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Newbee Poem

by Stuttercat

While surfin the net one day
looking for some place to play
some place with peace & quiet
somewhere where I don't buy it.

I stumbled on this tiny place
where kind furries are the race
my download won't do it's deal
yet I read about with zeal.

Though I've never been inside
I know someday that I'll reside
Watership Down & Hobbit too
the Idea just calls to you.

In the paper through and through
at the sites I gain anew
respect for what it should be
I know I'll like what I see.

I know newbees in the place
live and learn and help the race.
Others come to hurt & pain,
can the kindness be regain?

I say yes, by entering in
kindly people as begin.
Kind beat rude 2 out of 3,
patience brings tranquility.

Is Furcadia along
with the founders tranqquil song?
I hope that I'm not too late
I wonder what does await.

Is the slinging mud too deep,
do the furries oust the "creep"?
does kindness show on furried face,
for enterance to that peacefull place?

Oh, I hope that this will be
that one place for likes of me.
Soon I'll know and enter in...
else I'll go and search again.

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