Session 40

Darcie: *jumps as a drop of water hits her head. looks up in time to see the ceiling let loose a deluge* *dissappears into the tunnel of wather falling from the ceiling* *the water stops falling, and Dylana stands there dripping, looking rather annoyed*


Session 41

Dustin: *You see a calm scene of a desert in evening. Cacti, tumbleweeds rolling across the sunset* *Just as you're getting comfortable with the scenery, you hear a distant rumbling noise- just perceptable.*
Darcie: how did i see that coming...
Dustin: *It gets louder, louder, louder...then you see a small fissure appear on the parched earth*
Darcie: *dives into a pool of opaque blue green liquid, gets out, dries off, is dy*
Dustin: *The shaking grows heavier and heavier and suddenly the fissure rips open and becomes a giant earthquake chasm. Chet jumps out of it and walks calmly into the sunset*


Session 42

Dustin: *you see an unfurnished white room, diffused with almost blinding light that seems to come from all directions*
Darcie: hmmm... okay, homage to 80's horror
Dustin: *suddenly, in the middle of your field of vision, a rather large beanbag chair seems to drop from the sky, making a loud PLOP when it lands* *The beanbag is motionless for several minutes, then it seems to quiver. The quivering intensifies, as if something is trapped inside, trying to get out*
Darcie: *looks at calendar* *gets that cheesy scared chick look* *runs out of the room screaming*
Dustin: *You then hear the sound of leather being torn and see the glint of a blade prodruding from the center of the beanbag*
Darcie: *runs back into the room, pursued by some dude with a hockey mask and machete*
Dustin: *The blade continues to prodrude from the bag, accompanied by more ripping sounds* *The hole in the bag widens until suddenly the blade is withdrawn and a pair of red-and-blue-trouser-clad legs poke out*
Darcie: *scream* *run* blahblahblah *slips on something, well, slippery* *falls, much more screaming* *slashslashslash* -- faux bloody corpse.
Dustin: *The legs and the beanbag stand up straight and chet removes the bag from his head and torso, in a shower of styrofoam beads*
Darcie: ok... switching gears- homage to Danny-- *masked character takes off mask, is Dy*


Session 44

Dustin: *you see a small hamster-like creature scuttling around a charming woodland area, rooting up small mushrooms and being fuzzy and cute*
Darcie: oh gods. and chet steps on it...
Dustin: *while it is digging up a particularly suculent looking truffle, a large red-and-blue insect alights on a nearby leaf*
Darcie: *watches dust chetize*
Dustin: *the insect hunkers down and vibrates it does so, a number of red-and-blue objects ooze from its abdomen. they fall to the ground, under the leaf and uncurl into rather puffy, red-and-blue banded larvae. The grubs immediately begin inching toward the furry animal*
GM: LOL oh jeez. not another furry animal splat... *shakes head* more things die in the first five minutes of some sessions than in the following two hours...
Darcie: A catepillar perching on mushrooms is blowing blue and green smoke from a hooka.
Dustin: *As the insect flies away, the larvae surround the furry rodent, which is far too busy eating to notice...they come close, closer, closer...then as one, they leap toward it and burrow into its flesh*
Darcie: Dy walks onto the screen, looks at him, and walks off, muttering something about the wrong damn shadow, into the hallway in castle amber and proceeds with her conversation
Dustin: *All is calm for a few minutes, then the furry animal is wracked by full-body spasms and you can perceive movement under its skin that cannot be attributed to any musculature...the animal gives one brief shriek and then falls silent. The carcass of the rodent seems to shrug itself from within and then begins to stretch into an obscenely large allegory of itself. It continues stretching until it resembles a large, furry, also writhes and twitches violently. Then, without warning a large dagger blade prodrudes through the skin*
Darcie: where have i seen this before?
Dustin: *The blade moves quickly downward, splitting the fur and a very slimy chetwin emerges*
Darcie: dust, have you been watching too much forensic tv? there've been an awful lot of bodybags lately
GM: i'm tellin' ya... the mortality rate is obscenely high around here sometimes...
Darcie: even more chet emerging from things.
Dustin: No...I was watching scientific american frontiers. They had a thing about a fly that has grubs that burrow into crickets and mature inside.
Darcie: Gotta be some freudian/jungian birth psychosis.
GM: hey, yeah... chet emerging from containers... *will not analyze that... mostly because i'm bad at it...*
Dustin: And chet has issues regarding the womb. He seems to have a desire to perform his own C-section
Darcie: you should get that looked at before it festers
Dustin: (already typing that before your freud comment)
GM: as we all three come to the same conclusion at the same time...


Session 45

Dustin: *You see a blue sky with high, wispy cirrus clouds in it. Way over near the horizon, you catch a glimpse of the sun reflecting off of an aircraft...* *The aircraft moves across the sky, becoming more clearly visible as it nears the think you can see vapor trails behind it. One is red, the other is blue.* *Just as the plane is passing between you and the sun, you discern a small object dropping from it* *the object stays in freefall for a full minute, then a red-and-blue parachute blossoms open* *the parachuted figure drifts slowly to the ground...until you can see that it is not one figure, but a small cluster of figures attached to one chute* *the bundle hits the ground and seems to burst open. Small, red fuzzy figures begin scurrying about the general area, pulling entrenching tools and spades from packs on their backs. They work feverishly for what can only be about 45 which point a rough airstrip has taken shape* *Then you hear a loud whining, roaring noise and the airplane, which you had not been watching touches down on the runway, sucking several of the fleeing fuzzy guys into its engines* *Chet opens the pilots window and yells: "Ok. The rest of you get a raise." *


Session 47

Dustin: *You see a totally empty asphalt road. It looks a bit cracked from persistant heat. It is also spangled with many, many potholes.* *You see chet ambling along the road, on foot. He looks kinda peeved. Suddenly, his foot finds its way into a particularly large and jagged-edged pothole. There is a look of consternation on Chet's face...* *You then hear a rather disturbing POP-WHOOOSHHHHHH!*
Dustin has left the room.
Darcie: that was dramatic. not sure it was quite what he had in mind...
GM: LOL nor am i. i presume he'll return momentarily
Dustin has entered the room.
Dustin: Ok. Continuation of chet-ing...after the computer-spaz.
Dustin: *You hear a disturbing POP-WHOOOSH!!! sound...*
Darcie: that was a well-timed pop-whoosh, btw. Nicely done
Dustin: *Even more alarmingnly, you then bear shocked witness to chet deflating...the whooshing noise continues until it appears that all the air has come out of chet* *The deflated chet-balloon simply lies there for a while, then a brigade of red fuzzy guys in overalls comes over the horizon. They bear a large device similar to a bicycle pump* *the lead red-fuzzy inserts the pump nozzle somwhere in the deflated chet-bag and the others commence pumping furiously. Chet reflates almost as quickly as he deflated* *As soon as he finishes inflating, chet removes the nozzle, nods at his lackeys and moves on down the road*


Session 49

Chetwin: *You hear the sound of a jet engine cutting across the sky. Soon, you see a small crate falling from the sky on a parachute.* *The crate lands next to a rather obscenely large pink earthworm in a steel pot helmet* *The worm squeaks with approval and squelches itself over to the crate. As soon as it touches the crate, it explodes in a shower of red and blue napalm. The worm is burned to a screeching, writhing crisp.* *The shards of the crate seem to shrug themselves and then chet picks himself up from the debris, dusts off his shoulders and lapels, steps over the charred worm and walks off.*
Yes, he's definitely been playing too much Worms 2...

Dylana: *sits in the middle of the room, starts meditating* ooooommmmmmm oooommmmm *starts floating* *the machinery making the clear bit of glass I'm sitting on rise starts smoking* *coughcoughhacksneeze* *about five minutes of the hack-sneeze-cough routine... the smoke clears.* *is dylana*
