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Submit a letter to the editor.

Letters to the editor:

Dear Editor,

The site layout looks great. But when I look around, there is almost no actual content. I submitted several URLs months ago and they were never posted, it looks like most of the site is either brand new or was left for dead. What's the deal?

Dear Jagu,

You are right... a lot of the site has been left empty so that I can add to them when I get the chance. What I am really looking for is devoted furres to help us fill the space with content. I myself could not possibly keep all the sections up-to-date and provide changing content and news - though I'm going to try again! For a couple months I have left the site unupdated simply because I did not have anytime to work on it. I now have freed up some of my time and have started the process of completing the site. I encourage you to send in more content - I believe I still have your original messages and your content will be some of the first to be added. I hope you keep on checking the site again for updates - and maybe even become apart of our staff if you desire. I hope I don't dissapoint you with what is to come. Our first order of business will be adding a weekly roleplay section, an art gallery, and create a massive dream, patch and software database. Thanks for the feedback!

Dear Editor,

I have been on Furcadia for quite some time, and RolePlay seems to be one of the biggest things in it, BUT, I am seeing more and more people, that are just plain a**holes OOC. I mean, its just a game, and some people don't know where to draw the line. I mean, I just went on a little while ago and walked into a slavers dream, said Hello to someone I knew well and almost instantly, some newbie walked up and in brackets started insulting me. I know some people who have left Furcadia because of the harassment, people are snobby, inconsiderate, however not all furres are that way, and Furcadia is still fun, I think it just needs a bit more enforcement...

Dear Editor,

I've seen the rabbit avatar for myself, and it looks pretty promising. But due to some of the animations, my brothers made quite a few jokes about it. For example, my little brother went into Talz' dream, and he said that it looked like he was wearing a red bra. So, Talz might wanna fix this "Bra" and make it into more of a shirt. But other than that, I like it quite a bit.
Iceo Sliver

Dear Editor,

I think the new wings for furc. are ugly, please dont stop selling the normal ones!
Letter refers to: Talzhemir's Interview

Dear Editor,

Pigeon wings! Pigeon wings indeed, what if we like our pigeon wings? And another thing, will those who purchased eternal wings have refunds? I think they should because you didn't follow through with your contract of giving them eternal pigeon wings. And because no one will probably ever read this complaint, I suppose I'll have to organize some sort of civil disobedience. Look forward to that.
Skuld Morisato
Letter refers to: Talzhemir's Interview

Dear Editor,

Ok, so i am pretty new in Furcadia, but i have to say, it is pretty good. Of course, there are a few little glitches that i can bitch about, but that's not what i'm writing about. I am writing to say, that these are computer PIXELS, and people are actually paying for them? If these people wo made furcadia can not make it on their own, shouldn't they get a loan? Why depend on us. was a good rpg, until it started depending on US to pay for it. I think not people, wings and dragons are cool, but think about everything that they can do to your computer. Who's to say that someday they might want to start charging $100 for a pair of wings? Would you splurge on that? Think about the things in life you REALLY need, instead of the things you just WANT.

We welcome your comments and concerns. FURRE! staff are ready to respond quickly to e-mail received from our users. So let us know what's on your mind. If you can't find the answer in our Frequently Asked Questions or Help Page, use the form below and email your feedback directly to the FURRE! Network.

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FURRE! Your Furcadian Network

Website created by Bravecat.
We welcome your feedback.