Out Of Her Shadow |
*Out of Her Shadow*
Chapter Eight “I miss you so much, baby. When are you coming home?” Luis pouted into his end of the phone. Serenity could almost see the puppy dog eyes he was giving her from across the Atlantic. “It’s so lonely here.” “I know, sweetheart,” Serenity tried to placate him as she finished folding a few more shirts to pack away. The majority of her apartment was now in boxes. For the last six weeks she had been in Paris trying to get her affairs in order for her final move to Harmony. The first thing she had done was set up a new management for her restaurants, which included putting her most trustworthy men and women in positions of authority. After that, she had a two-week process of preparing D’Artigny Inc for its new American office in Boston. She had considered selling to a competitor, but decided otherwise when she thought of her deceased benefactor. Finally, she had to dismiss her entire staff at the house and pack for her own move, which was not as easy as it seemed. The entire process took her from mid-September until late October. “I miss you too, very much. I warned you this was going to be a long trip, Luis. I had a lot to accomplish here before I could finally settle down there.” “But did it really have to take six weeks?” he sighed heavily. He didn’t understand how he could miss her so much. “You don’t know how hard this has been for me, Serenity. I didn’t think I’d miss you this much but I realized we’ve spent an awful lot of time together and I did a lot of sleeping in your spare room. It’s almost as if we were married and not just dating.” She laughed, motioning for Marie to leave her tea on the nightstand. She had decided to charter a plane straight into Harmony’s smaller airport so her belongings would be with her. She was going to be met with the car she had purchased before she left as well as a moving truck. “I told you to come with me, Luis, but you couldn’t get the time off. You know I had the two restaurants that needed new management, D’Artigny Inc to prepare for the new branch that’s opening, and my home to pack up. It was no small feat. Had I not had my staff’s assistance until today it might have taken me another six weeks to complete.” “Don’t even joke like that, baby. I miss you enough without thinking of you trapped there in that lonely apartment without me for another month and a half. I’ve been totally miserable.” “Then let’s talk about something more neutral, shall we? How does the new house look? I can’t believe Theresa managed to have it built so soon for your mother and Miguel!” “It’s actually not bad,” Luis replied. “Theresa had a few rooms added onto it for my mother’s sake, but they weren’t necessary really. Paloma’s decided to come home and finish high school here now that Mama has so much extra space and money. Antonio’s completely moved in with Sheridan and Theresa’s decided to stay at the mansion still, so it’s just Mama and Miguel right now.” “Please don’t tell me you’ve been living at the Bed and Breakfast all this time. The house has been completed for almost two weeks now, hasn’t it?” “Yea, but I decided not to move back in there,” Luis walked to the window of Serenity’s living room. “Since I was house sitting I’ve moved most of my stuff into the guest bedroom. I have stuff at Mama’s, mind you, but the bags I had at the B and B are here now.” “Well they can stay there for as long as you like, Luis, you know that. You practically live there anyway.” She smiled at the thought of always having him around. “I’m returning tomorrow and I should be back in Harmony about noon. Last time we spoke you mentioned something about Halloween. Did you already decide on our costumes and the plans for the evening?” “Considering your lack of Halloween expertise I thought you might enjoy a haunted house at your place. The kids can come through and we can be dressed in our costumes, which I still refuse to tell you, and then we can scare them and give them treats. We’ve done it before at the Youth Center and it was always a hit.” “Well, I think it sounds like a wonderful idea and I have something to ask you when I finally come back home. It’s something I want to do in person so I won’t ask now,” she looked at the clock and noted the late hour. “It’s getting late, sweetheart, and I need to get some sleep. What time can I expect you at my house?” “I have the day off so I was thinking of spending the night here and waiting for you to get back. Do you mind? I can always crash at my mother’s instead.” “Not at all. I told you to make yourself at home there, Luis, and I meant it. My house is your house.” She reclined on the bed and looked up at the ceiling. “I really do miss you, I’m not sure I made that clear. It’s funny how I never thought this place was so empty and cold before. I used to love it here but it really is missing the warmth of your love.” “Now who’s the one making this difficult?” Luis teased. “I love you, Serenity. I can’t wait until you get home so I can show you how much.” She blushed. Despite their relationship being almost three months long, Luis had yet to try and get her into bed. Most of their time together was spent talking and just enjoying each other’s company. It revolved mostly around their mutual love and need to get to know each other and therefore the most they had done was cuddle and kiss. Though it wasn’t for a lack of trying; Serenity had made it abundantly clear she wanted to elevate their relationship to another level but Luis always seemed reluctant to step it up. “I’m going to bed now, Luis. I’ll see you tomorrow at noon and this will be the last time we’re ever apart for this long, I promise.” “You better promise. I don’t think I can survive your absence one more time. Like I said last time, it’s been pretty dreadful. I told you what Sheridan’s been up to since you’re gone. She’s convinced you’re not coming back and she hits on me every chance she gets.” “Don’t remind me,” Serenity grumbled. “I’m sorry she’s putting you in such a situation.” “Me too, but we’ll save this talk for another day. Goodnight, sweetheart. I love you.” “Night, my love. I love you too,” she hung up the phone. Turning on her side, Serenity looked at the picture she and Luis had taken in September when they had gone apple picking. He had slipped his arms around her as they reached for an apple on a lower branch and the orchard owner had taken a Polaroid of the moment. Luis had insisted she keep the picture and it had immediately found its way into her wallet. A single tear rolled down her cheek and she brushed it away. She had been serious when she told Luis she missed him and her home felt empty. Despite the fact that their relationship seemed very high school in some ways, she and Luis were deeply connected and overwhelmingly close. They had saved the sex for a later date, which she was starting to wonder if it would ever come, but in the mean time had made sure that they were emotionally bound. He had admitted that he and Sheridan had nearly jumped into bed without ever confessing their love and he felt as if that would have cheapened what they had. He didn’t want their relationship to be based on sex or physical appearances; he wanted them to be truly in love. “But I am truly in love with you, Luis,” Serenity whispered to the picture. “You have no idea how much I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I wonder if you feel the same. Sometimes I still wonder if you are over Sheridan or if you will ever get over her.” Turning off the light and climbing beneath the sheets of her bed, Serenity turned the other way to look out her window into the darkened Paris night. From her bedroom, she could see over other buildings to the Eiffel tower. She wondered what it would be like to see the city of lights from the top of the metal giant with Luis’ arms wrapped around her waist and his warm, hard body pressed into her back. Closing her eyes, Serenity let those thoughts become her dreams as she faded into a peaceful sleep. There in her dreams she spent her time with the man she loved in a city that had been home to her for years. But before she knew what was happening, she was in Harmony with him and found that her real home was wherever he lived. Serenity stopped directly outside the fence to the structure that looked like her house and blinked stupidly. It resembled her home, but it certainly wasn’t the house she had left Luis to care for six weeks prior. Stepping backwards on the concrete sidewalk, Serenity counted the number of houses from the corner to the house she was standing in front of and was surprised to learn this was indeed the fifth house: her house. Her gaze swept over the Pete moss spread over the lawn, faux grey headstones with spider’s webbing hanging over them randomly spread where her flowers once bloomed. Black netting and webs with giant, scary looking jack-o-lanterns ready to be lit rested in the corners of her closed in porch. Opening the gate, Serenity walked through a bath of bloody zombie hands up the creaky wooden steps and through the front door. “Luis?” she called into the house, afraid of stepping further inside and meeting similar spooky sights. “Darling, I’m home,” she paused, listening for him. “Luis?” Serenity cautiously walked through the front door and noticed walls of black plastic shaped into alcoves and leading a path towards the back door. Along the walls were u-shaped cut outs presumably for human heads to poke through. Serenity was sure they would be disfigured human heads judging by the bloody hand path she had made her way through. In one alcove near the living room stood a mechanical guillotine that was chopping the heads off of screaming victims. Serenity wasn’t sure how Luis managed to create it, but it was making her nauseous just looking at it. Continuing down the hall amid gasps and shrieks of horror, Serenity couldn’t find her boyfriend anywhere. “Luis?” she murmured, her lower lip protruding slightly. “Where are you?” Quietly, Luis crept along the hallway behind Serenity, having come out of his hiding spot. The moment she stopped in the kitchen to survey the darkened room where the children would actually get the candy from, he moved closer, breathing heavily in her ear. She shuddered and closed her eyes as his hands grabbed her and spun her around. Serenity screamed, punching at whatever it was that grabbed her and taking the momentary release from its arms to search for something else she could use to protect herself. She ended up grabbing a spatula and holding it in front of her like a combat sword, ready to strike again if need be. “Ouch! You didn’t have to hit me,” Luis groaned, covering his bruising skin with his hand. He stepped away from her but noticed what she was holding to defend herself and smirked. She wasn’t going to be doing much damage with a spatula; that was certain. “You scared the hell out of me!” Serenity huffed, glaring at him. “What in Heaven’s name do you think you were doing sneaking up on me like that? Here I get home from being away six weeks and instead of kissing me silly, you try to scare the living daylights out of me! Some boyfriend you are!” “Well at least I know my house is scary enough,” he shrugged slightly, though his face took on an apologetic look. He hadn’t meant to scare her the way he did, only to surprise her, which he obviously did. “I didn’t mean to scare you…well ok, I meant to scare you a little. I didn’t think you were going to turn around and slug me though.” “You deserved it,” she moved closer and caressed his cheek, the spatula becoming trapped between them. “It’s hardly going to scar, Luis. Honestly, you’re such a sissy sometimes,” she giggled, kissing the area she had hit. “I’m sorry I hit you, but you shouldn’t have scared me like that. You know how jumpy I get sometimes.” “I know,” he put his arms around her and lowered his lips to hers. Kissing her gently for a moment, Luis welcomed her back home. “I’ve missed you, my darling, so very much,” he rested his forehead against hers. “How was your trip?” “Long,” she grumbled. “Chartered flights tend to be slower than the Concord, but the movers promised to bring my things tomorrow. I couldn’t wait to get home to you,” she kissed him again, licking his lips as she pulled away. “Mmm, well I am definitely glad you’re home. I guess you’ve seen my creation. What do you think? I have some kids from the Youth Center coming to help be ghouls and goblins tonight so it should be fairly interesting.” “Well, if you’ll point me in the direction of my costume and give me my orders, Captain, I’ll be more than happy to help you complete our haunted house. I’ve never celebrated Halloween so I’m very interested in the American customs, especially frightening children,” she winked. Luis laughed. “Well, the house is finished really, baby. The lights can’t be turned on until the sun sets so there’s no reason to worry about the rest right now,” he took her hand and led her to the little doorway in the black plastic where the staircase to the second floor was hidden. “But I will give you some time to lay down and I’ll bring in your bags before the children start arriving. Would you like something to eat?” “No thank you,” she told him as they ascended the steps. “I had something to eat already, thank you baby. But lying down does sound nice. I’m terribly jetlagged from my flight.” “Well then,” he opened the door to her bedroom and smiled at her gasp of surprise. At least he had managed to redeem himself for sneaking up on her earlier. It had taken a lot of time for him to decide just how to surprise her and what would be the most romantic welcome. Of course, he had decided this was his best option: decorating her bedroom with roses of every available shade. “It’s beautiful,” she walked to the first vase full and inhaled their sweet scent. She was aware that roses had been his and Sheridan’s symbolic flower and part of her wondered if habit had made him purchase these. She opted not to ask him and sat on the bed where she could see every vase. “This must have cost a small fortune, Luis. You didn’t need to do this.” “I know that, but I wanted to,” he smiled. “You get some rest, I’ll wake you in time for the trick-or-treaters, ok?” he walked over to her and kissed her cheek before leaving the room. His footsteps faded away as he descended the stairs and returned to work on the haunted house that he claimed was complete. Serenity shook her head, looking at all the beautiful roses Luis had put in her room. He always seemed to know just what she needed when she needed it and it was little things, like surprising her with breakfast, that she treasured most. She could easily understand why Sheridan didn’t want to give up a chance at reconciling with Luis; after all, he was everything a woman wanted: loving, caring, romantic, and not bad to look at with a heart of gold. She couldn’t wait to see what plans he had for their evening or what costumes he had chosen. Serenity had decided on the flight that she would take her cue on their relationship from him. If he had selected a couple’s costume, she would continue on with her question as planned. If not, she wasn’t going to press him for anything. She loved him too much to force him into something he wasn’t ready for. Serenity watched as yet another freaked out child ran out the back door and through the yard with a skeleton chasing him out the fence. Shaking her head, the three foot tall wig she was wearing shifted slightly and she had to put down the bowl of candy she was holding to fix it. She had been unpleasantly surprised when she opened the costume shop box and found herself staring at a black and white wig that resembled Marge Simpson’s hair and a pack of makeup. In a second box she found a white dress and a picture of The Bride of Frankenstein inside. This being her first Halloween costume in over twenty years, Serenity had to follow the directions to put it on and do her makeup. It had taken nearly an hour for her to copy the picture and when she exited her room she ran into a bulked up Luis. “Hey, baby, how did that one go?” Luis asked, reaching over her shoulder and taking a candy bar from the bowl. He unwrapped it and popped it into his mouth, finishing the small bar in one bite. “Was he terrified or what?” “Oh, I’m pretty sure he won’t be enjoying beautiful dreams tonight, Luis. I can’t believe you had Miguel follow him dressed as a skeleton. The poor child was only twelve; he was scared enough when you tried to make him part of the display by beheading him.” Luis’ laughter rumbled through the room and Serenity spun to face him. He smiled at her and reached for another candy bar. “Frankenstein hungry.” “Well Frankie should have eaten the very nice dinner Mrs. Frankenstein made him. I worked very hard on that spaghetti, Luis. Why you found the need to add fake plastic eyeballs to my sauce when I wasn’t looking I’ll never know.” “I thought it was funny,” he shrugged, leaning in and planting a great big, green kiss on her cheek. “Damn, I smudged.” “Would you two cut it out, you’re nauseating,” one of the teens from the center peeked into the kitchen. “Luis, it’s getting late and I think our last little brat was the final monster of the evening. We’re going to get going and try to do some trick-or-treating of our own. Ok?” “Sure, go ahead, Matt. Thank the others for helping us tonight and tell them I’ll add it to the service time you are all doing for graduation.” “Cool,” Matt removed a bloody eyeball from his forehead. “See you tomorrow,” he walked down the hall and called for the other ghouls and goblins to leave with him. Once they were gone Serenity walked around the house locking the doors and cleaning up some movie blood that had splattered during the haunting. “Baby, leave it. The stuff won’t stain the sheets I put down,” Luis told her, turning off the fog machine so the air would thin back out. “We can clean up tomorrow, I promise.” Serenity lifted the wig from her head, placing it on the floor and shaking out her own locks. She ran her fingers through her hair and sighed contently. “That was giving me a headache.” “I didn’t realize how heavy it was,” Luis was mesmerized by the way she moved to release her beautiful brown hair. Swallowing hard, he stepped closer. “You know, I’m still hungry, Serenity.” “Well I suppose you could pick the eyeballs out of our spaghetti dinner. They’re clean, right? So it should still be edible,” she replied, totally oblivious to the fact he was watching her. “Can you unzip the back of this dress please? I think I’m going to go put my pajamas on.” “I would rather you didn’t put anything on,” Luis breathed, moving closer to her and slipping his arms around her. His lips found her neck and caressed the soft skin there. “I love you,” he whispered in her ear. Serenity leaned back against his chest, closing her eyes. “I love you too, Luis.” She moved her hand up to his neck, trying to hold his head in place and removing a faux bolt instead. She tossed it to the floor and turned in his arms, pushing off his wig. “Luis?” He looked into her eyes, knowing that they both wanted the same thing. Licking his lips, he ran his fingers through her loose hair and kissed her gently. “Why don’t you go wash off that makeup and I’ll get cleaned up too?” Serenity nodded, slightly disappointed. “All right,” she started for the staircase. “Serenity, I’ll join you as soon as I get this green stuff off my face, ok? I promise.” Serenity nodded, ran up the steps to her room and rummaged through her drawers. She found the most seductive gown she could before dashing to her bathroom to remove the pale white makeup she had been wearing. She watched as the paint swirled in the water and drained quickly, the residue filling the sink. “Oh I’ll clean it tomorrow,” she grumbled, fighting her way out of the costume she had been dressed in. She pulled on the negligee and spun before the mirror. “So much for making it perfect and romantic,” she giggled. “Serenity, where are you?” Luis called, entering her room. He finally resembled Luis the cop and not Frankenstein, the thirty-two-year old man obsessed with the scariest holiday of the year and frightening the children of Harmony. He was the Luis she loved. “Right here,” Serenity opened the door to her bathroom and looked at Luis. “I was just freshening up a little. Even Mrs. Frankenstein has some Halloween tricks up her sleeves.” Luis swallowed hard, looking at the barely there black, lace teddy she was wearing. Serenity looked beautiful in a towel; he knew from personal experience, but what she was wearing wreaked havoc on his senses. “You look…wow,” his eyes were wide. “I guess asking if you were sure this was what you wanted would be pointless, no?” “I’m pretty sure any arguments would be futile,” she slowly crossed the room to stand in front of him. “When I was away, I thought about you every moment and I wondered if you were physically attracted to me at all,” she slid her arms around him. “I wanted nothing more than to be with you, Luis, and I thought you’d want to make love to me by now.” “Darling, I wanted to make love, trust me. I just assumed that after what Julian did you wouldn’t want to rush things between us,” he kissed her. “I can see I was very mistaken.” “Quite,” she smiled. “No more talking, Luis. I want to be with you,” she kissed him passionately, her tongue begging for entrance and slipping into his open mouth. They kissed deeply for as long as they could until their need for air was overcame them. Pulling away, she undid the shirt of his costume. “I love you.” “I love you too,” he stilled her hands, deciding that he couldn’t take her slow removal of his shirt. Pulling the far too large costume off of his body, Luis finished when he was standing in nothing more than a pair of black boxers with bright orange jack-o-lanterns on them. Serenity giggled, sliding back on the bed. “Do you know that this one outfit is held up completely by one well placed ribbon?” she tugged gently on the end of a bow that was tied between her breasts. “One tug and it would come off.” Luis groaned, kneeling between her legs and taking the end of the ribbon between his teeth. With a tug, her entire teddy fell away from her body and pooled at her waist. The bare, cream skin of her chest was directly in view of his eyes, which darkened with instantaneous want and need. Serenity blushed, cupping his cheek. She invited him to rise and slowly lay back on the bed. The mattress shifted with his weight as he joined her on the bed and his hands immediately removed the remainder of her garment, which wasn’t much. “You are so beautiful,” his head dropped to nip at her breasts. “So very perfect, Serenity,” he caressed her skin with his calloused hands. Serenity moaned, closing her eyes as her breathing became erratic. His lips were teasing her chest and stomach while his hands caressed whatever he wasn’t kissing. Her thin fingers gripped at the sheets when his lips moved past her navel. “Oh, Luis,” she purred. He smiled, looking up from his work. “You’re very responsive.” “I’ve been waiting for this moment for two months, Luis, and the last six weeks away from you has driven me mad. I want to make love with you, please,” she begged. Luis removed his boxers and leaned back over her, looking down into her sparkling blue eyes. For a moment, he thought of his first time making love to Sheridan: the bubble bath, the strawberries, the champagne and all the work they went through to make it happen. Here Serenity was willing and waiting for him and no one was going to interrupt. His love for her made him feel overwhelmed and he knew tonight was going to link them in a way never before possible. “You’re thinking of her, aren’t you?” Serenity whispered from beneath him, looking away from Luis. “This was stupid. I should have known better,” she started to get up. “No,” Luis grabbed her around the waist and pulled her to him. “I was just thinking about how much I love you and how the moment we make love will unite us body, heart and soul.” Serenity looked into his eyes to determine whether or not he was lying, but all she could find was love and desire in his dark brown eyes. Instead of speaking, she pulled his head to her and kissed him passionately. They fell back against the mattress, still kissing as they began to make love to each other, finally taking their romance to the next level. Sometime later, Serenity snuggled closer to Luis’ nude form, her fingers drawing little circles against Luis’ damp flesh. She sighed contently, kissing his shoulder and tilting her head to look up at his face. Luis was smiling, his fingers gently running over her back as they reclined together after their earth-shattering lovemaking. “Luis?” she whispered, kissing his neck. “How are you doing up there, baby?” Luis moaned, kissing the top of her head. “I’m wonderful. What about you? I really wanted to make our first time a bit more special. I’m all about the first time being memorable.” “Luis, all five times will be more than memorable,” she wiggled her eyebrows. “I can’t believe your stamina. I never would have believed that five times in a row was possible, but you definitely proved me wrong.” Luis chuckled. “You were rather wild yourself, baby. I definitely think there was a position or two there I haven’t tried before…hell I might not have even heard of them before.” Serenity blushed, burying her head into his neck. “Is it customary to make your lover embarrassed after making love, Luis, or do you just like tormenting me?” “I just like tormenting you,” he replied honestly. “Oh good, I love being special,” Serenity shifted, sitting up more and leaning over him. “I have a few things I want to talk to you about, Luis, things that have been on my mind since before I left for Paris. The first is about me, more than us.” “All right, sweetheart, what is it?” he asked, pushing her hair behind her ears and brushing a kiss across her chin. “You know you can tell me anything.” “I know,” she took a deep breath and sat up completely, pulling the sheet with her to cover her chest. “Sheridan’s been telling you things about me, I’m sure. Things about how I left all the men that fell hopelessly in love with me, breaking their hearts and ruining their lives. She’s wrong, you know? I never loved them, nor did they love me. For the most part my relationships with men in the past were a use-use situation. I used them for sex and they took a sum of money away for their trouble. In rare cases, I fell in love but I had learned that I was incapable of loving someone and having them love me back, or so I thought. So I wouldn’t hang around for them to break my heart. I was a love them and leave them kind of woman, Luis, and despite how wrong it was, it happened.” She looked away from him and towards the windows, pulling her knees to her chest. “I fell in love once with one of the many men I had met through the years. I quickly learned that he wanted to be with Sheridan and the only reason he wanted anything to do with me was because she and I were best friends. He thought that if he could pretend to be interested in me, I would eventually lead him to Sheridan. I left him right away and disappeared from Paris for a few months while Sheridan wondered how I could break the heart of a perfectly good man. When I returned, she had hooked up with him and they were engaged.” “Jean Luc?” he asked. She nodded. “I really did love him, Luis. Sadly enough I think Sheridan did too in a way. He had this magnificent talent of telling you exactly what you wanted to hear and making you fall for his charms. But it was always a façade. He wanted money, needed it, and decided that Sheridan and I were his best claims to it. He was the last man I took seriously and the last time Sheridan and I ever managed to have civil conversation.” “Why are you telling me this now, Serenity?” he asked, confused by her sudden outpouring of her past. “Because, Luis, I love you and making love with you tonight was so much different than all those times I’ve been with other men. It meant something and I don’t want you to think that Sheridan is right and that I’m going to leave you too because I intend to stay with you and make this work. I want to be with you and that’s why the next thing I have to say is a question for you.” “All right, baby, what would you like to ask me?” he sat up beside her, putting his arm around her and kissing her temple. “I’ll try to give you the best answer I can.” She nodded. “You might think this is rash or too soon, but especially after tonight I think it’s something I really want, something we both need. Luis, I know you don’t want to move back in with your mother and I know that you can’t live forever at the Bed and Breakfast and because I love you and I know you love me too…I…well.” “Serenity?” “Luis, will you move in with me? Will you come live here in this huge house with me and hold me every night when we go to bed and wake me every morning with those toe-curling kisses you have? Will you cook with me and clean with me and just do silly things like watch TV with me at night when we have nothing else to do?” Her eyes begged him to say yes and she held her breath as he seemed to mull over her request. “Yes,” he replied, smiling one of his knee-weakening smiles. “I would like nothing more than to move into this house with you and hold you and love you and cook with you. I love you, Serenity, and I want nothing more than to spend all the time in the world with you.” Serenity tackled him against the bed. “You’ll live with me?” she squeaked joyfully. “Yes,” he laughed. “I’ll live with you! I’ll move in with you!” Sighing happily, Serenity rested her head and body across his chest but she couldn’t keep the smile from spreading across her face. Closing her eyes, Serenity allowed herself to revel in the warmth of his arms as the two of the spent the first of many nights sleeping in the same bed with their arms locked around each other.
Chapter Nine The wax from the candles dripped onto the tabletop, the remaining candle barely over an inch tall. Serenity watched the droplets slowly cascade down the side only to pool with the rest on the cold, hard wood. Her blurry eyes looked over at the digital clock by the stove, the green numbers burning into her mind: fifteen minutes to ten. The dinner she worked so hard on sat on the table, cold from hours of being untouched. The music she had put on to set the romantic mood had long since ended and she was left with nothing but the reminder that Luis hadn’t come home and she had wasted her time. Tears again flooded her eyes, rolling down her cheeks as she thought about the preparation that had gone into her dinner. It was supposed to be a surprise for her beloved Luis, a gift to celebrate their first week of living together. She had bought rose scented candles to burn as they ate, the wine had been chilled in a bucket of now melted ice and she had spent hours selecting the perfect food and clothing. She had worn an especially seductive medium blue dress that highlighted her best assets and her hair framed her face, which was light on makeup. It was supposed to be a night of romance for them; one they had yet to have the chance to have and he didn’t show up. In fact, he didn’t even call. Forcing herself from her seat at the table, Serenity leaned over to blow out the candles. Little tufts of smoke floated upward off the candle and Serenity focused on the gray curls. With a heavy sigh, she started to lift the dishes from the table, giving up on the hope that Luis was getting home in the near future. Just as she started to push open the kitchen door, she heard Luis’ key jiggle the lock to the front door. Her eyes darkened as the door swung open to reveal her boyfriend carrying a bag of McDonald’s food. Luis’ eyes rose from floor as he shut the door and he immediately saw the tear tracks on his girlfriend’s face and the dinner dishes she carried. He realized that Serenity must have planned something big for them and he of course hadn’t come home on time. Not only did he feel horrible, he immediately knew he was in trouble. “Where the hell have you been?” she asked as evenly as possible, kicking open the kitchen door and carrying the china dishes to the counter. Before he entered the room, Luis could hear the dishes slam against the countertops. After removing his jacket and dropping it on the couch, he cautiously followed behind her, letting the door swing shut after him. “I’m sorry I’m so late. I was at work,” he apologized weakly, dropping his food onto the kitchen table. Obviously this was going to be more than an ‘I’m sorry’ followed by the ‘kiss and makeup.’ “Where else would I have been, baby?” She could have thought of a million places for Luis to be and one of them was with his ex-fiancée, though she didn’t say as much. “You get off at five-thirty,” she argued as she started to scrape her plate of cold chicken into the trash. The fork squealed as it ran against the cold dish and Luis shuttered from the noise. “It’s been four and a half hours, Luis. Obviously you went somewhere else. I wouldn’t have minded half as much if you would have at least called me to let me know you were going to be late!” “I have a double shift on most Fridays, Serenity, I explained that to you last week. My schedule has been on the fridge since I got it.” He decided that raising his voice was definitely not in his best interest and tried to stay patient; of course, it wasn’t easy considering he wasn’t completely at fault for this little mess up. Serenity crossed from the sink to the refrigerator with a determined stride. She pulled the paper with his work hours off as she walked by. Slamming it onto the table beneath her palms, she found the date and time and pointed it out. Though he was right about the double shift, she was right that he was late. “It says you get off at nine. That was nearly an hour ago, Luis. So you’re still late and didn’t even have the decency to call me!” Luis sighed, closing his eyes as he sank into a chair at the table. Sheridan had never cared about his hours because she never made plans like this to surprise him. He wasn’t used to checking in with someone and as much as he loved Serenity, this was as new to him as it was to her. “I know and I did get off at nine, baby, but some of the guys were going to a bar after work for some drinks and they invited me to join them. I figured you had gone to bed so I wasn’t in a rush to get home and eat reheated pizza or something from two nights ago, so we went to the bar and then I stopped at McDonald’s to get some dinner.” “You didn’t even bother to call me, Luis,” Serenity cried, tears of frustration falling freely. She hated arguing with him but felt very hurt that he hadn’t called. “I worked so hard to make you this big romantic dinner,” she motioned to one of the dishes on the counter. “I thought we could celebrate our first week living together.” Luis groaned, realizing he had managed to ruin her idea of a celebration. He knew that certain things were important to women and here her had ruined her plans. Getting up, he walked over to the plate of cold chicken and lifted it from the dish. Breaking off a little piece he studied it closely for a moment as if the mere sight of it was going to kill him. Serenity’s eyebrow rose in query as she observed her boyfriend sniffing and examining the small piece of cold meat. He placed it against his tongue, but didn’t take a bite just yet as he worried how it could possibly taste cold. Finally, he popped the morsel into his mouth making her laugh. She knew that the chicken had to be horrible when cold but that didn’t totally affect her mood. Deep down inside she was still angry that he hadn’t called and had missed her special candlelit dinner. Of course, some of it had been her fault for not checking his schedule, but he hadn’t phoned her and he didn’t come straight home after work either. He didn’t even have the nerve to bring her McDonald’s too! “That’s some good chicken,” he forced a smile, trying to get her to laugh again. It wasn’t the easiest job in the world to do when she was annoyed. “I could eat the whole thing…” “If it was warm,” she sighed, stealing the plate away and tossing the contents. “You know, this schedule stuff is new to me, Luis. I’m just hurt that you didn’t at least call me. I worked so hard to make this special. I know you still wish our first time had been memorable with candles, roses and music, but I wanted tonight to make up for what had been missing then.” Luis understood what she was talking about and felt even worse, if possible. “Look, I have a Big Mac and some fries sitting on the table. I know it’s not some elaborate dinner, but at least let’s have something to eat.” “Are you trying to seduce me with grease and fat?” she asked, opening the brown paper bag and stealing one of the golden fries. “Mm,” she murmured, “these aren’t half bad for artery clogging food.” “Ha-ha,” he rolled his eyes, sitting at the table and pulling her into his lap. “Let me guess, other than the no longer edible chicken, you had wine on ice and some wonderful rich chocolate dessert too?” Serenity nodded, feeding him a french-fry as she rested back in his arms. “I thought we could have a romantic candlelit dinner in the dinning room and then share our dessert by the fireplace up in our room. I even set up a bed of pillows so we wouldn’t have to go too far or get crumbs on the mattress.” He wanted to laugh at the neat freak in her peeking out from behind the playful beauty. “Well we could still take dessert upstairs after we eat our burger and fries,” he told her, resting his chin on her shoulder with one hand on her stomach and the other on her knee. “You really have no idea how sorry I am that I ruined everything you worked so hard on, sweetheart. I guess I’m not used to checking in and letting people know what my plans are. My mother was too busy to keep track of my work schedule and when I was engaged to Sheridan her idea of a romantic plan was calling to the main house for dinner. No one’s tried to surprise me since I dated Beth in High School, and I wasn’t a cop back then.” “I guess we both have some adjusting to do still,” she opened the cardboard box to his Big Mac and took a bite. “Mmm, is that thousand island dressing on this?” she asked, lifting the top bun and checking out what she was eating. Luis cocked his head sideways. “Ms. Winters, have you never eaten at McDonalds before?” he questioned as he bit into the double-decker burger. “Not since I was three and I’m sure I wasn’t eating Big Macs back then,” she told him. “Besides, this really is quite fattening and I had a figure to maintain. Mind you my diet relied heavily upon chocolate and the firm belief that dessert should be eaten first, but I worked out a lot to counteract the fat grams,” she giggled. “I can’t believe you never eat fast food,” he fed her another fry. “Am I forgiven?” “This time,” she whispered, stealing another bite of his burger. “And only because you’ve introduced me to the fattening, salty, greasy mess called McDonald’s.” He shook his head and kissed her lips, licking away the salt that had rested there. His hand traveled from her knee to her thigh, caressing her beneath the material of her dress. She moaned into his mouth and neither seemed too interested in finishing the food he had brought home. Pulling away slightly, Luis whispered, “I love you.” “I love you too,” she told him, brushing her thumb over his lips. “I’m sorry if I seemed to have over reacted tonight, Luis, part of me is still a little worried that this is some dream I’ll wake up from. I guess I’m scared.” “I won’t ever hurt you,” he promised, kissing her neck. “I need you to trust me, baby. We won’t get anywhere if we don’t trust each other the way lovers should. If this is about my ever going back to Sheridan, it won’t happen in a million years. Sheridan chose Antonio over me and I am madly in love with you.” A single tear escaped the corner of her eye and Serenity burrowed her head into his neck. “I love you so much,” she sniffled, holding him close. “I want to trust you.” “Than do,” he whispered into her ear. “Just do.” Moving back slightly, Serenity looked into his eyes. So many times she had been asked to trust people and each time they had failed her. She had believed in her parents and loved them with all of her heart, but they never came home after promising not to be late. Boyfriend after boyfriend had broken her heart just when she let her guard down; how could she expect anything more from Luis with Sheridan on the prowl? Taking a deep breath, Serenity shared gentle butterfly kisses with her boyfriend. Slowly, they deepened in intensity and she twisted her body to straddle his lap. With their lips still locked, Luis used his fingertips to find the zipper in the back of her dress and gradually pull it downward to her waist. Raising his hands back up to her shoulders, he used the pads to push the straps down her arms and reveal her nudity beneath the dress. He groaned. “You sure don’t play fair,” he muttered against her skin as his lips caressed her chest. She swallowed hard, finding it funny that she wasn’t playing fair when his lips were torturing her. Burying her fingers deep in his thick black hair, Serenity held his head to her breast as he teased the tip. “You’re overdressed,” she panted, dying to rip open his shirt but not wanting to ruin his uniform. As quickly as she could, she discarded his shirt to the floor and splayed her hands over the rippling muscles of his bronze chest. Her exploration was short lived as he pulled her back to work on the other bud. Tossing her head back, Serenity was lost to him. “I don’t think we’re going to make it to dessert by the fire,” she breathed heavily with closed eyes. “I don’t think we’re going to make it out of this chair,” he shifted his hips, brushing against her. Pushing her dress up her thighs, he caressed her creamy white skin and softly questioned, “Should I stop now?” “No!” she demanded, aching with need. He chuckled and continued to undress her, though it was not an easy feat. Before long their clothing all laid on the tiled floor and their bodies were merged together in a passionate embrace. In the middle of the kitchen they made love, enjoying each other in a way that only lovers could. With each passing minute Serenity felt herself slipping deeper and deeper into love with Luis and her trust built like the waves of pleasure inside her. Together they crashed like waves against the shore. For minutes they simply rested in each other’s arms until their hearts calmed and their breathing steadied. Then they found the dessert she had made and disappeared upstairs to use the bed of pillows she had prepared, enjoying each other for the rest of the night.
“I don’t think I’ve seen Luis so happy in years,” Pilar told Serenity as they both watched Luis walk out the door, waving and blowing kisses as he walked back to the station. The three of them had decided to meet for lunch at the Book Café so Pilar and Serenity could get to know each other better. “He really loves you.” Serenity was practically glowing and sighed contently. Earlier her nerves had gotten the best of her and she had nearly spilled her coffee all over Luis’ mother. She felt as if their relationship was starting to get serious if he wanted her to get to know the family better. “I love him too, Mrs. Lopez-Fitzgerald. I have never met a man quite like Luis before. He’s honorable and trustworthy with a very loving side, even if he does try to protect everyone every second of the day.” Pilar laughed. “That’s certainly my Luis,” she sipped her coffee. “I have to admit, Serenity, when Luis told me he had left Sheridan for good and fallen in love again so quickly, I was a little concerned. My son was never one to believe in love at first sight, but after meeting you today I can honestly see why and I’m very proud of his choice in a girlfriend.” “Thank you,” Serenity blushed. “I know that Luis loved Sheridan and I wish that things had worked out the way he originally planned, but I can’t say I’m totally disappointed.” Pilar laughed. “I just want him to be happy and it’s quite obvious he is.” “Pilar!” Sheridan exclaimed as she neared the table with her recently purchased coffee. She had spotted them as she returned to her car from a meeting with Gwen and decided she was in dire need of a mocha from Beth. “Antonio wanted me to ask you to stop by this afternoon. He has been feeling much better but misses your company.” “I was just thinking of going to see him after I finished my coffee,” Pilar replied, noticing that there had been a change in Sheridan since Luis had broken off their engagement. It wasn’t a positive change, that was certain, and she didn’t like this new side of Sheridan. “Care to join us?” Sheridan looked over at Serenity and gave her a tense smile. “I would love to,” she slid into a chair across from her former best friend. “I was wondering if there is anything we can do for Thanksgiving this year. I know Theresa is planning on having it at the mansion, but I thought I would check with you first.” “Actually,” Serenity interrupted. “Luis and I already spoke to Theresa and Pilar, we’ve decided to have Thanksgiving at our place this year. It’s a little more home like than the mansion.” “Oh,” Sheridan frowned. “I did not feel comfortable having dinner there, even if Theresa is Mrs. Crane and with everything going on to finally set up the new house, I thought it would be easier if we allowed Serenity and Luis to make the meal,” Pilar explained. “Of course, you and Antonio are welcome to come and bring something, right Serenity?” “Of course,” Serenity tried to smile, though it wasn’t meeting her eyes. “The entire family is invited. But we have three weeks before Thanksgiving, I think it’s premature to decide what to bring just yet. We’ll get back to you, I promise.” Sheridan simply nodded. Pilar finished her coffee and rose. “I should be going. I want to check in on Antonio and then finalize Paloma’s travel information. She’s officially moving home on Thanksgiving day!” “That’s wonderful news,” Serenity and Sheridan replied simultaneously. Both turned and glared at each other. “Tell Luis I’ll call him later, Serenity,” Pilar wanted to leave quickly. Hugging the girls goodbye, Pilar rushed out leaving the pair alone. For a while neither spoke but watched each other as if some movement might clue them into what the other was thinking. Sheridan sipped her coffee; her eyes squinted as she studied her former friend. Serenity couldn’t even move; she had no desire to start trouble here and now. “So,” Sheridan broke the tension, resting back in her chair. “I noticed you said that Thanksgiving was going to be at your place, but you said ‘our.’ Did you get a dog or something?” “More along the lines of ‘or something’,” Serenity retorted. “Luis has moved in with me, we’ve been officially living together for the last week. I’m surprised you didn’t know that.” “Antonio and I have been a little out of touch with people,” Sheridan said edgily. “He had a rough few weeks for a while, they weren’t sure he would pull through.” “I’m sure your everlasting love saved him. It’s so nice of you to care about him the way you do,” Serenity had to bite her lip to keep from laughing but her sarcasm wasn’t lost to Sheridan at all. “Cut the crap, you know I’m only with him because I feel guilty that he’s sick in the first place. Otherwise Luis wouldn’t have given you the time of day.” “Oh but Sheridan, he gives me more than the time of day now, sweetie. He helps keep my bed warm at night,” Serenity’s eyes danced mischievously. She had learned to hate her best friend and she trusted the woman about as far as she could throw her. “He’s excellent in bed, as you well know.” Sheridan’s blood boiled and her face turned red from her attempt to stay calm. She couldn’t believe that Luis was actually sleeping with Serenity too! “You conniving little whore! I can’t believe the lengths you would go to in order to steal Luis from me!” “I didn’t have to steal him, Sheridan, you threw him away! I was just there for him when he needed someone the most, which is more than I can say for you! You picked Antonio and expected Luis to put the rest of his life on hold for you. How selfish can you be?” “It wasn’t selfish! I was trying to save his brother…” “No! You were trying to make yourself feel better for Antonio’s condition because of the accident he was in! You blamed yourself and thought that by keeping Antonio alive you wouldn’t have to feel like the blood of his death was on your hands! The man didn’t even have the decency to let his family know where he was and you didn’t even care how that affected Luis.” “I was too busy…” “Right. You’re entire life has been focused around making yourself feel better, Sheridan. It’s always been about the poor debutant that lost her mother and was cast away by her family. You know why we became friends, Sheridan, because it made you feel better that you could help the lonely little girl that no one wanted around. It made you feel like a better person while reminding me just how lowly I was in the eyes of people like you.” “That’s not true. I treasured our friendship, Serenity. You were like a sister to me.” “You had a funny way of showing it,” Serenity stood up. “Stay the hell away from my boyfriend, Sheridan. You made your bed, now it’s time to sleep in it.” “Luis isn’t yours. He’s mine. We belong together and you can’t do a damn thing to stop me from getting him back. That must terrify you.” “No, Sheridan, because I trust him and I know he loves me. The only thing I feel is disgust because you have become an arrogant bitch that cares about only herself. Your father must be really proud. You’re finally a true Crane,” Serenity stormed out angrily, leaving Sheridan sitting alone at the table. “He’s mine,” Sheridan whispered to herself, though Serenity’s words stung. “Mine and I’m going to get him back if it’s the last thing I do.”
She knew that every Sunday Luis worked the evening shift, which often put him on patrol at the wharf. With Antonio at his mother’s for the evening, there was nothing stopping her from going after the one thing she wanted: Luis. It would be easy enough to go down to the wharf where they had so many memories and remind him of the times they had together. After all, they had shared so much there: their first passionate kiss, ice cream in the winter and even dinning at the Chinese restaurant. Luis couldn’t deny his feelings for her when there was so much evidence of his love surrounding them. Picking up the phone, Sheridan dialed the number to the station. She wanted to double check and be sure Luis’ schedule hadn’t changed and that he was out on patrol. “Harmony PD.” “May I speak to Luis Lopez-Fitzgerald, please?” she asked. “He’s patrolling the wharf. May I take a message?” the desk sergeant questioned. “No,” Sheridan responded. “No message. I’ll speak to him later,” she hung up. With a wicked smile she grabbed her coat and headed for the wharf. It was time to win back her man and show Serenity what pain really felt like.
Luis looked out across the water, leaning against the wooden bars of the wharf. Months ago his initials had been carved into this very bar until they had decided to redo the entire pier. He remembered how Beth had tried to save the wood because it was a lasting piece of his relationship with Sheridan. Funny how things had changed since then. Sheridan’s love was nothing more than a fleeting memory now that he had Serenity. She was truly an amazing woman and he loved her with all his heart. He intended to propose to her eventually, but he wasn’t sure how to do it or when. They hadn’t been together as long as he and Sheridan had, but he wanted to settle down and have a family. Without a doubt the woman he wanted to be with was Serenity so he couldn’t see any reason to wait. He had time to worry about that later though. With a sigh, he closed his eyes and remembered their lovemaking from two nights before. Serenity had been quite embarrassed about giving into him in the kitchen, but it had been one of the hottest times in his life. She had been so responsive and so giving; he knew immediately that she was entrusting him with her heart for the first time since they became a couple. That trust meant the world to him and he made it his job to prove she was right in her actions. He loved her and would never hurt her. Suddenly, he felt hands covering his eyes, the cold skin causing him to jump slightly. The scent of the perfume was clearly Sheridan and he wanted to smack her hands away from him. She was trouble with a capital T and he refused to let her ruin what he had with Serenity. “What do you want?” he asked, stepping away from her. “Loaded question,” she smirked. “I dropped your brother off at your mother’s for the entire evening,” she moved closer. “I thought I might come down here and keep you company.” “I don’t need your kind of company, Sheridan. Whatever you intend to do, don’t. I love her and I refuse to hurt her in anyway.” “She doesn’t have to know,” Sheridan breathed. “I love you, Luis. I always have loved you. I don’t want to marry Antonio and spend my life away from you. Look around you! Every point along this wharf holds a memory for us. Can you say the same about her? Does she make you feel the way I did when we made love?” “Sheridan…” “Just kiss me,” Sheridan told him. “Kiss me and if you can honestly say afterwards that it meant nothing, that you didn’t feel anything, I won’t bother you anymore,” she promised, though it was a lie and she knew it. “I’ll let you be happy with her.” “I don’t need your permission to be happy. I already am. You passed up your chance that day at the hospital! Why can’t you leave well enough alone?” “Because I know you love me!” “I did love you!” he growled in frustration. “And all it got me was heartbreak! I love her, Sheridan! Get that through your head!” “The only way you can prove you don’t love me is by kissing me, Luis. Prove to me there’s no spark left between us!” She leaned closer. “But if you’re afraid to kiss me, it just proves that I’m right. You know you still love me and want to be with me, that’s why you can’t kiss me.” Grabbing her arms roughly, Luis wanted to yell. Before he could say a word Sheridan’s lips were on his own and they were kissing passionately.
Serenity watched from around the corner as Sheridan and Luis kissed, her heart broken as the carafe of coffee she had made Luis fell to the ground. When she had noticed the temperature dropping, she decided to surprise Luis by bringing him coffee to keep him warm. Earlier, he had called her because he was getting lonely walking the empty wharf and she knew that he was stuck on patrol for at least another hour. Excited about seeing him, she used whatever excuse she could think of to go down there and be with her boyfriend. Obviously, he wasn’t lonely anymore. Closing her eyes, she cursed herself for believing in him again. Some people live and learned; Serenity just lived. Luis was just another man that was settling for her when they couldn’t have her best friend. Angry tears rolled down her cheeks as she ran back to her car, quickly climbing in. Resting her head against the steering wheel, she felt like a fool for letting herself fall in love with him and wished she had never met Luis. The tears continued to fall and she didn’t attempt to control them. She really loved Luis, felt as if he could be the one and yet again she was being used. Luis didn’t love her, he probably never did, and now she had finally seen the truth. He wanted Sheridan. And as far as Serenity was concerned, Sheridan could have him. She wasn’t running away this time. Her anger got the best of her and Serenity climbed from the car. With purposeful strides, she returned to where she had last seen them. Luis was alone now and Serenity wished she hadn’t taken so long to get back there. She would have loved to give Sheridan the slap she so deserved. “Where’s your girlfriend?” Serenity snarled as she neared him. Luis’ head snapped sideways as he spotted her, his stomach tightening as he recognized the hurt and anger in her eyes. “Wh-what are you talking about?” She glared at him, burning him with her heated gaze. “As if you didn’t know, you lying son of a bitch,” she cried, trying to control her tears, though one escaped. “Did she go back to set up her bed so you could screw her?” “Serenity…” he reached for her. “Don’t touch me,” she pushed his hand away. “I don’t want you to touch me! How could you do this to me, Luis? I thought you loved me.” “I do love you, Serenity.” “Don’t lie to me!” she slapped him. “I saw you! I saw you kissing her, Luis! You didn’t even push her away! You let that slut kiss you and touch you as if you were lovers. So are you? Are you sleeping with her behind my back?” “Of course not!” Luis argued. “I wouldn’t do that to you! I love you damn it and I told Sheridan as much two minutes ago. She said if I could kiss her and tell her I felt nothing, that I still loved you, she would leave me alone. When she finished kissing me I told her that there was no one I loved more than you.” Serenity started crying harder, her tears falling like rain. She had worked so hard to trust him, given him her heart and prayed he wouldn’t break it, but now she wasn’t sure what to believe. She collapsed into his embrace, sobbing into the warmth of his jacket. “I’m sorry,” she cried, wishing that she could say something more. “When I saw her…” “Hey, I understand,” he told her. “But you have to learn to trust me, Serenity. I’m not a two timing man. I don’t tell one woman I love her and sleep with another. Sheridan came on to me, Serenity, and I pushed her away. The kiss shouldn’t have happened and it won’t ever happen again. I promise you that. I am your boyfriend, Serenity. I’m your lover and no one else’s. Ok?” She nodded, sniffling. “I feel like such an idiot.” “You shouldn’t. Had I seen you kissing another man I probably would have tore him apart,” he teased. “I love you.” “I love you too,” she whispered, resting her head against his chest. “Hold me?” “Forever,” he told her. Serenity closed her eyes, trying to ward off the feeling inside her that said this wasn’t going to work out and that Luis was going to return to Sheridan. Silent tears continued to roll down her cheeks as she held Luis close and prayed that her feeling was wrong. She couldn’t lose him now; she loved him too much. When she opened her eyes, she saw Sheridan standing a few feet away with a malicious smile on her face and a glint to her eyes. Serenity knew this wasn’t over, not by a long shot. Sheridan was after Luis and her biggest fear was that Sheridan would get him back.
Chapter Ten Luis checked his watch once more, watching as the second hand ticked away. The number hadn’t changed; it was still a quarter to six and there was no sign of his girlfriend. Sinking into one of the chairs at the kitchen table, he wondered where she could be. After all the problems they had with Sheridan, he had decided it was his turn to surprise Serenity. With their first dinner at the Seascape ruined by his brother and his fiancée, Luis had decided to reserve them a private table in the corner and romance her. He hadn’t noticed when he first arrived home from work that Serenity wasn’t there. Instead, he was preoccupied with thoughts of getting showered and dressed for their reservations at six-thirty. But with only forty-five minutes to claim their table, Luis feared that Serenity wouldn’t be home in time and they would lose them. Picking up the portable phone beside him, Luis hit redial and listened to the tones to Serenity’s cell number. Waiting, he listened to each ring and counted them –seven in all—until her voicemail picked up. For a moment the phone was full of static but it suddenly cleared as her cheerful voice came over the line. “Hi Luis, I know it’s you and if it’s not I’m sorry. I can’t get to my phone right now so please leave me a message and I’ll call back. Love you baby.” “Serenity, it’s me again,” Luis checked his watch again. “It’s about five minutes to six and you’re not home. Call me; I’m getting worried. Ok? Love you.” He hung up. Rising, he looked at the calendar to see if maybe she had an appointment at the office or with the new restaurant she was opening, but the date was blank. He couldn’t even find a note anywhere in the house that would give him a clue as to where she went. In a moment of desperation, he had called not only his mother but Sheridan’s cottage, hoping that Serenity wasn’t over there trying to beat Sheridan into the ground, which he didn’t doubt she could do. But no one had seen Serenity or heard from her all day, making it worse that she wasn’t home. Luis prayed that his gut was wrong and that his girlfriend hadn’t given up on him and left town or worse got into an accident. Sitting back down, he watched the minutes slip away. Suddenly, the driveway to the house became illuminated and Luis heard the soft purr of Serenity’s Mercedes before it shut down. Moments later, the back door opened to reveal his girlfriend carrying several plastic grocery bags from the Shop Rite in her arms. She looked completely exhausted as she wearily dropped them onto the table and sank into a chair beside him. With a sigh, she looked him over and her eyes squinted. “Going somewhere tonight, baby?” “Well, I was planning to,” he replied, brushing a piece of hair out of her face and earning a smile. He leaned in and kissed her softly, relishing in the feel of her lips against his. “Where?” she asked when they parted, noticing that it wasn’t just any suit he was wearing. He was wearing her favorite: the midnight blue one with the navy shirt and silk tie. She loved the way dark blue looked on him. “What’s the occasion?” “I was trying to surprise you since I have a bad habit of screwing up all of your surprises. I made reservations at the Seascape for six-thirty so we could try our date there again; after all, Sheridan and Antonio showed up at our first one.” He tried to hide his disappointment. Tonight was going to be about her even if they didn’t have a table at the Seascape. He would never let her know that it bothered him to change their evening plans. “Oh Luis!” she looked at the clock on the stove. It was now five minutes after six and she knew that she could never be dressed and ready to go in twenty minutes. “I’m so sorry,” she felt devastated that she had wrecked his plans. “I had to finish shopping for Thanksgiving dinner. I only bought the turkey last week and with it just days away I had to get it done. I want it to be perfect after the year that everyone has had, especially with Paloma coming home. Besides, I’ve never had a real Thanksgiving with a real family, so part of it is selfish.” “Hey, I understand,” he stood up and started unpacking the grocery bags with his back to her. “I should have called you earlier today and just asked you to be home. I guess I figured you rarely go anywhere when you know I’m getting home early from work and today wouldn’t be any different. I forgot that Thursday is Thanksgiving.” “I feel so terrible,” she started to put away some of the food she had bought. “I figured we could go out for dinner somewhere they didn’t need reservations,” she pouted. “Maybe if I hurry I can be dressed in ten minutes and we can leave. I’m sure we can still get a reservation if we’re a few minutes late, Luis. We can call from the car and explain the situation…” “Hey, it’s not big deal,” he promised her, scrunching up the bag and putting it in the trash. “I don’t want you rushing on a night that’s supposed to be about you. Why don’t I go pick us up some takeout and we’ll have an indoor picnic in front of the fireplace?” “That sounds like a much better idea, Luis,” she told him, kissing him gently. She hated to admit it but she was even too tired to eat, forget actually going out for dinner. “Should I get dressed up or is this a casual affair?” she questioned. “Surprise me,” he pecked her lips. “I’ll be back soon,” he walked out the back door, grabbing the car keys she had abandoned on her way in. Serenity listened to her Mercedes driving away and laughed. Luis may not have like the fact that she had money but he did love that car. Shaking her head, she quickly finished unpacking all the bags and ran upstairs. Luis went through so much trouble to make tonight something she would remember, much like her cold chicken from weeks before. She wasn’t going to let her tardiness spoil the remainder of the evening. After a quick shower and a change of clothing, Serenity spread one of her quilts out in front of the stone fireplace in the living room. She had considered using a picnic blanket but decided she wanted more cushioning on the floor. Grabbing two wine goblets and some candles, she set up a makeshift table on the hearth, complete with silverware and a checkered tablecloth. Dimming all of the lights in the house and popping a CD into the player, she waited for Luis to arrive. The second she heard the car pull into the driveway Serenity lit the candles and turned on her favorite CD. Luis entered the house carrying a pizza and a six-pack of beer. He had decided to go the less formal route for dinner and was surprised to see Serenity had gone the opposite way. That woman had the amazing ability to surprise him constantly and he loved how she had used candles to light the area where they would be eating. Crossing the room to her, he put his packages beside the glasses and joined her on the floor. “Well I thought that pizza and beer would be fast enough. Did you want something else?” “No, this is fine,” she told him. “I wasn’t sure what you’d be bringing home so I prepared for everything,” she motioned to the basket of silverware that also contained chopsticks. “Since I didn’t know what dinner was I didn’t pick out anything to drink but you’ve obviously got that covered,” she looked nervous. “What’s wrong?” he asked, twisting the cap off one of the beer bottles and passing it to her as he opened the pizza box. “I’ve never had beer before,” she admitted shyly, sipping from the bottle. “I’m a wine or mixed drink girl,” she took another gulp, not really enjoying the taste but not finding it completely repulsive either. “Careful there,” he laughed as some of the amber fluid started to dribble down her chin. Picking up a napkin, he dabbed away the fluid. “I don’t want you ruining that dress. Have I told you how beautiful you look?” She shook her head. “Not tonight,” she grabbed a piece of pizza. “Pineapple and pepperoni! My favorite! How did you know?” she asked, picking off a piece of pineapple and popping it into her mouth. “It’s mine too,” he opened another beer and took a long drink from the bottle. “Looks like we have something else in common.” She nodded, enjoying all their similarities. “Though I couldn’t get pizza often in Paris, I did learn to make it from an American recipe and I always purchased it for lunch when I was shopping in New York City. Sad, isn’t it? I traveled across an ocean for cheese, dough and tomato sauce when I had some of the finest cuisine in the world right there.” Chuckling, Luis shook his head. “No, actually, that sounds like something you would do. I was under the impression you didn’t come to the States often though.” “Oh no, I stayed away from Maine for the most part since I couldn’t stand to be here knowing my parents were buried in Harmony. I used to come for weekend shopping trips in New York or movie premiers in LA. I wasn’t much into staying here for long periods of time since I had the restaurant and business over there though.” “I guess we do owe Sheridan for one thing,” he told her as he bit into his slice of pizza. “Yea, what’s that?” she asked, annoyed that he even mentioned her friend. “If she hadn’t chosen Antonio we would have never met and fallen in love.” Serenity’s eyes softened, no longer bitter that Sheridan’s name had come up. “I suppose I can thank her for that,” she replied, kissing him. “I love you, Luis, and even though this isn’t a four star meal from the Seascape this is turning out to be a wonderful night.” “I agree,” he returned. Lifting his beer bottle he said, “Let’s toast to many more wonderful dinners like this one.” She tapped her bottle to his. “There’s nothing I want more.” And there truly wasn’t. “Hey, sweetheart, what are you doing?” Luis asked as he came down the stairs wearing his flannel pajama pants. Serenity smiled at him as she hugged her arms around herself. She was wearing the top that went with his clothing after he so rudely tore what she had been wearing to bed the night before. He had little patience when it came to the hooks in the delicate French lace teddy she had surprised him with after work. His apology had included the excuse that the teddy was a casualty in an act of passion and her reward was much better than the expensive lace piece ever could be. “Watching the parade,” she pointed to the big screen TV, the oversized sleeve dangling beneath her petite wrist. “Santa’s about to come and I have nothing to do now that everything is in the oven.” Luis shook his head. Serenity had started most of the cooking the night before and whatever couldn’t be done then she had started at three that morning. She was determined to make this the finest Thanksgiving that the Lopez-Fitzgerald family had ever had. “Baby, did you get any sleep last night?” he joined her on the couch, putting an arm around her shoulders. Serenity snuggled into his side. “Some, I really wasn’t very tired,” she admitted softly, reveling in the feel of his warm skin against her cheek. “I’m so excited and nervous about today and so enjoyed last night that I couldn’t possibly rest.” He chuckled. “You were wild last night,” he peeked down the flannel nightshirt she wore. She caught his hand and pulled it away from the buttons on the shirt. “Just because I couldn’t find my panties and decided to leave them off,” she teased, “doesn’t mean you can start looking,” she laughed. He groaned. “I intended to get up and help you cook but I was worn,” he stretched, kissing her neck. “Is there anything left to cook or do?” She shook her head. “Relax, I have this covered, Luis. I’ve catered weddings on my own; Thanksgiving dinner for eight really isn’t anything major.” He nodded and both fell silent as Santa’s sleight traveled past Macy’s in New York City. Not only was this the end of the three-hour long parade, but it was also the opening to the Christmas season and Luis realized this would be his first one with Serenity. Smiling, his lips found her earlobe and teased it for a moment. She purred contently as he moved away slightly and whispered, “I love you and have never loved anyone the way I do you.” “I love you too,” she murmured. “Good. So then you won’t mind telling me what you want for Christmas.” Serenity hesitated, considering her options. There really wasn’t much that she wanted and needed for Christmas, besides some things to wear to bed. She really had to train Luis to deal with her gowns or else she’d be sleeping nude. Frowning, she decided telling him that she wanted pajamas was out of the question. “You know,” she considered. “I think I have everything I want and need right here,” she turned towards him. “Cliché,” he winked, kissing her nose. “Come on, there has to be something you want.” She shook her head. “I’m being honest, Luis, there is nothing I need or want this year. You’ve already made this Christmas a million times better just by loving me and giving me a place I can call home,” she got up, clicking off the TV. “Now, while you shower I’m going to start setting up. We only have about six or so hours until everyone gets here.” “Serenity, you can’t be serious, sweetheart. If you keep this up you’re going to give yourself an ulcer,” he pulled her back onto the couch when she started to get up. “There’s nothing that needs to be set up right now.” “Yes there is, Luis. I have to set the table and ice my cake that’s cooling on the rack. I also have to set up the trays of hors d’oeuvres and snacks for when the company starts arriving. On top of all that, I have to wash the kitchen floor, clean the counters back off, take a shower and get dressed.” “You’re stressing,” he told her. “Damn right I’m stressing!” she huffed, being silenced when his lips covered hers. She wanted to fight him but his kisses always weakened any resolve she had. Slowly, he lowered her to the couch, laying right above her and caressing her legs, which peeked out from his oversized shirt. They continued kissing until neither could hold their breaths for a second longer. “Better?” he asked, brushing his thumb over her swollen lips and smiling. “Mmm,” she closed her eyes, sighing contently. “Much.” “Now you go get in the shower and I’ll start cleaning up the kitchen. You’ve been working your fingers to the bones for the last eight or so hours and you deserve the rest.” “All right,” she slid out from beneath him. “Sure you can’t join me?” she questioned with one foot on the step upstairs and his shirt around her thigh. Groaning, Luis’ eyes met hers and he could tell that she was serious. “I could, if you really want me to.” “I do.” “Then cleaning can wait,” he chased her upstairs. By the time the doorbell at three, Serenity and Luis had managed to finish all of the chores that she had earlier listed. Rushing to the door, she pulled it open and smiled at the first of their guests: Pilar. Behind her, however, stood a beautiful young girl of seventeen with long, chestnut colored hair and beautiful hazel doe eyes. Her looks were that of the Lopez family and when she smiled, her resemblance to Luis was uncanny. “Serenity,” Pilar hugged the girl as she entered, also hugging Luis when he joined them at the door. “Miguel sends his apologies. He was invited to eat with Charity at the Bennett house and said they’ll try to drop in later.” Before Serenity could reply, Luis joined them in the hallway and spotted his little sister. “Loma!” he pulled his sister into a big bear hug, squeezing her tightly. “You’ve grown so much!” he looked her over. “I can hardly recognize you.” “Funny, didn’t seem like you had any trouble a second ago,” the girl teased. “Hey big brother, long time no see,” she kissed his cheek. “And who is this beautiful woman?” “Paloma, I want you to meet my girlfriend, Serenity,” Luis broke the hug and put an arm around Serenity. “Sere, baby, this is my baby sister, Paloma.” “Pleasure to meet you,” Serenity offered, reaching out to shake the girl’s hand. She was surprised when the young Lopez-Fitzgerald launched herself into Serenity’s arms and hugged her. The feeling of being part of a family was very new to Serenity; so were hugs from people she had met only minutes earlier. “Luis and Mama told me a lot about you and I apologize if I surprised you. Sometimes I have a bit of Theresa’s enthusiasm, especially for hugging.” Lowering her voice, she added, “I think it’s something in the genetic coding or something.” Serenity laughed. “Well I can already tell you that I’m going to enjoy this one, Luis,” her arm fell across Paloma’s back as she led them all deeper into the house. “She’s a keeper.” Paloma smiled. It was ironic that she was thinking the same about Serenity. “Speaking of my big sister, where are she and my little nephew?” “Right here!” Theresa bubbled eagerly as she let herself in through the front door. “Loma!” she cried. “Resa!” the girl feigned excitement and they embraced, pinning poor little Ethan between them. The child obviously didn’t appreciate their enthusiasm and squealed until Serenity removed him from Theresa’s arms. “Come here, sweetheart,” she caressed his back until he quieted. Little Ethan took immediately to Serenity and snuggled closely in her arms. His little head rested against her shoulder and his eyes closed as he sucked the thumb in his mouth. “I’m sorry Mommy is so brain dead,” she whispered to the child, earning a laugh from Paloma. Luis watched Serenity talk to the baby and rock him gently, suddenly seeing what it would be like if she were the mother to his child. A longing filled his heart and Luis knew that he couldn’t wait too much longer to make her his wife and start a family too. He could already see his children with Serenity’s big blue eyes and his dark hair and Latino looks; they were going to be gorgeous children for sure. “Please come in,” Serenity motioned to the living room full of food when she realized that they were still in the hall. “Help yourself to the treats Luis and I prepared for before dinner until Sheridan and Antonio get here. We’ll eat at five, all right?” Pilar nodded, looking over the vast amount of food. “This must have taken so much work, Serenity. You should have allowed me to help!” “Oh, this was nothing. I’ve had to do dinners for fifty or more people when I first opened my restaurant. Eight was easy after that,” she tapped little Ethan’s nose and kissed his chubby little cheek. “Theresa, can I ask you a question?” she noticed the child’s outfit for the first time. “Sure!” the bouncy girl replied, still clinging to her little sister. “For someone that loves fashion so much, how could you do this to your child?” Serenity begged, holding him so everyone could see the pilgrim costume the poor baby was forced to endure. “This is just cruel.” Loma couldn’t help herself as she broke into wild laughter with tears rolling down her cheeks. Even Pilar had to smirk at Serenity’s brutal honesty about the outfit, which she also couldn’t stand. Never in all her years had she dressed her children as holiday characters. Luis shook his head, trying to hide his laugh within a cough, as Theresa looked ready to cry. “I thought it was cute,” she pouted. “I’m sorry, Theresa,” Serenity looked around for help but everyone else looked away. It was obvious that she got into this mess and now she would have to get herself out of it. “It’s just…I mean he’s not a doll right?” “I’ve got to agree,” Paloma nodded, taking little Ethan. She liked Serenity too much to see her suffer any longer. “As his Aunt, I forbid you from ever dressing him in holiday costumes again, Theresa. It’s unfair.” “Unfair?” Theresa’s confusion was evident. “Yea,” Paloma continued. “He can’t defend himself yet.” Theresa blinked stupidly and walked into the living room. Obviously this entire conversation was over her head and everyone could expect to see poor little Ethan in a Santa suit at Christmas. Serenity shrugged, starting to return to the front door and close it, just as Sheridan walked inside. “Sorry we’ve taken so long,” she dropped her jacket into Serenity’s arms. “I was waiting for the food to finish cooking.” “Let me take your coat,” Serenity grumbled, opening the closet door and throwing the coat inside without a care. She and Antonio both started to join the others and ended up walking into each other, sending Serenity to the floor. “I’m sorry,” he apologized, helping her up. “I’m a bit clumsy lately.” “Baby,” Sheridan swatted him playfully, watching Luis for a reaction. She was angered when he didn’t give her the one she wanted. “Serenity is used to being knocked to the floor,” her tone was hushed so only her friend would hear her. Eyes darkening with anger, Serenity grabbed the heated tray of food from Sheridan and started for the kitchen, pausing at the door when she looked down at the dish. “What store did you stop at to pick this up?” “What?” Sheridan was taken aback. “Lay off, Sheridan,” Antonio teased as everyone settled in the living room to munch on the hors d’oeuvres. “She had the Crane kitchen staff make it, Serenity. She burned whatever she was attempting to make and called to see what they had extra of.” “Figures,” Luis chuckled, sitting beside Paloma and playing with his nephew. Serenity disappeared into the kitchen for a moment and then returned, sitting on Luis’ lap when she noticed all the seats were taken. She knew Luis didn’t mind, especially when he started to caress her hip. Serenity kept her eyes on Sheridan, growing angry every time the woman looked at Luis with lust in her eyes. Sheridan continuously tried to engage Luis in a conversation and by the time dinner was ready, Serenity was on the verge of smacking her best friend. She wasn’t sure just how long she was going to be able to take Sheridan’s presence in her house. After dinner, Luis started to clear the table and bring the dishes into the kitchen. He had promised Serenity that after all her work cooking she wouldn’t do any of the cleaning and assigned Paloma to the job of keeping Serenity otherwise entertained. Sheridan smirked when she noticed that Paloma had pulled Serenity into the living room, leaving Luis completely alone in the kitchen. Picking up two of the dishes on the table that Luis had left behind, Sheridan slipped into the kitchen unnoticed. “What did I tell you about…oh, Sheridan,” Luis turned back to his work at the sink. “Something you need?” “Something I want is more like it,” she ran her hands over his back and blew gently in his ear. “It’s so hard being away from you, Luis,” she played with his hair. “So very hard.” Turning, Luis knocked her hand away. “What is your problem, Sheridan? Why can’t you seem to understand that everything we had is over?” “Because it can’t be,” she shook her head. “We’re soul mates, Luis. That doesn’t just stop because you want it to!” Deciding to take another tactic, she grabbed a towel and began drying dishes. “Luis, can things ever be the way they once were between us?” “No, not now,” he replied tersely. “Not even if I told Antonio the truth about us, Luis? He’s been feeling better lately and I’m sure Eve would approve of my telling him about us now,” Sheridan tried to remain calm, knowing that Luis wanted nothing more than for his brother to know the truth. “Too little, too late,” he handed her another dish. “I’m happy with Serenity and your telling Antonio would do nothing but break his heart for no reason. Don’t waste your time.” Getting desperate, Sheridan decided that now was not the time to play fair or nice. “All right, so maybe it’s not enough for me to tell Antonio about us, Luis, but what if there was something bigger than that?” “Like?” he continued his cleaning, unfazed by her attempts to win him back. “I’m pregnant.” “What?” he dropped the glass he was washing, catching it just before it hit the sink and shattered. “Sheridan!” “Hypothetically,” Sheridan covered quickly. “If I were pregnant with your child, would you come back to me?” When he didn’t reply she continued. “I know we haven’t been together since August, Luis, but the chance of my being pregnant, while slim, is there.” “You were on birth control,” he replied, trying to maintain his composure. He wanted to call her bluff, but one look at her and he knew it was possibly true. Sheridan could very well be pregnant and the child could be his. “It fails.” “I’d need proof,” he told her. “I’d need you to show me a pregnancy test; I’d need a doctor to confirm that you conceived that child in August with me and not with Antonio.” Frustrated and angry, Sheridan squeezed the towel tightly but tried to put on a brave front. She didn’t know if she was pregnant, but it was possible and she would do anything to have Luis as hers again. “You don’t believe me.” Finishing the last dish, Luis looked at her, “I have no reason to anymore. You’re a different woman, Sheridan, and I wouldn’t trust you if my life depended on it,” he walked out of the kitchen, leaving her alone. Sheridan fumed, throwing the towel onto the counter. “Damn it. I’m not giving up,” she told herself. “I can’t or else my life will be ruined forever.” She walked into the living room and sat beside Antonio. Irately, she watched as Serenity and Luis nestled on the floor in front of the fireplace instead of in a chair with everyone else. Little Ethan napped quietly in Serenity’s lap and for a moment they looked like the picture perfect family. Antonio nudged her slightly and when she turned her head he whispered something. Sheridan shook her head in reply. “Come on, Sheridan, if you don’t tell them I will,” he put an arm around her, but Sheridan wasn’t budging. “Fine. We have an announcement to make,” Antonio waited until everyone was looking at him. “Sheridan and I have spoken to Father Lonigan and selected a date for our wedding: December eighth.” “What?” Pilar nearly missed the chair she was starting to sit in. “So soon?” Antonio nodded. “We can’t wait to be married anymore, so we’ve decided to go ahead and plan. We’ve been working on it for weeks now.” Serenity felt Luis tense slightly, but when she looked at him he was simply looking at her. He offered her what looked to be a smile and she felt slightly wounded that he was reacting the way he did. Part of her understood that Sheridan was his soul mate and that he believed he could never love another until he met her, but it still annoyed her. “I love only you,” he told her and Serenity believed him; she had to. “There’s more,” Sheridan found her voice, sickened by the display Luis and Serenity were putting on. She was really getting tired of them. “Oh joy,” Paloma and Serenity both grumbled at the same time. Their eyes met across the room and they both shared a grin. “Oh, right!” Antonio smiled. “Luis, you’ve been so supportive of me after I’ve dropped back into your life and you’ve never let the bad blood from before tarnish my homecoming. I really appreciate that. So, I would be honored if you would be my best man at the ceremony.” “I’m flattered, Antonio. I would love to,” Luis replied, clearing his throat afterwards. “And of course, it only makes sense that you’re my maid-of-honor, Serenity,” Sheridan offered in a saccharine tone. “You are my best friend and have known me longer than anyone else. We’re like sisters! You’ll do it, won’t you?” Everyone waited on baited breath to see what Serenity’s reply was going to be. Paloma, though she only recently arrived in town, wasn’t blind to Sheridan’s attempts to win her brother back. She didn’t much appreciate it, either, especially since she was getting along so well with Serenity. When she had a few minutes alone with Luis’ girlfriend, she had noticed how wonderful the woman was and how much she loved and adored Luis. Pilar made a quick sign of the cross, knowing this was going to split the family apart. “Of course,” Serenity said evenly, masking her real emotions. She would do anything to keep Pilar and the family from being hurt anymore than they already were. “I’d love to stand up at your wedding and watch you marry the man of your dreams,” she stood. “Would anyone like dessert? The coffee should be done and I have pies.” “Let me help you,” Luis followed her into the kitchen. The second the door was behind him, he started to speak. “Baby?” “What is she doing, Luis? Why did she need to do this now? Why did she ask me to be part of her wedding ceremony?” She pulled out coffee mugs, her voice quivering. “This is wrong. We’re nothing like sisters, never have been. She’s up to something.” “I know.” “What did she say before?” Serenity asked him. “Did she give any hint that this was coming at all? Did you expect her to drop this bomb?” “No,” Luis shook his head. “In fact she was hitting on me before we came back into the living room. She asked if there was anything she could say that would change my mind.” “Such as?” “Telling Antonio the truth or having my baby.” Serenity nearly dropped the coffee pot, but steadied herself in time. Why hadn’t she thought about that before? Sheridan and Luis had been lovers before her return to Harmony; it would be easy enough for Sheridan’s methods of birth control to fail and for her to be pregnant. “That was my reaction,” he admitted. “I haven’t been with her since August, Serenity, and she was on birth control even then. I don’t believe she’s pregnant.” “What if she is? Would you leave me?” “We’ll deal with it, Serenity. I’m not going back to her even if she is pregnant. I love you and I want you. Nothing between us is going to change; we’ll work this out.” “You seem angry that she’s getting married. It seems as if you want to be in his place, Luis. If you do…” “I don’t,” he promised. “And sweetheart, green isn’t a good color on you.” “Oh ha-ha,” she rolled her eyes. “I just wanted to know what you were thinking, Luis.” “All I’m thinking is about getting rid of these people and proving to you how much I love you, baby.” Slipping his arms around her, he rested his head on her shoulder. “Sheridan isn’t the same woman I fell in love with two years ago, Serenity. There’s something about her that is different and not in a good way. I don’t love the woman in the living room anymore; I only love you and I always will.” “I love you too,” she turned her head and kissed him. “I don’t trust her.” “Neither do I, but we’re going to stay on our toes and keep her from hurting us, sweetheart. No one is going to break up what we have,” he grabbed the pumpkin pie. “Come on, let’s go finish this holiday so we can celebrate our way.” He disappeared into the living room. Smiling, Serenity shook her head. “I should have brought more whip cream.” Peering through the door at Sheridan, she whispered, “I’m not letting you get him back, Sheridan Crane. I refuse to give up the only person that has ever really loved me, especially to you.”