also, a story has been added to the why section.... check this one out (also a Limp Bizkit name theory)

Dec. 18, 1999 (Saturday) - The Why page was updated once again... check this one out, definately worth reading

December 16, 1999 (Thursday) - "Slipknot Vs. Fred Durst" Update:

This was an excerpt taken from Pimprock Palace so all credit goes directly to them:

Corey recently commented on Fred Durst by saying: "I think he is the worst thing to happen to music
since the Spice Girls". He also went on to state about the band Limp Bizkit that "I would love to meet
Wes, I think he's a cool person." Joey and Shawn also recently spoke out about Limp Bizkit by
saying: Joey: "..Wes, the guitar player, fucking rules. Wes is the shit."
Shawn: "Few people have the gift, and Wes is one of them."
Joey: "He can jam with us any time."
Shawn: "The rest of the band, whatever, but Wes is the man."

So there you have it, Slipknot hates Limp Bizkit, but they love Wes. Wes seriously needs to leave the band, he is the only one with talent and the only reason the band is being labeled as "metal".

December 14,1999 (Tuesday) - Open Thoughts:

Well, no updates in about 5 days..... very slow news. There is really nothing new going on with Fred and Slipknot, but when it does I'll be sure to tell you guys about it. I got Metallica S&M on friday night, this cd is unbelievable. If you like Metallica, and you don't own this cd yet, BUY IT. It's like a Metallica's greatest hits album with an orchestra behind it. I also bought Methods of Mayhem (Tommy "Wife Beater" Lee's rap\rock side project). This cd is pretty good too, but of course they had to ruin one of the songs("Get Naked") by having Fred Durst make a cameo on it. He is in the video too and he is the only one with clothes on, and he is surrounded with beautiful naked women. Now, I don't know what he is afraid of.... or those girls might be past the age limit of 10 or something I don't know. Well, speaking of naked women, I need to go relieve some tension if you know what I mean. Keep it real, I'm out - Jason:

December 9, 1999 (Thursday) - More on the Slipknot vs. Fred Durst" situation

This is an excerpt taken from's news and rumor section. Props to slipknotweb! :

Corey quoted Fred Durst who apparently said "Slipkot sucks, and their fans are a
bunch of fat, sweaty, ugly, brain dead rejects ". He then said that noone talks
about Slipknot or their fans that way.

Shawn added "I want all you kids to get on your computers and leave so many
messages that Fred Durst knows I'm serious when I say that I want him to have
enough guts to say shit like that to our face" and continued "If all slipknot fans
are fat and ugly then that's great because thats exactly what I was when I was a

Well, there you have it, straight from the mouth of Slipknot themselves. It makes me want to take this site to a whole new level. I would except Slipknot fans not to take this. Do something about it, cause I am too. Once again, mad thanks to Slipknotweb... check out their site for the latest Slipknot news and other stuff.

December 5, 1999 (Sunday) - Ok, i was just checkin out the PimprockPalace 411 news section, and they had a little news piece on something considering Slipknot and Fred Durst. It reads as follows:

Slipknot and Fred Durst seem to be at odds lately, at recent Slipknot shows, Corey aka #8 has mentioned
that Durst said some negative comments about Slipknot and their fans. Corey has also been leading the
crowd into chants of "Fuck Fred Durst" and other negative comments about Durst. This most recently took
place at last night's show in Detroit.
And so Durst's downfall begins...

Slipknot is my favorite band, and they will always remain to be. Now, Fred saying shit about Slipknot makes me hate him even more. I never knew about this till now, mad thanks to Pimprock Palace. Go there if you haven't already... it is in my opinion one of the best and most updated rock e-zines on the net, and it's not flooded with limp bizkit bull crap. keep it real...later - Jason:


[ WHY? | BOARD | LOST | ME ]