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(Continued from part IV)

over one blade and rolling under another, he made it safely to the other side. Deadeye gripped the wall and began to climb above the blades and managed to kick one out of the hand that held it. Blade drew a crossbow from his pack and cocked it. A bolt flew from the crossbow, and Blade's aim was true. The second sword was dislodged, allowing the remaining members of the party to pass in safety.
Up the next steps and into the next corridor, there was a door set into the side. It was locked and barred from the outside, suggesting that it was designed to keep something in.  Mordo unlocked and opened the door, and to his horror, disbelief and amazement, a griffin stared back at him. It reared up on it's hind legs and charged him. He began to beat a hasty retreat, but the mythological creature was upon him. It was about to strike him down, but it's talon was being held in mid-air by Delvar's parry.  Grim Longbeard and Blade rushed the creature, while Deadeye hid in order to obtain a better position to lodge his dagger in the griffin's back. Mordo and Falkor stayed out of their way to cast spells. The griffin finally fell to the mighty blow of Grim Longbeard, who decapitated the creature. After some healing spells, the party went up the stairs and into another corridor.
Grim strode confidently round the corner, his hand resting on the hilt of his battle axe. He espied a colossal ball of magical flame roaring toward him. He ran back the way he came, shouting dwarven curses all the while. He warned the others of what he had seen. Mordo poked his head round the corner to see if it was safe, but he too saw the roaring ball of flame. He thought it odd that despite the ball

(Continued in part VI)

It reared up on it's hind legs and charged him. He began to beat a hasty retreat, but the mythological creature was upon him...

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