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(Continued from part II)

sive stance. A goblin slashed at his feet, but Deadeye was too quick. He leapt up into the air, landing on the goblin's crude weaponry and utilizing it as a springboard. Performing a stunning display of aerial acrobatics, he curled himself into a ball while keeping a firm grasp of his weapon. The goblin was dumbfounded at Deadeye's skill and thus was too slow to react to the dagger penetrating his skull. Deadeye landed deftly in a crouching position as he put his dagger away. The remaining goblins routed, and scampered back to the holes from whence they came.
The overly-cautious adventurers proceeded to the far end of the cavern and ventured up a set of chiseled, stone steps, into the passageway beyond. The floor of the long passageway was covered in flagstones. Deadeye noticed a small slit in the ceiling, and realized only too late that it was a trap. A portcullis thundered down from the slit in the ceiling  after being set off by someone treading on a loose flagstone. Deadeye, Delvar and Falkor simultaneously dived under the portcullis as it came crashing down on the floor where they had stood only moments earlier, making a resounding clash and leaving half the party stranded on the other side.
"Leave this to me!" Mordo exclaimed over confidently. He began to utter the same magic words to the spell of flame he used on the goblin earlier. Falkor and Delvar were helpless on the other side, but Deadeye instinctively dived to the ground as a bolt of roaring flame passed above him. The portcullis was charred but otherwise just as strong as it was before. Delvar and Falkor had suffered burns and Deadeye had no injuries save a few singed backhairs. Delvar thrust his sword through the portcullis

(Continued in part IV)

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was too slow to react to the dagger penetrating his skull...

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