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(Continued from part VI)

with such force, it hit the ogre on the other side of the room. The ogre shrugged off the injury and advanced on the heroes. They unleashed a devastating barrage of missile fire and spells which brought the ogre to his knees until he could take no more. He toppled to the floor like a tree in a thunderstorm. The heroes decided to go through the double doors opposite while the orcs were still distracted.
The doors opened into large, well furnished room. A raised dais was at the far end with two lit incense burners on either side of it. A throne sat in the center of the dais, and there were two doors on either side. A robed figure sat upon that throne whom the adventurers instantly recognized as Xortan Throg.
"Welcome to my tower, goodly fools! I trust you have enjoyed your visit thus far. I hope you enjoyed the entertainment. I apologize for that, but I thought I should just explain this little scheme before you die!" he exclaimed. At that point Prince Barinjhar entered the room via one of the doors on either side of the evil sorcerer.
"Father was right when he said he was hiring the best adventurers in all Allansia. Your famed abilities will do you little good here. I simply cannot allow Princess Sarissa to be rescued. Were this marriage to go ahead, it would not be very long before Chalice would be full of 'advisors' from Salamonis. We would be nothing more than a puppet of that vile city. I have no intention of allowing that to happen, so I made a deal with my learned friend here. Naturally, we had to make a show of rescuing the poor girl, but when the best adventurers in Allansia had tried and failed, it would be clear that nothing more could be done for her. You will understand that I simply cannot allow you

(Continued in part VIII)

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They unleashed a devastating barrage of missile fire and spells which brought the ogre to his knees...

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