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(Continued from part V)

of fire, he felt no heat. He theorized that this could be an illusion, although such an illusion would require a tremendous amount of energy to maintain. He walked toward the fireball with immense trepidation but when he stepped into it, his theory was proved correct. The passage ended in another stairway.
Another door in the side of the passage and again this one was locked. When the door was opened, the room was revealed to contain a lizard as large as a horse. The lizard wore a saddle on it's back. Delvar climbed upon it's back and was firm with it just as one would be with any trained mount. Delvar riding his new lizard, the party proceeded to the end of the passage and up the steps. the corridor ended in a doorway.
Delvar dismounted before the party entered the room. A large table lay in the center of the room, with six orcs crowded round it, who appeared to be playing dice. An ogre sat in an armchair who was chewing on something that could have quite possibly been a goblin. The ogre began to speak in a deep, guttural voice,
"Huh, yer took yer time, didn't yer? I 'ope yoo ain't 'urt none of the master's pets, or we might just 'ave to take yoo alive, which won't be nice for yoo at all. No 'twon't, not nice at all." At this, the orcs stood and unsheathed their swords and advanced upon the heroes. Mordo began the battle by casting a grand spell of deception and illusion. This spell forced the orcs to believe that each other were human adventurers, thus they began to attack each other. The ogre grew angry at this trick and stood to pick up the table and throw it at the party. Just as the table was about to make an impact on Falkor's face, he unleashed a devastating force bolt at the table, hitting it

(Continued in part VII)

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he unleashed a devastating force bolt at the table...

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