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Dieing Eyes - lyrics: Buchan

When I look into your dieing eyes

I see a part of myself

When I see your soul depart

I feel myself letting go


Now I feel myself slipping in

Between a rock and this hard place

I can still feel your soothing breathe

Flowing through my poisoned veins


And I’m not sure how it happened

Why you fell away from me

I can still sense your presence

Still sense your hypocrisy


Finally I cross your fresh hold

Looking at who I once knew

Falling down onto my knees

I cry for your thoughtless greed


I can’t sleep I see your face

I can’t eat since my fall from grace

Look at myself and I’m wasting away and I think of how things used to be!


Sit here in my tiny room

Four walls closing in

Dazzled by simplicity and my own eagerness to please


Walking roads in my mind

These walls only get much closer

A friend in need is a friend in deed

But in this war only I bleed


My PAIN - lyrics: Carley

You won’t take it away from me

Now I know what I want to be

You will never take it away

Now I got it you’ll never see



My pain will last forever



Yours will last for days

You think you’re something special

That is why you’ll never see…


Why do you demand for this pain to last?

Don’t you know how I feel?

You went and took it all away

And now its time for me to retrieve




Sit here in my hazy bubble feeling my loss inside

One day I will return again and take back what is mine




Nothing To Offer - lyrics: Taylor

We have no message to send

So go out and tell all your friends

A generation nothing to say

This world has turned to decay



We’ve got nothing to offer

Because we’ve got nothing to do

You need a different person to satisfy you


I’m a useless life to you

Rule by consent oh please do

Take up arms too offend

With money on defense that we must spend


Freedom fighters give us truth

Mass destruction, show me proof

You had no right

Now we have no right but violence and destruction




It's desperate times to match the measure

It’s time to rot for richer pleasure


Clean the junk from the system

I won’t be a slave to you!

Clean the junk from the system

I won’t be a slave to you!




We have no message to send

So go out and tell all your friends

A generation nothing to say

This world has turned to decay

We have no message to send


Tortured Artist - lyrics: Taylor

Tortured artist if you think you're an artist then I’m going to torture you

Tortured artist is you think you’re an artist I’m coming after you


You think you know pain

This isn’t a game

This is a lesson I’ll show you


All you now is a lie

And you know it’s a lie

You just got to try to forget it



Take you to hell

And I‘ll rip you down

Give you another reason to frown


Wish it all away

Happy dieing day

Let all debts be paid


Tortured artist if you think you're an artist then I’m going to torture you

Tortured artist is you think you’re an artist I’m coming after you


Take you to hell

And I‘ll rip you down

Give you another reason to frown


Wish it all away

Happy dieing day

Let all debts be pain


Tortured artist if you think you're an artist then I’m going to torture you

Tortured artist is you think you’re an artist I’m coming after you



Disturbing Me - lyrics: Taylor

Your attitude disturbs me

I don’t think you know me at all

Years lost in the void

Now begins my fall


So sure you’re right

You sit in judgment of me

Your fallen son

I give you my spite


I hate you nothing you can do

I’m forever lost to you


In the end you’ll be alone

No heir to your thrown

No type of person could love you

But what can you do?


Lost everyone

They all left

Is it lonely to be you?

Do you like this aching in your chest?


I hate you nothing you can do

I’m forever lost to you


You hollow, bitter man

Still sit in judgment of me

I may be from you

But I’ll always be your better


I will show you

I am nothing like you

I will show you I am nothing like you


Blood ties

Water’s thinner

Blood ties getting thinner


Left alone you were never there

Left alone

Why didn’t you care?


I am loved

You are nothing

You are nothing so you are hated


Whirlpool Of Sorrow - lyrics: Taylor

I feel like I’m lost

Lost in a whirlpool of sorrow

Lost and destructive

Lost in a whirlpool of sorrow


What do you know of how I feel?

You’re not here you’re not me

Cut your wrists you think you suffer


Well its all nothing

They were never there

It all drops away


Into the whirlpool of sorrow


I feel alone

Alone with all my sorrow

Sick and tired

Alone with all my sorrow


Sick of sick

Tired of being tired

Being bored takes all my energy away


Give me my rights

I have the right to speak

The right to be free, a right to be me


Everyday try to be happy

The effort is too much

I want to feel again

To touch


The Nothing - lyrics: Taylor

Walking alone an empty vessel with no knowledge


“Am I forgotten?” Whispered into the nothing

It never answers but with passage of time


Wisdom isn’t for the ignorant                                      x4


All those years ago the nothing loved me

It’s not there

It’s not fair

I’m nothing to it now

I was never even there


I was the first and this is the last time I cry over nothing


The one forgotten son grown older more ready for this

The nothing calls and I reject it


You’re nothing to me now

Nothing to me now

Nothing to me anymore


You were never there for me

You weren’t there for us

You were never there for me

You were never there


Nothing you’re nothing

That is what you are

Everything is gone


The nothing from nowhere that is who you are

I don’t need you anymore


Selfless In Your Own Needs - lyrics: Taylor

Happiness so hard to grasp

I’ve got nothing please don't ask

Hold your hand out

I’ve just got nothing to give


Don ask me for anything

I need it all for my self

I’m too useless to be any help


I see you fall

Watch me weep

Slow death in the act of life

Everyone needs to be happy


Don ask me for anything

I need it all for my self

I’m too useless to be any help


You can fool some people some times

All the people all the time is too much effort

I don’t think I have the energy


You won’t get anything from me

Don’t forget your place

I wish you were out of my face

Stop bringing me back down


Don ask me for anything

I need it all for myself

I’m too useless to be any help


I couldn’t give you anything

I tried to help once

But you’re just bringing me down


As I stand here I can feel you decay

My insides rot at the thought

Am I such a bad person?


Never think about yourself

It closes you off from the world

Learn from those who hate


Happiness so hard to grasp

I’ve got nothing please don ask

Hold your hand out

I’ve just got nothing to give


My Love - lyrics: Taylor

My love

Look at me like you hate me again

Cause it makes me feel real


My love

Look at me like you hate me again

Cause it makes me feel real


You can stamp me down

You can abuse me some more


You can stamp me down

You can abuse me some more


My love

Tell me what to do

I don’t want to be real


My love

Tell me what to do

I don’t want to be real


You can stamp me down

Abuse me some more


You can stamp me down

Please abuse me...


I guess I’m always wrong

I guess you’re always right

But I just want to be happy

I don’t want to fight


Just treat me right

Just treat me right

I don’t ever want to fight


Just treat me right

Just treat me right

I don’t ever want to fight


I'm not wrong

You're not right

Don’t put me down

Don’t make me fight


I’m not happy                                        repeat


Bring out your Dead - lyrics: Taylor


They'll walk the streets of this town saying "Bring out your dead"




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