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FURRE! Your Furcadian Network
stories  •  poems  •  contests  •  feature writer  •  submit
Welcome to FURRE! Literature
FURRE! is an important part of Furcadia's growing abundance of literature. In this Literature section, you can get stories, poems, contests, all online!

Weekly Story
This is a story written by YOU! Email us your version of what should happen next, and if your entry is chosen, we'll put up your chapter!

 Featured Author

Stories Poems
Coming Soon Completely
Coming Soon Lonesome
Coming Soon When
Coming Soon Lessons Learned
Coming Soon My Praise...
Coming Soon Newbee Poem
Coming Soon Coming Soon
Coming Soon Coming Soon
Coming Soon Coming Soon
I'm looking for

Emerald Flame & Felorin Poetry Contest

Furry Banner ExchangeFurry Banner Exchange

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