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Deb Mikesch - Midwest Entertainers (Michaels' Management)
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29th September 2004: Michael Angelo Batio, inventor of the Double-V-Neck guitar will perform a double-guitar solo and another surprise song with Alter Bridge on Friday night, Oct 1st, at the sold-out show at House of Blues in Chicago!

Mark Tremonti is recording tracks on Michael's upcoming CD and has thanked Michael on the new Alter Bridge CD.

Along with Mark Tremonti, Michael’s new CD includes drummer Bobby Rock, progressive bassist Bill Kopecky and special guest bassist Rudy Sarzo (Quiet Riot, Ozzy with Randy Rhoads, Whitesnake, Yngwie and currently Dio). Also featured on the CD are, British session guitarist Stuart Bull, former Nitro vocalist Jim Gillette, Metal Method founder Doug Marks and guitar virtuoso Bill Peck.

Michael recently completed a new instructional DVD. This DVD is a program designed for beginning guitarists. It will be released later this year as part of a Dean Guitars, electric guitar, amp and DVD package for the holidays. Dean Zelinsky produced the DVD in conjunction with Dean Guitars.

Michael leaves for a tour of Norway, Sweden, Finland and Denmark in early October, followed by a tour of Germany, Austria, the UK (including performances at “Live at the NEC”) and several cities in the USA.

8th September 2004: Well, a few days became a few months (as they frequently do with computer problems, I seem to find), and I've been through hell and back to get the damn thing working again. And then, to cap it all, cjb had deleted my account. But nevermind, because I'm back now and working again! Check the studio updates page for an update... it's from 2nd August, but it's still news lol... also, little shout out to Deb Mikesch: If you're reading this, send me an e-mail!

7th July 2004: Just a quick note to say, my home internet is screwed... for some reason it's not working and I can't get it to. I'm gonna get someone to fix it within the next 1-2 days, so if I'm not replying to e-mails and whatever, that's the reason. I'm currently using school computers, but due to the filter I can't do most of what I need to. Don't panic - normal service will be resumed within the next few days!

5th July 2004: Michael Angelo Batio recently finished pre production on his new solo CD with drummer Bobby Rock and bassist Bill Kopecky. They ended the sessions with a great performance at Summerfest, the largest festival in the USA. From what I've heard, it was an incredible show! If you saw it, please write a review - either by joining the board and posting it there or by e-mailing me here. There are some pictures up from the gig in the gigs section - head over there now!

26th June 2004: Bobby Rock met up with Michael and Bill Kopecky last night! Deb Mikesch was there, and she has this to say:

"Watching these stellar artists create amazing music before my eyes reminds me of why I got in the biz in the first place. I'm proud to represent Michael Angelo Batio, Bobby Rock and Bill Kopecky on the Summerfest stage on Sunday".

Check the Studio Update page for more! Michael also just released a new instructional CD, 'Jam Tracks', with UK guitar book company Total Accuracy. This one comes with a cd and a book, and is available at the official site and also here.

19th June 2004: A new interview with Nitro singer Jim Gillette has been posted online - read it here! This is the best interview I've ever read with Jim... he talks about his voice, Nitro and his various other projects. He also talked about the new Michael CD - check out the Studio Update to see exactly what he said!

16th June 2004: Aku from the board has started his own Nitro website - check it out here: If you're not registered on the boards - do so now!

11th June 2004: Exciting news for all Michael Angelo Batio fans waiting for the new album - Speed Kills: Studio Update!!!!! Yes, that's right - this site will be revealing exlcusive news on the progress of Michaels new, eagerly awaited CD as he records it! To start off with, Deb Mikesch has spoken exclusivly to about what's happening RIGHT NOW with the CD!!!! So, click on the banner to the right and read what she has to say - keep checking back for news as it breaks!!

8th June 2004: Michael Angelo Batio will begin recording a new CD starting on July 19th, 2004. Michael has recruited some very special guest stars for the release- Bobby Rock will be playing Drums. Rudy Sarzo will be playing Bass on a few songs. Rudy is an incredible bass player having worked with Ozzy (with Randy Rhoads), Quiet Riot, Whitesnake, Yngwie Malmsteen and currently Dio. In addition to this Creed guitarist Mark Tremonti will be performing a guest guitar solo. Former Nitro vocalist Jim Gillette will be singing on a few of the tracks. Lita Ford will also be performing on the new CD. One of the tracks that Jim will be singing on is a song that Lita Ford, Jim and Grammy award winning songwriter Michael Dann Ehmig wrote called 'Bitter Seed'. Guitar virtuoso newcomer Bill Peck will also be performing on the album along with British guitarist Stuart Bull and Metal Method founder Doug Marks. We are looking for a late October, early November 2004 release date. This CD is going to be awesome.

A couple of new pics from the WAMI awards show have been added - head over to the gigs section now!

7th June 2004: 'WAMI Guitarist of the Year', Michael Angelo Batio, From LA, 'drummer extrodinaire', Bobby Rock and 'WAMI Bassist of the Year', Bill Kopecky on the Rock Stage at Summerfest, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Sunday June 27th, 2004 SHOWTIME: 5 p.m.
SUMMERFEST is the LARGEST festival in the USA!

Michael performed in Las Vegas to a great crowd at the grand opening of (40,000square ft. superstore) Ed Roman Guitars on Saturday May 15th, 2004. Slayer guitarist Kerry King also performed at the event. In attendance were guitarist Brad Gillis (Night Ranger, Ozzy) and drummer Frankie Banali (Quiet Riot).

Michael has toured in the USA, Germany, Thailand, Taiwan, Hong Kong and China within the last 2 months. He has been on over 30 flights within the last 5 weeks, received standing ovations repeatedly when he performed his new Double-Guitar solo and has been on at least 10 different major TV news programes. We would like to thank everyone that came to the shows as well as everyone that sponsored them.

The Chinese people have named Michael 'Hands With No Shadow'. This came about because of Michael’s ability to play under and over the neck so rapidly that his hand moves too fast to cast a shadow! We are receiving the Chinese symbol of 'Hands With No Shadow' soon. Michael is having it tattooed on his arm.

More Michael Angelo Batio shows scheduled for Canada, Europe and more. Check the Concerts/Clinic section of for detailed information on upcoming shows.

29th April 2004: As you may know, Michael is currently just starting to record a new CD with a lot of big name guitarists. He is planning on playing several classic rock cover songs on the CD. This is where all his fans come in: Michael is looking for ideas for which songs to cover. What songs would you like to hear on this CD?
Think, classic rock with stellar guitar solos.
Email all your ideas to Deb Mikesch and put "CD ideas" on the subject line.

28th April 2004: Michael was announced 'Guitarist Of The Year' at this years WAMI Awards show! His solo performance was also incredible (could it have been anything else?) and went down a treat! Click here to view a review of the show (pics coming soon!)

In other news, Michael just returned from a tour of the Far East with concerts in Thailand, Taiwan, Hong Kong and China. The tour was fantastic!

7th April 2004: Michael just returned from performing in Salt Lake City for the staff at Musician’s Friend, in West Virginia and in Pittsburgh. We would like to thank Ron and the staff at Musician’s Friend as well as everyone that attended all of the events.

Michael just returned from Germany where he performed for 4 days at Musik Messe in Frankfurt. We would like to thank Ralf, Thomas, Mark and the crew from Musik Produktiv for sponsoring the event. Artists like Joe Satriani and Jeff Beck also performed and attended the event.

10th March 2004: Michael Angelo Batio and (Michael's agent) Deb Mikesch both received humanitarian awards from 'Guitars For Life' for their work with the Progeria Benefit held at the Berkeley Theater in California Friday March 5th, 2004. Congratulations to both of them!

4th March 2004: Michael gets multiple nominations for this years WAMI Awards! Michael is nominated for Rock Artist Of The Year, Guitarist Of The Year, and Artist Of The Year 2004! Michaels manager Deb Mikesch has also been nominated for Music Buisness Person Of The Year! Congratulations to both of them, this is really rockin' news :)!

1st March 2004: In preperation for his upcoming tour of Asia (April 8th-19th), Michael Angelo Batio has done an interview with Check it out now (an English version is available here.) Michael has just finished on the 'Dean Owners Of America' show in Flordia, whcih he has said was "a terrific event". He performed both solo, and with Evil D and The Genetorturers. Michael will also be leaving for the Guitars For Life Progeria Benefit this Thursday. He'll be in Berkeley, Calif for 4 days, doing a clinic in Concord California on Friday and the benefit on Saturday. Go the the gigs page for details!

Finally, register on the new message boards now!

29th February 2004: New feature added to the site: message board! I've noticed that the traffic for the site has been rising for the last month or so, so I've decided to try and start an online Michael Angelo Batio community. It's only up for a trial period at the moment, to see if it's going to be popular - if you want it to stay, join it now by clicking on the boards link on the menu!

29th February 2004: What's going on in the world of Michael Angelo Batio? Well, the reason there's been no update for the last two weeks is because there's been nothing to report. Michael continues to play clinics, which I keep being told are amazing. Make an effort to get to them if you can (click on the gigs link)!

Behind the scenes, I'm working on a complete (or as near to as possible) equipment list for Michael, and also typing up the 'story of Nitro', which will be available for you to read very soon!

12th February 2004: Couple of new pics up on the Feb 4th Clinic review, courtesy of Deb Mikesch. Also, that was the third gig of the year for Michael, not the first as I reported before *slaps wrist*

Also, Michael is now mentioned in three mags across the world this month - the February 2004 'Speed Kings' issue of Total Guitar in the UK (and available in most of Europe as far as I know), recognises Michael as one of very few shredders to keep 'pushing the envelope' into the 90's. A great footnote for a Dean Custom 450 product review (the guitar got 4/5) also reads:
"The brand (Dean) also built the very first double guitar for scary ambidextrous widdler, Michael Angelo Batio. The two necks faced in different directions, but Batio played them anyay. Extremely quickly."
More soon!

9th February 2004: Slight correction made to the February 4th clinic review. Appologies go out Chuck... I screwed up, sorry!

6th February 2004: Go to the gigs section: Exclusive review and pictures added for the Feburary 4th Dean Guitars clinic, which was Michaels first show of the year.

6th February 2004: Right, I'm back and ready to carry on work. The gigs section will receive some exclusive pictures later tonight. In Michael news:

Michael is featured in the March 2004 issue of Guitar One Magazine. Michael is in both Guitar World and Guitar One at the same time.

More Florida shows for Michael Angelo Batio are now confirmed for the end of February. Check the Concerts/Clinics section for more info.

1st February 2004: I'm on a school residential trip to Wales for a week, so work will continue on the site on 14th February.

30th January 2004: New site menu graphics! The old ones looked naff to say the least, so I decided to re-do it. Also, this page is now linked on Midwest Entertainers (Michaels' Management Page), which is great as it should get some more traffic in this direction. The page will also be linked on soon. All of this is thanks to Deb Mikesch - you rock! Some minor corrections and additions to the discography and vidographies have been made. I know there are quite a few discs missing from the discography, I'll try and rectify that soon. To purchase any Michael-related CD you want, click on the picture at the bottom of the menu.

29th January 2004: Gigs page started and added. Not much there yet, but there will be soon. Also, a new Michael interview link has been added to the drop-down menu of outside links in the Stuff page. Check it out now!

29th January 2004: OK, here's what's happening with the site: I just joined the Michael Angelo Batio Street Team (click here to do the same!), and Michael’s agent Deb Mikesch has started to send me some up-to-date Michael news to post, meaning that the news on this site will now finally be new, rather than gathered from elsewhere! Also, some great new features are going to be added to this site very soon, so stay tuned!

In Michael news, he's done it again! Michael has been named one of the 100 best metal guitarists of all time by the March 2004 issue of Guitar World magazine. Michael has been honoured so much in the last 12 months! Michael also has several musical projects scheduled this year, hopefully including new material with Nitro singer Jim Gillette, information on these shall be released soon.

29th January 2004:Latest News: Michael will perform at the prestigious Wisconsin Area Music Industry Awards Show on April 26th 2004 at Northern Lights Theater, Potowatomi Casino, Milwaukee WI. WAMI is an organization dedicated to the education, support and recognition of area musicians from Chicago to Milwaukee. For more info on WAMI go to This is hot from the press, just released last night!

Some exciting stuff is happening with both Michael and this site at the moment, I'll be updating later to tell you all what's going on :)....

21st January 2004: The 'Double And Quadruple-neck Guitars' page has been added! Head to the stuff section now and read about these amazing looking guitars and how Michael made/plays them! Also, Michael has been performing at NAMM shows. Here's what the offical site ( has to say:

Michael recently performed at the NAMM show in California for Dean Guitars. He debuted his new Double-Guitar along with a brand new Double-Guitar solo that blew everyone in attendance away. Speaking of attendance, each show Michael performed was “packed to the rafters”. Dean Guitars ran out of Michael’s new poster by the middle of day two! Michael signed hundreds and hundreds of autographs at the show. We would like to thank everyone at Dean Guitars and everyone who came to see Michael perform. Michael also played in an all star jam at The Cat Club on Sunset in Hollywood. Michael performed, Drummer KC (from Nitro), Happenin’ Harry, Billy Sheehan, Richie Kotzen, Mike Duda from WASP and more were among the rock and roll celebrities that played.

One last note: Michael got to meet and chat with Creed guitarist Mark Tremonti at NAMM. Mark commented to Michael on how great it was that Michael got the No. 1 Shredder of all time award from Guitar One. Mark also told Michael that he saw Nitro on MTV’s Headbangers Ball when Michael played live on the program. Besides being an incredible guitarist Mark Tremonti is really “down to earth” and approachable.
Taken from

Toshi Iseda was also at the event. Toshi is a japanese shred genius, and Michael guested on his album 'Full On!'.

20th January 2004: While you can't see many updates, I guarentee that I've been working a lot 'behind the scenes' right now with cool new features for the site. You'll see the results soon, I promise. (In an annoying note, one of the things I've been working on has been a page with pics and info on all Michaels equipment. So, what do I find over at It's been done. Ah well... mine will have pics and info, and include all his equipment, not just the stuff he's using currently.)

In Michael news: the official site,, is getting very popular - 200,000 hits a month! If only I could pull that kinda traffic lol... also, Michael has a brand new Double Neck solo worked out. If you're going to one of his gigs soon, you're in for an amazing show.

10th January 2004: Happy new year folks! Sorry it's been a while since the last update, but I've been kinda busy what with my band, school etc etc.... Anyway, I'm trying to make more of an effort now, so there should be some new stuff on the site soon. In Michael-related news:

Gitaar Plus in the Netherlands has Michael on the cover this month. It also features a five-page interview with Michael that was conducted in November 2003 while he was in Holland. (Pics courtesy

Also, the streaming error with the Speed Lives video clip over at that I reported a while back has been fixed. Check it out now - it rules!

Finally, I have a new e-mail address. It will take me a while to change all the mail links around the site, so if you have anything to tell me, mail me here. More soon!

20th November 2003: To update on the earlier story about 'Guitar World' magazines 'Top 75 Must-Have Guitar DVD' list, here's what's been posted over at

Michael’s “Speed Kills” DVD has been named in the January 2004 issue of Guitar World Magazine one of the 75 all time best, must have guitar DVD’s. This is quite an honor because Michael’s peers voted him in. The Guitar World staff as well as artists like Korn, Zakk Wylde and KISS voted him in as well as artists like B.B. King, Ozzie, Pink Floyd, Steve Vai and more. Wow! This has been an incredible year for Michael Angelo Batio.

20th November 2003: has a video of the song 'No Boundaires', taken from Michaels performance for the intro of his new DVD 'Speed Lives', up in the 'MP3/Video' section. Head over there and download it now! Looks pretty cool, although I think there's something wrong with the streaming... it seems to screw up as it reaches 3:29. It happened on my home computer and two seperate ones at school, so I'll put it down to streaming error. Still worth downloading though.
Also, Michaels 'Speed Kills' DVD has been voted one of the top 75 guitar DVDs of all time in a must-have list in the January 2001 edition of 'Guitar World'! More on this soon....

16th November 2003: Great news! is taking advance orders for the new Michael Angelo instructional DVD/Video, Metal Methods 'Speed Lives'! Also available at Metal Methods' Site!

10th November 2003: Vidography added! Check it out, not much at the moment, but it's a work in progress. E-mail Me if you know of any others! Also, Nitro Page added in the Stuff list... umm, that's also a work in progress!

5th November 2003: OK, I've been a bit busy recently, haven't had time to work on the site. But I'm back now, and wasting more free periods at school updating the site :)

News from Michales Official Site:

“Speed Lives”, the new instructional DVD from Michael Angelo Batio produced by Doug Marks and Metal Method Productions will be available within the next few weeks! The DVD was filmed and edited at the Metal Method video sound stage and editing suite in Los Angeles. Michael has taken his song “No Boundaries” and broke it into 27 different parts to give you the ultimate lesson on chops and speed while learning one of Michael’s classic guitar instrumentals. The TAB is in a midi file, printed and on screen. Advance orders start soon over at Michaels Official Site and Metal Methods Site.
Michael’s new Double-Guitar called the “Mach VII Jet Double” designed by Dean Zelinsky for Dean Guitars and built by Mike Lipe in Southern California is being debuted in Europe in November. Quotes Michael, ”Dean built the very first Double-Guitar and this new one is the very best one I have ever owned!” To see the brand new “Mach VII Jet Double", click here.
2 fans traveled all the way from Cairo, Egypt, flying from Cairo to London, London to Montreal, then taking a train, than a bus to see Michael’s show in Jonquiere, Quebec, Canada! That is over 4,000 miles and 3 continents!!!!

16th October 2003: Stuff page started! Complete transcript of the Nitro MTV Headbangers Ball appearence added, plus video and audio downloads! More to be added soon I expect...

15th October 2003: OK, the discography is now finished for the time being. I'll work on it again soon, I promise, but there's info for all the albums I know of. More soon...

14th October 2003: Again, sorry this site hasn't been updated for ages... but I've got a double free period at school right now, so I'll try n get a bit done. Check back in about two hours (time now is 13:55) for some updates... OK, time is now 14:18, and the discography is started! Click the link and check it now... Right, Discography now kinda looking better... more tommorow hopefully...

News: Michael Angelo Batio invented the “Quad” guitar when he was in the band “Nitro”. The “Quad” was designed to be a visual, bigger than life, show stopping guitar. The new November 2003 issue of FHM magazine includes the front cover feature article titled “50 moments of Music Madness”. Michael, playing his “Quad” guitar is one of the top 50 coming in at no. 26! Other stars that made the list are The Beatles, Aerosmith, Kiss, Madonna, The Who, Pantera, The Eagles, The Cars, Black Sabbath, Creed, Bob Dylan, AC/DC and The Rolling Stones. (Taken from

04th August 2003: The ongoing work of this project continues! Todays updates: Go to the tabs page, there's a new tab, an alternative fingering for the neo-classical section of 'No Boundaires', and a transcript of all the answers Michaels given to fans questions regarding guitar so far on the MM Message Boards. It's a very interesting read, so head on over there now! A new logo for the bios page has also been added, and the request list has been updated at the Tabs page as well. I hope to get more done on the website over the next couple of days, so keep coming back!
In recent Michael news, the tour and clinics are still going great and satisfying all the crowds! Over 500 people attended a recent show in McAllen, Texas. Michaels official website,, has also given an update on the new CD for this year:

"Michael has been hard at work on a new ultra progessive, neo classical instrumental guitar CD. He promises to deliver his best work to date on this release. Expect the disc to ship in late fall 2003."

...can't wait :):)

29th June 2003: Woo, it's been a while lol. I haven't had much time to work on the site recently, what with my band and all the school stuff, but I finally managed an update. A new tab has been added to the tabs page, and the bio page has finally been done properly.
Michael news right now... Metal Method have released the new 'Speed Kills: Revisited DVD', which is the old Speed Kills lesson now on DVD, with an extra disc of Michael answering viewers questions. It's available at Metal Method's Site. Michael is also moderating a message board at Metal Method's Message Boards, so if you want to ask him any questions, the oppitunity is now!
Micheal has also said that his official site (which has seen a cool make-over),, is going to have a video of him playing the North American National Anthem at a Baseball Game on the 6 month anniversery of Sept 11th posted very soon.
The Michael Angelo/Dean Guitars tour is going great! Head over to Michaels official site to see a list of all the dates of his shows and guitar clinics.

27th April 2003: Tabs page added! Yes, the page all you budding shredders have been waiting for is finally here! Who said the art of shred guitar is dead? There are only a few tabs there right now, but please feel free to request some or donate one if you know how to play one of Michaels masterpieces not listed. The bio section has also been started, but it's not yet finished...

In recent Angelo related news, M.A.C.E Music, Michaels record company, have announced there will be 3 CD's and a DVD from Michael this spring. Also, more gigs from Michaels band Holland have been announced, I'll try to add them soon. Michael has also been voted the number one shredder of all time in Guitar One Magazine (dated April 2003). Others in the top ten included Buckethead, Yngwie Malmsteen, Chris Impelliterri, and The Great Kat. However, Michael came out on top. You can see a scan of the article by clicking here.

© Copywrite all images to their original owners. All content © Copyright Doug Cartwright 2003-2004 unless otherwise marked.