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(Continued from part III)

menacingly at Mordo as a signal of his anger.
Blade grunted in their direction and in an amazing feat of strength, he lifted the portcullis single-handed. Grim crawled through with ease but it took a large amount of persuasion to get Mordo through. Everyone save Blade lifted the portcullis to allow him through and allow their adventure to continue. The passage ended abruptly in another stone stairway, which lead into another passageway. Approximately halfway down the passageway were two doors, one set on either side. Both doors were locked, thus Deadeye began to pick the lock. Approximately two minutes later, he heard a satisfying click and the sound of tumblers moving. The enigmatic Blade gave the other door a hefty kick. The wood splintered as the hinges gave way. Both doors led to small rooms which contained prisoners. These prisoners looked like they were once human, but no longer. Xortan Throg had obviously used them in his sorcerous experiments. The heroes set them free, but their mental state was far from comprehensible. The prisoners were able to only respond to the heroes in gibberish. Thus the adventurers took their leave of them. The heroes ventured ever onward and up another stairway into another corridor.
Mordo, who was at the front of the party formation stopped dead in his tracks, horrified at what he saw. A pair of magically animated stone hands in the wall wielding colossal scimitars. Anyone who would walk down the corridor would be cut in two. Mordo, for lack of ideas, attempted to dodge the blades, but alas, his timing was poor. His failure gave him severe gashes across his belly, but he was alive. Delvar also attempted to dodge the blades, but he was more successful. Diving

(Continued in part V)

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the other door a hefty kick. The wood splintered as the hinges gave way...

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