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Lessons Learned

A poem seeps out as simmerin stew
of lessons learned , there's quite a few:
for buying wings, which is a chore,
of Dragon's breath and so much more.

I loved that simple roller ride,
and bounccing spiders did collide.
Oh, there's so much to see and do,
the Cloud Cafe is up there too.

When newbee's learn of what is "here",
they tend to give a simple cheer,
so show them all around the space,
tell them of your favorite place.

As those who help, must get a smile,
we stumble, fumble for awhile,
or we shout instead of call,
as we bump into that wall.

Yet they invest their time,
(and help keep down the slime),
But we'll grow up, and it will show;
by giving the "young" a chance to grow.

The "old one's" time, they do invest,
But as we learn, it's from the "best",
Our caliber will raise,
with all your help and prase.

As time goes buy, you'll see the move,
So many things, shall "just improve".
Just keep waiting, soon you'll see'
What I say will come to be.

"This friendly place will allways be
A tranquil place for you and me.
Furcadia will stay-
A friendly place to play."

By Stuttercat

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