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 Created and Owned by: Nici &Yvonne

 Email: and

The name of the owner is unknown as of yet, however the building, which
previously housed a well known Irish pub and eatery in the Old Port and
Exchange, was recently purchased and will be reopening after the New Year.
It will have Guinness on tap, with a wide array of ales from the British Isles
and will serve simple fare, hamburgers, steaks, finger foods etc.  Visitors
will also be delighted to also find a variety of simple Irish fare to be had
as well.

The sign over the door, which will be specially commissioned from a famous
local artist, will feature a white unicorn with a silver horn, rearing above
an oddly familiar young woman with flowing, honey red hair her hand
held up in supplication to the mystical creature of legend. Amazingly enough, the
lovely scene takes place in a moon lit field rather than in the day.

The interior will remain largely intact, with the addition of quite a few
pictures of both the Irish landscape and also the Scottish Highlands and a
nice new polishing on the already lovely oak bar, booths and tables. It will
have 3 pool tables, a darts area and one area set up near the bar for those
who favour chess.  The chess set will be marble topped with silver
pieces-it's warded, so those thinking to pocket the pieces will soon forget
just why they've got them in their hot little hands and quickly return them
to the chess set.

A few old instruments, including an old Irish harp and several bodhrains
are placed behind the bar on display.  The stage area will remain intact and
the owner will be looking for local folk acts to entertain the guests on
weekend evenings.  He's also open to any storytellers that might want to
wander in and tell a tale or two.

The Staff (for now):

Maire O'Grady--She's Fey (Low Court phooka) and her background
remains oddly steeped in a mystery which she keeps to herself.
She was asked, inpayment of a past favour, to come and manage
the place and so she left her native Ireland and reluctantly decided to
brave the cold of New England-afterall, payback is payback.

Her face is young and almost ethereally beautiful, with high cheekbones, a
delicate nose and piercing blue eyes.  Her hair, her oddest feature and
surprising in one whose visage is so young (looking that is!),  is grey and
falls to the middle of her back in waves.  She stands 5 feet, 7 inches tall
and favours long skirts and peasant blouses with high heeled boots most of
the time.

She can change into either horse or dog form and when in these forms, her
coat remains the odd greyish colour of her hair in human form.

Her personally is one of cool aloofness, and she can go from sudden silence
to a semi-mocking grin in a matter of minutes.  Her laugh, which is rarely
heard, brings to mind the pealing of silver or crystal bells.  This demeanor
hides a heart that calls to all strays of the Fey variety.  Although she is a
trickster, and in the past often caused much mayhem, her 'favour' to the
owner of the 'Unicorn includes at least attempting to behave herself.

Diarmuid-- (no last name-he managed to sneak past customs)
He's a Gruagach,and one of Maire's strays.  The farm he belonged to
and gave luck and his services to(and caused the occasional mischief on)
 was destroyed during a squabble a few hundred years ago.   With no home
to serve, he was a lost soul with no direction until Maire came a wandering by,
found him living in the abandoned barn, and took him under her wing.

He's quite hairy-covered, in more human form, with a light layer of golden
blonde hair which is almost imperceptible unless very close up (it resembles
soft down).  When in true form, he's absolute covered in the stuff-reminds
some of an Afghan actually with it's long gleaming lengths which cover him
from head to foot.   He's actually not bad looking in human form, with
melting brown eyes and an almost boyish face-his build is lean and compact.
Not tall at all at 4 foot 11 inches, he's prone to fixing things-or cleaning
up messes.  A guest of the 'Unicorn' might, on occasion find their almost
empty glass removed suddenly and replaced with a new full glass in the blink
of an eye (often with no regards to the fact that it hasn't been *paid*
for-Maire has to watch him closely!) Needless to say, spilled beverages and
messes on the floor will never been a problem around Diarmuid.

The rest of the staff remains open for now, and Maire will be advertising
for help; she especially is looking for a cook as she intends to add a bit of
upscale fare to the menu in the months to come. All may apply, Fey, human or
otherwise. The Silver Unicorn prides itself on being an equal opportunity
employer. Its owner insists upon it.



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