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University of Maine: Sanctuary
Department of Parapsychology, USM

Written up by: Nici

Department of Parapsychology, USM

Creator: Nici, for use by all writers in Sanctuary Interaction/Contact email:

Recently, there was a minor shakeup at the University that resulted in the majority of senior professors/staff being replaced in the Parapsychology Department. The current staff--culled from a group of both long time academics and professionals is an attempt to combine research, teaching and professional assistance to psi's throughout the city and academic world.

Professor Doug Moran has recently stepped in as the head of the Parapsychology Department and his academic credentials have recently given the University a large grant with which to revamp the current structure. Changes/upgrades include:

* Customized, special-purpose testing suites and research computer facilities to support its varied experimentation programs. Two research associates are in charge of this area.

* A new library, specific to the various texts and information available in this field of study. The library houses and extensive collection of English language books on parapsychology and related topics and keeps complete collections of related professional and popular periodicals. Many of the materials do not circulate but are available for use by visitors. Many book editions and articles can be obtained via microfiche.

* Professional services by qualified and respected therapists. They will be lead by Dr. Janie Crew who will be training aspiring therapists who wish to specialize in the special needs of developing psi's.

The Parapsychology Building is a large brick and ivy covered building separated from the main University area and close to the Psychology Building proper. Those seeking a degree with a major in Parapsychology are asked to have at least a prerequisite in Psychology or Preternatural Biology--both of which are available for course study at the University.

Staff includes:

Head Professor: Dr. Douglas Moran. Dr. Moran, age 57 began working as a Research Associate with the UCLA Dept. of Parapsychology almost 20 years ago and gained his Ph.D. in this field of study. He has written several books and is often on call for specialized lectures and conventions when his teaching allows.

Dr. Moran is a man who rarely hides his emotions and becomes very excited over any type of research and or new study. A researcher by heart, he likes to imbue his students with the quest for knowledge. He manages to balance his love of research with his joy of teaching quite nicely. Tall, thin, with a full head of curly brown hair touched with silver and sparkling blue eyes, the man would never manage to match his clothing if not for his wife, Allie.

Administrative Secretary: Allie Moran came on board when her husband, Doug Moran did. She runs the administrative end of the Department with an iron fist, covered in velvet. Her husband's busy schedule is micro-managed to allow him the most time in the lab and the classroom--while also allowing them a personal life as well. Petite, with red hair and green eyes, she looks a lot younger than her 50 years and is often dressed in stylish professional pantsuits and dresses. Colleagues often joke that they can't figure out how Dr. Moran managed to snag the woman. She simply smiles knowingly--then hits them up for the latest gossip in the field.

Professor Crew: Dr. Janie Crew, aged 52. She has worked at a psychologist for over 17 years and has a Masters in Psychology and Ph.D. in that field. For years she worked in Upstate New York for the Koestler Center and helped young psi's deal with the often-stressful knowledge of their new skills. Like Dr. Moran, she is not a psi, but feels that, despite this, it is the feelings inside of the patient that matter-not just the skills they exhibit.

Her therapy is designed to look at the underlying problems rather than just the talent, thereby easing the psi struggling with their newfound powers into society as gracefully as possible. She's an ebullient spirit who can often be quite serious.

Of West Indian heritage, she has dark mahogany skin, brown eyes and wears her hair in a neat, short Afro. Large dangling hoop earrings, large rings and bright coloured clothing make up her wardrobe. She's never taught before, but Dr. Moran is confident in her ability to lead a lecture hall as gracefully as she provides therapy to her patients.

PhD Grad Student: Jeff Tanner, aged 22. His undergrad degrees was in psychocology and communication. He wants to get into more field work. He's just started on his Master's program and will be with the program for years to come. He tests in higher than most for precognition, but not high enough or reliably enough to be considered gifted. He's a believer and wants to do more field work.

He's still young and naive enough to see himself in Mysterious Ways, the X-Files, or even Parnormal Planet's Paranormal Hunter (criminey, look at the flames on that pyrotechnic - he's really upset with me). He won't tell anyone for fear of embarassment, but he's got a period of lost time from Junior High. He was gone for 6 hours and had alien abduction nightmares for a year or so after that.

The Department also has several Research Fellows and Post Graduates on hand. The nature of the field often guarantees that the staff in this area will fluctuate as members leave for specialized courses and training at other Universities or receive grants to conduct research in different areas of the States or even overseas.



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