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the tortured: original official (

the original official site made by Dave, the man, the legend

Alternative Manchester online community I know some of the guys on admin, this site is a really good idea so fucking join

force mage advocate (

George's band... they're "highly ambitious prog-death metal" in the words of the drummer himself

"Hardass Metal" any band with the slogan "when all else fails, go to the pub" should be respected

really great guys, I missed them at Satan's cause I had to get a bus home but they had the right attitude they supported everyone so everyone should support them... after all we are all in the same boat...


Derek uses a Schecter Diamond Series Deluxe 4 with EMG electronics,  a Zoom effects pedal 506 and a Trace Elliot 300 watt amp.


our favorite links

my favorite band, check this or die


long live AMEN

fuck yes... horror hardcore punk, lost its way without Danzig... but still rock harder than an old folks home on steroids



Damien Echols was given death for the Robin Hood hills murders; his 2 “associates” were given life without parole. Convicted on the circumstantial evidence of the way they dressed and that they listened to heavy metal music, also on the “confession” of Jessie Misskelley with an IQ of 72, his interview was not consented to by his parents going against his rights and suffers many flaws and changes (and much prompting by the police), it could be seen that the confession was forced. The community of West Michigan is deeply set in fundamental Christianity and still believes in a literal devil, the murders were seen as satanic rituals, and supposed Satanist Damien (who at the time was a practicing catholic) singled out and tedious links created to convict him and his “friends”.

other sites related to the West Memphis 3 case

court TV

why the West Memphis 3 are waiting to die

there's a lot more out there, the court TV one rocks for the interpretation of the conviction and case, the "why the west Memphis 3 are waiting to die" is the story of a friend of supposed ring leader Damien Echols. The case was a miscarriage of Justice and in America those cost lives.

on another note... I cant find any sites where Christian fundamentalism is so rife they condemn these men, I'd like to see the other side of the story and make a judgment.

this case may only affect America... but I thought it was interesting, thought it would be nice for other people to widen their scope a bit and look at something which though not affecting "us" is still a big thing... I'm sick of this trend of self interest were people only take an interest if it affects them.


only free when we elect, this is our only choice... then we are enslaved

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