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The Engagement


Who asked who?


The ring



Who asked who?

The mystery question remains.
All that we know for sure is that Sanet had to walk a long way across a pebbled beach to ask (or be asked) that most important question..

Will you marry me?


The Ring

Otto made sure that the poor guy who was to marry his daughter had guts. He was therefore submitted to a few tests:

bulletHe was introduced to the family. (Anybody who can survive them can marry the girl...)
bulletHe had to buy a diamond (which was bought when Sanet was born) from Otto to be set in a ring.


Shani, Sanet's sister, had the difficult task of having to set the ring in a style that her sister could live with (and we all know how picky she is...) It took quite a few e-mails before the spell (ring) was cast and we understand that Eugene did produce the ring at the appropriate moment when Sanet asked him (or was it the other way round?) to marry her (him).

But the story  does not end there. Shortly afterwards she started itching (on her finger) and it turned out that she was allergic to her ring. We do not know what Eugene has done to make the itch disappear, all we know is that she is wearing the ring constantly!


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Website created by Maggie Verster
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