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Organizations In Sanctuary

Conservatives Against the Occult and Supernaturals (CAOS)

Created and Owned by: Heidi/Aelfwyn.

This is a national organization along the lines of the Christian Coalition (their memberships overlap, and they have worked together frequently on the issues of textbooks with a supernatural bias in the schools--i.e., the books don't say all supernaturals are damned and evil--and getting candidates elected on the local, state and national level). They believe firmly that supernaturals are unnatural by their very nature and must be strictly policed. They oppose any further rights--which they call special rights--for supernaturals, and have been instrumental in preventing the passage of local laws protecting weres (they got the Maine law repealed in a referendum last year). They work ardently for the repeal of the Supernatural Civil Rights Act nationally. Their definition of Supernatural includes witches, psychics, weres, vampires, Fey, Native American manitou, and anyone who has powers above the strictly human. They consider Halloween a Satanic holiday, and have succeeded in many places in getting Halloween parties banned in schools. They use demonstration, rallies, prayer vigils and the like to further their cause. They espouse non-violence, but not everyone agrees (but nothing is done with CAOS' official knowledge). They are well-funded by rich conservatives and are a growing influence in some areas of the country, particularly the South and some of the Midwest and West.

In Sanctuary Jasper Witherspoon is the president of the local chapter, which his father founded. They picket the vampire district (there is always someone in that area passing out leaflets), supernatural owned businesses, attempt to out supernaturals, and demonstrate outside pagan groves and temples, particularly on holidays. Jasper's goal has been to force the cancellation of the town's Beltane festival and Harvest Celebration, and he takes every chance he can get to speak against them as violations of church and state--they are not run by the town, but by the local witches and pagans as an open festival, a distinction Jasper's fine legal mind doesn't quite grasp. Since Jasper just got elected to the City Council, expect more annoyances from them. In Sanctuary they are a very small but vocal and occasionally belligerent minority. The city is stunned by Jasper's actually winning an election.

Their emblem is a black witch riding a broomstick on a white background, with slash in a circle over it. Witches find this highly offensive, and some of the more militant groups (yes witches have them too) have sued over it. They've lost all the cases on first amendment grounds, and eventually one of the cases will make it to the supreme Court. The CAOS slogan is "Humans Rights are only for Humans."


"We're here. We're were. Get used to it!"

Created and owned by JP

It is a grass roots organization to raise people's consciousness of lycanthropic issues. Like their precursors Act-Up and Queer Nation for the Gay Rights movement. They tend to be pushy, in your face and poorly organized. They have no problems with 'outing' someone as a were. The most high profile example of that was Senator Skylar Harding, a conservative Republican from Louisville, KY. They outted him as a were rat over his hypocrisy over his voting record (he voted down anything to try to help the causes of vampires and lychanthropes under the law).

In Sanctuary, it's a very small chapter, always looking for more members. Francach 'Frannie' Gallagher, an Irish were-rat (her were-rat boyfriend, Clive Wyndham isn't a member); Terrence (dark haired) and Phillip (blonde), lovers and were-foxes; Lucy Shultz, a werewolf, Penn Gwynn, a were-coyote, Jesse Oropeza, a were-bobcat, Larrisa Collins, a were-leopard. Terrence and Philip own a salon called, Foxy Salon. Frannie is a legal secretary. Lucy is an electrical engineer that works with musicians and actors. Penn is about to start school again (currently, he works at a video store and volunteers with a few organizations). Jesse works for Tavia's Rosen Stables.

For the most part, Fur-Up members have to give up the family of pack, pride or whatever, because they choose to be public about their lychanthropy. In most places, they are met with distrust from weres and normals, at best. In other cases, it's full-scale abuse or worse.

For the most part, Fur-Up members have to give up the family of pack, pride or whatever, because they choose to be public about their lychanthropy. In most places, they are met with distrust from weres and normals, at best. In other cases, it's full-scale abuse or worse.

The Hand of God/The Wrath of God

Created and co-owned by JP andJenn

The Hand of God has been active in Sanctuary since the
1850's. The Hand of God's beliefs are that all supernaturals are evil and serving the Devil. The Hand has been known to employ psychics to assist them in rooting out the supernaturals. However, these psychics are believed to be blessed by God with the abilities to find the root of Evil.

The Hand has gained power throughout Sanctuary. They have a sub-group which is related to them known as the Wrath of God. This group is a group of activists who believe in taking the law into their own hands when dealing with supernaturals. The Wrath of God was mostly destroyed during a show-down with local police earlier this year. However, they are slowly rebuilding and are out for revenge.

Currently the leader of the Hand known as 'The First Hand' is Mayor Robert Thomas. The leader of the Wrath of God is Father Edward Tilson. Robert's great-great grandfather was the original founding leader of the Hand in Sanctuary in the 1850's. Most Sanctuarites do not suspect Robert's involvement in the Hand. Robert and Father Edward are cousins. Trinity is veiled at all meetings and referred to as Truth.

The Wrath of God is combined of a large number of dissatisfied individuals. Most people working for the Wrath are not trained in any sort of assault. However, in cases of extreme crisis, Father Edward will call on Lucas Murrow and his band of men. Lucas is a former Navy Seal operative. Court-martialed and discharged from the Military after an assault on a Supernatural, Lucas has every reason to hate supernaturals. Lucas is the last line of defense for the Wrath of God. His men are all military trained and own a small arsenal of weapons.

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