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My Praise unto a Noble Steed,
and a Rogue whose Wise Indeed!

by Stuttercat

All who are within my sound
listen up and gather round,
I have a tale to share with you,
and some praise to dispence too.

For some of us Furcadia's new,
yet there is a place we gather to,
where helpfullness goes all around,
and wisdom seems to just abound.

With all there is to see and do,
and many friends that you meet too,
As you may know, the Beekins form,
that calm eye, within the storm.

I had a problem, be bug or hex,
Oh to me it did perplex!
Fifteen minuits, I went about:
then my computer would lock me out!

Twenty minuts I might clock,
If I sat still, and did not talk.
Oh, but what a boring, way to play
Like a statue, some would say.

I was sad, and hurtfull too,
I didn't know what else to do...
Holding back a forlorn wail...
I felt that I, just chaised my tail!

To the library I did go,
Hoping someone else might know,
how to fix my error's wagon
Thats where I met a horse and dragon!

Simon Potter, I'm glad that he,
and Silver Rogue was there for me.
They asked me questions, not a few,
trying to figure what to do.

Through many times, as I popped out,
they did not quit, brave hearts were stout!
We tried alot... IT didn't care
through 3 downloads, IT stayed right there!

Then, after most the evening's gone,
Simon asked "What's your colors on?"
Now that ajust, just did the trick!
I stayed on! It was a Kick!

The three of us did laugh and joke,
I realy was a happy bloke.
I wanted to jump, dance and play,
I realy didn't know just what to say...

Just a thank you, don't seem right,
they worked so hard to fix my plight.
then I had it, just what to do!
I'd sing this song, to all of you!

To the Beekin's, a toast I'll raise...
All those wise and kind, I'll praise!
To Simon and Silver , I want to say,
You're the best! in this small way.

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