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Tell Me Why



*Tell Me Why*
Part One
Part Two

Part Nine

“Sheridan,” he whispered. As he lay in bed beside her. He knew she wasn’t asleep. He didn’t know how. He just knew. “How’d you meet Marie?” he asked curiously. He felt the bed shift under her weight as she turned to face him. He drew in a quick breath at the beautiful picture she presented in the moonlight. Her blue eyes staring at him. “I met her at boarding school when I was very young,” she said softly. “When Father sent me away. Marie was wonderful. She drew me out of my shell and made all those long years bearable. I don’t know what I would’ve done without her. Why do you ask?”

“Just curious. I’m a cop. It’s in my nature,” he laughed. The sound echoing in the quiet room. For a few minutes, all that could be heard was the sound of their breathing. “If you don’t mind my asking…” he hesitated. “Go ahead, Luis,” she encouraged. “What happened to Catherine’s father? I don’t see how anyone could abandon someone like Marie. Or such a beautiful little girl. I know I wouldn’t.” He could see Sheridan smile slightly at his last statement in the pale light. “I don’t know,” she admitted. “They seemed so in love. Philippe adored Marie. At least I thought so,” she said. “I’m not exactly the best judge of character. I’ve been involved with more losers than I count.”

Am I one of those losers, he wanted to ask. But he didn’t. Instead he just lay there. Facing her. Waiting for her to continue. “Marie’s always had tons of guys after her,” she said with a smile. “No surprise, really. She’s beautiful. But she never let anyone get close to her, you know. Until Philippe. Marie’s parents died when she was very young. She only had her grandmother. But Rose was in her early forties when she had Marie’s mother. So by the time Marie’s mother had her, Rose was in her seventies. Rose died when Marie was sixteen. After that, Marie wouldn’t let anyone too close. But like I said, Philippe changed all that. They were so in love, Luis,” she said. Blue eyes shining with unshed tears. “I can’t possibly imagine what happened. Why he left her and Catherine. And now Marie’s stuck with a bastard like Jacques. He doesn’t love her or that precious little girl down the hall. I don’t think Jacques has it in him to love ANYBODY.”

The silence between them hung heavily in the air. Until Sheridan said in a tiny voice. “I used to think that there was someone out there. Someone that would love me like I thought Philippe loved Marie. A man to share my life with. Who’d love me for me. Not my name or money. I never gave up hope. No matter how foolish Father told me I was,” she laughed bitterly. “Maybe he was right,” she whispered. Looking deep into his brown eyes. For what, Luis didn’t know. But he wanted her to find her answer. He wanted to be that someone for her. The man that would show her that her dreams weren’t foolish. That they could become a reality. If only she’d tell him. Tell him why she left Harmony. And him. Without so much as an explanation.

“Luis?” she asked. Her words soft. The sound of her voice making him shiver. “Yes, Sheridan,” he said simply. Reaching out and trailing a finger across her graceful features. Tracing the path of her tears. “Why?” He stopped his motions. Looking at her strangely. Waiting for her to say more. “Why did you do it? Why did you say such awful things? I don’t understand how the man who risked his own life for mine—the man who’s so wonderful with Catherine—and the man I heard on the wharf that night can be one in the same.” “Sheridan,” he said wearily. Shutting his eyes against the pain in hers. “Tell me. Tell me what I said. Please. If you’d only tell me…then we could move on. I want to move on, Sheridan. I want you in my future,” he admitted.

Her breath caught in her throat at the look in his eyes. At his touch as he gently rubbed his thumb back and forth across her lips. Then brushed the hair back from her face. “I heard you that night. On your cell phone. Talking about how you were only using me,” she choked. “How you had me fooled. The spoiled Crane princess. Using me to get back at my family for what you think they did to your father,” she cried. Not understanding the look on his handsome face. The shock and disbelief. Like he had no idea what she was talking about. “Sheridan,” he began. “I never said such things.” He grabbed her by the shoulders when she tried to turn away from him. Her face falling when he denied any knowledge of that night.

“Look at me,” he demanded. Pulling her close. “I would never do something like that. I swear. I’m not like those other men in your life. Those men you used to know. Yes, I want to find out what happened to my father. And yes, I think your father and brother had something to do with his disappearance. I admit I thought you were just like the rest of your family. In the beginning,” he said. Searching her eyes for any sign that she believed him. “But then I got to know you. What I thought was the REAL Sheridan Crane. And I realized I was wrong. You’re nothing like your father and brother. If I didn’t know better, I would never believe you had the same blood running through your veins as Alistair and Julian Crane.”

For the first time, hope rose in her chest that she had been wrong. But that would mean…that would mean she was imagining things. “But Luis,” she said haltingly. “If you never said any of those things, if you never had that conversation, how do you explain what I saw? I saw a man…a man I wholeheartedly believed was you…talking on his cell phone that night. Am I to believe that I imagined him? I can’t do that, Luis. I saw him. I heard him. I’m not crazy.” Luis studied her for a moment. His brain desperately trying to come up with a plausible answer for her. But the only answer he was positive of…the only thing he could truthfully say to her…was it wasn’t him.

So he did just that. “Sheridan,” he whispered. Taking her hand in his. “I don’t know. I don’t know who would want to hurt you like that. Hurt you so much you felt you had to run away from me. From Harmony. But I do not for a moment believe that you’re crazy. And I can honestly say it wasn’t me. Sheridan…before all this happened…I thought I was beginning to feel something for you. Something in here,” he said. Placing their joined hands over his heart. “I still think we could have something special. If you’d only believe me. Trust me. Do you, Sheridan?” he asked.

She wanted to. Wanted so desperately to believe him. In her heart she believed him. But her head wouldn't let her take such a leap of faith. She'd been burned too many times. "I want to believe you," she said. "So much. More than anything in the world, Luis," she whispered. "I'm so confused, Luis. I...on some level, I DO believe you. My heart says to believe you. But then my head tells me not to be so foolish again. So stupid. I'm afraid, Luis. I don't think I could take it...I'm afraid of being hurt again. I need time. Can you give me that? Will you give me the time I need, Luis?" she asked.

Luis's heart fell and soared in a matter of seconds. She hadn't completely given up on him. And he could live with that. For the time being. "Time," he repeated. Tucking a strand of blond hair back behind her ear. "If it's time you need, Sheridan, I'll give you time. Time to learn to trust your heart again. This time it's telling you the truth," he said. Smiling at the relieved smile on her beautiful face. "All you have to do is listen to it." "Thank you," Sheridan whispered. Relaxing in his embrace. A feeling of peace washing over her as they settled back against the pillows. A feeling that was short-lived. Because a few minutes later...a scream pierced the night air.

Part Ten


Sheridan’s heart stopped at the sound. It was Catherine. Catherine was screaming. A terrible, anguish-filled scream. Luis bolted off the bed. Flattening himself against the wall. Motioning for her to stay put. But when had she ever listened to him before? She followed him as he crept down the hall. Neither daring to breathe. Sheridan felt a sickening feeling in the pit of her stomach as she heard Catherine whimpering from the room just ahead. Marie’s room. Something was terribly wrong. She closed her eyes and held on to Luis’s hand tightly. Praying to God. Praying that the little girl she loved so dearly and her mother were okay. Luis raised a finger to his lips and stopped in front of Marie’s room. The door was slightly ajar, and the pale light from the moon spilled out in the hall. “Catherine,” he whispered. “Catherine? Are you alright?”

They could hear Catherine’s gentle sobbing inside the room. Fear gripped Sheridan’s heart like a vice as Luis slowly eased the door open, and the sight before her made her weak. Sick to her stomach. “Sheri,” Catherine cried pitifully. “Oh Sheri.” Tears pooled in Sheridan’s blue eyes at the sound of her little voice. The horror in her once sparkling green eyes. Blood soaked her once snowy white nightgown. Marie’s blood. Her mother’s blood. “Luis,” she cried. “Help her. Help her,” she wailed. Reaching for him with her blood-stained hands. Luis grabbed her up in his arms. Clutching her close. His brown eyes filling with water. “Shh,” he soothed. “It’ll be okay,” he whispered. But in her heart, Sheridan knew things would never be okay for Catherine again. Never. She’d had her childhood stolen from her in one blinding moment.

With a shaking hand, Sheridan felt for a pulse. Hoping against hope she would find one. But it was too late. Her beautiful friend was gone. Silenced forever. “There’s…there’s nothing to do,” she whispered. Shaking her head in disbelief. Who had done this? Who would want to do something so terrible, she wondered, as she felt her legs begin to fail her. Luis caught her in his arms before she fell, and she clung to him as if her life depended on it. Burying her face against his chest. Her tears wetting his shirt. Luis cursed whoever had done this. Taken the life of the mother of the sweet little child in his arms. He felt the hair on the back of his neck stand up, and a strange feeling in his gut. They needed to get out of here. Quick.

“Sheridan,” he whispered. Kissing the crown of her golden head. “Sheridan,” he repeated. Staring into her sad blue eyes. “We have to get out of here. NOW,” he insisted. And the sadness in her eyes was replaced by fear as she took Catherine’s limp body from his arms and listened to his instructions. “I want you to get some clothes for you and Catherine,” he said. Stroking her face with his thumb. “Remember how you left the other day?” She nodded her head slowly. “I want you to take Catherine. Be very careful. Wait for me at that cathedral nearby. Stay there until I come for you. Okay?” he pleaded. His brown eyes not shying away from her gaze.

“But Luis…I can’t leave you here. What if something happens to you? What if whoever did this…” “Don’t say it,” he warned. A finger to her lips. “Don’t even think it. Sheridan, please. For once. Do what I say. Forget your stubborn ways and listen to me.” Her blue eyes glittered with unshed tears as she whispered, “Okay, Officer. I’ll do it. But don’t you dare not come back to me. We still have a lot of unfinished business between us.” Luis smiled at her despite the circumstances and pulled her against him. Meshing his lips with hers. “There,” he whispered. “Something to remember me by. Now…off with you. You get Catherine out of here. Somewhere safe.” He watched her as she disappeared from sight. And he sent a special prayer to God, to his father if he were up in Heaven above, asking them both to keep her and Catherine safe. Not let anything happen to them.

He counted silently. Willing his heart to stop hammering against his chest. Willing himself to stay calm as he searched the rooms in the apartment. Looking for evidence, any evidence he could find, to alert him to the identity of the sorry excuse for human beings that had perpetrated this horrendous crime. Turning the place upside down in his quest. And finding…and finding nothing. NOTHING. But he couldn’t ignore the feeling in his heart. The feeling in his gut that told him Marie had only gotten in the way. Gotten in the way to Sheridan. His gaze caught a familiar object tucked away under the edge of Marie’s bed, and he knelt down to retrieve it. Catherine’s teddy bear. He grabbed the ragged old bear in his hands. Stilling his movements when he heard a creaking sound. A creaking sound that sounded close by. The teddy bear fell from his hands when the blow landed to his head. And darkness swallowed him up.

Part Eleven

“Sheridan,” Luis moaned. Blinking his eyes against the harsh light. His head felt like someone had used it as a bass drum. He squinted. His eyes traveling the length of the legs that stood before him. “You,” he gasped. Clutching his head in agony. “What did you hit me with? You bastard,” he hissed in disgust. “I didn’t know you had it in you. Tell me, Jacques. Did you really hate your own wife that much? Or did she just get in the way to Sheridan?”

“Monsieur Lopez-Fitzgerald, you think you’re clever, don’t you?” Jacques smirked. “I have to admit,” he continued. Pacing around the small, dirty room. “You’re much smarter than I gave you credit for. Much smarter, indeed. But every dog has its day. Let’s just say this is the end of yours,” he laughed evilly. “Pierre! Bring her in.”

Luis’s heart stopped beating as this man, this Pierre, stepped into the room. Dragging Sheridan behind him. “You see, Monsieur,” Jacques said. Stalking around Sheridan. “You are not as clever as you thought. You put your trust in this stupid woman here,” he said. Grabbing Sheridan by the chin and forcing her to meet his eyes with her own. Sheridan’s blue eyes shone with hatred for the despicable man in front of her.

Luis flinched when Jacques jerked Sheridan up against him unexpectedly. And brought his lips down roughly on hers. He pulled against the ropes that bound his hands. Outraged. Shocked at how much he wanted to kill the man in front of him. For laying a hand on Sheridan. Forcing himself on her. Sheridan whimpered when Jacques yanked her head back. His hands tangled in her hair.

Sheridan’s eyes glittered with unshed tears. But she wouldn’t give Jacques the satisfaction of seeing her cry. “Sherie,” Jacques whispered. Tracing Sheridan’s jawline with his finger. “Maybe we should have a little fun with you before we kill you. What do you think, Pierre?” Pierre didn’t answer. Only leered at Sheridan suggestively as Jacques crushed his mouth to hers once more.

Luis shut his eyes tight. Unable to watch anymore. His dark eyes shot open, though, when he heard Jacques swear loudly. And a second later…a sickening crack as his hand connected with Sheridan’s face. “I’ll kill you!” he yelled. “I’ll kill you if you touch her again!” he warned. Jacques shoved Sheridan toward Pierre and lunged for Luis. Jerking him up by the collar. “Is that a threat, Monsieur?”

“You’re damn right it’s a threat,” Luis ground out between clenched teeth. “If you so much as touch a hair on her head, I’ll tear you apart. Limb by limb.” Jacques’ eyes gleamed with madness as he taunted Luis. “You will, will you? Go ahead. I didn’t think so, Monsieur. You can’t do anything to help your Princess,” he jeered. Luis’s eyes locked with Sheridan’s across the room at Jacques’ words. And he felt his heart sink as he thought about how much time they had wasted.

"Don't underestimate, Monsieur Lopez-Fitzgerald," another masculine voice interrupted. His French accent heavy. "He is quite resourceful," the man said. Jacques immediately rose to his feet without a word. And Luis's dark eyes narrowed at the man in front of him. The mastermind behind this whole affair. The man who had a price on Sheridan's head. The man stared at him for a moment. A strange look in his eyes.

"Leave her," he ordered. Stalking out of the room. "Mademoiselle, you should be thankful," Pierre said as he untied the restraints on Sheridan's hands and shoved her forward. "Roger is not always so generous. He's giving you one more night. One more night to live." "In the morning, we will kill you," Jacques said menacingly. "Both of you," he called. Slamming the door shut behind him. It was not until they heard the lock click in place that the dam finally burst. And Sheridan cried.

Part Twelve

“Shh,” he soothed. Running his hands through her soft hair. She’d freed his hands from the ropes earlier. It seemed like hours. He’d held her in his arms since them. In an effort to comfort her. But she wouldn’t be calmed. The tears wouldn’t stop falling. “This is all my fault,” she said quietly. Raising her sad blue eyes to his. “If I hadn’t been so foolish…if I hadn’t run away again…this never would have happened. Marie would still be alive. Catherine would still have her mother. Oh my god,” she gasped. “Catherine! Luis! What if they find her? What if they find her and kill her, too?” she asked in a terrified voice.

“Sheridan. Listen to me,” he said. His hands cradling her face. “They’re NOT going to kill us. I promise,” he whispered. Staring into her eyes. “Do you believe me? Do you trust me with your life? I would NEVER let something happen to you. I care about you too much,” he admitted. Lowering his hands and averting his gaze. Missing the flicker of happiness in Sheridan’s blue eyes. “I believe you,” she said softly. Her fingers entwining with his. “I trust you,” she said. Smiling through her tears. “I trust you, Luis.” With my life…AND my heart, she thought as he lifted his shining eyes to her. “Good,” he said. Pulling her close again. “I won’t let anything happen to you. We’re going to make it out of here. Safe and sound. And Catherine’s going to be alright. She’s safe with the Sisters. They won’t let anything happen to her. I still wish you had stayed with her, though,” he said as he traced lazy circles on her back.

She shifted in his arms. And stared at him. With a look he had never seen before in her eyes. A look he’d never dare hope to see. “I couldn’t,” she said simply. “I couldn’t leave you. I couldn’t bear the thought…I…Luis, I care about you, too,” she whispered. Leaning her forehead against his. Her eyes fluttering shut. “So much,” she said in a strangled voice. “So much,” she whispered. Nuzzling her nose against his. Her lips meeting his with a gentle sigh. I love you, she thought as she pulled away. And lost herself in his dark brown eyes. She could finally admit it to herself. And to him. “I lo…” “Shh,” he said. A finger against her lips. “Don’t.”

He traced her lips with his finger. Teasing her. Before leaning in to kiss her again. He’d never tasted anything else so sweet, he thought as he threaded his fingers through her hair and opened his mouth over hers. Never. He groaned when she returned his kiss with fervor, and he felt her hands working the buttons on his shirt free. His mind was screaming for him to tell her to stop. This wasn’t the place. The time. But his heart wouldn’t listen. His heart had other plans. They broke apart. Breathless. And Sheridan slid the shirt off his shoulders. Smiling against Luis’s lips as he pulled her to him again.

She gasped when his hands slid under her shirt. Onto her bare skin. Tickling her ribs as he pulled it upwards. Then over her head. “You’re beautiful,” he whispered. Easing the strap of her bra off her shoulder and placing a kiss there. “So damn beautiful,” he repeated. Claiming her mouth with his once more. Delighting in the moan that rose in the back of her throat as he pulled her more firmly against him and their heated flesh met. “Luis,” she hummed against his lips. Her arms around his neck. “Make love to me,” she whispered. Her blue eyes staring into his soul.

He cupped her jaw in the palm of his hand and searched her eyes. Wanting to make sure she meant it. That she was certain. “Are you sure?” he whispered. His dark eyes glittering. Sheridan’s eyes filled with tears at his concern. His kindness towards her. How could she have ever believed he said those things on the wharf that night? How? When he looked at her with such…such caring? She kissed his palm gently. If there was even the smallest chance they wouldn’t get out of here…the tiniest chance…she wanted to die knowing the feeling of making love. Truly making love with someone she cared about that cared about her. Not a man whose heart was empty of any feeling for her. Not someone who wasn’t Luis, she realized. He was the only person she wanted to give herself to. Heart and soul.

“Yes,” she breathed. A glorious smile on her face. A smile Luis soon matched. “But Sheridan,” he answered in an uncertain voice. “This,” he said. Taking another look at their dismal surroundings. “This is hardly the kind of place I wanted to…” “It’s okay,” she smiled. “All I need is you, Luis. All this doesn’t matter,” she said. Motioning to their surroundings. Reminded once more of what awaited them in the morning. “I trust you, Luis,” she whispered. Caressing his cheek. “But who knows what tomorrow will bring?” she said. A tear escaping and slipping down her face. If tonight’s my last night to live…if I never see the light of tomorrow…I want to spend it in your arms, she thought. “I’m sure, Luis.” She sighed in pleasure as Luis’s lips trailed down her cheek. Kissing her tears away. And met her lips again. There was no turning back. No one else but him and her. They’d worry about tomorrow. Later.

Part Thirteen

She stumbled as he shoved her forward. Through the woods. Where were they going? The wind howled. Ringing in her ears as she trudged forward. The twigs and small branches snapping underneath her feet. Jacques pushed her again. And this time she wasn’t so lucky. Losing her footing and crashing to the ground below. She cried out in pain when her head struck a rock. Luis was at her side immediately. “You bastard! Why did you do that? Her hands are tied, you idiot. You’re sick, you know that? You’re enjoying this way too much,” he glared.

His brown eyes softened as he looked at her. Longing to touch her. Take away her pain. “Are you okay?” he asked gently. “What does it matter?” Pierre asked in irritation. Hauling Sheridan to her feet. Indifferent to her soft moaning. “You and Mademoiselle Crane will be dead in a matter of minutes,” he said cruelly. “Not if I can help it,” Luis muttered under his breath as Pierre nudged him forward with his gun.

“I don’t know why Roger couldn’t have done this himself,” Jacques whined breathlessly. Ten minutes later. “If I didn’t want to see you dead so much, Sherie, I would have never agreed to this,” he laughed evilly. Taking great pleasure in the stricken look on her pale face. “Have I told you yet how good it felt to plunge that knife into your precious Marie? Over and over again. And the look in her eyes. I’ll never forget the look in her eyes when she realized it was me. I should have killed her and that stupid brat years ago. The same way I did her lover,” he said. His dark eyes shining with malice.

“The coward begged for his life. Just like she did. Just like Catherine will when I find her, Sherie. I WILL find her. I promise you that,” he hissed. His hot breath against her neck making her shudder uncontrollably. He’s just baiting you, she told herself. Catherine’s safe. She’ll stay safe. You and Luis will get out of this impossible situation. Have faith. Think about last night. When he held you in his arms and promised he wouldn’t let anything happen to you. And for a brief moment she felt better. Remembering the look in Luis’s eyes as he’d made love to her. Promised her he’d keep her safe. Forever.

Her resolve was shattered when they came to a small clearing. And to a shallow, freshly dug grave. Oh god, she thought. A tear slipping down her cheek. This is it. We really are going to die. There’s no way out. “Any last requests, Mademoiselle?” Pierre asked. Raising his gun to her head. Pulling back the trigger. “Please,” she pleaded. “Let me say goodbye.” “Let them have their fun, little brother. It’s only fair,” Jacques laughed. Looking off in the distance boredly as Sheridan stepped forward. Gazing at Luis with tear-filled blue eyes.

She leaned her forehead against Luis’s and with a shaky breath said the words that had been in her heart the whole time. “I love you,” she cried. “I’m so sorry it took me so long to realize it,” she apologized. The tears slipping down her cheeks full force as he placed gentle kisses on her cheeks. Her hairline. Traveling down her jaw and whispering in her ear. Before giving her a lingering kiss on the lips. He could taste the salt of her tears. “Trust me,” he whispered. "You ready?"

She nodded her head slowly. Almost imperceptibly. Then he turned around. Taking Jacques off-guard and tackling him to the ground. “Run Sheridan! Run!” he yelled as they struggled. She ran as fast as she could. Her heart pounding in her chest. Her breath short as she crashed through the woods. Desperately trying to elude capture. She could hear Pierre closing in on her. Closer and closer. "Dammit," she swore softly as she stumbled once more. Almost falling to her knees. Keep running. Don't let Luis down. Don't look back.

She kept running full speed ahead even when she heard the Frenchman in pursuit of her swear loudly. She chanced a look back to see Pierre on the ground. Clutching his arm in pain. Aiming his gun at her. She breathed a sigh of relief when she heard the gun off and realized she was fine. He had missed. Still she ran. Finally stopping at the edge of the woods. Gasping for breath as she leaned heavily against a tree and closed her eyes. Her eyes shot open an instant later. When a gunshot rang through the air. Followed by her screams.


Part Fourteen

“Luis!” she screamed. As another gunshot echoed in her ears. “No!” she cried. Racing towards the sound without a second thought. He has to be alright, she thought. He just has to. Tears cascaded down her cheeks as she thought the worst. She was going against everything he had told her. But she had to know. Had to see him. Make sure he wasn’t hurt. “Luis,” she panted. Breaking through the heavy brush. Into the clearing once more. “Luis! Where are you?” she called frantically. Rushing to the grave’s edge and peering down. She gasped at the sight. Jacques lay at the bottom. His eyes permanently fixed in an expression of horror. Blood staining the short he wore. If Jacques was the one who got shot…

“I’m curious to Monsieur Lopez-Fitzgerald’s whereabouts, aussi, Mademoiselle Crane,” Roger said. Startling her. She flinched when she saw the gun he held in his hand. Oh god, she thought. I’ve done it again. Way to go, Sheridan. He crept closer. An evil smile on his face. “I can’t say I’m sorry about the loss,” he said. Glancing at Jacques’s body down below. “I was planning on killing him and his stupid brother anyway,” he continued. Staring at her with cold eyes. “Such a pity,” he uttered softly. Cocking his gun and trailing it down her jaw. Delighting in her shiver. “But some things can’t be avoided, Mademoiselle. Sorry,” he lied in a whisper. “I’m going to kill you now.” “Not if I have anything to say about it,” Luis roared. Lunging at Roger and knocking him to the ground. “Sheridan! Please! Listen to me this time! Get out of here!” Luis yelled between punches. She stood rooted to the ground. Unable to move. Horrified when Roger caught Luis by surprise. Flipping him on his back. Then scrambling to his feet. Luis grabbed him once more. Pummeling him. She went pale at the sight of more blood. She’d seen enough blood in these last few days to last her a lifetime.

“Sheridan,” Luis gasped. And she realized Roger had his hands wrapped around Luis’s neck. Slowly suffocating him. “Sheridan,” he repeated. She followed his gaze. Roger’s gun lay only a few feet from where she stood. Roger eased up on his iron grip. Threats and mockery spewing forth from his mouth. “You are a weakling, Mademoiselle. Too frightened to hurt me. Too timid to help your lover. I WILL kill Monsieur Lopez-Fitzgerald. Then there will be no more escape for you,” he laughed. “No more of your pathetic tears,” he said. Returning his attention back to Luis. Anger overrode her fear, and she darted the few feet to the gun. Roger saw the movement out of the corner of his eyes. Luis fell to the ground in a heap. Clutching his neck in agony. “Give me the gun, Mademoiselle,” Roger demanded with crazed eyes. “Give me the gun now, and I promise…I will make your death quick and painless.”

Sheridan brandished the weapon in front of her. With trembling arms. “Why would I do that?” she laughed nervously. Aiming directly for his heart. “Don’t say I didn’t warn you,” Roger said sinisterly. Knocking the gun out of her hands. And hauling her to the ground when she tried to go after it. “Not so fast,” he said between clenched teeth. “Now I have you,” he said. Squeezing off her air supply as she clawed at his hands. “No escape,” he said coldly. I’m sorry, Luis, she thought as she felt herself losing consciousness. Falling into a pit a darkness. I love you, she thought. Closing her eyes. As a final gunshot rang out.

Part Fifteen

“Sheridan,” she heard a hoarse voice say. A voice that sounded so far away. “Come on. Wake up, Princess. You can do it. Open your eyes for me.” She moaned softly at the pain. Blinking her blue eyes against the sun. “Luis,” she croaked. Horrified at the sound of her own voice. “That’s it,” Luis said. Stroking her cheek with the back of his hand. And pulling her deeper into his arms. “You’re going to be okay. It’s all over now,” he said softly. “You’re safe,” he smiled.

“But Roger?” She followed Luis’s dark gaze and realized that Roger wasn’t going to be bothering her or anyone else ever again. She sighed. Relaxing in his arms. But only momentarily. “Pierre,” she panicked. “Luis! He’s still out there. What if he…?” “Shh,” he soothed. A finger to her lips. “I won’t let anything happen to you. I promise. We’re going to get out of here. And call the authorities. Tell them everything. And then…then I’m going to take you home.”

Home. He wanted to take her home. To Harmony. With him. The thought made her indescribably happy. But then she remembered…”Luis,” she said. Not looking him in the eye. “I’m sorry. But I can’t. I can’t go with you.” “What are you saying?” he asked uncertainly. “Are you saying you don’t want to go back to Harmony with me?” he asked. Letting go of her abruptly. And the loss of his warmth, his embrace made her heart ache.

“You lied when you told me you loved me, didn’t you?” She tried to stop him. Tell him he was wrong. “Lu…” He cut her off. “It was just the fear talking. You know Sheridan…I thought I was seeing a different side to you. One that I could…one that I did…forget it.” “You were,” she said in a pleading voice. But he ignored her. “I don’t understand you, Sheridan Crane. And I don’t think I ever will,” he said bitterly.

She ached inside to think he thought of her in such a way. And she couldn’t keep the tears from escaping. “I guess you don’t understand me, Luis. I DO love you,” she whispered. Wiping carelessly at the tears that streamed down her cheeks. “I would never lie about something like that. The reason…I can’t go back to Harmony with you, Luis, because of Catherine,” she admitted. In a hurt girlish voice.

“I may be her godmother, but there are legalities involved. I can’t just whisk her out of France like that. And if you had let me talk before you attacked me like that…We don’t really know each other at all, do we?” she asked. Her question hanging heavily in the air as she struggled to stand. Luis hung his head. His heart heavy as he watched her walk away sadly. “I guess we don’t, Sheridan,” he said. Following her. He had the feeling he had just made one of the biggest mistakes of his life. Just how much it would cost him remained to be seen.

Part Sixteen

“We don’t really know each other at all, do we?”

Her words echoed in his head. Over and over again. She was right. They DIDN’T know everything there was to know about each other. But that didn’t mean he didn’t want to find those things out. He wanted her in his life. By his side. Going back to Harmony…ALONE…wasn’t going to make that dream come true. A dream he didn’t realize he’d had until it was too late.

He sighed heavily. Blinking open his dark eyes and gazing at the ocean’s blueness below. Pulling the teddy bear out of its hiding place. Catherine’s enormous green eyes had been so sad. So solemn as she’d presented her prized friend to him. “Keep him,” she’d whispered. Clutching Sheridan’s hand tight. “Catherine,” he protested. But she laid a tiny hand on his arm. “He’ll watch over you.”

He was going to miss that little girl. He hoped…it didn’t matter what he hoped anymore. Because he had thrown it all away. With a few careless words. A blink of the eye. Catherine was staying in Paris. With Sheridan. And he might never see either of them again, he thought miserably.

“Do you trust me?”

What a hypocrite, Luis. You asked her for the world. And she gave it to you. But then you went and broke her heart. Because…because why, dammit? She possessed an amazing strength within. But her heart was so fragile. And you shattered it into a million pieces.

Goodbye wasn’t supposed to hurt so much. Was it? He could still hear the flutter of her heartbeat. Still feel the her warm body against his as he hugged her in farewell. Tears glittered in her blue eyes. He wanted so badly to kiss them away. Kiss her until he wiped away the scars. The reminders that this “thing” between them…this thing that consumed them never really stood a chance. Without trust. But he didn’t. She’d trembled as he leaned in and pressed a gentle kiss to her forehead. And sobbed. “Luis.”

“We don’t really know each other at all, do we?”

Those words stabbed him in the heart. Again and again. He clenched his jaw. The frustration too much. The ache overwhelming. Stop it, Luis. Just stop it. What’s done is done. Now you have to move on. “Move on,” he mumbled. Shoving his hands in his pockets with a sigh.

He pulled the crumpled paper out slowly. Barely breathing as he recognized the familiar scrawl. The simple word. His name. Enough to make hope rise in his heart again. With shaking hands, he unfolded the note. And began reading.



You’re leaving tomorrow. Leaving us. And I realized I don’t want to let you go. But I also know it has to be this way. For now at least. Luis…I can never thank you enough. You’ve saved my life a thousand times over. And for that, I’ll be forever grateful. I just know your good deeds won’t go un-rewarded. Next time I see you, you’ll be Detective Lopez-Fitzgerald. I don’t know anyone who deserves it more. Harmony is lucky to have you. You'll see me again, Luis. I think Catherine will like Harmony. I love the sleepy little town. It’s home. Where my heart is. Believe me when I say this…I LOVE you. And I’m not willing to give up so easily. NOT without a fight. I want to learn every little thing about you. My heart just needs time. I think you can understand that. I guess this is where we part ways, Officer. Think of me.

Your Spoiled Princess

P.S. You never told me why…


Luis smiled. Folding the paper carefully and putting it his jacket pocket. Close to his heart. He couldn’t wait to tell her why.


Disclaimer: This story in is in no way meant to infringe upon the rights belonging to , NBC, or any entity thereof. All rights to Passions and any related content, including characters used, belong to "Outpost Farms Production Inc", James E. Reilly, and NBC.

This story is the property of the author. Copyright 2001. Nothing may be reprinted in whole or in part without the written permission of the author.

Tell Me Why- Copyright © 2001 - All Rights Reserved.

Copyright ©2000 SheridanLF