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        Sanctuary, a city on the coast of southern Maine, is a place where vampires, witches, weres, and other supernatural creatures have come to live and share with "ordinary" humans. Originally founded by a group of people fleeing the rigid Puritan regime in Massachusetts Bay, Sanctuary welcomed people of all beliefs and religions. It was a place of peace, of tolerance, of...

        Sanctuary is a place which brings writers together in order to create communal stories, in much the same manner as the THIEVES' WORLD and WILD CARDS anthologies did. While it resembles a PBEM RPG with the character guidelines and a specific setting, plotlines are determined by the writers themselves. While there is a structure set up to keep things flowing smoothly, the Admins exist only to help solve problems. Interaction and improvisation are highly encouraged. All writers retain sole right to their characters and stories.

        Sanctuary is a city in Southern Maine on the coast of Casco Bay, in a contemporary world almost exactly like ours - except that magic and supernatural creatures are an accepted fact of life. There are vampires, weres, witches and mages, and all sorts of unusual beings, as well as normal humans. How they interact with each other drives the stories the writers create.

        Some humans heartily dislike supernaturals, while others are groupies. Not all of the supernaturals are benign, and some are downright malevolent - but then, so are some of the humans.

        Intrigued? Want to know more?

         The Rules - we have a few, all agreed to by the majority of the writers.

        History A brief history of Sanctuary,Maine.

         Subscribing to Sanctuary - this page will give you the "low down" on how to join. PLEASE READ! You must be AT LEAST 18 to join.

         Sanctuary, Maine Welcome Centre - includes links to research sites, tips for writing and more.

         The Character Guide - descriptions of the kind of characters allowed and what guidelines they have to follow.

         How to submit a Bio - how to submit a bio and rules for characters in Sanctuary.

         Information about Sanctuary - just about everything you could want to know about our lovely city, including history for the city and descriptions of various neighbourhoods in town and the surrounding areas.

        Sanctuary Offshoot Lists - A comprehensive listing of the 'offshoot' lists that the Sanctuary Community has to offer. Many are recommended for active writers or those wishing to write particular characters.

         Writer held Businesses and Organizations --descriptions of the businesses and organizations current characters own and/or hang out at.

         Current Character Bio Lists - Arranged by type and name.

        The Maps of Sanctuary

         Map of Southern Maine This has Sanctuary and some of the outlying areas on it.

         Map of Sanctuary Proper Shows down town Sanctuary and the areas considered actually in the City.

         Vampire's Map of Sanctuary The territory the Lord of the City rules and territories bordering his lands.

         Today's date, weather, and headlines Go here to find out what the game day is, what the weather is like, what moon phase it is, and of course, the local news. Updated each story day

        The Archives - Featuring posts from prior game days--complete with search engine to find posts on your favorite characters!

          Search the Sanctuary site by using the search engine below or use the site map to find information on a particular business or character.
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         Sanctuary Art - Art by some of our members featuring the characters of Sanctuary

         Sanctuary, Maine Webring

          View the webrings that we subscribe to



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